Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1964, p. 6

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fimzunn rum rm ymrmvgwuwv or mannamu BflwpflarflWflOmauw pm My cage triclrs endihnt myvoice has suddenly am the dumbest picnic was held on Saturday at touring the park noy Arnott Clarka tie liiinners at events were INTR oi lady Sarah Armstrong Joaes the daughter born on ANN LANDERS Ii Grandpas Happy Dont Change Anything Dear Ann Land Do you know or nay place can go to get my voice changed Some how managed to raise iiva children with this voice and it didnt seem io have bad at icct on them Now however am told that my harsh voice scores my grandchildren to death and that ld hotter do something about it am at years old and tool that person is never too old to learn My husband says you cant teach an old horse new been good enough for him these past so yearsand to leave it alone at do you sayinght oi Children Dear Frightcnerr People are not horsesthey can and do learn at all ages but am not going to send 84yearold woman to speech school to please her daughter inslaw Ill bell DRIVING LESSONS Dear Ann landerIr Elwood and have been married eight years We have had our share oi minor squabble but can truthiuily say weve never had any serious troubleturtii last waolr For my 30th hirmday he bought me little car and is teaching me to drive was smart enough to give him three tine children but most on coordinated person who ever lived lie says my re flexes are so slow its mir acle lm still alive The list ot insults he has handed out since hesbeen trying to teach me to drive would take up your whole coiurnn Canitbethatlarnnotdoflg very well because my bush LADY ODUCING Prim Margaret Pioturo was made by her tether at Kensington Palace last week is poor teacher has high blood pressure and no patiencai will you please commenti Fendcr Bender Dear lenders Even bus band who has an abundance oi patience and low blood pres sure should not attempt to teach his wife to drive Relieve him oi this nerve shredding too and take instructions trom someone wltir whom you are not emotionally Involved WHITE WEDDING Dear Ann Landersr Our as yearold daughteruwants ion mal ailwhite wedding My hus band and would like to please her but lm atraid we would be laughed right out at thistowo it we give this girl her way First Mary Elizabeth went steady with young man tor three years They were together night and day and do mean night and day its married someone else know very well that when Mary Elizabeth went with this young man they did things that would make her in eligible tor white wedding it you get what mean Second The man Mary Ells abeth is marrying has been married beiore in tact he has child by that marriage Now worrldnt she look ridiculous coming down the aisle all in white under the conditions do scribedLaanalble Parents Dear Parental ii Mary Eliz abeth wants white wedding let her have it Girls who have gone steady yes get what you mean do not tortait the privilege oi white wedding The bridegrooms previous marital record does not matter either Its the status oi the grids thatcountsand nearing so Springwater Park Location Of Annual Company Picnic The Universal Cooler annual Springwater Paris Midhurst tlr approximately are people attending Ariull program of races and events was run oil alter which soithell and horseshoe games were organized People not pare ticipatins in the genres entered Dulrlien the aiternopn booth supp ree pop ca cream popcorn and watermelon to all members At approximately pnr com plete picnic lunch oi oold meats salads and all the trimmings was served General Sales manager Les Gsinor represented Claire ISIIIIDI manager and IPOII PI behali at Universal Cooler and irstrsra plans Alex Short Recreation Club president thanked Mr Gralnor tenths iuli tinnncini support to make the picnic possible The iollowing committee were in charge ot the days BCtIVIlidly President Alex Short Secre tary Bert Taylor Eric Robert Standones George Posylelt Jack Grabs Art Ben lioy Corliss Poslidr Benerd be yssrs at age Ps terson liris Taylor and Taylor girls and yarn oldr 7777 We in the ilitlr event boys 10 and it years at age winners were Diploeir Campbell girls so years and 11 years old Shearer and Reilly Boys and girls in years is years and wyears Varese Short Grrrbemll Fed silit Dog on the Leash Mr and Mrs Canning Mr and Mrs Jigglcs Egg Throw Ing oontast Mr and Mrs Stan Cameron Kick the shoe Brian Bentley and Mrs Jigglas other events included nut scramble tor all children attending tour oi the park is ball games andpitching horse shore Secret Agent In Fashions NEW YORK AP James hand author ian Flemings synbcd of sophistication is liirely to turn up wherever theres intrigue liesot into the act at the tall iashion showings by the New York