Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1964, p. 6

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MR AND MES GEORGE EDWARD WILLIAMS Immmmmnavmrmw erIwwfivwvuflrwrvpflvvv 4min by rayre Married In Barrie To Live In Toronto wedding trip to Northern Ontario followed the wedding oi Miss Helen Margaret Peggyl Smith and George Edward Ted Williams St Georges Anglican murch Barrie iormed the setting tor the aitcrnoon wedding on July ll at three oclock Rev Walter Dyer oiticiated The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Herbert Smith Gunn St Barrie The bride grooms parents are Mr and Mrs Norman Huntley William Henry St Barrie Wedding music was played by Mrs lilaydee Shaw organist at St Georges Anglican Church FLOORLENGTH GDWN traditional gown oi white nylon lacs on tulle illusion over ivory iaiieta was the choice at his bride ihe iitted lace bod ice at the gown was fashioned with capliks sleeve and trim med with large ivory satin how The bouliant skirt oi ivory tulia illusion was appliqued with white lace mes in panel eiisct trimmed with white satin bows The back of the skirt tell to chapel train crown oi ivory pcarlessent lily oi the valley held the brides elbow length veil oi ivory tulle illusion She carried white prayer book adorned with pale mauve orchid with white rib boa streamers hire Lee at Hamilton was matron oi honor The brides maids were Miss Victoria Smith Toronto and Miss Dar lene Smith at Barrie sisters oi the bride The bridal attendants were gowned in street length dresses oi organza over teiiata with iscirets oi white French into with elbow length sleeves The matron oi honor wore turquoise and the bridesmaids chose shrimp colored gowns Circlata or white roses with tulle illusion veiling were worn by the attende and they car led nosegsys oi white camac one The bridegroom was attended by ion Munro Montreal Que bec The ushers were hobert Williams brother oi the bride groom Barrie and Gerald Walibridge cousin oi the bride Sellevlila WEDDING RECEPTION The reception was held at St Georges Perish Hall The brides mother chose cardigans suit oi orchid lace over tsiieta cornplemsnrad by pilibox hat oi white roses and orchid lace eorsage oi white cernetions completed her on sembls The mother chose street length Jacket Lime oi white lace over powder blue taiicta with pink hat and white accessories Her cor sage wee oi pink sweetheart roses For the wedding trip the bride donned pink boucle suit and pink boucle straw hat with white accessories iiranewl eds wilimskethelr borne on aimer ltd in To son bridegrooms BLrMss Have you ever wondered why it costs so much to produce Hollywood iiimsl Well whether you have or not there is rcs sonand its probably not the one you think One oi the reasons commonly given is that the salaries of aa tors and actresses are so high But any seli respecting actress or actor will tell you their salary is only dro in the bucket compared to total cost at the iiim Basically the high cost oi iiims like most other evils can be attributed directly to women Take common scene where couple go into swanky cais aret and order sumptuous meal While the meal is being prepared the actor and actress start talking and as iraauentiy hop as whena woman starts to an argument develops This explodes into iovers quarrel and the actress gets up to leave The actor being gentleman stay by him set so they leave sec or 50 spread on the table And think at the thousands at expensive drinks that are never drunk or consumed ii the word drunk olicnds you This mutt run into pretty penny And all because woman starts lovers quarrel Then again you wateh movie and the hero brings home $30000 mink coat for his Becauseshe has lound making lay iora WOMEN Writer Bares Hidden Costs By HARVEY BLACKHOCK water and time dress cm in the resulting scuttle And how oitsn you see wov man in tilt toss lull bottle oi costi champagne through bugb wndow or against giant mirror These are the things list makg the price at iiims so high not salaries The uniortunate aspect is that its woman who cause all this expense but when couple go to movie its the man who pays the shot at the box olilca And who complains about the price or the tickets The woman who also It TODAYS RECIPE BUTTER BISCUITS cups allied all purpose tour teaspoons baking powder Vs teaspoon salt stablespoons sugar cup chilled butter or margarine cup milk cpprvrx Slit flour baking powder salt sugar Cut in utter with blender to cornmeal size Make weilln dry infiedients add mtlk mix iigo with wooden spoon ngsns solt dough that comes thesides oi bow urn on not have sense oi urgen socuu Master Michael Sullivan son at Mr III In Al SillilVIIH Bercsy St is patient in the Hospital Inc Sick children Ton onic where he rmnily undsn want openbeart stir r1 its is greasing iavouraby and will detained in hospital ior