hwyM ï¬nwum manor naruane eoloya Brandon rightpointa to con while an aieter Debbie MC aienoninlihigiiahaaSuean tenca in English grammar rocta the pronunciation High Scho Students Cock In Languages Learning Engiiali can be in teracting according to Marcel Demon Marcel ia iIyeanoid Grade x1 aludent whore iather has Kentuch Fried Chicken ree taurant la Quebeo City Marcel ia working tor the Iumrnar cook ing tried chicken at Lekeview Dairy Restaurant and he la liv ing at the home at Harold Branden ill Codrington Street in exchange ior thia George lilniie eon oi Willard the prop rietor oi Lalteview la cooking chicken in Le Petit Colonel taurent in Quebec owned by Mareela lather Willard Klnxle raid it all atart ed when he at letter horn Marcaie bro cr wondering it he could get place ior Marcel to cook chicken tor the merrier at the ram time learn to apealr Engliah lie acid he would aiao be intereated in an en change do Willaida eon George has gone to bec on the exchange Willard both boys had pra Vioua experience in cocking Kan tuctw Fried Chicken Mr Klnrle ia quite cnthualaeb in about the idea Hie eon George eent home ior hie hivi anhnol klreneh textbook iitla opens up great iield ior aiudcnta tind bcaldea mood in in the rcatainant hualneaa it could well spread to other buaineaaea with great advantag to all concerned he aaid acid it ia particularly ad Compeie In Bowling Meet the Barrie Club 00 Lawn Bowling tearn travelled to the City oi Hamilton Saturday to take part in the lawn bowling tournament rich with learna irom St Catharnea and two teema each tram Toronto and Hamilton The tournament waa tilled at the Gumth Bowling Greene Hamilton and St Catherine liniahed the day with twowine and to points The Club 60 bowiera coached by Bert Keetoh cametliird with one win and lo polnle other ment bera oi the Barrie team were Mire Josephine Green Gary Bradley Albeit Kidd and Don ald Ferguson it war announced alter the toinneonent that the iinal lawn bowlin tournament tor the blind lera thia aeaaon will be held in Si Catharina Sat unlay Beotanber 1a TODAYS Compiled by Aabutoa AMtlhi Alloma lint Aluminium Milan DIAL Alberta on Ame Ar Ill PM tin Ill ar Bk oi Mon Book or no Hell TIL Brazilian oil can Aviation Cdnltn BX can wt Conical needkoua nee an inland lntar Nic crime Joe Gilli new MABCEL DEMERG and Willard Kinzie enjoy joke aa Mereeitcooka tried chicken in mIVlBW Rectaurant vantageoua in touilat and mart areal Beiore Marcel ielt Quebec ior Barria iia met George who didn peak any French But Marcel knew law worda ol En glteh ao they managed to con tinid iting and ea or go 61de ience in cooking Southern Fried Chicken in two languages Man oel ia having whale ci lime in Barrie At the Brandon home there are our children ranging in agar irom raven to 11 Euaan 14 who ir looming French in probably the greateet help to him with grammar and eyatex but chbia to the beat ior inalettng that he get hla pro nunciation exactly right she will aettie ior nothing but peri iection Marcel gear with Susan to partlaaandbaagooeawtmniing at Waeaga Death NJ lie Mill ahltl hid Onhia next weekend oii ha planato go with iriend none the restaurant to Niagrra Falla And thia weekend he will go to beach party at Waaaga Baltic Marcel aaya he ta eniaylna it thoroughly and Swan who will atart Grade in the ill VI ahea learning bit at mach At lint we had diiiicuity be cauae talked too iaat aha aaid but were getting along better now Then is one thlnd Mar cel mlaaea that is aomaona hia own age to play goii with kla hopes to meet midi pence aoon NASSAU TRIP GRAND PRIZE weeka vacation ior two in Naaaau will be the land in oi iiia Barrie Exam er Fix the Mixtip contact Mayor Lea Cooke will make the draw on Wednesday at The Examiner oiiice and the winner will be announced in thia newepa the trip ior aoven deya and air nighte at Mon tagu Beach Hotel aizlitaeec lng trips and countryaide tour oi the ialand and air travel irom international Airport Toronto to Naaaau ihouaandr oi entriea have been received lining the live week contact and in 24 houra tiu lucky winner will be known bra Jeni name runner ever it not Report finding iiiFoot Boat AlHootoutboerdmotorboat baaboeaweahedupoatbeprop artyoiLaka Simone Motelon hiakaa The incident waa reportedto Bariloci Policeandtheboat labella tobaveenappedita mooriaga during the heavy womdatorm r3 mommy naawmmamwpmwmw Mam mmnm pic Investigation of Police Building lha city will launch an in veallgatlan into the coaehuciion oi the new Police lire and Ma aialreta Building ihtawaa an Borclen Prepares For Dial Dial awtt equipment