rmmxcxsves aw Barrie Industry Iy ll COTUNI One at Bernies earliest hs dustrlea was located on St Vin cent Street where the new scc tlon oi Grove was extended last year to Andreth ming who larmsd on the Fourth Concession oi Vaspra several acres at his term was an extensive brickworks Bx svatlon ior the street extend sion and the new chums oi the Nexarens last year ensued large deposits oi brick noun Mr and idle haunting who commenced iarming on at Vim cent street about ms said that the brickworks had been there at least so years at that date and perhaps even longer it was apesseed by William Frock who was also organist oi Collier 5t Methodist wards and William Hill Haw who Inequentiy isnsreeleetateotiieelnbers GOOD ERICK CLAY ilrosnthetimsoiitstness ties in the late mos the brick clay had been mixed in rug mill the clay poured nte moulds and than baked in the brick kilns Howsvar the do gosit ol good brick elny been exhausted and the poorer tie er layers at clay were as The partners decided to mod also the brick making plant by obtaining the necessary ml ahinery to make pressed brick iiniortunately the business iailo ed shortly alter that perhaps because there were too may limestone pebbles in the new brick clay which made interior brick and perhaps because the demand ior building materials In the years sitar world war one was not good sum MANY aortas Mr Cumming said at least scoreoi men worked at the TOM coLLlus wsru oLn IRICKSM mansions also need them When Berrias business section was re built in the late 1m liter two disastrous tires which wiped out most oi Dunlop street the bricks cans trons llsrrlas own brick with koept ion the brick ltlbbie than is no indication oi this In dustry to be seen now the mill los mining the drying ranks and the kilns have lslt no traces Last year the ruins oi the oelt meet building which housed the pressed brick venfuse wsa lav eled by bulldozer and the last BrickWorks Was brickwork it supplied brick as tar as teem could haul them ihs malority at large lenn homes in Vespra are in niaiil built in the m0 Id iscent to Barrie usedthese bricks Tat mans Barrie botrm pubc buildings and Cherry Crop Damage High SF CAMBINES iCPi towers totaiilng losses caused heavy rains earlier this week estimate sweet cherry damages may reach 5250000 iha rains came at the peak the sweet che harvest and resulted in an estmated 25 per cent loss at the crop Rain caused tha cherries to swell and split irom excess moisture Another indirect cost oi the rains is that all area orchards must be resprayed Fruit and vegetable extension spaclalista at the dmartment oi ngriculture said sy would have to assume rain washed all all the spray residues on tlsa indication at an important in dustry oi iormer years was sons lhe RCAF recently anuoun cad the retirement at Flight Lieutenant it Levin ont with the Communications Flight at RCAF Station Camp Bordon Ont sitcr it years oi service Flight Lieutenant Levin was born in Woodstock Ontario and attended high school at the it it Best Technical School Lon don until 1939 He ioined the RCA in October 1939 and alter serving in groundva he re mustered to pilot in loss and ilew as stall pilot at Air Ob server School Portage La Pral rie Following the war he took his release and was employed with Kelloggs ior seven years He reenrolled in tho RCAFin tail and flow as staff pilot and instructor at various web tern stations until 1951 when he was nosted to comer BC to ily Neptune aircrait on mari time patrol He was posted to Camp Borden in libs Flight Lieutenant Levin mar ried the tamer Beatrice Davis at London and they and their three children reside at 15 Mar lon Crescent Barrie lie is partner with Harris Air Servic as and is presently engaged in organ sweet dserry crop was the only one severely damaged by the three inches at rain there was only slight damage to hay and cat crops SAYING WRONG The old saying Lightning ever strikes twice in the some data has no basis in tact lAST All BAY 0n Highway 11 am North TIMES In TOME at Guthrie Diiiuiilttttiii iltiiUGHiER SUNDAY BIG srscm nusK TO DAWN snow £0 OFFICE QPENS PM BIG HITS in ii ASTOUNDING sur Kilo RCRI Pilot Retires Is New Partner In Barrie iiir Sevices MONSTER gm wwwfl mwymmgg nrvv wu rilr nu wavmmawnwumwummrmc wasva warm BdliliilG ron noun Earl no Pail Expansion Creates Campers Paradise AlumN Pleas ior es penslon oi Earl Rows Park near Allieton to make it one at Ontarios linost have been annotmeed by Parke Branch at the Ontario Department at Lands and sumo The present ares oi ill acres be increased to us acres are will be like oi over acres containing islands with sandy beaches providing seio bathing ior as many as 0000 we it is planned to have no camp sites and tour gross camping areas each will in the present park areal There will be parking tor over 2000 cars modern water supply and sewage system will be in stalled Means the north oi as Lands Huge Lake Trout mum Ont CWTi look iour horns oi straining and Normans skill but it wea worth it when Budd oi this community so rniles north at Lindsey landed 14 take trout Using secret concoction ol plugs plus live belt on it pound test line Mr Budd caught the trout in nearby Crystal Lake Wednesday it meansred 37 inches irom tail ignihout and was In inches in the Canadian record ior lake trout is to pounds caught in Lake Athspapuskow idea in soon the world