Continuing to expend Barriaandï¬imcoeCoth 100th Year No as his gtv peny Elite Barrio Exit Barrie Ontario Cs da Tuesday July 14 t9 971s mhwvurvxaun puapwevyu ways wwmoirrnffl our Local Weather Gout with scattered show c1411th se Hm lsdnesdeyn Foreman steamer turn to page two Not More her Copyll hoes Toronto Found JGuiltyv fIn Clamp Death maoNro CPl Tomato aurmn Kenneth Brown was hound guilty today ni vialtins Ontarios Coroners Act in iailing to report the death of patient Patricia Morgan 31 to coroner last fail Magistrate Jame Butler im posed line of non plus costs with the alternative of 60 days jail on the tSyearold doc Maximum scntcnce possible pndeiiuthe charge is 8000 or six mont Five other charscs against Dr Brown under the Coroners Act were dismissed by the court The specific charge on which Dr Brown was con victed was letting to notiiy coroner of the death in circum lknces such as may require an investigation Mafistrate Butler said the ev idence showed that in the case of Patricia Morgan such cir oumstences existed and the Tentatively Identity Bodies Missing Louisiana Negroes TALLULAH La AHNo artlat bodies pulled from ivar near Tallulah have been identified tentatively as two Ne oes missing teem liicadvillt Ince mldMay The disclosure by police nurses in Jackson Miss Where both rasnulna were taken discredited earlier spec Qslation that the tint mutilated body found Sunday might be one of three civil rights work ers who vanished in Mississippi June at The sources said there were indications that the second body ny be that or Henry Dses oi hlendvilie who disappeared rhnut two months ago They rid the mutilated condition of the bodice oniytha lower halves were found made it virtually impossible to identify them and that identiï¬cation would be based almost solely on Irticles found on the bodies Effects tound on the first Doctor accused Dr Brown was aware oi such circumstances it was plainly the duty of the attending ph skin to no tify the coroner said This court realises that thou involved in this case are cltl seas of good repute and high professional standin the magistrate said it sympe thises with the accused but it cannot allow the scales oi jus tice to become unbalanced by emotions Describing the medical rd feasion as great and nob Magistrate Butler said it important that public conii denu in the profession be maintained Dr brown is also charged on four counts involving faisiiying death certificate under the V1 tel Statistics Act The cert cats gave the cause oi death as acute lntenul obstruction and cancer gre whose family said he had left home on May so to go to Louisiana to seek work Elsewhere court decisions spurred plans for school inte gration fire bombs and ar son were ilery symbols of rural racial tension in Mississippi Announce Militia Plans OTTAWA CF Associate Detence Minister Cardin today announced complete someo sault in policy for the sniiltla He said in the Commons de fence committee that the mill ti former role as support be regular amsywill re stored The role oi national survival operations for the Atonem ber militia will be relegated to the bottom of its list of duties ody were traced in Charles oore Meadvilie Miss Ne Fight Viet 09119 With Own Tactids SAIGON AP Government ads generally operating in alth at night have begun campaign oi terror against Viet Cong oiticials in the Mekong River delta of Southviet Nam annali teams of commandos armed with exact intelligence and daggers are moving into ylat Cong leaders and slipping may say are leaving calling cards on the bodies of their vio timsan enormous white eye printed on black slip of paper Officials specialising in coun terinsurgency say the idea is in light the Viet Cong with Viet gong tactics For years the Cornmunisls have terrorized rural govem ment niiieiels often torturing incea were trying to paetty and givsn only 1500 officers and men for this job and staying their wives and children as well as the officials US adviser said Were using lot of new tactics and some are paying off One is the use of tensile teams in prov Atter the names oi each family in hamlet have been listed the census team requires that one member of the family come around to answer question naire once every in days The man or woman is naked De you have any complaints about local government administra tors Do you need anything in particulari And do you know anythng about Viet Cong activ PENNSVLVANIA Governor and Mrs William Scranton ride in open automobile in SAN FRANCISCO CWWil liam Scrantnns campaign tor the Republican presiden crumbled But the spunky Penn sylvania governor wont give up hggrlggyaomchow to turn the tide ugh heated conven tion floor debate over political Extremism control over nuclear weapons and civil rights Meanwhile Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater continues to amass delegate voting strength as state alter state reassessed positions to climb on the rolling Goldwater victory bandwagon with 865 of the 1308 votes needed for victory Goldwater claimed more than 800 first bailot pledges Aslda rpm the Scranton csrnp political pundits and surveys indicated he is sure winner That nut leaves the question at what kind of platform