4ARIlClssros sets IOYI II or sale ll Wemuï¬mm talsrboss lot In dmlll sourls II It used oetssrli Allah wood plastic covered Ilium us or best sites Telephone slum isl bsss III lty as on he It IIIIo cl ct is terms Ivsitlbla All Ilrfle Ema INDIE AM lltl lor sale complete with motor us time lisrdwsil tIlsybosls Lib TD trnud II hill Ilmlnl the sues or montLVCell your II II Cant SI Dillil ll Wilt IIIrilll rl TV POITAI Vlllnl model ood coast on svcrihcs slltnr AD In cum Ill stoic wsoomo down so whiia our Ne wo rats red ll one J5 IAIN HAND Ind leach ihl IIlI rill nod condition but flitlr Ic owner snslous to seti tsphorle items DOMIITIC llbblil ior III Ilse loo ca ss itsssoo or selling lrIIrtll or lurile lli0i1llv lion llschlrt true lawn no new use arse slm wertirl met as more svlllsbia mm are mu UIID ITINCIL CHILIill MI onlns lor ssls Fries III stlone Koimsr oi Clo l1 TOP QUALITY II It infl tsra ilo inLnIM usrtsrs III In lid did Po 014 did lb PIJckI food Irlll 1th WIDDINU DOWN III Illlo d0loll with he bodicl not Worn In this city Etllinl reasonably usl be seen to be appreciated Illtllldnl HIM TWO Dohlllilc Mot Watlr iIIlllu Collsnan Ipul Host IW lllion oil tank Ixsoul walnut our Double inl lor Telephons 251174 IPAITON lJINCII TV 10 con sole model two only in only 11 Prlcld in clIIl mnlonl ltorl IPARTON Ill Idle Combini Iion new 19 Mel Regular VIlliI ll one only floor model an only ll Terrill IvIll ltreltestl lid Bertie Il oi us It on Celller wlth lIhlrI Ihopi occAsIuNAl Cnslrl ltlllll ruch Iri Inilrlllo Mill and ocruiensl ImIIl round thI dl tooll lIllI crib Ind in his one TIEid liter PAerTII sample In in mm was um gal Ierl Lows Dral Paints is Clapper ton sl sisml sswmo MACHINE slsssost new llrllsr alsnl to bolutllui wlnul csl Cost ms wnl III ior only Aiiaehrllerlil irl cludsd In srrslisnt condition 11mm asserts lllJerllt ITAMPI Ind Numbsrlhl till nude in order rvleI iaat Contct LblllllllrelIl Printing Blyillld Blrell DII ELECTRIC IIANOE hl burner cnsimssierl Wullllzllouse cubic id0t arstorl Coleman space he hemorllmn boll llIIlIil phone MOM UIID PEA dlliln all llrId lorcld Ill iurnacl 000 BTU output sseellsnl condiilohp but Iinll ltAtI too bll ior Illlall Also usad 100 Ind one used ll so electric water or PrletI IIII Tallpiloill 10 l0 illiorllllthI DOGS PETS Tele osAotas rlgiltersd rnslu ious months old ior lIls Tellbhenl avIIIllIIl Til767d ll IDODLII pcdilrlad blIclt mlnilttlrll Show hummus and sully Telephone M7 Iii lVlNltUDl less IV In and car top boat escsilsrlt condition Also comm csrlos so be SFARMERS MARKET El est pampeidi of on or es pplsd cIttle Ind horses Emil spinal removed tree for test unto PHONE BARN 11071 Collect or III tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mi NO CHARGE It hours day Ideys week hit realised Ontario Licence No MGM Nick Hortense Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dc Service Cue New Holland stld Blown Realty Flinl Equipment GRAIN COMBINE Besson Ap proaching New and used Combines available its human AVE steam CASHTRADETEEMS POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More end more trysneo are choosing DE PULLETS Stslesd ready to lay and dsy old chicks Order now ior early order discount For service or till all your poultry problems cei Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD BTROUD PHONE 17 LIVESTOCK POR SALI Tm OLD Thoroughbred Ml IMHO Till 0h Wm or further lniclnl on ll CDWI with HIV It tool ply Isln Iisrshsll Thornton Ill Ilephbne ivy Rt Yofllillilll DOAII nine mentbe did also Lyesrotd ha Dolly IlI slid medium hliflt ispholls erwy Mill lthllTlliID Icotris northern BIIIII ior tall serviceable II Ilse so Ill light III MC ply Wlllilm Crawlord 0M Illlholtl 7H IECOND