Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1964, p. 17

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varmne newrv rmm REES ZOO ERNEST OAKLEY rupee visor at Fort Willow rakes in the background is the par able location of an old grave with the main entrance Old wagon wheel marks are elem Hrs loose top soil over the pro tlyrebuilt palisade of the fort ly visible Examiner Photo Grants Help Chamber To Restore Fort Willow iIrs Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association granted 0500 to the Barrie Oramber of Commerce recently for further work on the restoration oi Fort Willow This money together wilhva matching grant hour the Chamber has perrniited work to be resumed at this site Under the direction of super visor new property line lenCE better gateway an Improved road and general cleanup of the property has been carried out The Chamber wants to restore the site of the Fort as it was din 1m to make it tourist tiraction According to manag er Reg Velham chamber sec retarymanager the cost will be between 515000 to 320000 Work to be done includes com pletion of wooden palisade around the Fort and rebuilding othe long houses BEAUTIFUL VIEW The site commands beautii ful view of the Colllngwood mountains it would make an ideal camp and picnic area Fort Willow was built on the high ground above Minesing swamp during the war of lalz For short time it became small but active selflement The fort was an important rtorage depot and vital link oli the route on which supplies were carriedirom the British garrison at Fort York posts on tha upper Great Lakes Supplies to these posts were carried ovcrvthe Toronto por tage then shipped on Lake sim con to the head of Kempcnfclt Ray From here the ninemils portage an ancient indian route ran to Willow Creek During the war oi 1511 the portage was developed as crude wagon road and for many years goods and men parsed over it liIGll GROUND There are signs even today oi wagon marks along the route which follows high ground all the way from Kernpenfelt Bay Fort Willow is over nrila from the Willow Creek LandA lug vrhcre boats were loaded and ferried via the Nnttawasaga River to Georgian Bay Excavation at the site at Fort Willow began In 1950 under the direction of Dr Wilfrid Jury well know archaeologist from the University of Western 0n tario initially trenches and test holes were dug and the follow ing year the team was able to make plan of the layout oi the fort Position of the palisade which has been partly rebuilt as the original and the comer of the buildings in the site have been carefully marked Beyond the silo was kiln where the soldiers made their own bricks The latest discov ery about hunderd yards from the palisade oi the fort is two small mounds oi soft soil which could be graves One was excavated but nothing was found The other looks more promising lradr from the fort to the landing which is about mile and quarter through dense undergrowth has been mark MayorCriiicizes Stratlord Design smarrona rcpt Mayor Beth Nealson of Leaside sub urb of Toronto Tuesday criti cized the Stratiord seminar on civic design for lacking wide audience and only talking to themselves ltfaynr Nealson told archi Mects engineers townplanners and other civic design profes alonals dont think you will ever go anywhere gt She said there should have been more representation of civic ofirclals at the seminar especlally of those concede with the planning of the cen mwfi lrving Grossman of Toronto chairman of the seminar at which participants are taking look at Canadas centenary said this year for the first time there was servers 15 lMPRACflCAL W017 of ob He said it was impractical to invite everyone concerned with centennial planning but an at tempt had been made to get representation from federal and qprovinciai governments sense of urgency mixed with Certainty had arisen ncrose the country in soch tion with the centenary Mr Grosarnan said the Iind lngs oi the seminar will be pub iicized atterwards and would be hoped get wide clrmiatio James Arrld Ontario min More tourism and information and chairman of the cabinet centennial committee planted centennial tree Tuesday in up per Queens Park as part of the Stratfordseminar The tree mains almey abapple has been proposed the Canadian Nurserymen Association as Canadas centen nn tree Willlam Teron an builder told the seminar that Canada will be some sort oi prehftectural mo it present iclremes are the extent of plan ningioroentenary year Mr Teron said 110 centenary Emerita were planned across egcounlry EWere people just Baked govern assent must iatnrdr campaign to gander th Ottawa to get Canadas 20000000 pop ulatron personally involved it not he added there would be no real true centenary Robert Fttiiord of Macleana Magazine panel moderator contradicted Mr Terons refer ence to an architectural roo by saying If present plans for liter aturemateriailze there will be literary menagerie HITS LAMPORT Tom Patterson founder of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival said 19th century one horsetown politicians like Tor ontoControiier Allan isnnport obstruct centennial projects thatcould greatly improve Ca nadian cities Other speakers noted tlrs dii licuity In involving the pub lie in communityimprovemant projects WELCOME umE inhibflirlimwihwf llunatlaumn ed out although it is fairly dif ficult to follow in many parts there are re mains of the eight foot wood on sleepers laid by the road builders over the swampy ground Willow Creek itself has allied up great deal from the time it was an important supply route According to Coulis chairman of the Huronia ills toric Sites and Tourist Associalt tion the nine mils portage was small part of the first Trans Canada Highway in those days they had to use wa terways to shorten the routs he said in continuing