three to tour weeks Hauling brid eieci entertained at linen shower held at the home oi Mrs Douglas Patterson Barrie Party guests Indudod Ihs elects mother Mrs Allan Coll hsr grandnlrztbar Mrs Robert Patterson Menard Patten son Mrs Stan Mrs hob Patterson Born to Taylor Miss Slush Cole Mrs George Hargreaves Mrs Gordon Mich Miss Cola will wed Ronald lilt Iernilry Ii St Andrews Push grin church Owen St BRIDGE WINNERS Duplicate Bridge dub win ners played at the YMCA Wed neaday nine were NSDians strong and floss ltani Imth arie liyls Key dd MOTOR TRIP Mr and Mrs William hicAn hur and daughter hrenda are anioylng motor trip holiday to Western Canada where they are visiting with relativ They will return to their home at Thom ton on August WEDDING GUESTS Among the out oi ci guests who attended the ding oi Miss Helen Margaret Smith and George Edward Williams at St Georges Anglican Church Mr and Mrs Wallbridgs Wallbridge oi Bellavlllci Mr Rudlsnd Mr Durniord London thrtari Mr and Mrs MI Hamilton Mr and Mrs Pal mer and iamiiy Clinton Mrs Dela Goldwater Mr and litre lOeinveld Strand bearing Peterborough Dav item Oshawa isrry Turner Cha River hlise Lyn Stewart Cobourg lan Munro Montr Quebec Mr and Mrs Moor Toronio Mr and Mrs Montg mary hi Mohtgome Hunter allot Mdlsn Galbraith and Miss Sylvl Gal braith oi Dundalk Woman Senator Expresses Views nmorr AP Senator Margaret Chm Smith Ba Ms deplored Sunday night what she called ram oi solidsce tion and Muslim tion in he United tea which she said has lsit tragic lack oi clsarcut national obiectlvesflt Mrs Smith urged in speech beiose the convention oi the Na tional Federation oi Business and Protesalonel Worn Clubs that the US adopt tegy oi initiative in order to cop with communism senators appearance be fore the clubwomen was her iirst since last weeks nationa Republican convention in So Francisco where she was can didate ior the Republican presi dentisl nomination given Sena tor Barry Goldwater oi Arirons We are laced with many grave dangers today Mrs Smith said But the danger that concerns me the most is the tendency to wring our hands and bemoan the complications at world conditionsand to use those complications as an ex cuse ior avoiding decisioakor ior delaying them until aiter elections ior iear oi losing votes It has become the liticsl vogue to pioust and rl teously conclude with pose oi supe rior sagacity that there are no simple and easy answersend because there are notwe pets seeking answers and decisions London Collection Shown In US LONDON Reuters The opsning oi Londons couture iashlon week Monday marks the start oi the biggest British as sauit on the USmodoi dress market to date Buyers mm two large lS stores hergdori Goodman oi New York City and Sakowits at Houston Tern will scrutinise the collections at such masters oi the British look as Hardy Amies and the Queens dress maker Norman llarlneli searching tor selection oi top class clothes that will sell in the United States The collection oi their choice will be shown in New York in September COVERS GOLDWATEB RobertMacNell as news cor respondent assigned to cover Senator Barry Goldwater at the this Republican National Con vention in Sen Franciscomwss born in Montreal and raised in Ottawa and Halliax iormer CBC employee he Joined NSC in 1960 STAYNER NURSING HOME STAVNER ONT For elderly and coavaiw ltent atienis Excellent tacilltres ior private or semiprivsts Hoiand cold ws in roomshmllstar or TRAVELS FROM ENGLAND FORLAPTISM An silsmoon baptismal sen vice was held at Trinity An glican Church on Sunday July lo when Martha Joanne ODnnsl daughter at Mr and Mrs Rory ODonal ot Sunni dsls Road was baptized by ANN LANDERS Stretching Yard Little Too Far Dear Ann lendersr You were shocked to learn about the co educational pKiama psrilss be ing held on undrch oi cam pusesand with the blessings oi the college administrations Well let me tell you what goes in at largesrnlvfiuiwkvamrd as my ails tends that line school but berusry hurlor boy asked her ii she would like to attend yard party Shs ro rnarked yard party lnliebru ary didnt make much sonss becsuu its usually bitter cold up there that time oi year lle told her the party wasnt in the yardit was in the tra tornity house The yard part oi it meant that the gird was supposed to buy yard at ms tprlal and make two costumes one ior hersin and one tor the boy My daughter was shocked and said she was not idlen ested Two months later she spoke with girl who attended such party and reported it was oodles oi tun Any com mentiMadrrese In the Mid Wed Dear Madnesar have never heard at yard partybut then had never heard at coeduca tional pyjama parties either iew years ago was up sited when the bikinis wore troduced and didnt believe anyone would dare to wear one Now some women are ready to throw the tops away end wosr only the bottoms Already