wmrp Woman links Council To Provide Footpath eesos Mrs Alton who hes pro eth line between alderoad and the park esrne mail It onewnmsn dele sls to ssh thet some consider stloo be men to the need oI providin twain alone the side oi pa portion ot this reed so that the hundreds or pedestrians who use the reed lndeht have some sslety clear oi the hesvy tratile ihie mstler ha been hmth belore council on other occas Ions And some yesn uo ItwsI decided that the road down ment should report on the iessi billty oI hsvinz the shoulders ot the roed widened end levelled so thst they could be hlsck would leaped end msrked by solid to line This would provide solely for the loot treIIIc to end im the pork tor lonl dis tence baolt Irnm the lake 1hls proposll wes never carried through And pedestrians now use paved roed ln dellsoce ot the double line ol trsiiic on weekends Councillor Sawyer said thet he hsd auntSled petition be taken of the rstepeyers stone the south side at the rosd he Ielt thet some hedges ml be on the med sllowence The old telephone posts on the north side are to be removed And with the township perk rent them would be little obstruction on Ihst side There is nnced lor the Deth to be smoothed so thst beby Lenism an be wheeled there end is wlll went to use the put it is not smooth wiil oootinue to tree the HIV Mrs Cl on said she had so Elderly ta sod lured let him and others at hit us who ere uson the road deity Then will be serious secl dent some dAy end the respon IIblII will be youfl she told couoc members She esid it won diiiicult tor her to fet petition si ed but she elt sure other It ents would be ureesbie to any cheruu in the Irontale which provide surety lhe hesvy edditlonsl trsiilc on the road to and trout your perk the meintslned end Any costs should be township expense TENDERS MR ROAD WORK itosd Supervisor Cowan sup ested the tenders be called tor theIcleernl IIredlne sod widen lnz oi the 10th line between so sideroad and the lslre which is the project comlul up this yesr Mr Cowsn sold this milht expedite the worit as his crews snd equipment ere bury snd mschines thet here to be hired are not Immediately available He said that sperliicetlons were repred end Should be Is soon Another stretch oi roedon the 3rd line esst at to sidorosd is with innlsllls men raised lest you by nvu two million it wes still not hills enotrzh to come up to stenderd with the equsiised assessment oi the truly report reed Into the min Ixes showed that tor county Eurposes next yesr which will the Tees rates tor basin high school And county rstos lnnlsill would be paylnl on neurone as compared with their present local essessment oi inst over 1000000 it Ip peers thst the town of Collins wood liter reessessmtnt hes the highest rsti in the county tsmiLv ot munlc pelltles these by Hiring the equsllsed rstu The mnunllleo oi Adjustment reported thst they hsd allowed devistlon Irorn the hyisw re lsrdinl the plsein oi dwel llne less then the bylaw require ments Tom the street llne The owner Is Herbert Booker end the properw on Plsn 560 We reml thet the demo at Carolyn Armstronx wes omit ted in tho list or rollinu pin throwers She was third with distsnce oi tut leet nine inches LATE ACCEPTANCE The Seminole lndiens in the US did not recognlse the tedersl domnment until me deli Wont itrosecute Police tloharts for Wiretapping Activity MONN CF men tor the Bell Neptune proud listening in he tele iie wer counseling on newspsper report that the our hsd installed wiretsp Ill equipment In downtown idioe to monitor private telephone The report by Toronto stsr columnist Ron Heuart reid the RM uted redo truck ller to those uPed by the hell ny to insistl the wire it Ly meux coin misslooer ot the EQUIP Wed nudsy denied thet members or the lone bed sttsched record In mechlne to telephone line or lines In Toronto He said the RCMP In Toronto do not here Teen truck and he denied members oi the lone hove ever posed As telephone compsw ro pairmnn or employees OWNER COMMENTS Frsnk Glover owner oi the company whoss telephones were ellered to hove been tipped ssid telephone repeirmnn told him June It that somehttdy hsd stieched recording device to hie phone line It Dodd on whose prem spokensunshuldthemsnwboim stalled the recordine device seld president oi Jernes Levin corporsi em uld he could