Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1964, p. 11

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meWsmwwwv aw7 rm mewervrrrvswvammv anruz om Mm cpsr some encephalitis II thera Ior lir Is It suntan RUGBY ltisalculaltermlarin T0 GOOD IEIILIII mumnnmnmsnasruuslm II Heart SurgeIY Iiiieviates Damage JOSEPH Gs MOLKLR MD Dear Dr ItloIIerr In madlnl shout pace makers synthetic valves and heart operations am wondering whather such surgery can be applied to hearts demand by rheumatic Iaver Or is rheumatic lever damage more serious and not helped by operations am thinking partlrlilarly at plta son who had rheumatic lever at 10 Is now 49 and according to the doctor hes bad man It tacks In betweenMrs can Much of the heart surgery be in perIorrned today is to al lIvIate the damage Irom rheu matic lever great smnunt is done Ior other reasons too articuler Ior detects which ave been present Irom birth Rheumatic Iaver caused by streptococcus germl has the hahlt oi inflaming she heart valves They heal on rear lis sue builds up and prevents the valve or valves Irom opening and closlns froperly The mltra valve Is most likely to he aliacted but others can be damaged too Each case has to be judged individually la the damage ier Ious enough to warren sur gery ar Is It rather siishl What is the physical condition of the patient olherwise An so on Rheumatic lever has caused an enormous number of delec Iivo hearts Only in the last decade or so have we really made progress in preventing it You cant see the Iirst attack remindhut once person has had It you know that he la aus replible and la likely to have it slain What can II do Give anti biotics especially penicillin to present the streptococcus Irom getting started again One good method is to use Ionn oi penicillin which absorbs VII slow so that one shot man will provide mntlnuous protection Ae result at this as well as Improved treatment at acute attadrs more awareness or the danger and refined diagnostic techniques rheumatic hearts are developing nle pity Is thnt now that so much can he done too many peoplI still do not avail them selves ol this protection Dear Dr Mouser have Iriend who was Ionnd to have very low sular In her blood She Is on sterchlcss and sugar ltss diet Ior this Is that cor rect People with too much sugar are on the same kind at dietWF Yes the diet Is correct even though It may sound add at uni Eating sugars and starch In such cases speeds up the rate at which the blood sultar is used up so another period oI low blood sugar soon occurs Eating more protein which Is more slowly converted pre vents this and keeps the blood sugar level fairly stable over longer time DeIr Dr Moinerl What Is TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie rnunanev wu em Mlle dI PIrII eso Vacation Time Fury Tombstone Tenllm Nsws vutnar Sports Dr Kiidara Luv Me SYRII Shal Grindl Music stand ca TV News Ivmnar Sports Neva anII From Hell ll CsulI PPF9PFFP 5328338 228 sninAv JULY so Test Pattern lIIrII narrows cartoon Corner News weather sports Movia Hazard summenms Channel Toronto IIIUIIIDAY JULY Mich Home Club Kldda riva mines Matinee Seem Walther News chk Ill III NIIIBIII Nlll Imifs hi II po an ue LIII Bho IMDA JULY so cmoon Party Channel Caravan Pt Plsylinsa with Bobby channel Pt II channel NIri liichey Mouse tridao rive Oclock MsunIe News Weather spurts 338s nomination at the brainIn oo ganmn at same sort sets up an Inlecttea It II always dangeh else but not always IItal II de pends on whethet the Inlectlon can be tontrolled Enee lltis may Iollost some other see measles and patio being two examples nl vimsea reaching the brain It Is possible Ior many types at lnleclion to be involved lncludinl even Iun us in some cases STROIJD By MILE MULBOLIAND VISITING USA Mr and Mrs Ernie Goheea and IIrnliy are spending con ple at weeks In Winnipeg visIt Ing Ernies mother also his sin ler Mrs Doris MacDonald at Seattle USA and other