Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1964, p. 12

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we armmm mwwmw 5373Luisefivprmvawrrvflwmm sagsni womnwpwn wzrnwmsm varv Got Greenvililhumbtllqntifi Profitablefliia In wont Ads 7282414 l4 Interest Paid On Guaranteed Trust Certificates UR Vim TERM SIN MINIMUM AND UP STERLING TRUSTS normon on rrvuns conpomno ale motto screamI iiiiiti robin Barrie mourn is per month aurinm Essarise assess HOUSES WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT BY JULY 31 WILL PAY TOP RENT for modern clean 3bedroom house or bungalow Rooms must be large to accommodate modern furni wum parting £1 to lure Phone collect Toronto 2226438 or write mm duanNAN 160 Yorkvlew Drive willowdale on OFFICES STORES FOR RENT AIRCONDITIONED OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Downtown Location is main names mania ilnv rm Mfg PROPERTY FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS lREAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL BURTON LODGE enorsnrv rosssis PHOTO MLS REALTOR NURSING HOME nuuior mm aggl MILLER hom swsy from home for up and bed patients Dish SavaiSstEitb His PHOTO REALTOR 1II COLLIER ST MN RENTALS APARTMENTS TO mm IN meal pin sag mug01 Muauiu mm faculties Rn pom ZRENTALS run only Tilt urns mu iwmmmfimm EVENINGS can WWII ShLEE Infiglfifllfiumwa MEMBER BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL NATE BOARD MacArthurmom MnNnim Rogersmm Roguemam ARK EDEN CAM Real Estate and Insurance Photo ILLS 82 HIGH 81 7260241 Rm 4815174 Mortgage hands Available Mrs Joan Longmm Dd OnlyWM isnnnrr on one in ms nu romer rlNSEnn DEREK er moms7 Haw Tllpbtml NURSING HOME Built for this vorll Accommo dsuoni for bed and up patients Male and ferrule good food aviators Reasonable rates Stroud 4861461 BIRTHS OPPORTUNITIES TOWER comar lovely white colonial full view of Bari rio and the bu Pnsluslon now SHANIY RAY ROAD Inve iy house In prime location at baurl loiopaono nuns modest price In local burntand urn PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives for only 01m Just telephone mule NDWAEINA Clufllfl tAnroio isurlr born to Mr ins bfrs Door um nwarln ssrnu Bay our on may June in It the noyri Vlrlonr Hospital Barrie ENGAGEMENTS lOACllSASO Mr and am lucid Mellon Roach of Shut II when nnto Ian euo of arms rnsrrlale tel re on Salurdly Aultui oclock In Our Lady oi nilpoint Help cnurrn sprouts EATHS unto Arnrr Lockablelea My ruddan at the Rn sl Vic rorl linipiill IIsrrle on and Juur not Arnrr Lorlsrbe Campbell bclnvcd wiloor John Lung it in Street norm deer mom or nyrncnt cr Kirk Visnd lasr vuliun nylonn of Barrie and lirrorn Dymllit or coprroi antrib Also survived by rrn nndthlldmn and four mol rron children rrlrrto rrrvlc nu nrlrl vrs noon intrrrnrnr cemairry IN MEMORIAMS POSTERin lovinl memo mg rim silicr and aunt Ihel pslrcd any July less OIII you till bailed we ruin her so Nlilr Ililil hcr mcnioll Itll Thoulhir of lore wilt elrv Iha place where she is rlwsys rsmcmbrrro an II missed by tiitrr norm and nie ou Adrian and Freda pastesin loving memoriy oi dsrr alstcr and aunt that passed away July an in our hum your memory llnleru BWIIII ibndcl loud and in There is not lhlt we do not Alwryr renumbered and Inland aisicr Edith lilo nephew intro and Donald brolnrolnlrw Amp COMING EVENTS MR AND MRS HOOPER 16 GRANVILLE ST wlll bo holding OPEN HOUSE to neighbors and friends on SUNDAY JULY 12 1964 VENOM UNTIL PM on the occasion of their GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Iuneral silen iWasp Sting May Be Fatal TORONIO CPI Dr Cotnam Ontarios supervising coroner said in an interview Wednesday persons who have strong allergy to wasp venom that could prove fatal and do r11otginow It are living under Thousands of people are hit ten by wasps every summer he said commenting on the doath of Ray ltiundy 35year old Bowmnnvlllc 0nt man who riled after being stung while visiting cottage near Peter borough Sunday Dr Cotnam said Mr Mundys reaction to the insect bltc was not unusual In the records of iatal insect stings recall one case where man collapsed Ilve minutes at tcr he was bitten said Dr Cotnsm if medical attention