rest oiW wwrmelsvm IIWV vann furv PUDDLE PilDDLEItS iii TORONTO Richy Sullivan ileiti and Brad McConnell didnt have to go lar to try out their boat this weekend there was damsrn uorrs School Board By The school board oi lnnisili ares two is now up to lull strength with the appointment oi Jemer Greenhaugh who will take his place at the next meet ing when the three school boards at lnnisili will meet the township council The vacancy on the board was iolt by the resignation oi Walter Black siocir at the end oi June ihree ballots were neededto make the decision in Mr Green heughs lavor as two tie votes which the rules dcclare invalid named iirst Bob Cowan second Stewart Fisher However the tirird vote gave the majority to Mr Grecnhaugh who lives on the 13th concession oi Innislll Ind is an executive with DaVil biss Transport chairman Bill Gib bins presented report ol the bus service which will be in augurated at the opening oi the new term There will be lour routes and no pupil will be re gulred to walk more tiran mile Most will be picked up at their road front The total cost without the routes being re cheCIred will be $11732 oi which the department bears 50 gr cent The longest route is the Kiiiyiengir district which includes Knock and the west lide it requires the biggest bus available and has daily mile age oi 634 miles Two teachers were hired in the pastweek torepiace some who had an engaged at the Tea chers College earlier but their results made lurther training Accessory Ronald Fergusson was engaged at previous meet ing and litre Shultz was chos en lrorrr three applicants who came to the meeting last night Mrs Schultz is the wile oi an OPP member who has been translerred to Barrie ï¬nch barrage Innlslii shore residents sull ered much damage from the storm which raged Monday morning From north to south the parts at the shore which laced the storm were devastat ed with docks boats and other work torn away Many residents had portable wharis with steel supports for the piatiorrn ex tending out into the lake but many in the area are now lying in pieces and strewn along the shore Somehad boatstied tothem Jhd these in most cases turned over As one man who operates boat business said he would have to start over again The nves pounded and the wind enough water to paddle in right in the street in Town tos suburban Scarborough Al most continuous rain hit the lip To Full Strength blew trees over and most oi tho shore residents sat up and watched An estimate at the damages may exceed million dollars and perhaps insurance compan to will have most oi the bur den Boats worth big money came out broken to pieces at ter the pounding on the rocks ROWE 0N NP Stroud brick and pin throwers are still among top averages irom reports now on hand oi the elimination tests From Oklahoma we learn that their top brick pitch was 105 ieet in inches and lor the six on the team they go down to 87 ieet inches In roiling pins the top girl thorn threw 99 feel it inches Stroud Canada has surpassed these distanm quite substantially Practices since the competi tion last week have been more serious and already some oi orn oontestants have ascended their records With the big International Con test to be held at pm this Saturday in the township park there is still time lor contest ants to add to their distances Stroud Oklahomas Mayor has proclaimed Crazy Bat Week and Stroud Australia is hav ing sixweek beard growing contest while Strand England has Guinness lor Strength week Oklahoma is also having mammoth Miss Brick Top con test and already 13 entries have been received Tlrls information was all iront page news in the Strand American weekly newspaper in the American city FRACAS OUTSIDE The disturbance which result ed in arrests at Peggys Dance Hall on Saturday night was out side the hell we have learned mm reliable source Two persons who had been reinsed admission obiected and the con stablethere had to call tor help to remove them Angus Lodge Marks July 12 ANGUS Special Bright aunlightaccompanied the annual Orangemens celebration oi July 12 which were held here on Sa lurday Three wreaths were placed at the cenotaph by Robert liiar shall master Shirley BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE iiiil iiiiiM iii TitE iiiili NEW NO IN TitRlllEilS cinnamon PLUS Every shroud hasa silver iln ngi ioronto area during the week end with more than two inch es lsillng during one hallhour period GP Wirephoto warma manwnm Wm mtme Ms airnun 9er Announce Promotions For New Lowell School gush Gayle unseen Patricia Dull flint ill try Morrison Patridl Robinson Susan Snow Nada Wagner na liussus Kenneth Hutdrinscn Bonnie McKsy curios Med dock Stephanie Maddoï¬ PM Mothers Wendy Matthews lotas