Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1964, p. 4

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the st Walls nurse Norris comm EMMNIIITI semis was so use rsss so Parents Ccrn Aid Children Motivation To Education Pmate who are concerned about the education their children are receiving should look to themselves For it has been said that parents are the most vital aid to education Motivation the mysterious iactor that drives humans to learn isfieinlng new recognition as the key to successtui learning One oi the best ways srents can help their children learn is listsnin xii iull attention to their questions an ass To give growth child an atmos here in which thin is res acted sigh his ideas and tlrink ong wi him Be reedyto challenge at times Why do you thin like that will clarily hieideas and stimulate his curiosity to lesrrr more When bsiilsd by question adopt the letslookltup approach During the summer holiday not give yourchlld firsthand as once which will no doubt hei him get along better at school in the Why not take him on visit to the art gallery the post oiiice an antique shop or one oi the his torlcsl locations in Russell These visits sreall weys oi broaden ing his education How about tri to explore the open sinnsarlrei the lrosd terminal the sin wnswWwww mamw powwswmmmqupwnfimn my ort docks museum end Springwster ark soot Fami excursions are important because ey vs youngster newl to talk and to about Hobbies are another outlet end should he encouraged even when chan ed ire qusntly They will give the chil an op portunit to experiment end reveal as pects growth and learning that may not show up in his classworlt too dees Complaints For Considering Many Canadians who do not espouse the se retist cause are nonetheless compel ed to admit that many oi the complaints raised by French Canadian nationalists are not without some con siderable merit For exam is Pierre Eour eult the president oi e7000 strong so are st organization recently charge that Ottawa was not serving the best interests oi the Quebec economy in its ioreign trade policy end that as result living standards end average annual income in this province were below the levels pre vailing in other parts oi the country The iederal overnment Mr Bour eult argues se is wheat to Russia to sip the westernisrmers then buys Po lish textiles in return end in Quebec where we make 51 oi Canadas text lies our iactories have to slow dovIn What Mr Bourgault says does not sp ly only to Quebec end only to the tek flle industry in recent years variety oi industries parts oi Canada have ex partenced great dliilculties through dis ruption oi the domestic marketwhich has iollowed in the wake oi Ottawas ex portoriented trade deals it is undoubtedly high time that iod ersl policy makers started thinking about Canadas economic deveio ment more in terms oi the expansion the domestic manuiaciuring hase end less in terms oi oilshore resource end agricultural ex porte DOWN MEMORY LANE so YIARI AOOIN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 101924 Town Council ordered tourist motor dam on site oi old BCI grounds Blake at Vincent closed Dele etion oi area residents headed by Stewart end Stewart had retested It was decided to reshing Allandsle iire hall on William st Rev Well wood in Collier Methodist Church de livered sermon when members oi Os ange Order attended Constable Waiter Rayner ioiled attempt burn lsrs to enter Fisher Flour Mill on spie Ave Barrie has largest sun lus 42 57b oi any town in Hydro sys em Ilnassisted double is by iirst baseman John Dobson an ird base man Frank Armstrong beat Beeton 114 in baseball Jack Plant was winning pitcher James liarvle who has been practising law in Alberta hss entered in partnershl with Mulcahy Orlilie it has eon the cus tom oi citizens oi this town ior years to eak oi Beautiiul Barrie with great eel oi pride Thornton citizens hon oreer and Mrs William Groseand iamilybeiore departure ior Barrie and also Clarence Lyons teller at Union Bank who is being transferred to Man otlck Two hundred plowmin with their ieniilies irom Scotland errved in OTHER EDITOBS vrrws IHOOIINO GALLERY ON STREET Milwaukee Journal Senator Aliott Rafi Col oiiered an unusual suggestion