role tives there Recent visitors with Miss Jean and Wilson Wire were Mr and Mr Maurice che son Allan and daughter Susan at Saalratoon also Mr and Mrs Kenneth ililey and dauzhter Elaine oi Maple CONGRATULATIONS Io Norman Wice Iormer resident of Innisiii now resides In Barrie who on Saturday eels hraied his 90th birthday by party at the home oi his son Edson Quite number at Mend and relatives Irom Stroud at tended Also to the newlyweds Miss Clara Amos oI Hiliedale and Clayton Ayreswl Stroud who were married at lIllledale Pres byterian Church And to Miss June Johnston IMBob Marshall who were married In Stroud United Church also on Saturday by Rev Fred Jackson The ladies at Stroud Womens Institute catered Ior BASEBALL On Saturday evening Conks town boys played here with the Stroud Juveniles our local boys winning 82 Next Saturday will he ball toumement at Beeton No game here ACCIDENTAL GARDENS Many oi Londons postwar bomb sites grew trees and shrubs Irom the pill and stones lelt behind Irom secreteries Iunchbags East denier EastWest vulnerable the reception to about 96 guests CONTRACT BRIDGE ey JAY BECKER sure saunamu Land Mn Iaa McKenIll oi Wloydall visited If Mrs Thomas Edselt Mr and Mrs Nelson Robertt son and Iamlly Uxhridae viai led Mr and Mrs Earl Robert son and Mrs William Robert son Mr and Mrs Orville Hill and entity Hillsdale visited Mr and Mrs Gordon Moon Mrs Bob Saunders Oshawa visited Mr and Mrs Ray Shaw and Iarnily and also called on relatives in the community Mr and Mrs Norman fil Iord ol Ardtrea called on Mr and Mrs Gordon Moore Mrs William Robertson and Mr and Mrs Earl Robertson GUILPII CONFERENCE Miss Marion Moore has re turned Irom Guelph alter atten ding the 0H Homemakinl Com Ierence Mr and Mrs William Hobson Toronto and Mr and Mrs Will lam Clark and Iamlly Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Willied Johnston IIIBLE SCHOOL Several Irom this community are attending vacation Bible School at Mitchell Square Bap tlst Church this week TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mflll KNOW WHAT cavens BEST The Barrie Examiner and your Iavnrito comic along on your vacation Phone 7166537 now and arrange delivery quickly reached slx spades on the bidding shown West led JULIEI JONS DONALD DUCK Lstlstesrromsmlse rovers Himoetswmm some PWTICALLY Dims HIM HOME LES CANADIENS hlilI III Part VatItion Time Hucalsnsm Mound mosy Nisnt Movie Andy Grunts Jack nsn Lata slugyuut Nomi diamond and South made to resent more nourpm gene outsIAlrm WWI 60 tricks Ior score at 980 polnls noses nus ewoevaMMI HIM mussmsosfoirsrsussoupzee Butat ihe second table with Weather Ipvfl Waeo rrssn Pt or varyith The lenders Telescope lnI Unlouehseias can New Walther Spam Nessa Movie thtI Heat on 1a no oo no All It on so 00 00 so so on on IAIUsmAY JULY is use Test Pattern rm Tulboat Annie In twoIt It sso BIIebIII Game 01 the West sozo sun Bursar Mr and rs North memo Hancock nsh er rush To III in rruus Beverly Hillbillies Great Movies IIIhI sody luileta cnc rv News Weather Naws Itler Twin alii Arsenic and me am rh Hidden Rom Channel 3quan nunsnss sun Clpl son Huehioblrry Hound Till Rifle It News We Ir Sports Huntlevarlnirley News aisno shun sills select or stlidsrs Havel Kratt insstrs News Weather Sport Innllht snow 33 Gummake on National Ivsz Motm Final sports Reels Illd Bouquet Arrest And Tidal IATUIIDAYt JULY II non Csrtoon Party Cartoon Party Up the Garden rstn Twill BlII fltlllfl KID ml Touch of the sun Wrestllnl All Fuss III Time wuon TIIIn Donna Reed Saturday Nlfiht MflVlI IIIh the sun Ground Twilight Zone CTV Inw letro Finli Llll Show Kill the Blood My Hands Channel Buffalo snvnansv sun The Secret Etorns LeavI it To sum Riverboat Headline News Soars Headline mm as apart cos evshlur News Bat MasterInn PIIIWOM Rawhide Perry name The Nurses Nle Weather spam run Show leurnty Marlattl mun sun so Loo The secret slotrs no LIIVa It To Beaver om Riverboat r9pymaPFéPf 0110 learn