Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1964, p. 10

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mBER HO our Daily orNds Slumils counter at tais em The Barrie Examiner Iu sr born Victoria and am an utopia Richard Klatis DAflRA son to at and am born wt iielliliiviiig lJl Ilrklidl Drlve BIrriI It Royal Victoria IIiirplill EATHS navna nelas nFAt asr nels nc ins Admiral Road in ms Halon in late Campbell Mother or mm mi mu Christia and Ch in Full Elllnguhrllt as gall Isano was held on July ii Phil Vic aria an sum IiislyiiniyI In an all Mr Ind MrI Pat rich Shanshan and brother at nuuns at Electric Home so Woralay sires Moral mall at St Marys usa muss interment at other oi Lb CrliiRFeld suANAuAN st in Re sl Barrie on Buddln Ion oi the is at Cemetery IN MEMORIAMS YOUNGsh lovin delr bilillblndI iat er and rand word remembrance one that II lone mhrnoiy we will always keep ylarmin ynr rolls on BKNHAMLn lovinl memory or near son and brother woo passed awly July it no Dill his IIIL llrllliL bya to none lliu were lonn V0 on said come uitlrl lit Ind think oi inh ihinu you used to as We wonder Villy you lied in Without chance to say goodbye You won laviril Ian brother and no true hotter IDn novsr lived our equals era but low asilly milled and our remem bored by Mum Ind Dad stator Oertrude sas amnesiaraw Don COMING EVENTS DO NOT FORGET THE CNR PENSIONEBS PICNIC AT spamcwarnn PARK WEDNESDAY JULY 15 memory of For those pensioners and mono bers or their iarniiies who ra quira it transportation to the park will leave the can Barrie Allandale Station at 1000 am bus will be on hand tor this purpose COME AND JOIN lN THE FUN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 mislead advertisements and notic was or these pales must be re in day precs the are by 1100 noon ii cslved IVY uhlicatinn llllilled pm which must be precedinl day it WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTBINO Olin Dimunt RIM IDDIYJI Paid within dlya to per word par insertion or one or two days Three consecutive lnurilniil 3160 word par insertion total 0152 ix commit inae word per inrerti additional charll in unit Subieot to cancellation wilen satisfactory mite obtained fimnunnrrns DDX DEPLIII arms on renrdinz main Blind Letter BU Numb or miles held 110th confid lantisl dieplies to iwtii bl held only 10 lit masher or publication will be abused IIPBCEALRNWCBS lt veil IDIIIID charge or Death Noilcll 50 or upntn 15 words over 25 word In Memoriam Noicas II is verse uaedk perword extra mtnons on communities lAii phone inurtion prom an convenience ID VIDA Therelora the clsuuieo Department noner nil Paloma In lttieir sov lgan ml rrnrs or ans Nina helm run in order ons on par total MM 10 not plld with advertisers latter Dun Do Number lie or word min words Be at ext ranted dveriirer anartlsin Fall eov garter Arse Iranian come II till extent of lditiltinvnllllthl sprint anon whim anth their only Im Fit men sun Jim by max yyW¢WW Iqtmmrvapwawuw verve ii TDD BARBIEBXAIDNER TUESDAVVWLY li lIOi ANNOUNCEMENTS BURTON LODGE NURSING HOME home away im home for up and bed patients Diels ro habilitatinn programs 7250095 or mom ASSOCIATE NURIINO INCw ONTARIO ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work Accommo Actions inr bed and up patients Male and female good load gfivislon Reasonable rates Stroud 4381401 BIRTHS ENTEREHNG Flmi We can be wfllin with GlutII item of ill INOAOP Noun 00 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Emory MILLER PHOTO hi REALTOR 10 COLLiEE Si moan ill VICTORIA STREET Family aired bedroom brick megslfw nice living roorn sepsrao dining room no ms in Call Rita Seendrett 728M ll MARION CRESCENT Near all schools in attractiva area oi new brick homes bed sooms mahogany kitchen qu separate dinette NRA terms coo monthly includes tam Cali Rita Scandrett 7184065 CHOICE HOME AND LOCATION lhia bedroom borne has din ing area and rec room plus many extras awnings lovely hedges ienced