had not been given imme diately he would have died in minutes An autopsy performed on his Mundy at Potarborough Mon day showed the man had died at heart attack Ill was not known to have any allergies or fevious reactions to insect es Miller an Ottawa an tomologlst who works In the re search branch oi tho central ax porlmentnl term there said potent new type of black wasp mentioned in connection with witli the death of Mr Mandy was unlikely son Cadetship Runs llground ATHENS NY AP Tile St Lawrence ii 60foot sall lngship run by 27 Royal Cann dlen Sea Cadets hoped to con tinue its voyage to the worlds Inlr alter dayionsr bout Wed nosdoy with sand bar and en Klnc trouble The shlp ran into the sandbar near this iiutlson River com munity early Wednesday After morll than minor wait the ship was Iloatad free by high tide Illcn engine trouble pro londcd the staypw Ihc cadets sold the engine trouble was not caused run ning aground meat 17 cunnsoN SWAIN ll DOWNSVIEW This is tie slrehle location and house you will be proud of st MELROSE Home with large attractive lot in most waisted area Open for best otferl ON TIME FOUR call maroon Swain for details without obli lotion MIDHURST Nearly new bedroom house on lot 137 15 with Iece bath and extra bedroom In se VLA possibilities For amolntrnent to inspect call Nomi Wood TIE1874 166 RAYFIELD Very attractive bedroom bidck home in excellent condi tion deal for large family or someone desiring office space as separate dining room has an trance to porch hits 52 Call Rita Scandrett AMELIA lovely custom built stone ranch bedroom home attached gar age fireplace rec morn beau tiful tlved location hILS 507 Call Rita Scandrett TWO BEDROOM HUNGALOW ideal for couple on edge of city almost new Asking $9tt00 Phone Percy Ford 7287030 EVENINGS CALL RITA scarinnm PERCY FORD KARL MARSHALL saiORi muin 71m issnbers of is and Diitrici Rall Elia Hoard CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone nilsilo as Duniop St int and and moitang nsnud on law monthly ps wul buy your pnunt iii and ion nurtures JUST OUTSIDE TOWN Attractive room stucco bunga low attached garage excellent basement recreation loom and laundry forced air oil furnace enclosed breezewoy nicely fin lshsd Situated on acres of land Telms ESTATE SALE BURTON AVENUE storey bathrooms bed rooms rooms on main floor Including separate dining room full basement with oil furnace All in good repair and very clean Taxes only $165 Priced to sell TRIPLEXlSIGJIOO Let your tenants pay for your home These apartments are in excellent condition Walking distance to downtown Reason able down payment to one morb gage Would exchange for house BRADFORD ST 510500 Well kept bedroom bungalow large sun porch living dining room and kitchen Beautiful view of the bay Good basement with oil furnace All very clean wt an no Franco Davidson St Real opportunity to buy lot MAVTIHDlitmus loser BACHMANN rssssls LAWRENCE isms items Alllaton RR No par rAsrnnaoN moss IL PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Funds Available ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 7266481 Ralph soil Norm Synnntt nul Hamilton Happy Hopki Slit Rnu omon Laddie Orlssbscb Mary iron1m nilts 79 BAYFIELD ST 7261405 mam nuisi unusu moors ERIC DEWENAP LE POPE AL FRANK NELLES Idlmblr of JGARVEY RealEstate Broker REA BARRIE MED mill qa Ninar 72871352 Attractive mod Iilrl dream blin olrt do to public ye to and hifblchnois Alu um llama and Acre but dlalns room occupsncy imAu Thll home11s gull iiyrrri ht armorial tbrce rooms flmily sole phone men nannoolu brick bunga slow riroplscs mailed recrea tion morn attached rnrr luna cubed mund Ind fenced brclr yum convenient to public and high school and bur Iervlcr rclo phone sisom snrr rix tux ACRE Property for sale Philt form is room brick house barn 50 60 First farm Outaids city limits on with SHELSWELL and WILLSON Don if Campbellmust IoeIaogtinmsts lumber Barri In mhlmulm Photo MES Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE 113 DUNLOP ST lilewud Norris Dkl Emma 7261422 STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7185901 Central Ontarios Largest Rcal Btate Brokers Photo MLS Realtor