Ann llddil Morse Ind IIIIY lIlIiMIY July ll ll noon It Dlnll Fair Grounds zntrr in only no cool rnlnlcn land consignmsnta to Illnnlens bar lIsrris Ont Telephone HO AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE ll PLYMOUTH ior Isle custom In good ntbbsl Ill oiisr Illphdnl Ml lses conllr Mercury station Ws son tor sls In ace nslusn wner stsd PM is RENAULT good conditiw Iltclllanl Incbnd on 10 mllII WI Hula Eltrttlcl SI illtpllbltl ll CHEVROLET our door Cl ln good condition rlsw tires new rsdo or all hens Iselsss or can be so Bsydaid Siresi GOOD UIED CARI It Hail Moll cslsl two rnllns south is narrla on 17 liilhwlï¬ Cohtlct Oral1m teiep one 715 less reno our door sedsn in blue and white with armhole interior Local one owner us down us on month iele Phone mlrsl ms MtiNAiICli our door sure matlc radio vsry Jood condi lion he nunrllbis Isr rliussd Apply to Wlliilm Itlesrdown se nr lsisphens mslso lMit VOLKIWADEN two door sunmoi in bseutliul hills mi itllli Intlrlol down per month Telephone lssl neNAlItr osrsvsus Intro to rldlo custom and man as nvs so earl no ll CHEVROLET Elwin two door Dllcit with red interior itsulc in good condition Arm Mrs Caltlll WIllilIllan ll Blrlll Ont Io HELP wsmso All opportunity to advance iesse rep and ssllry re ssoar oson Cosh Ins ee MIII Ill DIME almost Wuled tor July and Aurel to live II so out 6in snvlcl Itsuea Attendoi and loose especial Nun In re hurl mm sentenced so flwï¬mltmucoiuutlgï¬ AMIIAKII Jeweller in pure or write eucio to In ulliAcstivlu to Incite if IUIIIII Ilse on has on and omen edlra Pt Iee rum hos picnics Ind eliperissu mosno ior rent lezlcLczi cum llculars wire spiteus in it hande to la II hammer MALI HELP AVON iMMEDiAiE opening ior lnsrt woman to service ex cellent territory In innisill township Btsrtesrnlng ox trs income right sway No essperlsnce needed ws trsin you to show AVON Cosmetics For personal in terview csli Barrie mom or write Mrs Walker Dos 100 Colllngwood SWITCHBOARD CLERK Opportunity ior bright young lady to work in an interesting oiiice Duties include switch board receptionist clerical work Typing must Write Box 52 Barrie Examiner OFFICE CLERK PART TIME Hours 1150 am slso Im DAYS PER WEEK Main duties are switchboard tiling and some typing Apply to Accountant ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL YOUND LADY Vlnied to II ill 10 took alter smelt baby Tele DDMIO TICll mm ior sated and pre vlrllloll W0ilt Anl in rm only to ill Dunlap treat Ilt PRACTICAL Nuts llotllrod ior Ill shlits also coo mo in per Intl to It Eden ill Hollll Ippolntmlnl dill lirnlid All CAPAILI ldlldltldl narrower Email Loans Company nduirel In aIrsrisrlcld culls womsrl tor stanogrlphlc In an dihiÂ¥ anc all II Itll It fl Duntop Illus rsesros MOTHER AND Daughter or two trienda or summer employsamt In Parry Iouhd Younl girl or cleaning Ind lsurldry 20 week with room Iltfl DbIId Illn sums and in attsr cooking be quick with built iy vs In IMI wull plusroom mo WIllI RR Nobel Ontlrlb Tale Yllolle ssssssl SALES HELP AGENTS ml FDID two door ocflnvmy IlX custom die Ill new tllll blIII IM Whllo with IIIItGMtIl interim 15 down per month Telephone 7784 old Apply wellington EL Elli Darrlc ILUNADOUT 30 ll Johnnrs condition eomibrtsbiy runny motor ior sail in Will seat six peeps Asking price IMO WMlMIliIr Mn serum iiDAT to hf motor lull slrllllll wiles llllil etc All lII excellent contiltlorl ID CCIn be least It Llrrys Motor llh Viol telephone DrIdielfl HMS ALUMINUM CII lost Ouiiiolrd Motor INA Fiber Csrlcc Bscrirlcs price All III ales in new condition Apply 17 All ltlnl Dlllla HlUUT DIEORA chi Convertible horn ic rennin TOlUDTlMll OWL PT You near ls nsw yumm aat Johnson IV outboard motor il new best