and paved drive For appointment to inspect phone Percy Ford M7080 COMMERCIAL BUDDING 0N OUTSKIRTS so in tact block and brick construction with large door Int 270 200 test Phone Percy Ford 7797980 MINISINO nrldr house on paved road with We acres at land being reno vated Inside with brand new bath builtIn cupboards double sink Hiccd In sell with nnull down payment Cali Norm Wood 7281874 MEIJIOSE most desirable location Large lot Three bedroom home with rec room Substantial down payment to bits per cent mort aaze at $85 monthly including taxes Needs redecoratlnm Make us your otter Photo MLS Cali Dnerson Swain 7108505 CENTRAL Gracious live bedroom iamily room This is new listing Re quiring about $5000 down pay ment For details and appoint ment to inspect call Emerson Swain 7268605 lier stdmini GS CALL is slats rumors EWAlN ricotta rmcv ronn via1m srAitr isAnsrlAu sucnvnrunra Members at Darrin an STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7285901 Central Ontarios Leraest Real Estate Brokers Photo MLS Realtor $0500 MAKE US AN OFFER bedroom clapboard bungalow on 60 it lot new cement block garage tor someone who will clean it up this could be bath gain Low down payment DEAL LOCATION Ior execu tive office or small business with modern bedroom apart ment on second ilnor attached garage and paveddriveway Hilly commercial mne avail able January 1065 ONE OI BARRIES OUT STANDING IIOMES located on an exclusive street Close to schools and overlooking the bay One owner executive type custom built home with paved driveway and carport Property completely landscaped mu cllll him Ind Eda Gould4074200 AIIX Duncan71am 60rd SMneflTidflib CAISSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR eIunr rasjvin AEEQOAT SEA SELLING BOAT Set The night Course Call 7282414 raoramroa sau LRENTALS HOUSES TO RENT lmHACm all room And so ms owns menu REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR DUNLOP mm mar PHONE 7285568 Save Miles with Our Photo Film EVENINGS CALL MEMBER BARRIE AND DISTRIOI REAL ESTATE BOARD Mrs Norine Resortmesa Councilmm CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo MLS 7200241 Mortgage Funds Available 17 Mrs Joan Langmam Del Colo7234107 Don Csmpbellmllu Joe longiin 11345 Member of some ass Dirtrtetluei bureause SHELSWELL and WILLSON Photo MLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE 113 DUNLOP ST 7201422 or 7261423 DUNE DALLt 715725 Home am MacArthth normmoses 32 HIGH ST ass 4575274 Grades Read72mm Mrs Ween RIM1201 sin nanmoor israusn Atkinson mono rn ISM elm its lylrlit nellwau THEIR DIDROOH Dun slow with IIMmAlgsm atorml and new Iii Dill liter Keith Marshall Photo Realtor 15 Ciapperton St 7282592 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AND ARRANGED INCOME PROPERTY large bedrooms living room kitchen and piece baui brick garage with double driveway plus 04 room apartment with separate entrance now ranted ior 70 monthly Reasonable down pay ment to one mortgage RETIREMENT is the reason mu ior selling this attractive prop bedrooms aunroom carport Beautiful gar dell $11500 full price with rea sonable down payment $9700 with very low monthly payments bedrooms extra bedroom ln basement large lilt chen close to schools and bus ri ddulIDim vows an vns us Islpom OWNED M0 anxious to soil Neat compact annml horns clue to school and one line Csl Morrison at Canon Real Zl istl 7187 WI DAVE IDRID outallrldinl illi uss in Angus way you can invest in to is better investment than mum at to 72330 LOTS FER SALE Mt in InLrI 8L rent when run Rani stocks call at Canon Real ANOUli Lanan with installed Isl liiiu Antur Telephonl Alilsinn 05W PROPERTY WANTED also ire REQUIRE LAROB Lot with or Iilhont hours Suitable lor Orr or near Ilka Telephone 71 FARMS WANTED elso item or iiilsal wanted Hull OIIV Li ltuiii It Barrie Phone rum on higth lEmile radius ot nu buildings water my insulated Merlin wan lUilsI IO rnUIl TIA107 ix$3 ly do to 100 cuts Write Box Dem Bummer