ayment ONE FOOT IN THE COUNTRY the other In town custom built new brick bungalow largo liv tng room and kitchen with din Ing area bedrooms ipiece bathroom aluminum storms and screens close to school and store wcll landscaped and over looking stream Owncr anx ious to sell as he has bought farm Asking price 312000 BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE on large lot largo bedrooms liv ing room with fireplace iplece batilroom modern llltdlen 20 30 glossed in veranda con crete breakwater wall across laira side Properly well fenced with utra sleeping cabin and boathousa Price $17500 loo ACRES slightly rolling clay loam farm in the Thornton 632 area Brick house hip root barn running water well Iliad Priced for quick sale with terms LET US SHOW YOU this bed room brick bungalow close to schools with 1200 square feet of space Lshaped living room and dining area large kitchen well landscaped fenced lot Ask ing price $14500 witii low down $8000 MAKE US AN OFFER bedroom clapboard bungalow on 60 It lot New cement block garage For someone who will clean it up this could be bar gain lmv down payment call Merv Ind Edi GouldMano Alex Duncan1mm Gom Splinter7W LAKE mom NEAR ALLANDALE GOLF COURSE nthroom Ll lot PINE Til859 nithaALow for sale three bed raousdmAbsaiaafislfldownas ure no no ee thone 115555 Sr Inn particu rs snll way Large living room dining room kitchen four bedrooms tread lot 100 245 Reasonable terms Phone 7239330 BRAND New brick Vcnecr Eun pllaw with lttlched gllalo Six rooms and three piece bathroom Close to shopping nu schools and bill Telephone SLrnIld Sim TWO asnnoois House llvtn room kitchen and three piece arch All remodelled llprise piano Tele symcnt rosin nlnhnoht Drink man wit inity or st Marys Church turns llvinl 5mm flxepisrizhlulighun lnrn mom en Owner crollnroma Apply to so Bissau stress Amscrrvs Dunnlnrr on quiet street near bnr rout in east bedsnoms dinette off llvlnl room fireplace ellport ienced and hedged backyard Private trellis end BRAND NEW Duplex with double Each flat soucontoured with Circ bedrooms ens living room laundry and bath Centrully lulled Tele Iibbnn llEll or AIMS Ancmmmug designed for the wooded Int with deck all the room cltbrdrll ibrouinmlt hwer Inor unfinished with unlimited possibilities Private Bfidmoinment only Tele iarae bioch ceilllll double heart 11 north Clair tltil Telephone TIEOS or mo de toils burri Examiner Ill particulars FARMS FOR SALE HOUSE Darius bu Farm health JOHN ANDERSON RRB elep IMPLEMENTS AND CROP 75 acres and morefiwitli good clay loam tlle drained close to town aadactlva sunimer resort Barns are Lshaped with steel roof garage Eighbronm 2slorey house In excellent condition ln cupboards Abundance of water to we niece bathfiand combination Iurnace house and all illust be sold immediatelyliue to ill or 7261423 Wain muss 03y Sbde HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo hits Realtors Bil EAYFIELD ST 7266453 WE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE ALCONA BEACH Imitation log siding set among tall trees Just 300 test from private beach Goodelse bed room cottage fully tarnished immediate possession ill health forces owner to sell Call any salesman at Harold Forster and Company725645 YOULL BE COOL AS CU CUMBER In this attractive brick home In Painswick Price hfiutlfizen reduced and It fit or occ front kitchen with plenty 01 cup board space bedrooms and lnrge living room ideal for the growln family See it to day We ave the key Call Willrna Bidweli evenings at 726 131 ROSE STREET When you drive by you will notice that this three bedroom bungalow Isoniy one of its kind in the area It has largo family kitchen with lots of cupboards living room dining room piece bath and full divided basement Rear yard has stone patio Isfully fenced and the driveway is well gravellad Possession August 32500 to oneNHA mortgage this 580 Call Gloria Kossatz to see in sida at 7283756 HAWKESTONE House with apartments Bicellent Income property Full price $1300 with terms Call ircne Forbes at 4872114 for appointment to see through this moneymaker DOUBLE SINKS with it It or nrborlto counter top Panclled kitchen and living loom bed room