inn rm chow °°iiii sns Dunlap dl wait was soon eeoAlt slrl lhilld remote controls horse power electric start Evinrude dli oi ca rs sr compists Tstapllerls newts cartoon Inipa model all Inn with bl us Idle Wind lliut Orlmhllll Iihullll White dni winter stol licr White Morgen ohacitlu II cm lillll new or II all Is Ia one 1158371 IVInllllll ARTICLES WANTED areas BICYCLE wanted In condition rslcmn suites 33 so rm CAMPING SUPPLIES Inns sunrises TIspl Csmp Itorss Clmv cw Coolers or rent by week Harris and Awning as Daydaid at aml pester H5 FARMERS MARKET WANTED ï¬nd MilK ior mull rnllit Catlin Tall horse tags or so tntmsnt cm armuflell PI linet Nam FEED SEED GRAIN WANnDi llvms to burl Ruin uilli ET ls Ts Bristow telephone mm Ills axeullvon wells 75 PHONE 7mm SI METEOR Convertible in good running am with food II it in good condlt on Do IIll big Telephone 115M treat VD IWAOIN Tilllile In lite in AI costditlfll with Will II but Tell Xhoit 7153115 AWI North trllt Blrlll Iiill MI um CAI INIUDANCII Bi tags ior prslsrrsd drivars We insure my driver rsgsrdless III III or ciarnussalstï¬lncu swarm an tosl so ulcers MU IELL 1m Rllnbllr Clea $1 flIlllelfl tuition llIld Till Blilllrilw mscutsie Ind must be seen to Iyyflcilhfl CIIl 7W Anytime MOBILE HOMES FEATURING 15 Deluxe General Beaver $1489 with axle hitch Get To Know Your Merchandise By Knowing Your Merchant Russell Church 170 Burton Ave Telephone 7289860 DU TIAILEB 51 or IIle completely ï¬nished Ilclpl four Undo Blade tall 3an re eon on one BrIdifIifllWHTfl same day caooelteiioae and errors must be phoned in between 930 and mm PERSONALS TRANSPORTATION Inud daily lrern DIM to CI BflrdIll REAP TIIeVlmII POEM resisted Do all WIttt Liliahlhitiii ihdn Pothan swo none require ride to No Hithwlly loo to arrive thus by no lrm mm at mm alter out It in par 9LOST POUND wera nAotl mu and mm lost in the vicinity oi Av landaia Assswsrs to sum Mose wsso Talestron EVERTHING HAS PRICE it you want ood income and interesting we and are pre and to really work hard at start then we have pro osition that will interest you do not promise tiret you will be millionaire overnight or that there II no eiiort required but we can show you rition that rewards your citors Sal Iry commissions and trip beneilts Write quirelnents to Oiiics Spedslty Ltd Newmsrket Ontario PO BOX 575 BARRIE ONT MALI SUPERVISOR Tool Design and Tool Room into supervision ior In ex perienced recieion sheet metal workln tool desi per in writing lietin educs on es sacs Personnel snsger MALI MALI BOYS and GIRLS ior BARRIE EXAMINER on CARRIER ROUTES Applicition iorlrla available It CIRCULATION DEPT iii BAYFIELD 81 line AND WOMEN to work out or fililvlillscl Pious Write to Gas l9 DIM hustler or more internslion Mill Hill Co llII 09min for one full tin to hours use and air out time l9 in in ours weekly ism Itos in the County orh Ilmcoe rnngs our our our For lntlrvlfll one TICOI lLEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Administratan oi the EI tste oi OLADYB IRENE WEBB leis oi the City at Barrie In the County at Simooc Married Wo rnsn deceased who died on or about the tour day oi March me will distribute the assets of the deceased to persons entib led thereto siter July 11th mi hsvlng regard only to claims then rly iiied with the un dersigligge COWAN AND COWAN Barristers and Solicitors 53 Collier street Dlrrie Ontsrlo Solicitors to the Administrators NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Exccutors oi the Estate of JEFFREY WEBB llte oi the City at Barrie in the County oi Itmeoe Retired Locomotive En gineer who died on or about the 7th day oi October 1961 will distribute the suets ot the de cessed to persons entitled thus to slter July 