other day ii more people carried guns and knew how to use them he declared wed stop some oi this crime Laws prohibiting citizens irom asking tlnued are ving criminal an abil ity Ito rey on the innocent turn the streets into shootin dominated by quick draw srtis Does he suggest that Bropert and people the innocent with gull be unctured by flying bullets iired rom hip by enthusiastic amateur vlgilsntesi The problem at crime in many cities The Barrie Examiner ed nasty siisesys Iso uswa us or herein helped Barrie summer It Bl iirearrne he oon senator seriously proposin to al ary Canada and most entrained ior western parts to settle Methodist Church congregation gathered at Thornton to make resentstlon and extend good wishes Mr and Mrs MeldrinCunnin ham Ads encor Barrie soitbal club with art Robertson pitching end Fred Motran catchin beat Shant Bay 1912 Mc illin inatai odes Noble Grand oi Barrie 10°F Lodge Zeemanlltupert oi Florence St et is raising bugless otato lent Jack Boys oiliarrie won is iirs set in Cans dian tennis chem ionshlps but lost in next round to Starr iormer title holder Fred Mart and lower are represeniin Barrie lodges at Grand Lod oi Onter oMssonic meetings Dr Lewis described annual con vention oi Kiwenlslnternational which he attended at Denver Colorado to local club members at weekly meeting in American Hotel Barrie rinks slri ed by it Ste hens and Br or dsiaated Allan ale lawn bowlers to win ludho Trophy ltoss Cowan has to en position with Depart ment oilll hws at Chathsm ior the Mecdonell iorm eriiarrie town engineer George Powells Melody Men will play againthis Friday night at Gilheeneys pavilion Cookstown Great dance music is serious enough butvtire answer is bet ter crime revention and better law an iorcement proiessionais authorised to carry iirearrne and trainedin their use The irresponsible nonsense proposed by Alla would lead to pistol packing an as trrrsasuoessson IN suit ewmo orth as Nu at This isOtIhO semi thegfittgrbug is in his glory he gives with this character What makes race toss opcorn box or beer bolt or pop bo lie or flutter oi cleansing tissue irom anioving carto clutter up the roadside How can anyone enjoy picnic in public park and then walk oii without cleaning up the litter oreven exting uishing the iire llow canipeople tear thewrappin oil candy barssndcelmly drop them the sidewalk We dont know the answer But peo ple do it by the thousands There are warnings and penalties against it There are constantcampslgsg against ltHltrere are ierventga peplsf goodcitbzenship nestness and sin go manners They are slit nors Do these peop act kethis their owndhomest see how hy cots nltsi shortlist sl made omu 5ade WfyrwwlETIAaflmeaafimmmmww WW nWrm ourrrrs pm Politicians Discuss It Politics 0i Course synorsoaxsan NEONNtht do notables telk ebout on those courtesy visits which irom time to time theypeyeecbothsri ior the so COMING IN ON WING AND PRAYER Civil Order Is Imperative In Cyprus Judge Declares By PETER BUCKIV KYREWM Wilma CPlA Canadian iudge who has spent more than two year at 01pm trying to her the lee oi iustlce in be ante civil order must be established beiore peace can return to this embattled Mediterranean island Mr Justice John Wilson member oi the Ontario Su preme Court ior is years leit Cyprus at the end at May alter ssrvi he since March rose as that ludge oi the High Court oi Justice highest tribut nal in Cyprus There has to be ilrmnese on the artist the clvil authori ties Mr Justice Wilson said in an interview hsiore leaving As long as you have acts ol violence which go unpunlshcd it will be dliiicuit to establish order the es ysar old jurist the youngest Supreme Court justice in Canada at the time oi his appointment returns now as senior pulsne judge in Ontario lie came to rue under constitutional oddty that re quires iorelgsrsr to sit as head oi the republlcs highest court assisted by two justices irom the Greek Cypriot commu nity and one item the Turkish Cyprlot population This provision was intended to ensure that neither commu nity would dominate legal pro cesses And by giving the chlei iustice two votes and the others one each the constitution sought to suure that then would alwsys be melorl vote and that the lone