vr Wywm warnM runw emmï¬wmvrflmfnï¬aw thrua view v1 ramrrmuzwwmimmDMWMvr an uwmvm TD continuum tarts soaan um Min Elaine cod lluter Brim Force Seeler Georgetown are bolt rir 13 ii WWW rt Congratulation to Mr and Mrs Eric Harvey on the birth ot Mine Brend Ind Cam II Efï¬h myigï¬gpgggï¬ reason women too eat it with the that ol being ped it they didnt hit Ind Mn EW Wh Dear Dr Molaeri knew ol whp ted mother who lnslrtl that her oplflï¬ï¬mï¬ymmydflmfl Wmnd Bu ll Kim tour year old son cleanbis motor trip to western Canada 9mg emr me got mnéï¬gglvi Vflflflfl with Larry imit Dï¬lflld strap cod site there threaten mud mad but Fisher in to lplnk him until he does Mn Elwood Gordon and Mn mt hum to me what 51 dig ï¬drgufl Howard McFarlane were who do you Nahum Mp mm summer tenet at the lormerl home or its not only brutal its also 53 flgff°fu°d£hï¬mï¬ ngour tavorttc comic club on Eeuntation to July bride mtm Ianl hung gnaw d9 our nation Phone W1 lo hliuAniolterstenIled Bern hungry mi wly lop hummm mm oow Incl orrtoro delivery nude creator of Int week oi telling us that we on hi to mm mum Eli bean luxury thorlty In the term oi hll turel way of telling us weve Md mm mother lutt aiwm right ebl 0W mueh he rob TELEVISION PROGRAMS mien 5an mm Iuppoaer But his rebellion car nw 11 1m rlel over into other things llc lies of telling child to eat hll rum to mm my Channel Barrio Channel Toronto mm Wu thorny Ht refuses to do what wt his teachers tell him to do in mun was at cltild and cdttlta too he TAEl$ 55 that matter need balance At whltktmï¬or noiiioflm aouoa ltvo Oclock trum mum Rubi Mflm later on tel hlin to do And wow Iv is $ï¬ï¬‚éiiotti IEALiTlRJL JULIET JONESI Frontier Doctor run in Woodrm oodl tmiilr being the main one Ind hilinwiriiirmm 113 writéiingii Pdly wont obey lrulic laws end wu mitt or lomaioel or Juice to lébIPlDrlcléI3m lady Griiiiili Provide building materials ï¬nlkmllilï¬ï¬bwlflhuï¬iï¬h mm mm lor the body plus vitamins BL mm glitz liiimrimsmu ï¬rNSMiIiii Nan which regulate certain body men Wm you won an tn anom Nun no no mus no trovit soom Run and aououru Chum mm Wm IIIISIII autumnal IaIiIarIIcIIeIt Casablanca Itrmt And rrtu 09W PmVld WW lull he experiments with lili lllgwnu ohm hi my mu illl up with candy or whatever JEGEIY YOULL JUST TO GET SM 5007 ELSE F9 838 Tm hum cmoon rmy mun Md on our cutfo tll between meals an thrtt rco Fit AM Testis iiiii nrrnntro all helm hulIKri ACUIiilr uses to eat his diitner dont Wmuki Im wm 3hlmmnfltï¬dtlzoubll doesnt make too much diller the whip Just cut on the moo Mum enct dietwise whether they between meal rnocit And let Bu Bum Alter rutr get the energy lrotn starches or mm tutu mum din ltl Ti was Mn hum mlflffmm lrom Killer om tier it will And nature having Donna lleeId Street foods will kill the an existed tor ion ion tlrrtc oiliiï¬ Man 51 Mg MW petite So thats very good will take cure oit lnns Skirt lth avgfyï¬ï¬fmm TMllxht reason or having dessert last Dear Dr hioloer My doctor Great ltlovlu in instead of iirst says have cysts on my ovat TIhe arotnm KamaNV Effsflaf But arcing child to cat les Could this be the reason Cgéflrv Nm Thu Vlld 0m certain amount of ood when cant get pregnantiMn LL Vulhrr Nun sports mm he doesnt eel hungry ls sense Yes it could be Nln um um nu less it hes hungry hell eat Dear Dr Molnar Does amok iiiiigldihbifltmourt mfguntomu Anti trying to force him to lug cigarettes and drinking mmuo swallow load he dmnt want or beer not excessively by luring Ilium mum rum mm need boils down to trying to pregnant woman have any ill p9 rmy Hailn Album TV set yourseli up as better eliects on her or her unborn rid oi Sport Df judge than nature in deciding childiltirs ioC thlllthsI gmï¬yï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚mï¬ will mil aotziiii how hungry he ought to be Smoking in some instances Tm mm nouuitr Fllhfl and How wonder when see is thought to have some eileci Platiorm Shiatsu suclt bossy mothers would they on premature delivery Beer Chm Mm art llllko like it to have someone set an odds calories and might cuuse its Sullivan mNgLiIYL¢Y mm hrhitrary amount of food in excessive gain in weight which riIquIrrAzo 5m mm lronl of them and he lorced to is not desirable EH illclle or New York rn nourrim tuther NI 59 crv National News an 30 mm MONBAY wu It The Strange One Test Pattern erosion was so JAY Here sorrowy mm mm IIIIIII By BECKER DONALD DUCK ï¬ï¬‚igï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ mm 1H0 Playtime with Uncle Bobby in an him FIIIIIII um 351 NÂ¥r North dealer low spade and Scharlro won Summm Leave