09711ng yum roooornmiitmI Blood Clot Forms Rapidly lt rsoo JOE MOLIER MD Dear Dr Molnar would you erpleln lhlnalna at the blood Ihave heart condttlon In nI and coronary attache The actor lakes blood from my arm and analyses It but dont undereland what this is IonLC Certain heart conditions are mutt ol cloning of the arter lea oi the heart The same thing applies to acme torms at strokes and to other condi tlons However when certain arter lea have become narrower then they tormerly were It is import ant to take steps to be sure that these restricted places are not shut all completely As you know It you cut or scratch your ï¬nger It bleeds or bit and then stops Why does It stop Because your blood arms clot meter III In the blood called Ram thromhln has great dc to do with this For wounds we normelly want the clot to form rapidly ol course But with certain people hav Ing conditions like yours we preler that the clotting he slower better that cut bleeds little bit longer rather than that blood vessel becomes clogged In case the clotting happens to occur at that point So we give an anticoagul Inl drug which keeps the blood lrom clotting so rapidly At the same time we do not want to give mvmuch that it interteres withvtha rapid banl log at audt small wounds lcuta scratches or even hntlses bo neth the skin as you may cri counter In order to achieve sale balance slow enoth clotting insido the blood vessels yet still rapid nough it you have some small wound we want to know are how rapidly your blood will at we do this by taking pie oi blood and performing what we call prothrombin time test to see how rapidly your blood wul clot when com erect to that of non who has not had the icatian certain amount oi the thinning drug Coumadin be trig one at them may be too much or one personI Loo little for mother Taking periodic teats la the way to be sure Depending on the result or the tests we then can Increase ordccrcasa the Irnount at the medication Dear Dr hlolner Please ext lain let tumor What makes it dillorent Inm others Can It become malignant friend of mlnthu had one or years tumor means In over muth ol cellsmore row at eertein place than Ire aup posed to This is Possible in at most any part of the body al lhcush some places are less likely to have tumors than oth Ell Ihus Iatty tumor is one that grows in the fat cells There can also he skin tumors bone tumors tumors in muscle areas The growth or tumor TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie UIIBAY JULY too Mlla ea Parts 111 Eric Sth show Grindl hlualc stand Ihrtllei cut TV Nll Weather Eporl News Movia Atomic Sumerlul FRIDAY JULY 1130 Test PIltarh Heros Garmway cannon Cotstar News Walther Spar lilale Somethlnl III the Wind summerIm Mlle da PIrII Vacation nnae Huckleberry Hound Frontier Doctor rws wrsmer Insets Wllnu mln Place or lyerythlnl The Detendln Telescope The Untauehlbll cat TV News Weather Sports New Movie Possessed IIrunnAv suna as am hum Wrbmtlhnnle Baseball GIme or the Week lratso an on and am Nomi ninenro gancqekM III or In To 11 the ma nevuu lIllihllltaa Great Movies taattlelrouna CBC TV News wuthr News sports Mn niu No Mn Carmils The Unsquched Channel Buffalo UBIDAY NLY Capt Bob Huckleberry Round The ttitieman Toda 1m tIuntleyartnkley News Bishop Ehean ante Precinct Dr xtiem Hazel Kratt flinstre News Weather Sports Tonight Show AM Rlllm mass war as aoo CIpt Bob ltalllla Gorilla an BIflensIai Today 1m Huntleyarinnley NIWI 3893222232 up Fractured Flick InlemItlauIl Ihowttma Bob HON That VIII till Week That was sIetr PIrr co News Weather loom Tonight snow Acts Report Iasunnsv 1qu 2s Stflolea FIntIay IIlInd Show Kartoon Itepen Hector Hallich Fireball XIrS Dennll The Menu Fury Bullwinkle Mr WI aw Don Ieleeparta Dileat BIanll NBC WILMIII Eulrarntan 31 lard champion Brunet The LleutenInt my nunn Saturday It tum wumu Wlathar Nllllt Movie on Channel Toronto IHUItIDAY JULY too Micsy arm club Von near FIVI Oclock MItlnIl tIha Vanlahlnl Ara can snort WaIthel Nle was mm on To Tell ra mu Zero one no sins our JIck PIIt ETV National NI Metro FIIIIl Sport Dee Ind Bollcuata LIII Show lerth VI Halli Saucer imam Million Miles so 32 88 599 means was ma Noondly Report mo Playtime wlh Uncle annoy Lao Channel Car is 100 Channel Nine utra Ina4 Street coo Mickey unuu Club can Kiddo eoo nve oema llIItInea An You With II no News Weather Sparta no men mm atom WItuIB Mb Andy rlllith loo Gunnmolsa WM Outer Lita ll CTV Natlnnll Ill Metro Plnll 11ss Spnrls Beer and Banquets IMO Amst And Trial IATUMMY JULY HM Cartoon Party on the Garden run Nu Bill mutt Whistllnl lit Dixie our 0n on Burma Road Wrellliltl Ill Time Wllan THIII Donna Reed Saturday Nllht lllovia ï¬nenhtezor Leave Me BlII CTV NIWI Metro Flllll LIII Shh use Channel Buffalo humans was as too The Secret aimin uo Leave It To Beaver Riverboat HeIdllnI Newe er ort Headline News port can EvenlnlNaws nIt Mastemn Password Inghldï¬ Irry Iran The Nurs her Sports ow Good News 1mm mu coo 11 same stnnn Leave It To Beaver armour Haadltna News and sport cns memos News People