17th loos having regard only to claims then pro perly tied with the undersigned COWAN AND COWAN Barristers and Solicitors is Collier street Barrio 0mm Solicitors to the Execute liAUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY 11 at 1pm sharp For MRS JAMES PUG At 256 SHANTY BAY RD EARRIE Sale at good household iurniturs including china iincn bedding glassware large collection oi beer stclns antiques and many other articles Terms cssh No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer SEE FULL LIST JULY AUCTION SALE at bed household eiiects at the RIE FAIR GROUNDS Friday Evening July 10 830 pm sharp Second consignment of good household iurnlture will be sold alter Mrs Coles iurniture Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Watch ior iuli list Julys SCHOOLS BROADCASTING Eighty per cent oi British schools use schoolradio brood cssts in their curricula mw 1MMK szMJVJuqewls NHu wwwu vyr Ms magnetsw ELMVIILE IAUIIIN WI Members oi Ilurin Womens ins lute and three visitors tour ney to Iimooe County Iius sllm Iiidhurst Io owing In to taresti tour the buildings the drovs to the sum mer borne oi Mr and Mrs Cecil French Woodland Beach when most delicious potluck lun cheon wIs enioyed acme hesch irisods oithe hostess iolnsd the group ior this occuion As this sue regular monthly rllletllll the business wss conducted by the president Mrs Art Spence it was ded to sppiy or short course with NeedlecrIit II the choice This is med by the Extension hr at 0n tario Department oi Agriculture motion was nlsds to donate I10 to Flor Agricultural Society Mrs Bumstesd geve short mums oi the Canedtsn Asso ciItlon oi Consumers bulletin oi which Bsurln Wt is member olrrent events oi the month wss Installation at one at the locel members Mrs Donald Jacobs as District president at Centre etmcoe Wt in May at Wysvate report oi this annuei district meeting was ven Mrs inglston who irict Di rector ioliowed by an interest ing report oi recent ounicreneo held at Federated Colleges Guelph to which she was de lcgste The meeting concluded with the singing oi God Save The Queen PUPILS ENTERTATNED Frldsy evening June so the Ladies oi Slurin Wl cniertsln ed the pupils at Saurin School and teacher Mrs George John ston end irleods oi the com muillty It the all event The entertainment included base ball game in which parents and pupils participated races ior all age groups allowed by program Indoors wbers the children song ssversl songs so companied by their music sup ervisor Miss Eva Rumble The highlight oi the evening wss the presentation oi engraved loun telrs pens to ths grade gradu lies at tile schoolme Beard sall Glenna Jacobs Gloria JI cobs Betty Strsth and Bill Gre haln delicious lunch at pie and Ice cream and cones ior the little ones brought the eve plug to close PBEDEYTERIAN PICNIC The children oi St Andrews Presbyterian Church Sunday School with many oi the par ents enjoyed the picnic on Wed nesday st Springwater Park with ideal weather There was good attendance The games for all ages bsli game races and the tugoiwer were close and excitingAll were hungry when lunch was prepared Many were glad to rest ANGLICAN SERVlCE On Sunday July the an nual church service at St iho mas Anglican was held with large attendance Rev lBAUCTION SALES KINSMEN COMMUNITY AUCTION Saturday July 18 RM Alliston Arena West Yard Sell anything but livestock It you have anything to sell CONTACT lN ALLISMN GERRY MOON 55063 BRUCE MASON 4357129 CAMP BORDEN RON SPENCE 569 EVERETT DON STEPHENSON 4356i or any Kinsman you know Pickup can be arranged or large lots TERMS CASH Kin John Ball Auctioneer ALL PROCEEDS TO BE USED TO FURTHER KINSMEN WORK lacki oonducted the Mice with Rev ti