KIN LANDERS me Dm Aea Lander tern equht in the crouflra be tween two lovely but temperI mentII bearer In very fond of them both but when they the In Irlumentwhieh ls Ibout three llmeI week wind up in the middle Just this mornlnl Mn It dlo had letter to be sent over tor litr BI Illnnture They hId not Ipoiten to each other for couple of days and the tension in the office was lanllie When presented the letter to Mr for his Iilnalure he exploded and pointed out It Itatemonte he could not so Iionl with had to serve II referee for two hlxh powered dynamoa lt loolt five rewrites and three hours belore both men were tuned with the let tar Thll lob II twollrl opera tion and am the two girls Any surrertlonIielnnd DeIr Bleledt Yes Tell the berm they have two weeIn lo employ second llrl Ihoyvcen km on to see which one note on It they are not agreeable nlorrn them lhIl they will need two Ilrla been you Ire leav In REBEL Dear Ann Lenders We have raised three flna daughters all new happily married Our otmlert Valerle le 17 and xiv plus nothlns but heartache IierlI hII lone with at least doaen llne wholesome young men with good lamlly back rounds They are the lending athletes and scholars In her lehool but she saw they are dull Ind boring Valerie hoe now decided to go steady wtth zoodlornolhing Imart ulcck who dropped out of Ichooi in March and Ipenda most of hla time ieenini against the post oiliee with hie thumbs hooked in MI pockets Mel nluht III uld the thoulht maybe she would marry hlm We can think at 12 good ree Ionl why Valerie shouldnt even go out wlth him much In consider marriage Shall we mid her to lee hlm while Ihe liver in thlI house or lot but eel hlm and meke mall at her lllel Dont Know Whida Way To Turn DIIr Dont Knowt Valerie rnltht make meal at her llle no mIller What you do She II obviously filled with rebellion and determined to do whatever dleleIIeI you most If you forbid her to see the arrsurï¬uesrnzkerner rrerastfrerlrtxr91 DTIIMYH TAPWY MARGAREE HARBOR M5 GP The only known all tapeltry art leiiery he been opened It thle Cape Breton oommunlty to display the work of local artist Miss Eliza beth LeFort Is Ihnwing an works includan number of woven portreltI of famous world personalities ï¬er Shes Ofï¬ce Referee To Human Dynamos boy Ihe would probably meet him on the sly and wine up runnlnl all because you lorood her Into itt lily advice II to ltop knock In the boy The less you at tack the less IhI wlil be corn pelled to deleted hlmr A111 try to Ihow extrI friendlinessto both VIisrto end the ornIrt Ilech it it kills you You may see chase in her attitude You We nothlnl to lou Ind everythlns to solar GREATEST am Dear Ann under III earn ROOM l3 CLAPPERTON ST large uleetlon of Plastic comet PIDPIIIM Pro Trimmed Papers savings at 30 to you Free tor lrotrlh wlth every purchIII at $500 or more sava UP 10 SAVE UP TO 50 ON DISCONTINUED COLOURS INCLUDING KEMGLO SUPER KEM TONE MARINE FINISHES AND MASONRY FINISHES SAVE UP TO 50 ON WALLPAPER owe Brofï¬erst PA this who had foraetlen their mothera bl Here was lIIlent for macaw opened up tenIll know how hurt at Ill not on please educate lathe tothe dullntliuremother slits bealdea the eneewhieh mbebounallnIstorelih my way of lhlaldne the ul lot III II the of so to For example The chll drea eeuid wrtte dawn on sleet ot per thelr piedn to the dishes for one week tech child muld III his Ininunent so the duties would be tentedBed mlnt even agree to hrlnl Mom hIr braIHIet in bed one Sunday he dft of service well tbougtat out Ind mood to In edVIeee cIe brine the met eet pleasure of Ill and It is endless hope you wlll pm thll dormMrs we bear Mrs Many lhlnh for your meuIaoI Irn palatal It aims for mliltona to In and dine my one coder ma an annex nouns raven run nu We the nei an the 7° PAINT AND WALLPAPER LOTS 87W EVERYTHINGS BEACHYI such BARRIE Sevdaeemiï¬ngncwapemlodi neiï¬hiulookoopd Special Table on Sharkaklnl Shift Prints Seersucker Printed Sateens Large Selection Cotton lanes and Ey lot for beach mate or Iummer evening weer MW Mccams ensmans it Macon McCalls 72554 7289 l6 Collier StreetNeIr hometown Woolworthle Joe panels ins7712 Wm no um rnwmPV ztv oilyvar en 41Maflvwfllï¬wusvnnmv1a mm my My Your Good Taste In Buying Fashionable Clothing L93 el Acquainted pecias SWEATERS 13 OFF REGULAR PRICE TERYLENE JAMAICA LENGTH SHORTS REGULAR 498 299 SLIMS REGULAR 798 499 OF BARRIE AND ORILLIA towrr Norm Paacoe is leased to announce the eninilï¬ his new La ea Wear Store in Barriep orm cordially invites you to browse around freely in the friendly atmosphere and aelect the latest in fashions in sportswear dresses coats and suits Our pleasan sales staff consists of Mrs Cramp Mrs McCorklndale and Miss Janet Etievenaon all are at your assistance when need Norm has 13 years experience In the Wolt mens Wear business and carries famous Brand Names such as Sabre Sllms Miss Sun Valle White Stag Lansea Knit Lady Parkhurst La flightsttam Algo Dresses Pantei Juniors and Pay Your charge accounts are ln it piansars available ed and layaway Pascoes town shops are truly the stores for theLadies who prefer the best where fashion is look not price Eï¬ FREE SUN STRAW HAT Valued at L98 to 298 Gift From Us With Your Purchase 20 OFF Regular Price 13 or Regular Price TEE SHIRTS BLOUSES Lady Manhattan fJSHIRTS 112 PRICE