Are sunny Great Adventure acute to mu Zone Allre mtanenek News Weather In sports nu ma Show mt nenet eat Lila Begina iv Arum son an un my moo aides Draw Menuv loan asth Mouu Playhouse 11oo nin Tin Tin The any harm anew stw 1cm Tennessee storm Rural Review Baseball Sam of the Week IIlnt Adventures of Will Tell ï¬lm BumDeal ChmeLV Hour flsl DelandarI Sumar Pllyhma NIIII Wilmer Hm Mavis stage Right CARRIERMISS tout II your carrier taunet Irrtved by one please phone 7282433 seen cm Will Delivered To Yoar son THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE wVAlIEYTAXITy DRIVEVOURSELF CAns AND snucxs HOLLY symmoosmnao Small ot the dlstrtu Is extended to Mr and Mn than lea Cannabellwbo were bereatr edbytbedoethdlncaw bells brother Mae Robson of Shanty Bay lie and tire RI butbsed have returned rum motor trip to Saskatchewan there In no childrenattaa ding the Bible vacation moot It HOW turolt Mr and Mn It Campbell In receiving congratulations on thcblrtholaaontothelreon Ind dIughlenlnIaw In tomato WRSIIGR BEACH By HELEN cause Miss Merlaret Ryder Mon ley St entertained members at her tamlly It bullet supper to celebrate the 15th andng Innirersary 01 her sister brother In law Veronica and Norman Loucks the Ryder were pioneer larnlly in thePhelpstaa area After their marriage they went In Montreal to live until they will he ot whatever type ot tip sue it is in When tumor Ia malignant that Is cancerous it keeps on growing and finally begins to spread to other tissues An ordi nary or benign tumor does not do this Fatty tumors Ior llpornas do not tend to become malignant lhcy are usually left alone un4 less they are unsightly or are large enough or so located as to be paiolul or nuisance Dear Dr Molnar What does bilateral vasectomy do to male other IhIn render him steriletlElt Nothing Note to GM Yes your no pounds most certainly can cause cramps in your legs at the end at the day Reducing would help As shot In the dark you might try wrapping your legs with elastic bandage lt hcl some people might or mlgt not help you mmw wan WFWVM Lymle Mr and the Harold Wood visited their cousins ttr and Mrs Howard White of Paisley Visitors with Mr Ind Mrs Archie Quham was the former owner at the general store here Mrs Booth of Butlimos and her and Jack at Scarborough older reeldeits hm regret to hear of the death at Mr Booth at the and of Hey Mr and hire Arthur Pollard at Venice Florida the week with their tour as an and Mrs Gordon Buie Min Lynda oilham and her cousin Bob hard visited in Brampton recently Bdls Maple park Weaaga Beach was the scene at the null picnic at Zion church school Iha plmic was Ittcnded by more than so adults and child ran wreath YOIUAEAND The Barrie Examiner Phone 7W7 now and arrange to have us mailed to you at your holiday Iddreu CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealer North South vulnerhhle sonsn name as one axasoses mm saeeu uoosaas eaaoe soul so eon ounce 41a Opening leadking of hearts Italy and Great Britain met In no board match In the semifinal round at the Olyma plad The outcome was in doubt until the very last board had been played the Italians tinnlly winning by score of 12a in ternational match points to 120 Italy was well ahead 55 to after 28 hands 1hen came Board 29 After it had been played at both tables the teams were in virtual tie At the that table Harrison Gray and Flint NorthSouth for Britain reached seven notnimp on the bidding shown The open ing two notrump bid by Flint was somewhat Irregular since he had only one club but the Iinal contract was certainly sound The four club response was the Gerber convantion asking for aces and the tour notrump reply announced three Icea North raised to seven notrump which was easily made for score at 2229 points The huge Bridgerama au dience which now watched the same hand being played at the second table was In high state of excitement when they heard the bidding unlold In this way Ian South West North 1h Pass Pace Nl Pan DONALD DUCK JULIEI JONES BLONDIE Belladonna and Alumni were North South for Italy against Schapiro and Reese Iha spectators were aware at what had happened at the first table and the tension mounted steadily as Schaplro gave lonl thought to his opening lead Schaplro finally led the five of spades Ihe mar that simul taneously followed shook the Americana lian to Ila founda tions Reese rulied of course and Avsrelii was down one Ihe Italian team lost 18 points on the deal or 24 IMPs This made the score Italy I55 Britain so The British gained IMPs on the next deal and moved into the lead by IMPI They eventually lost to the Ital lane but by only IMPs In choosing the opening lead Scbapiro came to the conclusion that Avarelll had In tricks and that his only chance of stopping the grand slam lay in trying to give his partner rull Tomorrow minus DAILY CROSSWORD MIME Beige Natives no plantl7 sane 14 The rise and all at oceans IE Colorless llquld Renato busdue 11 Mans leItb excessle enthusiasts lFillleih Iolainn wonder 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