la ham it serve we ide on acviea later this year It provide or the areas teir phone needs mint wide capacity 0000 tale number la being inatal ad iba building la located on the outaidaoildillstreetinlingua hut outelda die gatoa oi the military camp When it goea in to aarvice Anglia will alao be served from thia building aa well aa thoaa cuatonieratn the New Lowell exchange Ail oi the equipment being in Service ataiied waa deaigned and menu Mm iiS Emmi re inch exp it Nelson Bell Telephone manager ior thia area er ange no men in being carried out by Northern Electrio Company creltamen Raierring to the many activi ties aurrounding the dial con veralon here Mr Nelson acid all phaeea oi the pmiectareprw greeting according to echedulo one at the biggest lobe involves rebuilding and extending the out nouneed Mayrir Cooke liter the ty Development Coni mltlee muted that the govern ment winter worka mot ta 000 lee than the city expected lhe grant wax mooted be team it will only be 8162 Minot be awarded to and Kennedy Conrtruction Ltd On Jan it the avatar waa given to the iirni ior an adlua ted tender price oi $200 DEADLINE NU MIT in quality iorwinler worka grime 00 per cent oi the labor ad to be completed by the April ao deadline the lb per cent cant on the labor would thereiora b0 $8000 But only more had been met on labor by deadline aide wire and cable network aerving the exchange area and adapting it ior uaa under the dial ayateni BARRIE AREA WEATHER Expect Weather Cloudy And COol Weather in the Barrie diatrict will continue cloudy with law mattered ahowera expected in the next It houra Temperaturea are expected to remain unchan ged today and Wedneaday Ibo thermometer at llie Bar rie haminar regiatered 55 aa the low oveminit temperature that at noon an oiiiclal iorocaat tuned by the throntoweather oilica at 930 amr Synopaiax lite alarm centre that gave heavy raina to parta cl aouthera Ontario over the weekend continuea to plague our weather pattern It now ie over western lower Michigan and to expected to drlit alowly eastward to Georgian dur too the nut 24 houra will reeult in aneraily cool rather cloudy an unaettied weather for moetol the province show ere fluently over Michigan are expected to epread into central and southern Ontario today it appeera likely that there wih he only alight improvement iriillednaadaya weather Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron re one Windaor Londonr Mainly cloudy and cool with low acattarcd ahowera today Wedneaday cloudy with many perioda and law ahow era likely with little tempera ture change Winda mirth to aouthweeterly today and weat erly to Wedaeaday Niagara Lake Ontario Hali burton re one Hamilton ion onto oer Exteneive log Detail Description Oi Centennial Project magniï¬cent baytrout park lolll the dream at me dty iatliera clilrena antinviatora will be Barriea centennial pro icet lh $00000 park will be iocar be an Oil iountaln We will alt in the middle at eplitlevai iorrnal garden Benches will dot the allore line and screen at trace and hedgaa on the welt aide oi the vior the 0edatthahaadellernpenieit Baygbetwean the ONE tracka and the water It will aheich iron Veepralstreet to just poet Brook Street Focalpoint oi the park will nmcanma Dom lri Di lane Mu Pow lily Mauey lsrg Noranda data poi Pacido Flt Pam Pipe Hersey asalï¬ï¬‚ï¬afl =n=n sï¬eï¬Ã©ï¬eé re III 3i =8 34 erg planned aboreaide oi the tram ihll acreen will aerve aa wind break and enhanoeiha appear ance VANDAlaPROOF The iountain will conelat oi aerial oi pooiaat diiiererit STOCK PRICES myflDnnMpMElaflia surrounding the gardonrarea will be turi oval marked oil by weltway 0n the Veapra Btraetaidawiilbaaiomial rock garden and beyond that an open area where the aum mer and winter oeralvala could be held 0n the other aida oi till tun areawillbathepicnioandro creation iaciiitlee auekcn ear den will eeparata the not an reaeatloaareaa Piblic weal room will be next to it Nearly halt the park area will be set aelda ior thia rcaeation ulpment and picnic able tabiea will be close to ill mun Adolphe mum alto eiide one horeei one climb do on BEGIN EARLY The land tilt and landscaping will both in tone an that ehruba treea and glare will be reason ably developed by 1067 iba oentermlal park in part oi much larger park develop ment which will probablyex tend bum Duckworth Street to Mineta Point liiie luhrre development will include more tennla courta more Wklulya ball diamondra minv atura golitcotirae more recrea tion equipment and may pool awhnmtng beach in the Al iandala area ta alao planned DEATHS Maine