record is pounds two ounces caught in lake alperior in load lll II LAVTN improving this establishment Molner ior Mon July so park the plan calls ior inboa sen slides ski runs and ski low with the possibility at skating rink Ibo ex dad park will ilsh dder with lishinu the lake Canoes atlan and is will be allowed on the take but werboata will be banned miles oi road will eventually service every part oi the park except the It acres that will he ielt The present Earl Rows Park was established as provin cial park ln 1m ihara beva been campsites and picnic there but the demand ior sp bu exceeded the existing lscil lties An additional 050 lens was purchased by the Depen ment oi Lands and Forests to theweetoitbsroedendthis new acreage is the basis ior the planned overall development flsa new entrance to the park will be at the top oi the grade lust south oi the bridge across the Boyns River The road then winds down to taming circle with branches to the westerly picnic areas and beach than to the main picnic area and through it to the cam line There will be another roe lead inl back across the sideroad law new bridge over the Boynel to the present park area where the group campsites will possibly by an underpass be be new sanitation lagoon may be located in the iield adjacent to the present group camping area OBITUARY CHARLES ROBSON Funeral sorvsca ior Charles Robson was held July in Pethidr Mineral home with the service conducted by Arnold Crosser minister oi Zion Uni ted church Shanty day Mr Robson was born Feb is soon the son at the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Robson He termed at Crown Hill on till ill hsaith turned his retire ment to load when he moved to Shanty Bay member oi Crown Hill Uni ted Church he served on the board oi stewards and was member oi session tor number oi years He also was member oi the school board He is survived by his wile the iormer Grace Cockme and daughter Mrs hikes Joyce Scruton ol lie and live grandahildm Also surviving are sister Mrs glories inu ise Campbell oi Holly and brothers Howard oi Bradlord Clifford oi Woodbridga and Ray oi Alliston Pallbearers were six nephews Charles Robson at Barrie Ei der Robson oi iarratt Bud Rob son oi hradiord EricCocirburn of Orillia Edwin Cooliburn oi Barrie and Gary Strnchan oi Edgar BARRIE HURONlA DRIVElN THEATRE CHILDREN one 728339i EilllilTEill liliilililtil mills Jfllilllllfl EltTA MARTINElli MABEAITET HilTHEflFIIfl MiifltTIE SMITH Hill TAYLOR awn Ilflfltlli Willis meow Tu turnoutsOle ma TAYlilH EUHTDN ina very dramatic lovav thsilerylnsperta sons Dmnï¬ï¬‚mï¬hwï¬mflu poncosu DRA WINTWOHFREE CAR WASHE mmmfl Aittaseetlpmniahewsilpn BILIMSILIMIMII Aliens WI Even Tidal little beerslisei Snail till ATTRACTION 0F AliTiME AT SPEiliAi PflPlliAR PRICES Ontario This tion is ex pectad to doub in the out 81 years the existing near inrooto and Hamil sre badly overcrowded The new Earl Rowe Park will do much to relieve thieoouluiion and take some oi the load oii athbeld Point another popular camping area Work on the new dsm is going ahead as quickly as poslibie However it will not be possible to open the upendad Earl Rowe Park to the public heiors the summer season at me lhsnwwharlltowarerk baseï¬ecreetl cen fiiiiig on will be made ior circular parking late with concentric parking spaces ior nus cars The lake runs rising It so res is being dove oped at en es timated oost oi mooon oo ration with the met Public Works it include dam and tlsh isddsr Across IMPERIAL oi the park will travel Planners EAT titlittlttiiiii ititHiiiiNiKitlii KOPATRA tanninWill ed to be slitrun skitow WWW and tobnggsn slides there there will be parking ior till central plant will supply ior all the campsites Ali hope tadseve natur iish in him hit it on may be imitated 1becsm siteueawiiibslto acres in with acoommode tion ior 11m campers in the as campsites there will be en othareres set aside ior Ilaup Inan which will be as acres Wlhllilt SPORTS Most oi the waster portion oi the park will be natural with tr is throulhit he nor thern portion will be seioped is new sanitation lagoon located to the southoi ths Boan River on the east side at the road am MILL arra There is considerabiarhistor lcal signiiicanca to Earl Rowe Park The parkland was under glaciers about 7000 years ago and it is believed the the high hill to the north may be the old shoreline oi prehistoric Lake Algonquin When this lake was km ignoreummuwsrtsosncsslfllyuusssrsruessomeway eusstamattsvanvnscssuflwmwusnin Annas amnealnnlnur drainfhd thisl 32m cutNlt ADMIBBlON PlthEd Matinee Evening way ran lesiwguga ichyenarea mas CREME Mn 50o es om amounts in lbe There used to he grist mill ADULT Leo us on the Boyna but it has not been used ior the past so years The relics oi this Fletcher mill iiiiiliiiiiiiitt nussnkunniiiiiuiriii have been collected and an hen til MOUS OMAR IiiiiifliIiAJiIE iIIIIil SHIPS 11115 HIE assumilnumrmmm gfflggs PLAYERS THEATRE About hall the po el Ontario lives in the Celden Horseshoe the narrow strip around the west and oi Latte lllk Li eter Ister iiestbe mahagerotihe best place intown to rent moneyRent $50 to $10000wiih up toten theliberai policyUsethé gt money for ny4 orthwyte menisare arranged totltyourbudget and =theres no redi pe to get you all tied up Drop in soon rd talk things over Peter Litster the ma nager gives new customers very peciaiweicomen