several nutty exhibi tionists eve appeared in top less suitI and caused prede able incidents it you ask me the human rlco Ja having mass nervous breakdown N0 CELEBRATION Dear Ann Landerlr Yester day my mother who has been widowed since last March made me icel like lowdown skunk because did not send her an anniversary card it told her was under the hirpresslon that Wedding anni vsrsarles are not celebrated alter one oi the marriage pert irer passes away She replied Dont make excuses or your thoughtlessness You should have sent me card and leit it up to me to celebrate in my own way It am wrong would like to apologize My wile tells ms amnot wrong and that my mother is mistaken How about thinConnecticut Yankee Dear Yankees The anniver rsvrrucr SEWING AND KNITTING CENTRE Slrncoa Cou KNITTING SUPPLIES roarsrev anus ewesran rs MAKE YOUN SELEOIION Nfiwi Luur Rev Sberring Shown showing ths ceremony are from the lett Col Sharii lohn it Abel and Mrs Absll tbs iniants rr is who travelled irom icssiar England occasion and their daughter versarz oi marriage termi nated death does not call tor celebration Your mother was probably ieelingparticuisr blue that day and It wont have been nice it you had taken her out to dinner Sut an anniversary card would have in no sense NM YOUR TYPE Dear Ann tandem am 28 singla and not badlooking guy About sar ago was very much in ova with girl who ran all with irind oi mine it rocked ma plenty lm pretty much over the bleeding ut because oi this experience have avoided taking out any girl who might be serious can didate or montage Th put it in blunt language We been dating some retty test numb are because at want is lun snd am getting it it you know what mean Yet part oi ma wants to meet the right girl and settle down but lm airaid at being hurt again You can see need clearer eye than my own Can you lend me OrielBuster Dear Basterx can land you two Quit trying to recover irom your hurt andor beat boredom by dragging around town with third rate iemalssend do know what you mean This is aplwsy to meet the right gr The inn youre etting is pretty shoddy substtute ior marriage So grow up and quit making excuses ior yourseli srrrrs srrurs FOR THE wurrrsvr sums WRIGHT at puma when lu ssnuuwram CLEANERS LTD CALL 72315531 no and candleabra with we Miss Susan Abell alrown hold ing the be John Davies godlsiher rs Daviss god mother and Mrs Rory ODon al Standing in the rear is Mr ODonal and Martha Joannas sister Sarah who Is three years old Examiner Phniol Age No Barrier In Education CALGARY iCPl Twenty llvs years ago lilacs iorced Mrs Cameron to abandon she hoped would lead to degree in adult adu But she never gave up hope and today having raisedwo sons the is wall on her way to her goal She spent two ytars compistv ing her senior matriculation horathen spent tour summers at Queens University Kin ston Ont getting BA psychology Mra Camsron has completed her llrst year at the University oi British Columbia and in the tall will return to Vancouver to take its second and tidal year ior her MA She hasnt been sitting idle all these years however She helped invert the Alberta Man tai HealthiAssocistian served on the executive oi the Home and School Federation oi Ai borta ior ssvan ears and spent some time work as with the Al berta Conierencs oi Adult Edu cation At UBC she was graduate assistant to Dr Cooiy Vernar senior proiessor in adult edu cation who asked her to nd some thus this summer elp lug revise the schools adult education course Tlrsre is an increasing num ber ot middleaged women go ing back to un versit Mrs cameron seys owever there still are for too mny who think they are past the learning years Research has proved this to be untrue More To Culture Than Arrowheads MOUNT choir on or Ilhsre is need or ludians to do more wiitin about them selves lndisn author and loc iurer Ethel Brant Monture said Wednesday adding that almost everything known about lndlanl comes irom what snmcone out side the raco has written There is more to our culture than arrowheads she told the Homemakers Clubs convention here some in miles east oi landon Ont lube pro mote ssli suliicieacy among lu dian women Mrs Monture said ch its the quaint and prevalent ties that we live in as as we must remember and sow that we are Canadian lndlen citizens We went to be seen as todays citizens and human beings not sspsople oi loo years ago Its and lira Dalton White cars on country at Ont motion 10 ct Innisiil nunan ii The bride oi so the similar at Brolsy and Aler or dsms both members at pioneer iasn iiias in lanistii township bridegroom is the son at late laaai Thomson and Samuel Whita oi Acton lIlIad Muakok who wore prominent in the sirpmsni oi the Muskoka area Sev al hittide guests sitco ded Open House arranged by the memberl oi the immed ate iamiiy TNAIJ ONAI SITTING table was centred with