Arthur Theme iormer judge oi an Court oi Appeal Illdcahinet minilter in the dill eni government at tamer Saa Etgiewan preraiar Pat fle Mona BelgiumaAchiile Da lattre Belgian aociallat leader and iormer cabinet niliileiar laliran lhuuin Ala 19 mme oi lraai otpneu milBNO Will 30 Manhunt diarierad aaentmt and buaineaamaa Qua Jolepli liberal member at Paritamantjio st WeeMach rmmim tot new mom it Barrie citizenaCcncort not hold their uaual ht intent Parklut bad pairher eepetloliy near Lake Ontario lilting thia morning Cloudy with runny rloda and chance oi iow owera tliia ailernoon and evening Wednes day variable cloudineee with iew ebowere likely Continuing cool winda light becoming aouth to routhwoaiarly 10 to in thia aiternoon Georgian Bay Algoma ilm egemi Cochrane regions North Sudbtnyl Mainly cloudy wi iew acattercd ahowera and not much change in tem Wture today and Wednesday daeaaterly to to it Foreeaat Temperaiurca law tonight High Wedneaday Windaor 56 St Thom London Kitchener Mount Forest Winaham Hamilton St Toronto Petcrborouah Trenton Killaloe Muekoka tilt White Elven Moceonce ilmmina Kingston ageswnnaensaaswwa Angsseaegasedaua FARM PRICES BUHEE TORONTO tCP cream and butter print prices were unchanged today Butter pricea Agricultural Stabilization Board tendarabie carlota buying to acorn buying to acore 63 acliing be GRAIN WWNIPEG CF Pricea were ltrrn in moderately active openlila trade on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange today changed July 70 barley it to higher July 117 flax unchanged to Egber July anon and rye it Va blaiict July 138 IUDO DEMONSTRATION The Senior Judo Club oi Bari rie will be giving demon etration oi Judo at miteehore an on litnireday evening we 40 Gt Thk Week only likeVuw Quality Checked lemonade wirnarnr ran our ocean or cittuekli nanu filed ditldltl ems $375 iiooiviaini awe nami In to Dinner reap Pineal Manibera oi Pint Barrie Scout Troop had tough time Sunday night The Hfllwinde blew down lhair two lcnta and ca grant will tbereiore be unmet iha roblem II who will be moo ior ilnding the rest at the money lcvpay tor the Aid Morrow dialrmaa oi the City Development Coni raillee which assumed nepoti albtlity ior the building from the old Fire and kettle Committee aaid the motion laet night cerv ed only to iniorm council no motion though wee tabled ior acrutiny lie and Mayor Cooka assured council that the city la not making any adrnluion oi error at thia point ROBERTS COMMENTS Aid Roberta reading irom the original catiane noted that the arch tact waa re quired to order the contractor to work overtime to meet the April winterworka deadline kitchen fly tent and then wash ed away what was leit 1t aleo did considerable damage to trees around their camp rite Collingwood Shipyards Hope To Launch TarantuaIulyZi floouriiowoon stain Ccllingwood Shipyarda 3rd pre paring to launch the tint ehip outoithadrydockathieyaar The new ehip larentua which oiiiclala hope to launch on July 23 la Imioot aeil unloader Willi 75th beam and baa about 74000 ton capacity It la the iirat atin of title type built in Collingweod The Taranbua who built for Canada Steamahip Linea Mon treal and will carry cool iron ore iron pellcta and atone Oiticiala eaid although they churning are ehootlng at July as ior laun dilng day they may have to delay the ceremony day or two it the water is too low At the open oate were im EXPANSION lie also commented that he could not believe that only his 000 bar been apenl on labor When he aekrd about penalty claim Mayor Cooke aaid it In legal quution which he or the membera oi council could not lla aaid the City Man ager end the City Solicitor were invertigating the legal upecta oi reaponeibility at preterit City Solicitor Rowe non incited thia morning by the Era arnincr aaid he knew nothing about the matter and would not comment Mayor Cooke eaid he war very concerned about the dlrcrepanv cy and premixed that the any were would be iorthcomlng lla aaid the aoilcllor would give the legal opinion on thia lhe Mayor in announcing the investigation did not exclude the citye adminixtration lrom near Midhurat Packing up their gear ready to leave tore home are Alaiatant Scoutmea ter Nick Haiti and patrol lead dcra Robelt Edward at Wall patrol Doug Read cl Seal pa trot and lien Zlmrner oi Eagle patrol Other acouta who etae todoutiortheweclroicampI ing were Tammie Mountains lg Calder and Wayne Lam Sale UP to 25 OFF ON ALL SUMMER FABRICS Robertsons Blues in prime sr near Amea from Eatona 7285101 BETTERcllss fr torture olivine untrue HOTWATER You Cant Baal Natural Gae