Her To Heaven Eaisest vulnerable with the jack and cont nucd with Pm Mlckcy noun crur Vacation Time Kiddo NOE 232222 222 the nine arcing dummy to ruil LS CANADIENS Eu Km riv oclock tmirm Declarer now led the ace oi Newl sports mi laulflli Am hearts West playing the orni JWEWFM nflflQfltATIUEANLM ghminifl II mm llljmhirafï¬mï¬ym AK nous nine and then led the ten 4me RHEMALIUEuHEMENT Nomiy Nirnt hlovle ireirt dummy East following 23 $255112 Mm Wlth Million WEST Aqioglafl iow Ii South had gone up with HEW Sim gm thlel vay warm mm rm my 13133 iiitome their egg om 235de 35y fish mm mewmmmx lino oneTV Neon even iii xaalhelra Boom Nm fflflï¬m 1315 Quiet tricks Sport nut and Bouquets +574 is But in an ellart to guard oaswooiu ill Moveomua SHIRTS SWEATERS AND nouriu Fairbanks Preaentl $1 Egan the pagsihllfly of Earn REARRANEED AND seem sums SOCKS HERE Ilflï¬ï¬ENTHENEWS TEM Channel Bulloio swans roving starteddwitIh too noorItIr mugging Rtéauslthgmum Em vouWomweo minim wash Channel Buffalo 96 losinga 31mith qï¬tceeiijer mm kagï¬g Cg gainBantu FRIDAY runs it 4K The safety linesse to try to I3 ï¬lm aihfcï¬reémsiaom The mung assure the contract would oer jgn llznhygyflrlnklgy Nu eioo ntvoroott North Eu South West 18le have succeeded in most no Fractured rtiexerr Hudilne New Ind sport Pun 1v Pas ital in Ill 0359 the IntgrrIrItionri showtim Aoilv Hr Pan 2v Puts finesse was late Sin Tim tha Week That rite ltev National Convention 80 Pass Pas Reese returned the ace oi fen Wu 233 Itirmi IrritiIrItIcocit All spades and South was forced iii itEWwuuru sport iiio nilirofsnih SW Opening leadkins oi spades with to only trump in gr Th totes ltaiy itd Great Britain dummyrthe tightOfllhibtricl Aariiualcygit Th GizznltyrduBigrltdgt crashed in 15th flaming Sehaplro discarded his singleton nanmun run round of the World Bridge €1Ibw fllï¬Ã©lioifltyuln no Summer Semuter Olympiad played in New York What declares now played too Pl 5133 5iroiiirc one oiiiiconrvii Max As expected the match 1° 65070 Lil ARTE Fiel too was close Britain iinaiiy not hand to draw Easts remainlnl new PurTlNoTHERDWG mo 3335321 toot ooiox Draw hican in out the 3111an on mus trump East ntiied and South WEEDGINW FIAR mpucu APARro trio Fireball xcs inert Mighty stout anynouu Teamq view was down one not at TI TI 11 Will to 3i £335 Th Mm nan Tn Riiy Rogers Show This hand contributed rrtlghi the Second fable the Brit mo Bullwinkle 1100 Sky King fly to the British victory Ter is dedmr made four heart XIIth ï¬rms 1300 aurfsieurflguxedo an Reese and 30 schapim against diiterent line at de uWm Don Lao rum concocted devilish line at dc 19 EB We Shed two Autryrllogeu us anonii Game oi ll Week term which macended in de spades but then ahiited to Nae Sport cclal din FGA Chem inntni SIIIIIIIIIIII 5o Ted MIMIIn Hung our hemI diamond Declnrcr mtsguesscd Billiard Champion son Wmiiinr Reese ed the king ol epadea 19 hem situation at ll labia Draznct us lludllm News er Sport on much swept played the also but theonly trlclta he lost 33 Lriiiriifl iii iitityidiiiagofloy Hour queen thus requesting spade we Width heart Saturday Night Movi 8301hc Defender continuation and at the same 3mm Mm flamed 79 vie mi guilter 133 gaggkfhimn time announcing that he had Points on the hand er Saturdly Nllbt Mom tum News Weather Sport lack 53 mm mm WWMHmï¬ AM Report iLzo lgwiaIII II Inn uav JULY ll DONTTEAsa sacred nurr IllNDAY JULY it OS tenTHATNEWM hurt or steel can Word or Lila Your Church invitation moo Popeyes Playhoun W55UPF°5EDT° Lets Have Hobby iooo Lonio unto My mt PHONEATNNE Clutch cam Cartoons ioso Look Up and Live now Poilralt oi my People iiae Camera rum Social Christianity use The way LVlls LBeeN c2 This is The Llll Noon Now mm to hit Eur Frontiers or rum Amerltanl At Work sum on gum Fm mm DBeiow trout account The Answer Film 10 PM of Family Pllyliollll aareinii Gama Weak eye IEteep uric Easablll torn PGA Championship using 41mm 2232 We moon on illeet the Preu Lassi slightly ï¬iï¬peak under lettat PchAPoika Favorite Martlln ILGodotmis ottoa breath 11 yeltdlnlmv gigggliivgm oniot woman olamar riot dirim Brewery 159hosl1onean with ivy tron sumonem inoo The River Niio iono Clndtd Corner Jndlut 11mm ILColumn 3200Mth iioo News and Weather ioi atl My Line um 2mvmuu Null dinner mt Award Theatrc one New Weather spom eontwo asmrt mvaAtlsoctlARMws mo hlovlu JIlm nation was to tlcnlion Mttsi BEMRSJAVNER ARI06155 TO You 130 Capt aob cyp of Milnnlaiz Iso bro rt MADAME 2222 GRAN DMA rFit see2 322822 one Yogi Bear MONDAY mule The 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