bungalow Ail this for less than 89000 Let Marg Moore tell you about this bargain lust dial 7287374 $3090 01 OFFER down lmm Cu lIIe custom bungalow Mildred asrals Overruled kittbsn so bedroom bltix panelled stu dy mornpea no tented so Run modern luxurious home vtsw pawnrzsms Prints Grove Street East Im nanan brick Ema low on spacious lot in reli dnuai IMnelr Fublla and hm sols and conven cut to bus len vi Bright airy living room bu stone flnplscl mutiny and dining ares attached garage Taiwan moses liter DJ AN DICEHIONALLY litrecline hnllal in excellent location over ionising Ksmflnieit Bay Entrance hall lows and dlnlng room three bedrooms sewlnl room latll lanthanum RocnILion room on mudflooa leldlnt to Milled Inmmer room Ind patio llllll and images 3nd Spacious mun vs oint meant only Telepbone thrill CLASHFRIED ADS WILL BRING RESULTSI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sumsrm non Course Snack Bar nub oncicnlpr Hon1sAl1 ionicri on large corner lot iouliy equipped Owner retiring Hardins Bunsean cues in Con Strand GINIRAL 810 for It Cool town Store house arusl lot rnrl dnubll garage Will sell er store alasstew Come and look it our si rlrri in csntil of town on Highway ll Phone Hm AP ply owner 17 Hopper rams WANTED FARM on highway or county road waiti radius or Elirte part bush illr butldlnill and houll largo water Filly ID to 100 lent PriL Vale Hal cull Write Box no shed and double largekltchen Elmvale Elma lasso Dion is public school ovrblnrs nsoiei APARTMENTS TO RENT Parking July 15 Phone 7289738 meat possession Teiophalle TIA1511 For more Bell hurt mic rumst sparinnate for seTt rooms and bl flu near his W1 preferred Telephone kiwi Eon modern mimic TelephnnnT MOI ammo noon Apsnrnrntsor MI Living roam dinlnr morn two brdrnoml kitchen and bath mum Pminr arnt ass Includes heat Available now Apply Itltti litur mtor Street nwa isnniwoM mndcrn Ip rb mum MORTGAGES WANT MORTGAGE glint or Second smut low simple em up Mr ome my value law man meats up to fltteen yfltop pay Eloi mortgage problems see REV Real Estate OS Map St TIMI9 MOVERS MOVING For complain mowing service safer and easier call COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD YOUR sumo van Laura scam noises no ANNE sr INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to tramier your INSURANCE In and If you need extra coverage oi any kind SEE STEVENSONS ii Dunlop mint RENTALS HOUSES To RENT TENKB BEDROOM mod DOIIlI for rent ma Concenlori runnn City convenienm fenced sirl or mor information please call lieam SIIIIMIY morning anur nsconsm modern bnun forrlnt in Darrill better homn district Mums bath moms S135 monthly Call for Ippblntmnnt Ml Kent 1951 BRENTWOOD TERRACE bedroom saltcontained apart meat Large living room kit chen full basement with laun dry tubs Q105FTDIDISORWIS facilities Avallfiie UmnNism thruqu private bath 1mm at Imtxis ROOM Eirnlsbnd spart ment SW opnmltl Anni Avail able July Tsinphnne union all CONTAINED darn room apartment Centrally located pas znnnth Telnphom itsmo after p111 FIVE ROOM Int to rent Oil but blur convonlencel near lohbol information please call flares moms and bath central io eltlon For urinal information Apply Hayfield Strut Barrio NEE ROOM Aplltmlni and or rent Hut Tell on Halon Drill Dmvlln 7101151 ore Business NICE AND RIM three room up stairs sparrinan Lima wstr but stove and nrriurstor an it so mon it ucswilrib strum PW ONE BEDROOM Aliment mod orn kitchen nvior roorn uni bath ADVERTISING 100mg St Iaiephgnn lidill end clone to hiss Belted BURTON AVENUE unfurnished heated two bedroom mono nonr agartment lovrly munds Avail 1e now Rental 90 Phone 728 RolexI Hid Connell Rollin nvn boom nnftlrnlahlfl Ipsrmant mt sniff in on on Alsusbl rolng 7851710 or 77023 UNrmilem two bedroom up per apartment were end Emir slur GSE All utilities paid Ap plyj hut North nrtlll phone 718 Isinsl comma unfurnished cs CnntMl loxlufinfin wAest oiliri paring vs urns monthly Manhunt TIASid MODERN two bedroom client lollcuntllned but Ind by dro supplied Child welcoml Park Ing fltllillel Telephone 1154le for Miler Information we BEDROOM srimcnt for flu lColiirllliy loc rd Washing two bedroom apartment Dd