couture gm Tuesday by way or slick seer tation leather Jacbet called SARAH no is the tint prerogrsprs as to we Snowden and arenas down at an newcom its serrriannrral DINNII PARTY Mr and Mrs Hooper at Granville Street were guests at honor at unity dinner pan ty Saturday evening the was held in honor oi the golden wedding anniversary at the the ow Restaurant Party guests num bored members at the unity BRIDAL SHOWER as are her soother and young brother David Viscount Lin ley AP Wirephoio Fooier Dress One Not Two NEW YORK AP The New York Couture Group closed ess week ac iivities Friday th previews as tall mliections by Perri Parana MonteSane Pruun Countess Alexander and Malcomb Star While are US designers preier the too or drossthat is the one piece dress that looks like twoParnes praier the versatin oi mix and match two piece costumes Trim air izms jackets topped slim suit Moleskin termed roll collars on jackets and coats and edged towel shaped stai Tia string belts on easytitted dresses with deep pleated skim awin capo coats anda high iltt iront line in coats and suits were highlights ot eol lectlonbythe Monts Sano house Most themes were exe cuted in lush mohair tweeds its soit hues and exaggerated checks or plaids tos wh on the style house is tamed Itrnics princess line broca de tlouncay black chiitons headed by velvet reminiscent oi the 30s were Mnlcorn Starrs contribution Miss Diana Buchanan July brideelect was entertained at miscellaneous shower held at the home at Mrs Eugene Mon ears Anton Mills Saturday eve nlng Party guests included the bridulects mother Mrs Badman Mrs Leo Moreen mother oi the bridegroomeiect Mrs Bernard Moresu Mrs Jim Lee Mrs Hargreaves in Mrs Douglas moon Mrs Ken Riidrie Mrs Frank Moreen Miss Jackie Lalonde Mrs Rita McLean Mrs Barnard Caesar Mrs William MnAledl Mrs Valender Mrs Leo ONeil Miss Patricia Cougbiln Mrs Made line Quemelle Mrs Mc Menace Mrs Eclcourt Mrs Leo Beicourt Miss Buchanan will wed Gil bert Moreen at St Marys lio rnan Catholic Church Dorrie July 25 GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Dalton White will be honored at an Open House to mark the occasion oi their golden wedding anniverv ary The celebration will be held at the couples country home sastoishoudonthelothcen cession ot lnnistli Township FAMILY CELEBRATION Anniversary ceisbrants Mr and hire diaries Snelgrova oi Toronto were honored at iam ily dinner party held at the home at their son and daughter iniaw Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgrovs onSunday The guests oi honor who were wed at Cal alina Nowioundland were ecle brating their 59th wedding aer niversary Among those attend ing tor the special occasion were the brides brother and slsterdndaw Mr and Mrs Bow With Victor and Jennie Alex ander tunlcs side opening coat drama woolana and inckst costumes added up to what they term the gentle woman loo for daytime wear flreir fashion story tor the woman in social whirl was punctuated by veivets and silk satins swirly obliiona black ribbon lace glitter and more brocade r5 Topless Nighiies In Clouds Oi Lace ROME ABRome lashlon showings ior tall and winter opened Monday with lots oi topv iessnassbut not ahoeker in the lot There were topless shoes and topless gloves in the morning accessory exhibit and an almosttopless nightie in the alteration boutique presenta ons Assuata showed briei sitar skl pony alsin or hroadteli lack Iat embroidered in sparkling threequarterblsdr emlnk coat had gebelin tapestry lining and high ts estry boots to match For eve ng Aaaunta resented narrow rrridcalislons onos chinchilla over black velvet tubs dress and white mink over whiteonvhlack Fur suits imtha ll came in black or agsgtreli roadtatl brawn Alaskan otter The topless nightie came irom Gnher The bosom bloenrs irom cloud oi vaienciennes said the commentator The rest was tilmy pinto with another cloud ot lace around the wide em Albertina shows tunica and tunic coats sideslashed over matching orcontrasting skirts Tube dresses under newly cai tanslashed costs in cable ribbed knit havo tiny cap sleeves and highhetcorl neck as oi series at theblackand brown combinations suggested by Jsmior Sophisticates tor oalwear Rather appeared treouendyA oitcn as piping on dresses and sometimes in the torso oi lug gage strapr closingson suit ianlrets Favorites tor day dresses and hour wera ey tlannsi snd Shown pertorrning the tra ditional outtirrg oi the cake ars Mr and Mrs William Cripps at the reception which allowed their wedding in Dal ston Uhited Church Roy Ihorpe oliiciated at the altemoon cararnony The bride Dorothy DaiePeacock navynit trimmed with bold lions some or PEOPLE AND ard spool oi liaili Nova Seeds and the count on and daughtanlnllw Mr and Idrs Bert Sneiglove also at Barrie FROM SCOTLAND iathscltytorsiewdaysas