vrxemwam nv wrwwm fpuIIWIV ltMwvm mmr ow armtram Mewv avpmmwanmwpmp vnt wwm Children lCan Inherit Proneness Io Diabetes TORORIU QtA urtaa oi etudiaa on ditchinh Imoaa diabetch and latent diabetlca rented to the International Notation hen today mmnmmraunanumrtanu SpoonerIRnnounca Plans For Urban Assistance mom or main in um with the iaderal Spoooar Ontario nurnIcipal Ii government per cent ialra minister haa mood oi iha boat province are liv tar IIIIaunoI pee not and the muotclpallw unwind nmdemflu percent at The ooataharlnx Ian alll alIo Mr amou aald the INI not reaulllru from the prov Raeeardr It Goethe Unrreralty In Frankitlri Wlli Germrny Ihowed that newborn drudren oi woman with latent diabetaa were product Ill niilclotly more Inaulia than comparable Inlania oi noodle oeceuarlly contradict Dr lloet auuoetlon tint diabetic paranta under and medical control have normally devel oped children loe predlIbetle to the Bueooa Aim eamplee were untreated and there II no Include worhto provide new and improved municipal aer tection and medical con Indication oi how well the dia hatlo mothara lowered to Innl mm mm ml report on rumpan tudle min amendment to the National Hr wwrmn rumpllbulu toollulu Hourlru Act to turn urban Dr Hoot In Inu will allow the provincial In Belgium ahowad that He Iald key more declalon lo Iva IIaIatInce to My in ROYAL WEDDING IN PORTUGAL Amadeo Duke oi Aorta Io Ieoond in line oi Iucceralon to the deiunct Italian throne and Me bride Princua Claude oi France araehowu alter their weddlnl in Slnlra Porto II yesterday The no yoarod hr de la daulhtar oi the Count oi Parla the French Pretender AP Wirephotot Arbitration Sought For Hospital Disputes ronorm CPI tutela Unn to provide compuiaory ar bitration In labor diaputee In volvlnp hoapitalr when patient care aorlourly threatened recommended ln aroynl corn miralon report roleoaad Wednea day by Labor Mlnlater Lealla Rowntrea Compulrory arbitration ahould alro apply when either party has been convicted oi horpaln In in had Ialthi the report aux eata Under either oi there cir eurnItaooer airline or lockout ahould be prohibited The conunlealonY headed by Judge Colin Er Bennett oi Owen Bound war appointed loat Octo ber durln diaputa between Trenton Memorial Hospital and the Bulldlna Service Employee htarnationnl Union Tech Deluxe It wa naked to report on the plying compuiaory arbitration In the Iettlenlent oi hoapital dir puler The commlealon door not race ornmand compuleory arbitration in all hoapltel labor dlaputea but urzea that additional Ilepa be taken to help olve dlaputeI before they reach Itrlke or lookout atnle MAKES BUOGESTION lt Ilro IuprcItI that the labor mlnlaior ahould conrider auch dilputr being In Ipeelal catapon with to object oi atrenzthcninu preunt eoneIIIA tlon ringer under the Labor Re lation Act The commlrrionaddr that all hoapilala and their employeer rhould have the heneiit and pro tection oi till act Municipali tiea ahould not be ahleto pnra bylawI Itotlnl that ill provi one did not apply to their area other commlanlon membera were ll Hicks Toronto lowyer and put chairman oi the tndnatrlal relationa Iactlon oi the Ontario Bar Auoelatlon and Harry Simon oi Toronto member oi the Amalpernated lloot thrilera Union and iormer orpanlzer tor the American Federation oi Labor hir Simon Iuhmltted minor lty report dlaapreelnp with the recommendation that compul Iory arbitration he ordered it patient care to threatened or either at the partier aullty oi acting in bad ialth lie ald thla would henailt employer and more emphaale hould he liven voluntary arbitration hlahar Ihln eareiul control oi preloant dia betic bin the mother to have pllcaled dallverln althoupn intent welaht olleo rare Dr Heel Ion oi pioneer diabetic epeelallet who received an honorary degree irorn Unt ry ol Toronto earlier In iiith lb contra laid Italudlaa Ihow children oi wall treated diabetic Ironta ltla ethoth prooeneu to adult dlahatea Dr Hoata report in common with one by Burro Airea team reject an earlier ilndln that children oi dinhellea and to become alanta The ilar atudy Involved children dia betlo mother who were treated In prelnancy with Ian hor monea The hormone Injection probably produced the pIInta the new ropertr aay However atudy by the team under Dr laarman oi Bueno Alrea Unlveralty aua aeet connection between the birth oi