Iii Plrticuilrl FARMS FOR SALE STOREY AND HALF house on Peel Street bedrooms liv ing room dining room large kitchen and nice large lot This attractive home is altered or 311900 100 ACRE FARM good produc tive land 12 miiu south or Bar rie 90 acres presently seeded remainder hardwood bush Fine room modernized house with forced air oil heat All otters considered Evenings cailr Wm Bill Pu laman HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors 90 BAYFIELD ST 7250453 WE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE NELLES snore ms REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST 7201405 sad loam on laton so serss hadmnm in on cold wse lees ostn rsIr build isooo Apply sniper Hiram or as wood map sul brick house soil It Dex so Darrin PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT mum nanan Brick House or sale rirrent In Aiilndlle Close to school and bus sto 72511 or Ipply 10 Burton Ave INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transicr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coveragts at any kind SEE STEVENSONS ilS Dunlap St East 7761001 MOVERS MOVING For complete moving service ester and easier call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN auras AGENT more no ANNESI MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Telephone 1160 Mills Dell Fatah Board 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Funds Available ALSO PROPERTIES FOR Rm 7200401 BRAND NEW BRICK You can take your choice of bedroorusplitlevel or bunge iowboth wth low down pay ments Carries monthly iorap proximate rent Low taxes Bil ole Any of our calamari Will be glad to help you MOVING SPECIAL Dont miss this bargain bed room brlclt bungeiowet all Wellington St East ieehlring loudly elm kitchen tended yard and recreation room walking distance to Winiw Oakley Park school and Bards North Collegiate Saleurgent so the price is right MLS 505 Call Laddie Grleabach 7200044 Bo MIMI am new iii linsrllltnn Rom Ho hill lies CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone mom 93Dunlopa is and and mortgage aers ed on law monthly paym ts will buy your present in and 2nd manses slam MARSHA mum Mortgage loans Anwyhere on an PAnus AND connnncus moraines Rates as low as IF You NEED MONEY ro egfsolidate debts LARGE time bedroom home or us with electric Patio landscaped WI Olmp sale in Bordln N1 rwo nlbnooru House room kitchen blmnm Largo lo phone 77815 mg DXDROOM Brick House I10 um room nrsplsce lull base lsrsa kitchen APPIY to 29 tam piecs us All remodelled price not Tele wane Writs orPhone7lem Mortgage Funding Sim sonSears 51 Member Ontario Marin Droner Auoelaflon WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low limle interest up to 30 olyoin prop erty value Low monthly meats up to tilteen years to re pay For any inortgags problems see COREY Real Estate 98 Dimlop St midi room avenues We Ilan ent leading insurance lending in um tilt VI DID El Dill fl on an invited to discuss your mnrissu with us In confidence and without obligation Cali Owen Street Answo at Marys Church ism ro transferred Douala Street ATTRACTIVE Bunlllow nu quiet lire near bulroutl In three bedroom dtnatis oil iivinl umiémuuxy as 7101150 am new Duplex with double Bach fllt Iellcontllned with three bedrooml large Hide enl 11th room laundry and bath entlIiiy lacted Tel 4501 or ISISHid mm saban Erick Buns low ior sale Aluminum aimins full basement oil to bus and serious as lawns Situated in Allan Cash prelerred Telepbom east end tango and meal MI stiniuons Cantu and 430 sermons mute == RENTALS IHOUSES Aucmnmunuu oulsnesim the Wooded lot with deck oli LII room cathedral callinl througnoui laws floor unnnishao with unilmiild Possibilities Private 12 ointment only Teh WANTED TO arm ND BEDROOM Iimua or executive hi residentili nnl lust or September Tel mum nasaAcuLArl Custom Bungalow bedrooms attached ssn rec room ITme or superb li Only or AI when lust vale lei Grove strut mom