Mciellsn diaries Mn Nehb Ray stn Ritty Thorn as Sully Walker Diane Alon tsine Susanne Laiontaine Mrs Jean Walker principal ROOM II To cede seven Robert Ai ien Bruce Alim Tom Alien JeAnne Danko Janet Dull Laursine Gordon Bruce Hilton Billy lientheflngton Karen Iiilta Annie Hiehks Vincent Hussite Tony Hotter Gail John son Heather Lalonde John Mm chem Beth Mstherr Judy Me Gillivray Janie McLelian Cami Mondr Joyoe Mrunberson Paul Pcholkin Msshon Poole Betty Ralley Pats Raiisy Patricia Robinson chest Robinson Debbie Ross Judy Scott Linda Stephens Deosiu Stephens Ills Jean White teacher ROOM II To grade at lirisiina Anne strong Jimmy mining June Black Brian Queen Michelle Gordon Dougiu Biriebey Edit mrtchlnron Beatrice LatentInc Rickie Robinson Dlvld Bayer Jean Cambourrre Carol Dull Tommy Foster Dennis Grant Wayne listto Janice Johnna Jimmy Lawrence Ros anne Macxsy Timmy Haddock Bill Msnshridgs Marshall Mer tin Joan Mumberson Martha Poo Lillian Robinso Mrs Iva Woodward teacher ROW IV grade row Barbers AI Ien Heinrut Beyer Carol Black Carolyn Brennan Malls DeWolle Thyrs Foster Red ney Hutton Richard Huestia Susan Hills Randy Johnson De Jitflliflfl Jocelyn la iaonde BrianMcGiiiivrsy Dav id McGovern Linda Mdgllan Gwen Nevili Diana Ross Jack Stephens Gary Van Severn To grade three Ronnie Berk er Derry Burro Darlene Bes rniah Jack Casey Wayne Kear nsn Colleen Luanda Wume Uglitbsart BendI thrill Bob Morrison flour Mornbm son tarinla Bailey David Snow Elaine Thom Mrs Audrey Broiler luau ROCHV TandemKathy mountmoaner tnrr Orvliflilts Frank Motion em Maris Robinson Laure lg Howard Savage Sspben Tb suds tws Marianne Bah so Bonnie Blsck Randy Coo Iorralne Roster Bob Guy Kathy India GIT midiKIND Ken Jsmteeou Susan Jamieson Robert Mscblrn Tracy Mecltsy Mary Meddook Patsy Mm bridge SIIIDlIe Martin Wendy Martin Eddie McNabb Ernie Mills Graham Mumberson iss Mrs Frances tion arrsun W0 wNDoN Reuters The moon and other members at Britains Roczxsl Family at tended the lrtening oi the baby daughter oi Princess Mar not and lord Saowdon in the grivsie chapel at Buckingham Palace Monday The dean oi Westminster Dr Eric Abbott christened the child Sarah Frances Elisabeth She will be known as Lady Sarah Arm strongJones Angus Public Opinion Backs Library Project By KAY PORTER ANGUS Spedell it burns me up to think they havent got library here in Augusi was the conviction oi one women when asked her opinion oi the proposed library lor Angus Yes we would use ll brsryl was the unanimous anew wer oi sii thoee interviewed here recently The question has arisen es the result Ease Townships pro posed glonts tor the Canadian centennial celebration in low At recent Essp Townspr meeting held at Baxter it was disclosed that 516500 is avail able lor projects it was sug gstnd at the time that book at the history oi Essa Township hemmposed $8000 was to be spent on library at Angus and the reminder or park near vy DECISION roarPom When representative of the Angrrs library board approach so the township tor the grant the decision was postponed un til the August meeting Chairman ol the Angus Board at inrstees Merv Mllson stat ed he was not in layer oi parkatlvyoraboolrontbs history of Essa 11 it meant the Angus grant would be cut lrom 39000 to 5000 Mr Milson leit that sinco ad mission would be charged lor the Park and the book would be sold these would be proliimak ing ideas He also said This is an more we pos something tree Thechalrman condoned library at Angus is ngilt to the people There will be no charg es except tor overdue books the same as any library Knight lor the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association and Mrs Omar Linton lor the True Blue lodge Like Orangeman around the Commnweaith they were cele brating the 274th anniversary of battle at the Boyne River in Ireland Then Protestant Will iam of Orange defeated Roman Catholic James and set Eng lish history on new course Foliowrng the oeremnny in Angus the groupaccompanied by the Angus lite and drum band travelled to Beeion to take part in celebration there Some oi the people who were uked their opinion oi the pro posed library merely stated they would uee library How ever many appeared to lever the ides Mrs Green oi Turbush Street the mother oi three school aged children said When we lived in Barrie we used the library aiot We would take out no to as books week Mrs Green condoned lust doesrtt seem right that there isnt library here in Angus even it it was opur two nights week NEED VARIETY She explained that although their ismily have some good books oi their own You cant when lnlormed that the de cision would be leit to the Essa lbwnship council Mrs Green asked How come it isnt harel You mean to tell me theres all