tell htr Dodo no more shout the nutter but slsured him he no not un der Investizetlon Deputy commissioner Inleux aid the ilrm opereted by Mr Glover wee unknown to the Rm end the lone wee not interested in the men or his business its said the ow did not tied itsel bound to disqu the excise one or metters Iris in out ol normal police inves uestlons its relused to comment on voai whether the tone has or uses wiretspploe equipment Minister Gels Second Remand CHATHAM CplRev Horsbunzh ryeamld anthem minister cheued with eight counts ol contributinl to Juven ile delln uency Wednesdsy was remend In iuvenlie court un lii JULY it it was his second Mmsnd without plea since his errest June His briet sppeersoce betorodudge Crete wss in rivets Horsburgh minister at Election Known TORONTO It Prunlsr Roberts denied Wednesdsy thst be told tour Advertising urn ties the date et tbl lest provln ddeleetlonsmontbbdorstbe dstswesmsdepuhlle Ibe dole oi the Sept niece tlon wes Announced In Auxuet Westeodorp thu VIN edvsrtisinx nutty Illd lest Key 32 the the liteer had told representstlvoe ot his end three other modes the dets IINIIIETI betere the ennouhN men hlr Roberts told press eon terence Wednesdey thst he did not disclose the election dsts month In edvsnee beuuso didnt know It rnysell there Insy have been intel iilent messesthan was lot pl speculstion he eddnd But the apecille this In not re In reply to ueestlom Mr Ro bam seld he Iieves the lav ielr elency still does work tor the dovernment but not so Ier Is he knew tor the Conserve tivs party ot Onterin Park St United Churtdt or the lest tour years we reed on his ovIn personl bond eIter his llrst court eppesranee ihls bell continues Mr Horsburuh was In hsrxe or club lor teenalers who had been In trouble with the pe lice He had been chsrned with contributing to juvenile delin quuroy by promoting enmrll lng end mvidlnu piece where sesusl ntercourse could tote place TI on Delicious LOBSTER SALAD lento Berger See more Dinner 01 125 shrimps dcellops Flounder Fros kn Lobster no FISH and CHIPS Take Out Service BillllllE SEIIllIlIIIS land RESTAURANT 109 BRADFORD ST Next to Deity Queen 7260502 Fresh lelienbm 0pen Mon to Set Proprietor or to it pns Bonds on In it pns It Ill mm THURSDAY MT Ises the equipment Wes in Shop all day Friday until 900 pm Dont miss these exciting values during Euos SATiUlY TECOMASTER susuossu l8 ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER BUY NOWI ON AN EATON BUDGET ACCOUNT GARDEN TILLERS Matched to Your Garden Needs Helps Mske Gsrdenlng More Fun Nters Produetlvol HP SUBURBAN EATON SPECIAL Four HP iour cycle Briggs and Stratton engine with EasySpin recoil starter Hesvy cast iron gent case has four limkeu tapered roller bearings Single overcentre clutch control for forward neutral and reverse drive Sixteen 14 diameter Bolo tines till to depth of It and can be adjusted font to 12 20 to 22 or full 28 tiillng width Hes dut channel Steel handles Tines are heat treote sel shnrper1 ing nonwinding and are guaranteed for the life of 795 the tillér ngolns breakagel FULL 18 CUT STURDILY BUILT BAITS HP GARDENER DURABLE STEEL Housmgb m5 TILLER Reg l2295 BED RUBBER TIRES ADJUST ABLE CUTTING HEIGHTS soro TYTOGGLE SWITCH 11$ HP igï¬AVY DUTY ELECTRIC MOT REG 14295V EATON SPECIAL Special ISpoeIaI Vi IInlglisvDEllXE Superb Electric DRYER MODEL 635860 AIL PAIIIIIc DRYING PREDETERMINED EATON CYCLES PLus OPTIONAL SPECIAL FLEXIBLE ovate VARIABLE HEAT SELECTION WITIITOP LINT SCREEN SANI5UN OERMIsIOAL LAMP 5HP HEAVY DUTY TILLER Reg l7895 TRANSPARENT HOSE each 279 eeeh 395 eseh5l9 TRANSPARENT HOSE eseh 475 eeeh 635 oech 795 Tetomosrer towniMoweT POWERFUL BRIGGS STRATTON ENGINE EATON ReeordBreskingpeyl cont No oOwNPAYMENT 4999 to Monti Designed with EasySpin recoil starter front dlsehme chute Stop Run end Emile controls srs conveniently mounted on hslrpin llle Iltiitlilr steel hnndie wheels with lore llilu Irerials Ribbeddreld rubbertires Red ltzuele steel housing with White wheels Gross Csteber extrs ITECOMASTEITOITASS CATCHEITs Vinyl reiniolced It points at airIn Less oe pscityodsleeeols f6° SHOP EARLY SHOP WITH coNPIDENc MELODIGRAND MINIATURE COMPACT PIANO 66 NOTE JUST 42 iNCHES LONG LA MINATED SOUND BOARD EXCEI LENT TONE QUALITY MADE BY MASON AND RlSCH WALNUT FINISH COMPLETE WlTli BENCH EATON SPECIAL PRICE