ellnd Itu down to first gene Price H000 lb or Inn Pfi baths andml TWO OR mm Bedroom mod ern home re tilted by two adult eeplnl Lama 77 Wan numerals va Tlileou vmv Rosin In excellent lMIUWmr hill Kempmlait Day hiflnc hall an and dininl room taro minl room bathroom Recreation around floor lesdinl summer room Ind Iwho litnaive landing lite bedrooms hm Emmi It If re Hill DIDIOOI Eono or rent ou fumea an ilelilliu DIAUYHULLY downud house II bedrooms It Shirl ltrni mmW an hitch Ind dintll Noll be mamaasmsnsneansnoor convenient to as and pub Illrad ass on my Phoha mom APARTMENTS TO RENT BWWOOD TERRACE bedroom selfcontained apart ment Large living room kit chen iiiil basement with laun dry libs close to stores smooll Par iacliities immediate posses on Phone doeills alter pm ensom Newmarket IILI COMM hr loom Ipnrtmen Contrally lulled month Ilphonl M0 Ir ONI nsnaoon furnished mant liet Indhydro Ilium all Lauri lsclliiles tees bath Clean lrpbonl 715 reruns unfurnished semisst rent two bedrooms sellcon nad cans welcome Apply II Allied Shut FOUR DOOM Avlrtmlnt or hut Print ultrlnel rid bith Heat Ind sleetrlelly Itlelied Telephone ltason Drinlie Zimssls none man lvliNlllmi Rooms and bath Wit lilht hllt lurplied Vary central Apply lot nun op iii ss PRIVAfli three room thrnsnt three piece bathroom with liioldr Reasonable rent in good tenants Telephone IulITJ Tim LARGE clean unfurnisth moms and Hut ws ulht Ill Lllllld iltc sand ApPiy In in ONE HKDNUD iiiiDillild mend lair III ll IDlul OOi If monthlylint mm waid in cluded TIIGDhflliI room and areanearbu animus agapia prelsned phone 3v BRIOIII two room tumishsd WINmerit Kitchen with stove and nl orator end bedstill room Adm only Available At ones Telmolle mt av noon unrumlshed Iplrtment healed Illlrcon Id Irlte entrancl Irhill Avpliiahle immedhtery T515310 7202710 or 7131301 inc AND Brine thra roora up stairs apartment Luau water did iih°mIIiiimny°e waru amsa DELI caramel unrumlsriod heated two bedroom apartment ca ral location in west end Good Availabls Auaurtl no ly Telephone 7200145 Films on Untunslshed room apartment Ind balh Dell Talephoul lirll or mine elon dry laciiities Go resi re Austin or Telephone 71500 MODERN two bedroom lrt matIt sailoutlined but In ls dro lu hiid welcome Par Telephone TIA3155 nmner iatormstlon TWO nsnnoniull rA artm is ass at itll bulletin and In sit room pant Int aran Immediate ee wow TWO LARGE tarnished rooms in rent Rerrtgerstor and stove aun ed Private hath Located ricer cneral Zieetrlc laundry incul Liu Telephone 7250150 liter pno MODERN one and two bedroom gunmen with rafflxerltor and automatic washer and dry and union pm DIE View nomowrs aim Two room unlurnllhed aps tuned on Mind flan th priv su eritranea nut mat and water supplies as per month sunnm sum airplanes mains No nnnlwim heated Ipsrtment in modern lnurplax Good location Duslnm or oldfl couple pre remunean ftiotitr kuarfior an anon Taiwan TilVIM AVAILABLE Unfurnish ed lelkontainw one IPlrhnlmt Suitable for 13 nylon rm my news MODERN upper dupisx or rent Two bedroom lugs living loam and kitehm mils Private driveway Queenl anon ans Muitl Telephone 721 bedroom let busi errand iwo nmnmm and one bedroom gunman putty rurnlshad ain lillkllm Delhi decanted View oi Central loCItlun For War lntormstion telephone imam ewe asoroom Apart inth Siovs and roieiurnlor op tional ram nor wata Janitor service paved parking located ie clnsstolnllndhtfl rslsriaons mean LABOR Badsitting Room Ind kltelsenetteaiso three room apart merit on Mud floor Very un tni Pru arllnl cs Hesse teleplson 73001 rnoons or mains NUID ID IID starunto in bsmnent month Avslishls ssrsss us Immediately MW 41 himmt Angus ONE BEDROOM tarnished art mentior rent ultlble or one or two ldllitl Laundry lacllitlel eeilent psrklas Eut end at bus sign Availabl Ausust ll Ti mm BRIGHT unlumilhed two bed or and Marc It on spsct Vary ctrsi Ail its temd Lauri ouiuas aidsEd water mid preterm Apply It 46 Toronto St