so soa Kass oven so on mass res era was The bidding nut south West Noun as Pu Opening lead two oi dies mnnds Switzerland was the surprise team In the early rounds at the Olympiad They scored eight straightwina at the start oi the tournament and were well in Iront oi the zenetlon Ileld with score of 54 victory points out ot possible as Great Britain at thispolnt was second with is VPs But In the ninth round the Swiss played the Britlsh and lost to Here is one oi the hands where Britain scored gain The British NorthSouth pair 975 Swiss pair holding the North Souih cards the bidding went this way East was Terence Item part nered with Boris Schaplro They were playing their newly de vised nndhizhl artificial sys tem known as Little Major The one spade bid was we temle and showed moders ate opening bid with length In either one or both minor suite The spade bid was not intended as psychic It was merely an artlIIniel bid to show spa cliic type nI hand But the cited was that South In overcnlling with two spades was making minimum over eell and not lump bidwhich was what the South at the Ilrst table had done This collateral eliect ol the one spade bld made It much more dlillcult tor the Swiss North to visualize slam Not having the heneIit oI the jump overcell made at the Iirat table he went directly to lous spades Iie did not even have available cuebldln Reeses minor suit since Reese had not yet Indi cated which minor sult he had West led club and South made seven but Switserland lost 470 points on the deal Tomorrow ILS Smith MIILI BLONDIE lusr THINKsWE coULr HAVE ans HCOTENANW averrv DAY IN MRJITHEHSI THE OFFCE ID LIKE To qnoANIs cowaw GLEE our NEW IS HOPiNd LITTLE LEIIOY WILL Om UP 10 II GREAT ATHLETE mumswm wtme mmmmnmmm moms THIS OFF 50 HI MAUI HIMA 651 OF HUMI IILL TD IXERCIH WITH IF HEAR ONEPEEP OF ANYBopV uflIIOFTWO PAI OloLDmlIN 9Prsscp99 2228252823 HIadllnI News and sport Illfli cos Evening News WERE HOME Peoola sn many eaaLv suoaa DATING sunsmess DAILY cnosswono MN swim Zone mien RIDE AIIIM Hitchcock I3usii ml countshtu Plan ACROSS 45tFencing sealtaut Bob Hope Rumble on this Docks LA dance sword 19 spigot That was tnI Was That mm step ILGoltere side 22 WII Summ 5mm GIA plot 4814 elna arm aeir Parr pg flowers 491ere wet ht 2stun gmmllshlfltgm mm Puppgat candyI Lanternl nine ru Trip seed coating DOWN sache Quickbraw MeGrIw hilsntv Moors risynmu 8Exclarne iFalee show whose unnav runs is no Amoultnrs FLA Trouble business AM Report THAI TH IF WE HAD SUCH Paar pour SUPEETERIIFIC NIGHT HOW COME SIiLL HAVE SOME MONEY LIFII DAY III Capt not Malilla GarIiII Ihe Illflnmm Today tsal IIIIntlIyBrlnklly News matured slicker international showtime 225 PfiFrlr 2323223 ms 33 ssss 8332 Ihe stay slogrs snow meanness at aislusnbers is King volcanoes 46M Illulin untied spars mgfighfimfl 110reat enema suitors soumam Hector nutrients quantity utensil Iabrlo me am glrebfllébu Baseball Game of the week 12 Except GIEurop ash 2SAgainat serverrow IMESIIIIVIAVOEWAY shovno F3 In will iron teHesitatlon IRiveri Bo 293mm Fr woven GATE To CAVE $1M munnu sound Am as Thick cards cotton Headline News Sports flower humus 3224 hours so Level no weanHols senile mint rwo Instruct HERE 1st Yell these new llth mu DottT humour mitt sins A60 OTHERWFELLAMAXEWALL scenes lrva KEEPNKIIVE FELLA our us part 12 Ohio god aocuaehow Animals 17 Eelore Babyi in mam reply I8Cheriehed 14iDeciIned mall 1530m animal iOEplrIt IO Aquyliesers $52 mm my isrd commons headser sports 333 myth Léfllhlamt Aim at tha ems nudge OP Night Mavis Home rev EXAMINER wsm ADS iizttékm PHONE 7mm grxtllnglzfl Greece CARRIER Miss sou It your carrier has not arrived try pna please phone Egan 7282433 earlighueu And CapyWlil Be DeIIvered Ia Your Home hird THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE mmlfll dum Iogmdm +VAIEY lAXI DRIVEYOURSILF cans Ith snucxs 53 fifl BUZ SAWYER muses Huskersea

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