lrrki elustlcee vlsws could prevail ii eavere supported by the chief lll HA MCI AIIMENT Mr Justice Wilsons appoint ment was ior up to six years its declined to say why hes leaving early remarking only that Rersoosl reasonswsre involv While there has been some speculation about abresch with to government oi Archbishop Makerios it is also true that Mr Justice Wilson has suiiersd in recentmenths irom palniul back ailment whids required treatment in tendon in April He has returned to London ior iurgher treatment ioliowed by tur oi the british Isles with Mrs Wilson its plans to be back In Toronto tor the tall in or iii urng er eihy here Wilsoas lived in rented home on the northernmost slope at ooebec Govt Cracking Down On WellOrganized Poaching MONTREAL OP The squeals oi the buck deer raven berated through the ioreat dark ness housed irom sleep in their branches soaked inbrlne hey are placed in selected wooded spots Animals become scour tamed to coming there to iced lho poacher lies in welt tor the cabin the two hunters stum lsill bled into the night snd merci lylgunned down the trapped The big buck had isllen prey to one oi the crudelt most brutal methods driscd by poachers to trap gems illegally tha wire snare iroolosrl to bent tree branch When the ap spning the branchreco leav ng the sni dangling helplesslyin the lhe snare caught tlrls book by the leg The tree soars isnt seiscti msnrcan he caught in it too Quebec province rich in wildliio is attractive mire un tloas gatigo heated discuuhsg achers at one delsgete umped to his test and shoute Others sprinkle teed with al cohol spread it in areas ire qusnted by grouse or pheasants and easily capture the birds sitar they have led on the grain it we madea list oi the echoes in this roomyl dont now how many wed get Psachsrs are so wish erasa ired in the province the asso ciation says that they have or tsblished iund to pay tines oi convicted members but tall Lionel Bertrand provincial minister at tourism ilsh and game ielt impelled to issue public warning to poach ers We lust wont tolerate it he declared outdoors umnlstslolned hiding citizens unter in the is Mountains to miles north at Nicosia with the arrival at the United Nations peacekeeping iorcs In Merch their nextdoor neighbors be came the lat Battalion oi the ltoyal and Regiment ivs looked on my work here as assistla the Cypriots in their terms vs years to ward the day when they wouldnt need iorclgners in position such as this Mr lus tice Wilson said hut withthe spread at the bloody leud between Greek and ltrrklsh communities on the is land his lob olicn included exceptional etiorts lust to keep the court lunctionlng FIT 0N GREEN LINE Attsr lsst Decembers vio lence he had to act as charti ieur tor the nrrkish judge Since llirks or Greeks might be shot ior venturing into each othere territory Mr Justice Wilson held sittings ior time In hotel on the green line which divides the two commu nities in Nicosia When they later moved heels to the courthouse inside the Greek sector he would drive the ltirlrish Judge to court The Canadian iudges presence was the Turks guarantee oi sale conduct There were no in cidcnts but thon the itrrkish judge was able to let to court ior montlre nsrklsh lawyers and other olllclsls cared to venture into the Greek quarter And it was only with the protection oi UN troops that the ilrst assiese outside Nicosiain the southern city oi Limaasolcould be held Mr Justice Wilsons contract with the Cyprus government called or salary nndaliow enees totalling nearly moon year with iree quarters chaulieurdriven car ior oiiicial use and return passage to Tore onto On his departure the gov ernment gave him bonus at more than 000 Remember years ago when are late Eleanor Roosevelt held bot do partys Hyde Park to King George Vi and the now Queen liothsr Elisabetht What no price oi mustard Since then the writer has had quite strong curiosity on this All tinslly it has been semi gratified TALKED POLITIN lOrlzlhis remit overseas trip rs er on Prime timer mien Home at 10 Downing street this gave an irresistible chance to ark his Roberts lust what did you two men talk about And heiold me They talked political it wasnt quite this simple oi course have recently won