iiisharn Isaia tirlg Iiuslc use eupplisd by Mrs Howard Grier on the vio lin and hire Earl Parnell on the piano accordion Iirs James BesrdIIIi hire William Beerduii Miss Flor ence Manning isit on Sunday on tour oi Western Caesds and Vancouver Miss lsebeil Preston spent till weekend It the home oi Elsi Drysdaie SILVER WEDDING Congratulations to Mr and Mrs SchIodleu who cele brlted their 15th wedding Inhi verssry on July Sorry to report the dlltil oi Rear Manning son oi bis and Mrs Danni Ilse hire Martin Besrdsati the tumor Viola McFadden oi Elmvels Patients in Pelletang Gener al Hospltet Irs Farley Ritchie and Mrs Emerson McCuIrrie YUKON TRIP Russell Ritchie and liIrold Black returned on Sunday irom Dawson heck MRS ROWATC GUEST Gurus of hire Mwat over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Hugh Stratb oi Burlington Mr and Mrs Stanley Strath oi Port Colborne Mr and hire Donlld Stretis oi King Mrs Menard Lewis at RIdgewa All attended the PerrymsllStrsth wedding at Vssey United Glurch Mr and Mrs Siml Derek and Catherine oi Whitby spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cooper Mrs Molson and children oi St Catharines spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Verne Beardssll rvrllrrr Dy ROBBINS WI CHURCH PARADE The Innuai Lot No 70 Ever ett Church parade ltss held no Stmd Iveeieg July in the Unit usurch It was one oi the llrgeei parades held here prior to the Glorious lath cele brItion The Downer Flie and Drum Band oi Duntroon led tbs Nude with the MBA Ind L01 members ioltcwtrlg UNlON JACK The most important event which was noticed sit in the parade sue the oi good old Union Jack flags which mode it ooioriul event and showed the esteem oi the peo ple We love our onlntry and we love our only in The Url ion Jack Forever We congrltuiate the Downer bend and the LOBA and Lot ior their line showing ioysity to their orgsnlrstlon LOL members attended irom StIyner Allision Ind hisruiield NEW LOWELL Dy MR5 PADDISDN hir Ind Mrs Tompkins at Toronto visited Mr Ind Mrs Bill Tompkins over the week end Mr and Mrs Mumbcr son and Joyce are visiting irlcllds in New York City WOMENS INSTITUTE The Womens institute met It the home oi Mrs Johnston Meeting opened with the Ode ioliowed by the creed and Lords Prayer Roll call current ev cut at national interest Minutes AROUND snvlCoE COUNTY at last meeting rcId Ind Idop ted Treasurers report eucre read and business Mrs Wag ner gave reading on how her husbllld go his Csnsdisn citizen ship papers hire 5an gave reading on the flu hire DuLv rlsi heid two contests one less won by Anna PIddisoII end one by Mrs Cambourn Lunch WII served by the hostesses Gerald Thompkhls oi Deser onto is visiting Mr and Mrs Tompkins Mr and hire Cliiiord Pinion Ind Shsryn oi Angus spent Sun day with hirs PIddiIdls Miss Dorothy Mechlm Bob and Pat Roberts oi Toronto visited lir and Mrs Howlrd hischsm Anne Peddisorl oi BIrrle spurt the weekend at her home here KNOCK BI MRI McCOthilNN CAR CAUGHT FIRE While Mr and Fedon czcnko at Hamilton were return ing to their home on Dominion Day hulldly Iiter twoday trip north their car blcw tire on Highway loo yust north oi the 10th line and in short time the 61 model car was comple icly gutted The couple were iorturlate in getting clear with iew oi their belongings plssing motorist packed their things in his station wagon and took them as ior as Toronto llir Fedorczcnko is Ukrainian and his wife who is itaiisrl had just arrived in this country the week previous Congratu atlons to Mr and Mrs Donald Corhrslle on till arrival at baby boy at Royal Vicioril Hospital Friday lost Talks Resume Today In NeWspaper Dispute TORONTO CPI Another round in negotiations thIt llIve drag ed