the traditional wadding cake iisnksd with ivory and gold on tapers it was presided over by Mrs KEEPVIN THE TRIM OverDiet And UnderExercise Cause Problem For Lazy Dieter IDA JEAN IIAIN The happiest reducers are those who do not ovsndiet or undarucicise When you diet sirln salty and shun exercise ilabb are sets in Your iigu lousuilta cigarly dsgnsd lin some ng rcary pens your looks and your shims sag isometrch can help you to look sharp and keep your bounce as you slim down The idea back oi isometric exer cises is to work muscle by using iorco against an immov able object or by pitting one muscle or sat at musclsl sgalnst the opposition oi other muscles Thgoimuscla is ton Edith minimum at time and sliort you can keep in shape with isometrics Tire technique is to contract muscle and bola the contraction ior six Ieconds There is wolidocumenlad re search to show that by holding the contraction ior six moods you can there muscle strength his magic part at this toning technlous that single contraction need not be repeated more than once day in tact oitener than once day is no help What is the diiiarence be tween ealisthenics and isomet ricsi The chlsi diiisreuce is in holding the muscle contraction The basis is the ovorloud principle oi exercise physiology muscle re ulrod to periorm work beyond ausual intensity will grow insirehgth PAT GOES DOWN As muscla tissue is built up iai tends to go down iat and muscla cannot occupy the same space Does this mean that lsom are reducing iimming because are compact and hug the rustic lb weigh less dsil calories must be cut Calist enica on the other hand do play part in reducing ior ther repettion uses energy in short calis thanlcs burn calories For reducing plus extra ton ing use this plan Repeat the exercise action mere hall dozen times and on the that repetition hold the muscle eon rsetlgs or slow count at The ioliowin measured stretch bend wl tone the bounds lines oi your iigure and sit the waist too Position Standln sidewards to wall palm oi rig thand list on well at chest level elhow straight to keep on arms distance irom wsl lelt hand is stretchodovsr head Action Slowly bend sideward toward touch iin ars oi leit hand to the hand on the well Dont let knees lag or elbow bend Cmm Specialize in halfsize DRESSES FEATURING Dan River cottons by LEO DANEL Sizes rm to Tits Open House Marks 50th Anniversary he wail aiming to nu we mxv mns1guWdSWMmmmuad Msmmewm Mrs howst flashed Detroit Michigan sister oi the bride groom klre Harold Wbi Ac the island Muskoka and hire Cordon White loroato listen Inlaw The assistants were the granddaughters sod grandnieces oi hs couple Among the many glita flowers and congratulatory messages re lvsd were telegrams irom lha Prim Minister oi Canada the nsni Governor at Ontario the Premier oi the Province and the Mayor oi Barrie FAMILY BENIN lamlly dinner party was held at the Frans losoph Room at the Waihsr House Tbronioa Wednesday evening The lsmlly consists oi three daughters Mrs Clsmmeos Margan st Mrs Edwin lnason Elaine Mrs William it Caldwell Shin lsy all at Barrie and three sons Goldwyn oi Burlington Harold at Motion Basia and Ernest deterred The are ll grandchildren and three ll grandmildrcn thats cheating As starter bond only as tar as eomiortl able and at the end or the bend hold ilold tor lull slr seconds Change sides and re eat This stretchbend taken ustI ones day is beautliully nng Why not use isomstrics ior lsw minutes each day You on pull your tlgura out oi the dumps and your spirits out oi the doldmmsi Tomorrow Fatiigbting loads Tomorrows Mean Calories Mr hire Sreakiast Chilled lruit iuica or gl so so Cook eggs Cook Illa tor people no no Thin sich toast 60 so Margarine or butter pa Dietetic Preserves Callas black ibtal sec 850 Luncheon sGrillad cube steak res or ck wt Thin slice toast Mm Club steak sandwich to or are slices oi bread regular lightly out tared lid Crisp celery hearts in lo Piece oi iruit so as Hot beverage Total Add 380 LaieAiternoon Energy Boost Bmlutltfirmilk or sltina 35 SS Dim Mixed grill Lamb ehop lean trim oii all lat roe 105 csiice oi liver 35 so Broiled tomato with do to Parmesan cheese tbsp 20 Mi Belted potato loo Mra its potato 50 Margarine or buttar is not 25 as Thsscd green salad in in Wedge oi melon 85 on Total lib Sod Total calories lard loco Notes Tall man dietermay laiave not more calories ior ths sCube Steak may be pan trial in heavy skillet piping hot slightly greased sCall liver slightly floured pan broiled World of Adventure For You At The Fair trip to the Worlds Fair is an experience you wont want to missl Let to plan your trip toNew York at no sxtra cost to you Choose irom independent travel to escorted tours FREE BROCHURES NOTE RATES NEW ORK CITY corona rouusou TRAVEL AGENCY 7266525 ior Dunlop sue

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