guests at the home oi air and Mrs Robert Neiison oi innlliil street are Miss Millie Walker and bar nephew isn Glas Scotland While ting in manner Vim and wi holiday at on tario and Montreal Gum Later they will travel to New York to attend the Worlds Fair in that do holiday in Ontario north land was intend by Don Dick erson oi Worstey Street Mr Dickerson spent his two weeks vacation holidaying in Rentrew mush North Bay and Nip WEEREND GUESTS Alderman Roy Marselius and Mrs Marsellua oi Jacobs Terr race were weekend guests at the Toronto residence oi Mr Marselius son and daughters Inllw Mr and Mrs Vernon Marselius Mr and Mrs Ernest Ryan at Toronto are ndlng the week in town renew ng acquain tance They are guests at Bay siairs lodge Minets Ioim Former residents at Barrie his and Mrs Ryanwa active in community attain tor many years when he was district ma nager ior hie litan Lila One at their sons erry Ryan is the Liberal Member oi Parlia ment tor one oi tire Toronto iedaral ridinKG FROM VANCOUVER Visitor in Barrie yesterday was Colonel Peacock oi the Salvation Army Vancouver When he was in Toronto some years ago and member at the Kiwanis Club at the Royal York Hotel Colonel Peacock was one oi the tounders oi tha Kiwanis Music Festival which has now become the largest annual event at its kind in North America Now member oi the Down town Vancouver Kiwanis Club is the daughter oi Mrs Mil ton Peacock oi It Shanty Bay and thalnte Mr Pee cock ihe bridegroom is the son at Mrs Harvey Gripps oi Barrie and the late Mr Cripps The newlyweds have taken up residence in Toronto Pho to by Lea Cowper Norlcn SALE corroucrao av radian some to PLACES 33 iii ss° SSE at THE STARS SAY WA FOR TOMORROW This days planetary influ ences are similar in yester vrithsddedt stress the vs on an par re nships in busia and ii nanclal matters greater suc cess is indicated through work ing with others rather than alone and in your private lite activities shared with iamiiy and iriends should prove very rewarding it tomorrow is your birthday the coming year ouid ses tho culmination oi many longcher ished plans even though iuliiil ment may have been delayed by several periods oi discour agement and series at trial and error nave meats Your horoscope dicates that there is some hope oi gaining job recognition and an improve ment in your iinanciai status through so innuendainerson but in the main til awards will come througha your own creative and mertorious ideas backed up by industry and steady endeavor In putting them across Your best periods tor tab and ginancial yuslttsrmentndwillfl eween ternber during the tint week oi October the last week oIrDa WMIMM iiil Creative workers will have an excellent year with August September and next January in dicsted as outrtsndiag months nose in the entertainment ilsld will be especially starhlessed during these periods Where personal matters are concerned look tor ha ro mantic developments etwaen new and the and of this month in late August late October next February rtl and June ior stimula as social tivities between now and mid soptcrnher in late November December and next April child born on this day will be isnpressiondbla and imaginative will have to curb tendencies toward extreme lasi ousy ht us plan relaxing crulss tor you or trip abroad Complete service vtor your convenience JOHNSON TRAVEL scarves 72545525 not honor or We are instructed to Dispose of The ENTIRE ASTIICII ANDFIXTURESbFTHE Anchor srorra fa DUNLOP EAST AT THEFIVE norms EVERYTHING MOST BE SOLD NO RESERVE STOCK INCLUDES Work Clothes Ladies gents Childrens and lninnrs woos Toys Footwear Eton lie ALLoooos ANo rrxrunss Muss sorowrrrirrw LerrsourrMs IN DETAIL curios Lars SALE NOWIN rPrrocrrass Air was FINAL IUIY lirr rrrrrrrllr ui SPECIAL VIilUIS rl WALKERS SHOP EARLY FOR MONEYsame says arr aovenrrsso isms ON sate urrrn soror MENS AND YOUNG mans corrorr srronr srssve Sport Shirts AN EIICELLENI COLLECTION OF 99 MENS DENIM Hobby Pants reams at Sports Denim halt boxer waist VEAT PATTERNS IN WIDE RANGE OF COLOURS SIZES SMALL MEDIUM LARGE ormrNamY UP so $500 Coinssmhlrie Charcoal Red Ind Beige Waist sires rote ORIGINALLY Nu SAILMATE COORDINATES Ideal tor sportswear and home decor atlnl Cosnpletsly washable Lbnited selection oi printed and plain shades 44 wide ORIGINALLY 0145 yd inores Sportswear Clearance ramsrcas renal susrrsrrs norm arouses Ete I99 Glass Short Pedal Pusher Set SPECTACULAR 152 Assortmentoi Cottons Dentists and Knits for are Tremendous selection oi cam are bad cm and Denim Fabrics Blue 10 to It VALUES UP TO 34 as Prints in selection at colours lines Gilli5 coonorrtarsn Blouses Skirts anyw Separates satinsVans Ireis as Soltly mama run skirt teamed one hatching one crew erass our 100 ORIG 149

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