the party will adopt Goldwater has retuled to denounce the extrem ist John Blrch Society which supports him Hehas spoken oi the need at hinting over small nuclear weapons control to the North Atlantic supreme com gct lot oi interesting mander and he voted against the new civil rights law The Scranton iorcas deliver TQHDNTO GP Nngotiar lira for the three Toronto daily newspapers and their striking printers met under Ontario La bor Department auspices today allowing theunions denuncia tion Monday night oi proposals by the newspapers The union and company rep ssntotlves were brought Either at in em EDT by La bor Minister stntree in the ministers ofilca mule Fine chief government concili stnr was to attempt the strike settlement Robert McCormack president of Local or the lntemgtll£hl wgra ea on said as he entered the meet ing We always hops ior suc cesa His words were echoed al most uactiy by Burnett mall vice president at the Daily Star one of the pa rs at has been publishing nee TU members walked out last Thursday The flu called the situation lockolit The papersthe others are morning Globe and Mali and the altgrnorn Telegram series of meetings Mow The Union Paper Heads Meet With LabbrDep guarantee for present employ ens against unemployment caus ed by automation in retum the publishers asked for the elimination oi feather bedding and the removal of foremen and assistant forernen ilom theurdons jurisdiction The publishers sou ht to elim inate reproduction achrtise mcnta received in prepared term from other sources This type is later destroyed without being used The newspapers havacontin ued publication since the walk out begsn Thursday Mr McGomsack said the pro posais were tantamount to declaration of war on the Tor onto typographicol union and cannot be construed as anythisig other than unionbusting cam paillr The developments apparently signalkd dracoilapse of talks which began Monday morning inmaltempttoendthe ï¬ve day strike of can TU printers at the three newap rsths morning Globe and all and The Telegram and The Star evening rs are said he wrlv tan statement issued from their public relations otilce that to the best of their knowledge the offer ot guarantee against unemployment tram automation ilthe first such offer to cm ployees in thevpubiiehlng busi ness in North America tial nomination has virtually Ssn Francisco yesterday dur ing parade preceding rally or Scrantonle at Union ing minorityreoort on the proposed platform will attem during spedal floor debate to day tn crack Goldwaters armor on all three points They tiled three major antendments to the platform which was written by com mittee under firm control at Goldwater sympathise They will try to area votes on these late today when the statement of part positions comes before the de egates The latest Associated Press compilation credits Goldwater with 781 votes it they stick with Square Scranton is battling tor the Republican presiden tial nomination at the GOP GoldwoteriGainsVotes AS ScrantonCrumbled him including ha gobbled up pt Monday when Ohio delegates were rel by Governor James Rhodes to vote for the man of their choice on the initial ballot lf there was any chance that Goldstater might ask Scranton to share the tekct with him it apparently disappeared iinaily when the Pennsylvania gover nor said Monday night that he did not writea bitterly critical letter forwarded underhis sig nature to Goldwater Sunday night But Scranton assumed the responsibility for it persons Killed As Cots MORRISBURG 0slt OP Snven persons includingqiour Americans and an Israeli woman were killed Monday when two cars crashed during blinding rainstorm on two headeinjuriesp Moe Amsel at his wife Ca lane section oi Highway 401 about so miles southeast of 0t tnwa Only three person survived the accident and all were re ported in fair condition today with leg and arm ireetures and therine as their son Kenneth all of Betirpaga and Gitia Hendlish so at Aviv 1a rael died in one ear Bryce Swerdfeger 40yearold gatekeeper at the St Lawrence Seaway iroquoislock his sit ycarold wife Zena ol logic side Out and relative iua Mable Burrell otHuevelton NY were killed in the other Jack the Ripper may hava tario cities forpaasin on two charges otrisaud and LATE NEW ltK Panama 3on or out misnomer The nude body of girl oi about so wasteland in quiet London atrcct today and police speculated that modern claimed anotlser victim Raise Health Standards Claims coupon or Prime Minister realm said or onaoiths most challenging tasks facing the Commonwealth is to raise stand ards ot health education andgeueralwelfure Wanted nannemindedrorsmareé sunaunv or WilburtA sakes armies bad cheques one SN appeared court umdcd Collide Eugene Ansscl l2 year old son ol the Bethpage couple was taken to hospital in Ottawa sulfering from multiple sabre aim and afraciured right lag Garth swerdieger 17 whose parents died in the accident and his grandmother Mrs Alice Swerdfegerflt both had both legs fractured and both eufiored head injuries convention starting today at the Cow Palace AP Wire photo liS0iiice Killed InVSaigon SAIGON AP Three more llS Army officersa major and two captainsand to South Vietnamese rangers