aperi Isc prrlrlnr rp 11m rup plied ltabls foi dultl Tele photo 72 after WI mic noon mmiabcd 11 per utment to rent second nor alt hydro stove and infrirmr tor lll lied Close ta downtown Pa up fecllltiel Telephone 71s No sane turnished rooms for rent Refrilerltor rra Ioclall is isaslsowsf ll Altimth rrinrun usiness or elderly couple pre ferred Second floor Refrigerator stove Au rt monthly Front 4an rear entrance sltrnent srtnrrnu park location sull Telnyli lIlupocr floor relrlssr nth mall sun lenl location bear and Inter supplied mail maillad tinder Aulis ml or one moral or IODIIN lede In nith stove Ind remrota llnnli Rest hot water traitor mics pard puking Located uli Ind close In bin and on Telephone Wk Til86L mo Emitting Room and Micheal also mm room abut must all round floor Ve rm irsi hoe srldnr in less tellbhonl HIM Ifilrnoeni or everInn UNI INDIGO Afllflmflfl lllll room ninth Ind Babb ONE IPIOI in but ERNIE 1195 at Aaron mo nlnhooM ground tool spunmsur for rent Centrally is eaten IIllly as plint antiInto laundry eullies belt supplied tanner rvin Parsing upsce inlspbobn Iioolio ONE anooal fumlihrd span mrnl for rent Suitable for one or two adults Laundry facilities Es crilrnt psrlrlnr East end at bus stop Available Aururi ll Teln phono NIH on nannooir Apartment Owen Ind clove street ml sin to Ilnrlle ulnar sundry room in dryer refrigerator immedllio pone No pets rclrpnnno ispsisl mo merit AVAILABLE Aullut Comlorb eblc dry basement Iplrimcni furnished comriaiciy Private entrants Euillho tor adults or couPlI with null child Central Lot oi Parklnl Kitchen with stove In rlfrtgtntor bedroom living room with Nelson Ill ity room piece Lb light and water paid Am in board space Quint nsirh Telephoao 7157150 lficr pan RENTATRUCK and MOVE YOURSELF Call 7261412 ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED Bedroom Ln clcln borne Gentleman preferred Break flit if desired lurking lacIlItinl Telaphnnn males to Liam Holsuiietpliil Name for rent Lintrs nibblied Trla phona 7284638 or apply lbom ron Strut WILMERED Housekeeping Room with Motto use of mfrilcrniot and washer pullinr Opposite 331 Telephone 12590 or 71 on FURNISHED bedroom or rent aantiemsn preicrrcd Close to factories and downtown ply st in Rndfard street or te phone 71509 FURNISHED acdslttlnr Room for rent Lirnt huusekeiflu Suitable for bullpen person lose to down town Apply on Maple Avenue or telephoto lIIdu ROOM AND BOARD WANTED FARM HOME or two Well irlln ed children and 13 years of III or am moisLh Phone collect Imnnio slam evenings only URGENTLY Needed by working mother Ind three children an 1n isI 114 noonK and llzlos co ens anon anon recs Talnphnnl 11min CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE 7282414 Classified advertisement Ind noti ces for these pages must be ceivcd by dry prrcchn IIblluIlon wt this exception Clnutried Dispi Idverttumcnir which mint bi by 1101 noon preceding day WORD mill CIASSIFIED Abvmirlslna and Discount Reth apply paid within GUI so prr word per insertion ror one or two days Thrll consecutive insertion 316d per word per Insertion total new six conatcutlvn insertions in nu word psi insertion totll ms additional ails not paid with in seven day OSubiect to cancellation when nilsrsctory results obtained tilan Lam box nuruus Information rcrrrdinr advertisers using Blind better Rex Number for replies is bald strieuyconlid entisl Replies to Letter Boxes will bl held only III dlyr liter Int tilt of publiclion IAIiVbilLiels ustnlll RM Number will be charged 25c EECIIAIhNDTICEed is ill Eli 51 W0 mm imum charge shrill sum and Death Nntltel 3150 or up to words luvr is worn bc rr extra wnM 1n Memorilm Not eel 7130 if quI used lo per word extra nations on CORRECTION All phone Insertion orders on cepted convenience to lavertilcr Therefore chs ctsntasd Advertising Department requires all advertisers to lrinaly recheck Ihelr advertisement tinrncdistfly liter Amt shutiron In order um any error or omissions mybs rnportro bcron sin in order that same may be normal the follnwlnl ays nblicstlnn ru arrnc Examiner responsible for only one incorrectly rlntro insen tlon or my adverlstsnent and titan only to the