the restoration of Fort Willow Mr Coulis be lieves it will help to keep the project alive and provide the opportunity for more publicity This will in turn create great er public appeal and support to proceed with the project to com pletion he said FEUD At present there is feud be tween the townr of Midland and Orilllo over the merits of their respective sites it started three months ago when Premier Robarts announ ced the province would rebuild Fort Ste Marie near Midland University oi Western Ontario experts under the leadership of Dr Jury would be carrying out the $100000 project Members of the University of Torontos archaeological depart ment led by Professor Nor man therson and the Orlllia Chamber oi Commerce protes ted that their proiact may have to be closed through lack of funds They want to restore the site of the old Huron capital oi Cahiague near Orlllla as an lndian style Upper Canada viii age DOUBTS Dr Emerson in an interview said there is some doubt about the authenticity of the recon struction of the fort near Mid land Fort Ste Marie the Jesuit priests central residence was lestroyed in lots as lroquola war hands exterminated the Huron nationu Midlsnds greatest tourist at traction is the Martyra shrine dedicated to five Jesuits who lost their lives while minister ing to the Hurons Mr Coutts said yesterday thathe believed Fort Willow played just an important part in the history of Canada Fort Ste itfarie and Cahiague played an important part in the fight against the lndians and Fort Willow was part of another era in the davslopment oi Canada be said news cram Russian OTTAWA cmmum Afr fairs Minister Martin said Not day that be has twice discussed with Soviet representatives the necessity of Rusia Its debts to the United atlona for UN peacekeeping in Common rcpt to on position 14 or Dials er be said Raul proposal for permanent UN police force hu not been followed by any Soviet agreement to its assessed share of pea coping costs in tho iflddlo East and The Congo Mr Martin tabled the text ill the Russian proposal He said he expects that UN SecretaryGeneral Thant will discern In Moscow the possibil lty of Russia losing its vote in the UN If it doesnt make good on at least part oi the pay ments Employee Ireere OTTAWA CPIBoard oi con trol decided Tuesday to study the possibility of freere on the hiring oi civic employees which could leave up to 500 au thorised maidens vacant and save the city 000000 There now are 2896 author ised positions including lice and fire departments ried and wage earners Controller Ernie Jones recom mended at the meeting that va cant positions be filled by ex isting staif Mr Jones and Mayor Charlotta Whitton agreed that so to so per cent of the authorized employees could do the work Escaped To Visit SUDEURY CPtCharlcs Ed win Defleldr 22 of landon Ont told court Nesday that he escaped from Rurwaslt In dustrial Farm June 22 because he wanted to visit his wife and then be transferred to Kingston penitentiary Lottery Charge TORONTO CPlFive Tor onto executives of the Associa tion of United Ukrainian Cana dians have been charged wrth managing lottery Michael Korol 51 president Peter Prokop 60 secretary VIENNA Austria iAPA former Romanian territory that Stalin seized during his brief alliance with Hitler appears to be new trouble spot in strained relations between Ro mania nnd the Soviet Union Diplomatic sources reported that fire Romanians have told Moscow they would like to have Bessarabia back or at least an tononry for its Romanian pop triation The issue is said to rank high in the secret talks between So viet leaders and the visiting Ro manian premier ion thorghe Maurer who ended oneweek visit to Moscow Tuesday The area in dispute covers 19000 square miles oitartile corn and cattle country known Bessarebla end the buko vna AllMY RETURNS in 1944 the victorious Soviet Army returned to Bessarabla to stay and the territory was split between the Ukrainian and Mol davian Soviet Republics Diplomatic informants ray the bucharest government corn plained that the Romanian eth nie group comprising nearly or Mus mussel Former Romanian Territory May Be New Trouble Spot wwwm macawwavsMaMms mm was so mm mm JULY ll ifll 11 Marlin Diseiisses UN Dues Stanley Dnirormiaky tI ro oordlng misty William Haraaym ll aralatant Imo my and John Mellon ttreasurer he been Ir Oakvillo kalnrtoufl Jr Tbs lottery ti printed in Montreal were sold through chapters of the association from Vancouver to Montreal Stubs seioed by provincial antl fimbiing squad olicera late st month represented sales of nearly 3100000 Resume iialks WASHINGNN iAPtCeoa clan and US oiilclais have re sumed dlscuulons interrupted last April on civil air service between the two countries slate department spoken man said fillesdly Canadian term met with US repress lives for about 30 minutes Mon gry and wiltrerumo talks to ay Killed in Crash SHARIWT LAKE Ont CF Roger Woodcock 23 of Arden Ont was killed ilresdsy night when car he was driving was in collision with truck near this community about 15 miles southwest of Ottawa Three sitters were injured in the acci en Seeks Commission KINGSNN CPIA labor leader Tuesday advocated royal commission to look into strike battle with settlers in Recsor Siding Ont ln Febru ary 190 in which three union memborr were killed and eight others wounded Laiorcs of Kapuskas ing delegan to the annual Ontario Provincial Council oi the United Brotherhood of Can pcniers and Joiners oi America CDC meeting said royalmmmission would not only investigate the aspects of what happened but would probably bring back recom mendations which would re vent it from happening age it Mr Lanrce said that one of the settlers involved in the incl dent was inllslime employee of the federal government nomically and socially titan the average Soviet citizen The