this nonsense when the grant in diesel Mrs Peter Grant oi Centre Street said My daughter is in grade our and she likes to read slot ld like to see library in Mm Mrs Grant suggested that even mobile lending library would help the situation The mother oi two school children Mrs Percy Baker of Highway oo said Anam mould have library Tiresebool chil dren certainly need it Most of them cant go to Barrie and the selection in sdrool isnt enough GOODJDEA Another Highway oo resident Ralph Finlay said that even though he didnt read great deal library would be good idea Mrs Foster oi Brent wood Bond explained that her inmiiy does not reside in Essa Township lier children attend New Lowell Sdrooi But she added The children have bi cycles They could getIns li brary st Angus It wordd be something lor them to do Simcoe street resident Janres IL Eaton said think it would be very good thing to have library here AitlroughMrs Edwards pl BusirrStreetLdidnt think so would use library very olten she was in iavor ot one in Angus STARTS mom jliililbiii nap Skiirerortprtnr snunrs soc cannnnN She explained know 01 people who go to the Barrie 1i brsry every we so there are those who wordd make use ot library here Mrs James Elliott oi lilgh way to said think library is necessary in any growing community QUESTION SITE The proposed site near the post olice was quutioned by mg Finds ot Queen titer its bad corner Ire said However Mrs Finch ihomt library would be good idea my husband and would use library soeord ifllr to Mrs Erickson oi Tarbueh Street know library would be used In our Isrsrllyi said Boyd ol King Street Mr Boyd explained that his iamily presently uses the li brary st Barrie out library here in Angus would be more convenient One woman who asked that her name not he usedssid think titers ought to be library My daughters read quite lot and so do She continued My school eaed girl borrows books lrnm the school library but they dont have nrany there Mrs Young ol Bush Street said Lthnh library wouldbe very nice Both my husband and wordd use Another woman mentioned IMPERIAL THEATRE there are no reierence books lor the high school drildren hem You cant ultord to pay m0 tor hooks Mrs Gibson RRI An gus said think library would be good idea Twould use it myself Althoupr not penneth resident ol Angus Mrs Fleet ot North Street thought library would be patronized quite lot Children today are wonder luI renders it they are cnooun aged at said Mrs diaries Bell ol Centre Street think its quite distance to go to Barrie in library she continued think people would read more ii they bad library close by When it was explained to Mrs Bell that the grant might be used for park at Ivy she said Perks arei wonderful but think with all the drildren in Angrusllbrsrywwldheg Mrs Wood Brian Street said think lot or good books to read for the young people might help them along know theres hit oi poi iiios sslnwlroisgoingtoget Mill Street He continued Im in lever of library ol any icind in Angus As tar as the site is concgrzleld trill II bit awk wsr ass ey cave parking space but then its diillurlt parking Where was axslnm wsrrr ans more items Starts Tomorrow Shows at end pm than Yrrrrrro Annamaria Brno Cnsnnnrtonn Tran Sass Auctioneersan Tun Worm II lllililioTiiiih museumsoases seam Pavilion Cool Pegged Ior Essa Centennial Park Plan the park whom here if Slihfla an ro the it contains to so WW park Between these two ocks at land is Concession In addition to the $8500 cost oi the pavilion Mr Smith laid park development and mslnrere sncomust be included in the budget FORM WET The gear the MP to the sire oi the Job we ave to do suggest the following orgsnb ration of our committee Mr Smith said honorary chairmen the lion Farr Rowe Ilen tenant Governor at Ontario Ellwood Madlli MP lor Dalian lnSlmooe and Rev Dow ner MM lor DuilerinSimooo chairmenEugene Smith vice chsirmsnOcorge Davis necro teryEarl urn Comnrittee org ration would indude Iinsnce Kenneth Blan chord Stewart Dermott pian TUESDAY WEDNESDAY the money said Allsson es IIIANIY BAY sg Inamd Company Bristole ere Company an Piiser and Company in tied and their top oillm Promo obliged the delsndsnls and co conspirators had conspired to monopolies and eliminate corn poliiion In the menuiscture sale and distribution oi broad soectrum antibiotics lEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY JULY IS marmo AT on newer $29000 lEGION HAIL 7i COLLIER ST 0n arrow Milan North at Barrie at Guthrie no HITS mumnim Piiiiiiiiiiils soqu eman STARTS TOMORROW rurursrt or roster menus iii litil IITIIIGIWI iii IllIiiIE flSPEBiIiPflPiiiiitPitiiiBi Scheduled Performances at pm and pm Box Office Opens at 130 pm and pm only nmrmrmwmmtmy FAMOUS PLAYERS mrnmr