on ior months was sch led today between repre sentatives oi Torontos three daily newspapers and their printers attempting to solve the ticklish problem oi computers The computer Issue remained the only stumbling block to set tlement betweon the papers and the iniemationnl Typographicsi Union tCLCt There was no in dication the parties were close to accord despite marathon ne gotiating unions and three ten tative moments on the issue that huvr been rejected by the unions international executive in Colorado Springs Colo The two parties met early Wednesday and again in the evening in session that didnt wind up until am today Thlv scheducd iurtiler talks at pm today The negotiations continued past the midnight deadline when the newspapers The Star The Telegram and The Globe and Mail introduced improved work rules that the iiU had said could be interpreted tech nically as lockout The union had indicated it would call its 700odd members oit the ion ii the work rules were put into iorce There was no statement irom either party aiter the talks and the union took no immediate cc tlon on the new working condi tions which included wage in creases agreed to by both par ties in earlier negotiations MAKE CONCESSION As lustminute concession to Labor Minister Rowntree oi 0n tario who stepped into the pic ture Wednesday and urged mod eration by both parties the newspapers decided to mtilhold Intro at tentative agreement on computers pend ing turtller negotlat ons Its in The papers had said they would into iorce settle ment eating with computers reached by the psrties during bearings by an Ontario govem ment conciliation board last April This sgrecmeslt rejected by the international executive would give the TU Jurisdiction over composing room matter being prepared ior cosnpaders but not over the computers thernsolves The unionth do mended complete control oi computers when they perform composingrnom work Theaawspapers contend it is impossible in separate the com puter operation from Jobs done ior other departments in the DOWSPEPEI No other tentative alrea rrrenis on computers were also rejected by the international The basic use oi computers in their application to mmplls ing room operations is to ius tliy lines oi type produced by periornted tape ied into lino typo machines The tape is punched by liU members Jus tityislg type is the process oi making the lines it the column exactly DEFINES LOCKOUT The 170 says lockout tech nically exists it the papers in troduce changes in Icosltrect without them being approved by the union membership and writ ten into new agreesneat Enr iiel while negotiations were in rogrcss the newmapers put Illo eiicct other beneiits agreed on such as longer vacations Improved health hanciits and shorter work week Wednesdays critical talks were bloken oii at noon Mr liowntree then asked the parties to meet with him separately lie told the disputents the prov inces economy would suiier ti there was shutdown of three papers vhich have to LWhats the flavour secret of Gold CrestWhisky Hiram Walkers secret distilling process Lal circulation at about 300000 in the Metropolitsn Talonto area oi more than 170000u po uletioss and other areas Shortir aiterwerds the two parties re sumed talks The labor minister asked the negotiators to meet with depart ment oi labor oiiloisia nest Tuesday ii they have not reached settlement by then Meanwhile the newspapers say they will continue to pub iish ii tha iTU walks out Your Welcome ngorl tlostsse II callwlth Iblliliflllill friendly gmtlngs Irorrl esr III liollt oMcbgl business so rats cares to let Is hornbl am men he the statss Itll NestIs all rolls libs In bulb sirMr ssoserles rm eel Nuoln us nss ctrIns