use oi the Romanlnn len guago is restricted and emigra tion to Romania is almost im possible The RomanianSoviet frontier in the area is said to be heavier guarded with minefieldr and watchtowers than the Soviet borders to the West For Iron Mine EDMONTON iCPllhe fed eral government is studying the feasibility at tatmile railway from huge iron ore deposit in the Arctic to tidewater says Northern Affairs Minister Laing Mr being told service club dinner Monday tha deposit con rained an estimated 22000000 000 tons of ore largest single iron ore deposit in the world He added it was located in the Arctic Circle about 1000 Study Railway miles north of Edmonton and results of the railway survey per cent of population oi about 3000000 is worse off eco were expected to be aveilablei by Christmas FARMeTANK FILTER mere for you Special ofier new MNMui mmmmmomu umiwiumiwn oalyfluimlllil REGULAR 0105 YfliiiiS IIDVI Eiliiliitli qualii 3mm scnoor CHILDREN vun ncsr FIREFIGHTERS Dear Tlremenn We appro olata all that you did for us during our recent visit to Camp Borden hank you tor explain ing the lirefighting equipment so clearly We as lalty enjoy ed the airplane Ilteclng lit up The chocoiaia milk was good too These sentiments were ex presed by 55 children from King Edward Sdrooi Barrio iollowi displsy oi lirefight lag eou pment used at RCAF station Camp Borden Welcom edbylhaiindiialJligtheb rernt it Morrison the young sters II corrupted by tea chess Jeanett and Miss Fraser for conducted intil oi the Fire Hall and the Fire School by Corporal hostile and ii Landmdro Govt Mercy Procedure ABig Complex System OTTAWA CHFederal gov ernment procedures inde log with condemned murderers have evolved in the last decade into highly complex system resulting in every possible ban elit oi the doubt going in favor of the convicted slayer As theroyal prerogative of msrq now is exercised cnbu inet ministers and officials in volved in making the 1an ro vrew of capital cases before the hangmans trap is sprung ale convinced there an an rcflne ments that can be made These views were obtained in series oi interviews with sollc ltoragencrli past and present and others whose duty is to prepare for the final review by cabinet Watson Machught rotle ilorgeneral in the present gov ernmant said that much more than the transcript of court pro ceedings in each case is studied it has been my desire to get as complete factual reports on the life history of man as it is possible to get be said MACHINERY STARTS Whoa someone accused of capital murder is iound guilty whether or not there is rec ommendation of mercy from the fury machinery Ir set in motion for careful review of the cast it is the presiding ludges obli gation to sentence the accused to death by hanging and to no tlfy the Justice department im mediately The review of the case starts then whether or not the case is appealed and the conviction upset or new trial ordered in addition to the transcript of the evidence the case its includes confidential police re ports on the accused the victim and ths witnesses maracter studies ars compiled and pay chiatrists are assigned not only to the convict but to review all the evidence and confidential reports Leon Balm PCmix Riv ieresl solicitors general for more than two on in the ion mer Conservatvs government said We Always made very thorough examination We sur veyed every piece of evidence sad information and matters Ihatflcould not be brought into cou The review is made person ally by the soilciiorvgenaral al sistod by officials of the turtles department who an expert in criminal law All the facts and extenuating dreamstancer ii are included in report circulated by the aoilcliobgen eral to his cabinet colleagues several days before the case reaches cabinet meeting for its final decilion capital use is always the first on the cablnets mods for the day In mesnt years dis cussion has been both corral and detailed with ruob clues as the scene of tbecrirns and related obieeta or persons sin culated Great Lakes Water Levels Record Low lor Six Months OTTAWA CPIWater levels dipped to record lows in June for the sixth straight month this year in Lake Huron and the fifth consecutive month in Mont reel harbor The monthly water level but letin issued Tuesday by the Ca nadian hydrographlc service showed that evels increased iractionally from May in Lakes Superior Huron and Ontario but that the levels in Lake Erie and Montreal harbor were be low those of the revlous month Except for Superior levels in June were lower in the lakes and the harbor compared with June rm and the oven age forthe month for the lart 10 years The average iuno level for Lake Huron measured at God erlch Ont was still feet down from previous Junes 51859 the litynar avers oi 51180 and the former altime low for the month of 5781 in last in May this year the av crsge level was 51585 feet in Lake Huron the average level for eachmonth thistyear has been below the previous record low measured since it rlrrgosi were first compiled Lake Ontario on the basis of measurements at Kingston had an average June level oi was feet Thl up from W08 feet in May but down from last years monthly stern and tho lOysar m1 inst averags The ailtlnrs June loll mm out In 1035 The average June lave tor Lake Erie measured at Port Colborsre was 50005 ltd don mimosame tboavsrs armada feet lev during last years June and the loyal monthly average oi 51011 feet The alltime average Juno low was sense feet in raw BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK iieautliul Samples ras Estimates FREE PICKUI AND DELIVERY Phone new BARRIE Uphols trial is Our Insi ness Not Just lldalins BRADFORD GT we are Instructed Dispose of The ENTIRE stoop manholes on THE fsnclinrfisronr as No FIXTURE in aeration NO

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