hwvw eeaenruuauiunzai zoning Egg Plan Gets Oiiiual Nod Aeting en the recommenda tion oi the Ontario Fern Pro duct Marketing Board lion William Stewart Minister oi Anioniiure has announced that an Egg and Food Produoen Marieting Plan will be let up under the proviaiona oi the pro vindal marketing Ierialation Decision to implement the re quest oi the roduoera iollowed recent pieh mile at which per cent oi the producer vo ed In law oi esIollehina marketing plan lhere were gti one voting in the pie to tea Tenaua ii ammo lay re in ioei thaw hon on OniIrio Cg TELEVISION PROGRAMS Chennai Barrie Chennai Toronto anathema uranium Vacation new not aid tuna my Wanner loorte lemon nr hairy Cmaoex aiontooa Juhtlae PlIydIlI lllgkéonMuIIII BO NII Waaihar loom Nawl some ruaanaa run or no Tut antm cm nï¬hll Newl Weather swi Movie The Wld lue Vanda ummaralnl Mlle do Penn Vacation Me Gunmen Newa Wallhlf DWI Hoonm PItvleoa anaettaa PIiLV Duh Ben Cally The Fiannahm lha Nature nlfltl cac rv Newa WIIthlr NIIL lpnrta like Banner WIDNIHMY all er tom Garrewa at Center Weather on Next To No Tim Summon vlle do PIrII n1 NIwI Weather am Glynla 100 140 My Favorlla Martha 500 Camera Welt MU Perry hlaaan no Suooerm Theatre ioao NIwamuaainI two car TV New Hill Weather Spom NI ll Deviant flour Channel Buffalo MONDAY JULY II 100 Capt non oo Yoll near The Rlllerliln 10d 1° nunilayonoiiu um Bachelor Fllhll Rlnndly Nllhl MED Hollywood llld Ihl Ill mm AWIN Newa Weather Sparta 101th Show NEW meal JULY ll Capt aoo Woody Woodpecher The Illilalliu Today ioai Hunillylrlnkll Now Have Gun Travel Mr Novk lha Lawmaker RIehard noon Bell Telephone Hm Newa Weather Sparta lnnigllt Show Me Report wenraunu an Cant Bot Superman ina ï¬lilemln Todly 1M4 Huntllyï¬rinklly Newa Death Valley my TtiI Vlrllnln Espionage Eleventh Roux NI Walther MN Tonllht Shel AM Report on no no no 1000 II iLoo 100 SWEDISH am More than 1000 persona were rescued ironi major one min iarnie In the owned 41 per cent or more at Ontarioa total hen idol result at the ehieeite director oi the Poultry Pro dueera Auoeiatlon remained ded the eatahliahrnent oi the in to the Farm Produeta Mar eting Board At lent to two nird per cent oi the producere voting were required to win in iIior In order to eatahllah an egg and iowl marketing plan 1hr plan la expected to to into opereiloa in abort time DROWNS HILDRIN NEW YORK AP hire Pearl Grosaleld walked into Brooklyn lice atation nor day and to policemen lust drowned two oi my dril dren id rather nee them dead then In loner home Kiddo In 0de IIIInn one Lut the Unseenerr NIwI Walther emu Farmer mu no money Nint lllnvle Ildari min uuuoo Ioo Helialaa New uo no me Dr no my National Nawl 15 Metro mu iua own more one leunuata IMO noqu rutom Pleanil menu run or me Noondly no rt rings Playtime tn Um now too cnInaoi Nine Theatre nrl oi Romance liirtu alouu LIu Ken Hva Oclock Haunt ï¬lm Vivien TflKlll II II II nomadic STOOL II Ml Ink BID 1on DlahflD Havlnth Hour on New Metre Hull Sport Real and amount Dougie lItrhInh Promote wannenar war to iron Nooodoy Re Juninr Ali on Playtima with Uncle nanny Channel caravan charml Nina noun Manhandled llicley Home Club Kiddo riv ocioer Matinee gain eahyioo Forte mainr awe am or Grourho nioI Van me My Favorite Martian Vednudly Nlaht Nevin PIndoiI ml the Flying Dutchman awn an ant NewI Metre riooi Sporta Beale and Beuouata Douglal rumor Prauutl Channel Buifulo MONDAY JULY lo Seem atom have it To name Riverboat Newa arid Spot CllS menial NIwI Zane Grey lhlllre To Tell The Truth Ive Got Secret veoeuoo Piaynouu It uo IMO iioo ILIB II IMO lt99 sessQ 52 Ennuonhnno T0 coon Horton Ordinary tSunaihg Does No Harm By JOSEPH MOINEE MD Dear Dr Moter My leen age daughter in aeiieonacioua heeauu the doeaat have III She dount enloy living out in thaounlndlhereIllydoeanot tannaditySoahewaniItoune lunlamp III IeId aboutthe danger oi the run causing akin cantor end wonder in lung would hebetterAtieutitwouidbe more eorniortable and inter Ihe thinklure am An ordlnery amount oi tun oloa whether outdoorI or with lamp seem to do no harm EIeeulve don llaelher irom the aun or iron the action oi ultraviolet run the danger Irina when ea ï¬ohmre eontinuea or long and in repeated year alter fear SuaeeptihlI are nation Irmera and aometlrnu people In the Hill who get too mudi nun And we eould add pereona who regard leathery tan II atatue rymhol ii your daughter preien eunlemp thata Ill right but aha ahould it gradually enough so It ahe doeant hurn However doubt that the would be tempted to took her eel to hIrqui degree Dear Dr Molneri My elt eologiat aurgeon doesnt ave time to explain to me the use oi the hormone eairogeri iol lowing radical hyaterectomy removal or both ovaries tuhea and uterus What would hap sen ii didnt take it and whet Hook too much laitdan gemuItMre Jill The hormone Ie extremely heneticlal and not dangerous when taken with ordinary good sense What it boila down to la thia Menopauae