extent of fmlflfl or so that involves till msprlnt Errors whichldo not lesserth value ofins savorilrome arenot his for oorreotim in insis rhoos Approximately son sq ft of newly renovated streetfloor ofIIca promises available for tests August excellent downtown lo cation st Owen Street Private washroom lecllltlcr remainder of prcmlscs will be occuple service optional Janitorial by life insurance company and legal otllccs For further Iniormation contact CONDER and soon Blrrilv ters and Solicitors Phone 724M497 Room AND BOARD IRICO AND 33AM infillliblo cusrr surrou um 113133 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT rwo liuinooyi lurrllraed summer home on tho riser It Death Oeoli lvvlmmlfill and Mint Avalllbln now phone MSW Iiiri IlIL COTTAGE for rent Iii lovely sud am Mar Wulll Beach We bedrooms ideal for boltilll Ind lemmilu Availabil new Please telephone 715mb anytlml BEDROOM furnished ratings in rent it inlln south of Dllm llssch on Georgian nay Nru excellent randy belch Available from An list to to Apply Lliiln Brown fun on First street at Dallas lirlcll ssou anus norms in mi on South River on Highway sire sandy beach electric nfrll 33 ndzgtovfi Roll 55 Yang um an umber lisiris risotto LARGE Lakefront Cniilla fully surnunrrl four bedrooms co piclo brlhronln guest can clour Emilia murals its now ion for month Piinna in less Rogers and Coastal Rosl COTTAGES WANTED on naunnoii Coltso wanted to rent nul Innla clnilI to or on lake illm wcclu sisrtinr mid Aurlui sluts rent location Greenwood aloft and win Av Nsw York 1M5 NY 4ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE New and used TV eater Vacuum Cleaners com into stock oi hoses hugs be ts brushes Re pairs to all makes Authorised Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE it Muicastcr lioness 4ARTICIES roe SAL PHOTO7o REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner NOWI so an sanvrcs If you would like to have re prints ol any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Otflce We are sorry we comet accept phone orders GLOSSY PRINTS 125 8x 10 150 Plus to FURNITURE Prom Factory To You Room GreU $109 $25943 sinsUp Toooao Now Open To Public EASY TERMS TO SUIT DANISH MODERN PROVINCIAL Before You Buy Try chnts TRADING 728 2301 88 Collier Street Barrie TWO BADNED oils used Chrysler All flrcd rumcs forced nru om us find also one also tank Normn nristow oi nnrtow Iumblrll ms ilorllnr es Dunlap strut West Telephone new tellii BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 82414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year ASPHALT PAVING DECKERT PAVI NG Asphalt Driveways and Lots FREE ETIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone 7287710 Formerly employed with McFadden Paving CARPENTRY COLLINS SON IAlteratione OGnrages ORooi repairs OPorlntlng lGeneral Carpentry at all kinds PHONE 7W ANYTIME DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL Dual controlled cars sully insured BARR Instructor 7268915 MASON BRICK AND BLOCK WORK FmEPLACES AND ClllilfllEYS 17 years experience JENSEN iiiea Estimates Phone imam IPAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Banging Spray Painting Service Slaco 1920 RR Harris 728695b Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting 35 years experience RR 010 4375153 SD Who Doesnt Reacl SmallyAds YOU DO PAVING ASPHALT PAVING INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL PAVING Ted Mason Paving Superintendent FREE ESTDIIATES No Obligation All Work Guaranteed ASPHALT PLANT BARRIE OWNED AND OPERATED BY ALLAN COOK Ltd CONSTRUCTION AND PAVING sos manor mom PLASTERING PLASTERING REPAIRS now CEILINGS AND PATCHING Free alumna STUCCO SAM CRYER rzoiais PRINTING IIrneiy Reminder to CHECK your supply at PRINTING For best value place you order NOW ALL TYPES OF PRINTING We are fully equipped to handle your tinting re quirements ncluding 234 color work For QUALITY and VAL UE have your PRINTINGi done in BARRIE By The EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE is BAYFIELD sr mssrl SADDLES ORIDING EQUIPMENT English and Western Speclnlized Saddle and Harness SADDEE SHOP

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