malformed children and parenta wlth undetected latent dlahateIealled predlabetca startlnl with the maliormod children bi mnnpolnldr lb wlth dlrordered heart and tour with ahnormal nerve ayalama the rtudy oufht In explanation by tartln II 15 mother and ti oi the rather tor elzn oi predlahataa MOST SHOW llONl They tound the rigor in all but no oi the adult either in hlph blood anaar or In indica lion oi an overactive pancreaa IIIIId lhare war aleo hlah Incidence oi overt diabetic Imonl relatlvar Working the other woy around in another tudy the Burner Atra aroup lound lx mat tormed children man horn oi diabetic mothera no mnlior motion man to children at diabetic lather and one mal iormetlon mm 12 children ol diabetic mother who had not been dlapnored diabetic until alter the hlrttu The Argentine Iindlnp do not SAVE $20 Underwood18 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Ail meiei oompaot portable weighs only lbs butnote big meohlne features 44 key 88 character keyboard three position line opaclng two eel our ribbon Stencil attach ment ahd margin slope savr 1470 Oiifned 46009BTU Heaterfour or ttve average siuuroome complete Dope smugglers Caught By RCMP the 115 Oiilelala raid the dro had value oi more titan Ho NEW YORK tCPIA one time Mexican arnhauador to Bolivia and two acmrnpllcer captured II reault oi trap laid in Montreal by the RCMP have been Ieataooed to ten prlroa term tor ununlln enough heroin into the Unit Stalea to Iupply 60000 dope ad dict Ior three monlhr Salvador PardoBelland the iormer Imhaandor waa ren tendfd Wedneaday to la yearr Marco tired him hortly altar hla arrest Iaylna he war in volved In very diahonorablo and palnlul thlnz Rene Bruchnn to year old Frenchman rted mm the us In mo on to return Illa nliy war Ientencod to it year prn and Juan Carlo Artltl at lormer member oi the Uruguayan alate department wal enlenoed to lo yenra All three alto were lined 000 each llort ol the more than let round oi pure heroin itmrrlnu the Imuuilnl operation war found in Canada and the wt in TILDEN CAB TRUCK RENTAL New Car New Trucke Daily or Leora con rIucx RENTAL co mam Alter lioura MIN BLAKE 8T BARRIE REGULAR 799 EATON SPECIAL PRICE Regular 8465 whom to Iddidl The trap laid by the RCMP led to the rlna alumina and ooniiaeatlon oi heroin in Penn aylvanla station in Manhattan The RCMP aid the heroin woa talten to Montreal by plane irorn France by Artlrl in our piece oi in and lalt In railway tat on oeker RCMP had Altlal under our velllanca and rolled the heroin ruhrtitutinf tour In the null eavln about pound carer but oi herein in no diplomat later picked lumen and tall by Iran ior New York where he waa ar reeled ROBERTSONS YOUR HlAlle QUARTERB FOR ALL YOUR DEW ING REQUIRE MENTB FROM TOP QUALITY TO rarrnnns lll DUNLOP Acnoal IIOM MTONI culture The WING AID humor lnbrios mIIOI REG69500 savr 5000 In lederal government in lime in qu covering the preparation oi general area Itudlerand ooalte IdmlalItrI lion oi the mleeta Previoualy the two aovern menu ahared the coat oi ehnlnx and el the and In Ipprnvad area th the mu niclpllltlea The percent oi the ooItIh Ina plan rrli re the FRESH none Try our Dellolona LOBSTER SALAD Barrie Bnmr Bea Chowder Funk Talilenhurl Proprietor hop early Shop all pdayFridayuntil900 14 MOULDED PLYWOOD RU NABOIUT wntpsrmp summer nonownnn aerator 645 ANorHrnrAroNvALUe1 ONLY HRERGLAS CARTOPPE REGULAR 19300 Cod White PithRain lorsrrn Try Them Theyre Dallcloua Deep Fried Pineapple Rina IFISH and CHIPS Toke Out Service BARBIE SEAFUUDS and RESTAURANT l0 BRADFORD ST Next to Dairy Queen 7260502 Open Mon to Sat am to 1110 pm lunday pop to 1130 pnr SPECIAL I899 treatment isuouroAn etecrnrc MOWER led duty prolecta that will be used tor other than houalna 1hla will permit renewal program to In durtrial commercial and park proiecea he laid Under the new plan the rov lnca will Ilao aaalat raunlc pall tie where needed to obtain loana iron the iederal lovanll to meet their aharo oi the co Nunv up 44 Salmon Haddock Trout and up Shrimp Beallopa Floundera Fro Len bhaier Etc 00 anheu buntin Set Ughtwetphtmaoi With gallon tank draft regulator Remember the EATON Guarantee Geode sotisfactory or Money Refundedf quiet Durableeieel In Ilav had rubber tirea adtuatgblbngu heighiai laMy touts awltch RP heavy duty electric motor EATON SPECIAL iiisiitf of EATONS Budget Plon