occura when the avarice atop iunetioning itiia occurs naturally In women teeth middle age ii the ovaries are removed sooner the eiiect II the name 999 Danny Tnomea snow Star Performance hit Bide Went Ride Nam Weather Ronrtl T15 Josnï¬w Hula mega llialny waiver war xi El all Glam on Sport cas moioa New Poll Silver Andy anmtno Adventure Fe ileoat Junctlnn Jack on ma wu Inu NI Weather lporta ii snow Lo in un Murnoont wannaanaa run all The 5eth Slum uo um it to any Nwbllne MRI It ha donate oaa Nepaï¬ sorenu saver angina In in Br 6V Tonight sheather roam nw Raving oi henhanaieln SEESSS ersrsurseye 883823 FHPPPPrï¬PFF 38833333382 hapa oil the Swediah coast In 1968 11 lllllll teealeir+it nu Phone 7W7 and arrange iozhava the Barrie Examiner CAthIEit Mission 11 your carrier he not arrived In and pleauphone 7282433 And Copy Will he Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS analiedtoyoudailyoom TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Nerthdealer Neither aide vulnerable NORTH 11 OK 1018 liq MIT use In ADI Qnddll OAVl 1007 error 80 AKQioa 10 KQIE 10 MW North Elli Dom Walt run he Pan Fun Penn Opening leadtwo oi apedeli The match between Germany and the United States started nit with hang The 115 team gained In International mateh pointa on the liret hand oi the in hoard match and the Ger man team never recovered from hIembiow losing eventually to Nothing unuauai happened when the deal waa played at the iiret table Jordan iinhln eon the ILS North South pair got to iour apadea on the bid ding ahown The German Weat lad apade and Robinaan made It tricke after drawing trurnpa and taking the obviaua oluh iinease But at the mood tabla there wae much more action with DAILY CROSSWORD names Email Illodeteot barrde QM Ian DGirlI nldmamo gm 101mpr new lVarlezatIa melanomas 333$ $7580 Brittle Pmlxlbdï¬ 1° GIrIa Ilanee Inner coat oiI need hot 15 Goodete dd human 36 hhrtinnt bird Mummy drawer Path of Iphere Linen or ootton pletewlth anonoinot your Vacation adore rlb it when lamp In either can It in wrvmwaIflWW vwrf weeurea rt we uavs¢rw varya 41me gt wen5o mm HY Ill MIDI name MONDAY MY ll no to you call mm cal menopauae Deer Dr Hebert My blood we recently tented ior diabetu and it wII the doctor told no not to worry what level moulad one become concerned Thin dependa on When the teat la taken In relation to meet it It waa taken heion break ilat we all thin in blood anger the reading ia Emil one to Rule thelleat an are none or two hour liter meal than the reading IerIa you in the ear the remnt Many mild die oa have normal eating blood sugar but thiI gh iIv ï¬Ã©ZdllVr Wï¬lm JULIET IONS ï¬lly to hi all andmut li thou ia we all our plelon oi dlabetea or in our hlnory or eymptorna urther teat nailed augar to man teat will give more delinite Inawer Deu ï¬nial ia then my or pemn who If developed hiatua hernia antox Doea thin con dltion tend to get worm CAM For the average hlItal hen all no apeelal diet ta required it the patient in too heavy ha beneilta hy loaiiig Iome wei ht However ii the one invo vea burning in the pit oi the atom Ich beading or regurgitation oi acid material bland diet nun an may enarge but more oiteo they do not When lymptorna pereiat euro gory may be necessary DONALD DUCK NEXT um NAME WNDON tAPlQueen Elitr bath haa named Gen Sir larnea Cauela to he Britaina next chiel oi the general ateli Cam aeia 57 born in Quetta tanner CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER Britten amnion new oi Pehlatanll pm Rammenaee North and Ben elie South for Germany the bidding went like this em Lmtéléahv Nortle East South Went ivvou Pun Pal me an ao Pan Pen Pan Dbltill Obvioualy Denehe valued hia head more highly than hla op polite number at the ilrat table He thought there might be aim i1 North had two acea andlha thereioro uaed Black wood When Rammenaee rea pondad iive diamonda ehowing only one are Deneke had to aet tie ior Iua than aim and oigned on with five apariee But the bidding waa not yet over Alter two paaaea Krauaa the US Eaat doubled lhla double with Jan queen in tile hand brought home all the marhiea Hamman Welt holding two am and king recognited the double ae lead dlrectlllh He knew that Krauu wae doubling not on high card trIclia hill on diatrlbutlon The double call ed for an unuaiial land and Ham rrian read it right He led Deeiarer iineaaed but than roiled and returned hurt Went Ion lithe ace cashed the ace of dlainondl and played an other cluh which Eaet niiied South woo down two8W pointa and the net reeult war that Germany loat 750 pointaIo iMPeon the very iirei deal Sleden Philippines BLONDIE lli GRANDMA Now He PARKS uunen MY wwDow AND mane His more up Lanna em Havaerou NOTICED personvaoe HED DITIER STUD DRIVING Uh AND HONKING FOR YOU THAT BUMPER Ilillilfl Ill II 3m Orient muttIn aulia Weep 1941 Iiiin Miamii ii inuniummi =liIi ltliii an 1mm mv reoiwmmramaw mama WWW ommuo uarenromr $1th BUZ SAWYER flï¬l IH gunnun Muse Arab sxeneit