ONE BIDIOOM Apartment 10am IndZDlon street and is storm retains Isclll Igordry room in dryer stove mediate Hessian Upholle II us ood lentils AW till July ll mph MI Eur ail Just try fllfl it is the be ever tasted RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT RENTATRUCK and MOVE YOURSELF Cali AVIS 7264412 ROOM AND BOARD DOOM AND BOARD available or in CInLrIi Plr Accommoda tion For further armllim illo phone mm sun Innr and board muwrnism mainframe iP Phone ROOMS TO LET roamsssn assume in el loom mm n3 Telephone mine rwo Linn Hooterspins Rooms lumrnhgu lip Ii Tele Street YDINIIIID Mannheim Rm with site In or lIflilIrIlor and or Opposite Inna robotics us or roan BRIO lurniahad bedroom or rent to shit with another person Core to lacloriss Ind downtown house in dlllild House 10310 7TH or so 3SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT IKCLUDED Colt an Item elk leit Day Phobia leeiflc so and rs erI runni water 50 PIER Available duly Ind Ausust iolapnona runes MAcrrAIt LAKE coitsss on sale and eh Thothree bedroom ii gut Egrfli iii em or TMIIW om two nannooss lurnisned summer home on the river It Belch 00nd Nimnilll and Min Available new phone 71006 Iltlr pm BEDROOM furnished colt to nnthVa mill mum of Balm each on 4ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE New and used iV acts Vacuum Cleaners com lets stock of beans bags be is brushes Re pairs to all mailer Authorized Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV it VACUUM SERVICE 14 Mulcaster 720854 PHOTO REPRI NTS available at The Barrie Examiner NOWI 48 HR SERVICE it you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our stait photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Oiiice We are sorry we cannot accept phone orden GLOSSY PRINTS 125 it l0 l50 plus tax RANGE rtment ll aiison Telephone 18 RENT SM Madeira by LBI vasefume mgnmigcali yonggslwrllz aw an Dun smis unseat °I OAMSRA mlsator Screen Ind Lint Burl or Isle new Alk gglgésfl on but ellr Illtpiionl nemaanaros mu rt tin house ibnrner out is It electric range eokcau with glass door wqu anus rsiepaoiu Mariel am pm SWABDD muss spomxiap Ater so ions plus material liiitlhll or Emil or PI boat docks Telwhena is or apply Barney mu no sum PENNY thnlt mltlrills complete sample mm For come out Peri some and in estimate under no sensation Ismail 11061 Souls TOP QUALITY am front gutti tern 17c lh hind quarters as 1b noes tie Pork nsnIm lb pages roos Idaeht tslaphons 71l wmnnm nowrt also pean daools with he bodice not worn dt°¥ ERIN uen Telephone name BUBBLE AMPS Ind Numbrial Machines nu since made order Daaendsble oervch rut prompt on very Contact The amine cummin Printing Service is Bayheid Street Barrie maesi Btu one used Chrysler Air tired rutam zeroes air mu one gas line water tank also onsusedtsnk iv Norman Bristow or nnstow umbiill and Beating as Dunlap siren Wm Talwhonl moose solver Hem phonl Stanley Kiss muss to try our delicious new crop white so Any su container ones at wao prices and delivered in the aim itandxrovl to youmli DWI yon DIV FRUITS VEGETABL ES BLACK CURRANT or Illa Hull tlllnhnn TIEM or more Particulars BOATS MOTORS mm or some and Iilltmrm Ifll Jim has Telephvnl iiPOUI PLYWOOD Runabout lo 00d condition includes wind lblei and added uholltery numb Telp one 726 omoann cool riv microns iii ditlhn BI 11 after II in 1311 ri en CIn be In It We Hmr hr Vi DWIM Hm the be or Wu 10M FARMERS MARKET nun mica lllshest cu in dead or crippledwcaitiiNd and horses Small animaa removed tree For In urvies PHONE DARRIE Tin7151 Collect or ask ior NICKS DEAD srock ZENITH Min NO CHARGED It hours div days weak RR Foxmead Ontario licence No new Nick Montasue Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Horses ior rt on his FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown nutty ram Eouiprneat GRAIN OOMBINE Season Ap clung New and used pros kirribInes available 17 BURTON AVE more CASH TRADETERMS wmrl no Man or sale delinthin