an else tion and as we all know his Also is iacing one Mr Ro berts said So what was more natural than that we should talk politics The larlilsh prime minister one would gather had quite strong lntsrrst in Ontarios elec tion and particularly in the sue toss or his letters Osmrvstlva °ihritdii ill on on shop litr Roberts seyl Sir Alec was able to hrlel him on certain questions such as Rue sisn relations situations in the Asiatic countries and other mat ter on which be naturally had lniormation not available irom any other source lir Roberts incidentally re tfirned icons the Uh with the conviction that the Conscrv lives will do much better in the general election than many peo ple expect He had the strong leellng tiret Sir Alec is steadily making gains while Mr Wilson the Labor leader is slowly losingr ground We never did that out what lire Roosevelt and the Queen talked about Probably their elilldreni NDRHIERN CATTLE One would gather that liters is very strong possibility that as reported while the premier was overseas ltailan interests eventually will try and start cattle indusuy in Northern 0n terlo Mr Roberts says the inter est both in italy and in the de partmental agriculture hers is genuinely very strong He says else there will be otirer exciting developments out oi his trip REPORT FROM UK Landing Of Fish Creates Dispute By McINIYIiE HOOD GthlSBY LIncolrJhtrs new dispute has arisen in the ilshing industry at Grimsby over the landings oi ilsh by vessels irom the Faroe islands This dispute in the sitermath oi the laws enacted tilting iimile ilshing limit oil the Faroe ls lands ior iorslgn basis This dealt heavi blow at the Bri tish ilshing eet operating out oi Grirruby since it deprived them oi entry into one oi the richest ilshln tones north oi the hrltlsh is ea As measure at reprlsal ag ainst this lirnlls ilshing limt oil the Farocs quote was im posed on the amount oi ilsh which could he landed irom Far oe islands trewlers This quota rsmmcd lealmgs at such ilsh to 850000 pounds year This amount was divided into tour quarters making the permitted lsndings 312500 pounds in every three month period with no carryover ii there was short age in any quarter TRY 10 BEAT BAN The dispute has arisen be cause corn no known as the Grimsby Fla crchants Sup plies has applied to the Nation al Dock Labor Board to become registered port employers with view to landing more ilsh irom the Frame islands Head oi this company is George Cord beck leader at the Grlmsby ilsh merchants Reason tor the move is the claim oi the merchants that the quota system is cree ting shortages oi ilsh and push inghuup prices to the consuming on 0n the opposite side oi the argument is Ken Adams die trlct organizer oi the Transport and General Womsre Union lie protested against the Grima by Fish Merchanis Supplies be ing allowed to esnployworkere to land Fardese ilsh in excess oi the quote in three months period He saidny My union is party to ban and we have never eat tlrst we will break our sates msnt as to the amount or Far oess ilsh our workers will land at Grirnsby it is diabolical question to ask it we will land ilsh irom laroese Ihlpsw We have an agreement Mr Coulbeck who is the chairman oi the organiretian oi merchants however is pcrsls tent in his claim that there should be no limit on such landings He said We are against the ban in its present inrm We lecl that the toil quota oi Psmsse ilsh should he landed when it is needed and not spread out over the year We have applied to become rt employers so that we can and Farocss and other iorelgn ilsh at any time the or cessity arises ine most heated comment comes irmo John Hobbs trawl ski per and secretary oi the Grmfi Trawler Oitlcere Guild who The merchents action is deliberate attempt to stab the British ilshermen in the back There the matter rests tor the moment with no action taken as yet on the application made fly the Fish Merchants Aesocla on 31er THOUGHT Al the Law lg tuiillied in one word thou shalt love they elghbor as thysslitGalatlane ill Contrary to popular thought this command does not imply sentiment but concern not motion but service not lik tag but doing ior This is arrisusn love

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