were killed Monday in Communist am bush on highway notorious for such attacks v5 soldier and or govern ment troops were wounded in the rain of heavyweapons lire thatthe Viet Cong guerrillas poured into the lovehlcle con voy tï¬miies north of Saigon There was no indication oi Communist caesialiles The ambush occurred on bloody Route which con nocts Saigon with the Cambo dian border 80 miles to the north Five other Americans have been killed in ambushes on the road in the last two years The deaths Monda brought the total at US miitary men killed in action in South Viet Nam since December 1061 to 157 Another 003 Americans havebeen wounded in action HERES ONE How old are you our live And how old are you dont know am either four or live years Null Then youreiour bat WATERFROM PARK PlAN Council Adopts In Principle 066900 For lile ilcre Site H000 bay front part was adopted in principle last night as Barriea centennial project he iflVs acre site at the head of Kempenfolt sy will contain formal gardens liit00 foun tain and two his courts coa ting some but no swimming beach The protect was presented to city counldl by Mayor Cooke chairman of the City Development Cossunittee Mr Cooke said the park has been chosenbecause of dis historical significance and because it re lecta the progress and beauty ot the community SERVES ALL WERE the earliest settlers came to Barrie via Kempenlelt Bay and for many years it has con tributed to the City as means of traps rtation recreation and beauty he said He said the project was an attem to serve ewessection of ai interests But even for 060000 it was nec essary to limit the project He expressed epprce atlon to the groups and individuals who had contributed time and ef fort in the project The Barrie Chamber of Com merce had termed Centennial Committee under chairmanship oi Bruce Owen This committee said Mr Cooke had done much of thelegwork neces saryln gathering detailed inlor matlon and having interviews with various persons and com mittees in recreation parks Horticultural Society harbor committee and general govern ment conunltteel TENNIS COURTS lie than listed the park lea turss When it became evident that swimming beach had been relegated to the future several councillors objected Aid Roberts said he was opposed to the installation of the picnic area lie felt the $1000 should be used for fresh sand for sandy bathing area With tennis Three or tour people could tie up $9000 all day he said Ha urged council to approve the pr0lEct in principle but felt expertoplninn should be obtain ed on costs Aid Newton also urged the installation of beach in the immediate plans He said he had teamed to swim in the buy at the foot of Brook Street He said he had aentlmcnlal thoughts of this area beiora tha sewago took over CLEAR 0F SEWAGE The sewage treatment plant is situated at the head of the bay laid Newton said the0ntario Water Hestources Commiasion promises the bay will be clear in one year once the nowsawage treatment plantI now undervnons stsuctson is complete Id Emma saldithata eachls planned for the Allsndale areanwhera there of tennis courts in the middle is much better natural beads 1he centennial park will b0 part of the intern enlarged part which might eventually reach lrom the southern limits of mm ete Point around the bay to Duckwnrth Street lilayor Cooke noted that swim rntng will be possible anywhere along the centennial park shore line once the water is cleaned up though no beach is planned there He delended the choice at isn nie courts He said they were recommended by the Recreation Committee and that council us ually respected the advice oi his body Aid Marcellus also de mandcd beach for the cons tennlal park lie suggested that the old railway engine in Kins men Park should be translnrred to the centennial park to curb vandalism 0h nol exclaimed Aid MacLaren Youre not railroadar Ald Marsellus re torted am Rd that en gine hesaid Council then unanimous ad opted the park in principe as Earrles centennial project committee to act as coordin ating body for all centennial celebrations could handle the project the mayor suggested By adopting in principle coun ci1is still we to make changes it deems necessary Student Loan Bill In House OTTAWA CPiDebata opens in the Commons today on gov ernment bill to guarantee bank loans totallingup to 0000000 annually for promising but needy university students Quick passage is expected The measure was given first reading without debate MondayL Laten MPs passed resolutions leadingto the introduction of two more government bills as they continued their drive to take summer recess by the end of the mont Gilles Gregoire Creditisla House leader indicated his is man groupiwili oppose the loans measure on the grounds it in vadcs provincial jurisdiction over education Most of Mondays sitting was taken up with measureto give the provinces an extra 7500000 in tax cqualisatlon grants plus an additional iour per cent oi personal income taxes collected within their re specltve borders The Conservatives expressed variety ni views on fndcrnl provincial relations in the ondfuilday of debate on the preliminary resolution which passed shortly before adjourn ment