wdrunsitn or der complete wit lulu so in reasonably or sxehann for cattle iaidPMne 5058 INTRINAHDNAL Cub Irlcldi cumblelo will lmhllmlnil Nu snml repair work Deli Tsulehhone Stwud UNIT lltlr MAIIIY DAR Manure road er on steel IS Elm riil Manure Eprl or on rub Ir MD ill worsios condition co ilum lralier mrnlshad electric and plumqu an int woo to Stan Apple sie Telephone oi mil Brldiord It FEED SEED GRAIN loo ilAua crl Clever my in Harris ate ensway also Tel one was llmv 50 DA OT Mind lily lni Illl lllllil bllll Tale hers Rob lrl Cowln auoud 1051 AUTOMOTIVE morongcans FOR SALE HARM vallbl now Three lIIi PLYMOUTH or nil custom radio sood rubber Beet oillr mi ireion PLYMOUTDX mi Hudson Jill volt baitrho radio nest otter Telephone me im vomswaorm Deluxe gave wigition tarogshflhhuo own erman one moon me man Coach or all in and mailing eonsiuoo also lies ev role islapbons iau mm or sale in cltiolit condition Can It Inn It 170 Poll Strut Dlrril phone mom litlr ms envmnilrn vs tin radio oeso rm Pontiac vs no muie noio banal me In standard vi erma Must laid eat walk Telephone mam in cnxvnonns Biscayne twe door Black lit rod Interior Radio In load condition Am Mrs Certsol Wellington II Barrie Ont ADD and in Umilflii it and tele BUSINESS waverer rummuMammmm WW in WI 6AUTOMOTIVI MOTOR CARS FOR SALI SEE VIAU For RAMBLER 53 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 Red 61 RAMBLERJSO 4Door brown low mileage or CHEVROLET +Door Blue Radio 81 lADCON iDoor Red Radio 60 AUSiiN SPRliE Red Radio Willie Hardtop 60 RAMBLER 060 4Door Radio V0 58 VOLKSWAGEN 0Pessengar Station Wa gon Brown 48 PACKARD 4Door Gray one Owns er Viau Motors Ltd Two locations 17 Gowsn St ill Bradiord 7206488 7201771 Central Ontarios Largeet Rambler Dealer uss nuicir nossmssur hardtop all power eleallsrii condition an ispnons muse arm vale To in TRIUMPH TR lpnril nu in good running ard roe mum inlerniaiinn telephone iiaiau arm pm II PONTIAC mad minor site in land running condition not olilr illIPhiInI N510 so iorn between pin and ran my our door station ws on turquoiu and white custom radio in immaculate condition me down in balance at uni per month islapaone mm TWO DOOR fillxii 84m MI Ilia Inseti III dm ii per month Hal automatic cultiim ndlo silty dllh hi ll tires oh and If less voaxawansN Deluxe or Mil blue In Al condition with real Will accupt but nller illt be null ll North SLrI Barrio Mias pm New can in ANcli no loss or prsr driven We tnsu rolardla or ll van Dantla and co 23 woman at us So Who Deesnf Read Small Ads YOU DOD SERVICE DIRECTORY mEPHONE 7282414 Ask about Low Rstcslby Month or Yeas SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEO Special Rate Month Only JULY 11 UfifUGUSTH ARGOt Sanitation Service 7268334 NOW EQUIPPED WITH 1500GAL CAPACITY TANK Day 24Hour Countywide Service ASPHALT PAVING DECKERT PAVING Asphalt Driveways and Lots FREE cameras ALL wonx ouaaamaan Telephone 7207710 Formerly employed wlui McFadden Paving DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL Dual calliroiled ears Fully insured BARR lashutter 7268915 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO EDWARD SMITH AND EON Punting and Paper Hanging Sony Painting Service Since 1910 RR Barrie 720003 PAUL IiAiDLE AND SONS Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting 35 years experience an Oro Ariins PLASTERING PLASTERDVG REPAIRS NEW CEILINGS AND PATCHING Free Esll ates srucc AM ca Is M7IrEa PAVING ASPHALT PAVING INDUSTRIAL DWERCIAI IndrRESIDENiiAL PAVING Ted Mason Paving Superintendent FREE ESTIMATES No Obligation All Work Guaranteed ASPHALT PLANT BARRIE OWNED AND OPERATED BY ALLAN COOK Ltd CONSTRUCTION AND PAVING an ounce mam FRINTINO CHECK your only oi PRINTING For best value place your order NflW ALL was or PRiNilNG We are fully equipped to handle your rioting re quirements eluding 284 color work For QUALlTY and VAL UE have your PRINiiNG done in BARRJE

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