Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1964, p. 1

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tonal Weather and um today and llWEIidly Winds light in to night to High tonnrrow It Par stoma turn to page two Continuing to expand with Barrie and dim County room You No lso Thursday July 19 Not More Then is For CepyJM Pages Barrie Ontario Can CTIONS AFRICA woman Lanna now T0 SWIM Pam Bird as swimming lar Itruttor with the Barrie demonstrates point to olass at women at the Com munlty Swimming Pool Swim ming classes are conducted as hicCOMB Miss AP Expio rions which injured two civil origins workers in McComb have touched oit demands tor protec tlon oi youths involved in civil rights work in Mississippi About 500 youths irom other states are involved Fortyone parents of youths irom northenr Calitornia de cided to ask President Johnson IGovernor Edmund Brown at Calliornia and their congress men to assure protection tor the oung civil rights workers in ssisslppi The Federal bureau oi inves tlgntion sent an explosives ox ert to McComb to help with the ernvcstlgation There have been two other similar explosions but no arrests An avowed opponent oi the newlyPassed Civil Rights Act was shot in the arm in Col umbla Tenn Wednesday night Flo Fleming candidate ior Congress irom Tennessees Sixth District reported two Ne groes in passing car tired two shots at him as he drove home mm speaking engagement He was not believed badly in jured CHOOSE NEGRO in Chattanooga Tenn how evcr Negro educationlst Claude Bondwas named coordinator oi general educa tion tor the Chattanooga school system it is believed to be the iirst time Negro has attained such position in southern school system similar bright note came in ends wrekdsy morning at the pool From 1030 to it am the classes are tor children tram tour to seven Follow ing this class ior women is conducted until tints am Explosions Hurt Rights Workers Danvllle Va where directors oi the citys Memorial Hospital ordered the iacillty integrated The first step taken was ap proval or two Negro doctors ior stall privileges Reds Will Use Arms To Protect Friends Says MOSCOW AP Premler Khrushchev accused the United States Wednesday at waging murderous war oi aggression in South Viet Nam andwarnnd that local wars may evm touch oil world contiagra lion in wideranding speech Khrushchev asserted grave situation is developing in Laos where ioterierence by aggres sive imperialist powers may kindle war iraught with dens gerous consequences Once more he called US re connoissance flights over Com munist Cuba an odvetrturisi pol icy and added that serious con sequences may lie ahead it the illghia an nothalted Twice he warned that the Soviet Union is prepared to use its arms to protect its triends and allies The premier spoke to gradu ates oi the Soviet Military Academy His speech was re ported by the oliiclal Soviet news agency Tass loony remIla rpage lit of NW babysitting service irees mo thers to take the lessons special class ior coeds is be ing organized However this class cannot begin until tur thcr registrations have been received EiMVliLE EltliM RESULTS TODAY Elmvalo High School exam Iury Finds Fer GUELPH CF Donald Tutt wyearold high school principal charged with three counts of iorging Grade 13 ex amination papers or the bone tit oi his son was acquitted oi the charges Wednesday by county court jury atter an hour and 45 minutes oi deliberation nrtt teacher ior 30 years had pleaded not guilty to the charges whicharosa alter Jon Gregg Murray is appealed to the department of education af ter receiving tailing mark in an English literature exam writ ten last June The case was heard by Judge Lane An investigation indicated the name tag on Murrays paper had been switched to that at Bruce 1W it it was also dis covered that corrections had been made on the younger iutts French composition and French authors papers in hand writing ditierentv irom his own Both Murray and Bruce Tutt were students at Fergus and PREISES POLICE Wallace Slams Press Coverage TORONTO tCl Governor Gebrgs Wallace oi Allbama gave minute rundown on his views at press conference here today on sublccts ranging irom Canadian newspapers to his national political ambitions Gov Wallace met by anti segregailon demonstrators on his arrival bare Wednesday night tor the Lions international convention opened his rass conlerence with twom nute statement that included blast at Ibronto press coverage at his visit He obicctod report that so leered him didnt hear any Jccrs he said Only cheers hope Canadians can be bet ter informed hope you wont be like the pressin our country where you cant tell what happened by reading the papers Gov Wallace whose prcss coniersnca involved careiul screening at some 50 news paperradlo and television relt particularly to demonstrators vporterrwhiloasorrurlry mcn guarded the doors paid tribute hlI briei statement to Tor gus Principal Not Guilty 0n ForgeryCharge District High School where the senior Tutt is principal at the time the exams were written They now are students at the University oi Western Ontario During the trial which opened Monday two handwrit ing experts irom the attorney generais department testiiied they thought the handwritingcn the exam corrections was that oi the older hrtt CITES DIFFERENCES in his address to the jury delt ience counsel Arthur Martin said testimony or the handwrit ing expertsthe only evidence against his clientpwas only opinion evidence and there had been substantial ditierenoes in the two opinions he said Judge Lane said in his charge to the jury This charge has some peculiar signiiicanoe in that it is not only an ordinary chargeoi iorgery but charge involving prolession irom which We expect justice onto police who certainly do their lob BALANCE OF POWERB Tire governor predlccd that he would win ough voice in the United States presidential election to hold the balance oi power and iorce either the Re publican or Democratic candl dete to espouse statcs rights local rights and property rights We are tired oi being kicked around liberal and leitwing groups are minorities lm an Alabama Dcmocrst not snailonel Democrat lnr notkln at all to those talks rono srlrcrt oars NUMBERED MNDON AP Scream ing Lord Sutchs days as pirate broadcaster may be numbered Earl Jelilcoe minister tor the lloyal Navy told the House ol lords Wednesday that the Union Jack will be restored to the oiishore anti aircraft tort irom whim the 22yearold pop singer has been broadcasting tor two months in delime oi the 830s monopoly Earl Jeltitoe said the gov ernment will adopt bay clon ing lines in accordance with Ibe Geneva convention on ter yritorial waters thereby bring ing the entire Thames Estu ary and Shiverln Sands within British iorlad Ctlon Hsxdld not indicate when this would take place Expect Parliaments Approval For Extended Fishing Limit OTTAWA conten tloua government hill on Can adas territorial and iishlag limits which has been toning tnparliamentsmsince April 30ir expected to receive ilaal passage in the Commons today The House completed its clausebyclauae study at the measure Wednesday and pro needs today with the third reed lng usually cleaned up with ilt tie or no debate Spokesmen ior the our oppo sition parties reiterated Wed nesday that they will vote tor the bill but described it as an attractive shell with no sub stanceiuslde They said the bill in itseli will do nothing to help Canadian iisherrnen tare better inrcompetltion with the big modern torelgn trawlcrs that ply the East and West coasts the second ltemon todays agenda is complex measure enacting new iiscal arrange ments worked out with the provinces at two iederalprovirr cial cdnierences last winter The ilshlog bill empowers the HERES ONE Magistrate This seems such simple case that think it should have been settled out at court Plaintlii Thats whatvwe were doing untlithe cops broke cabinet to expand Canadas threemile territorial tone by drrasviflg Jew llrnlts hwithl an ram mdond to headland This system could lose such bodies of water as the Out at st Lawrence and Queen Charlotte Sound to all torelgn llabermen The exact location at the baaclinos is being discussed with the United States and six European countries The bill also empowers the cabinet toproclaim ninemile exclusive llshing zone beyond the threemile territorial limit GoldWcrter votes Mount Steadily SAN FRANClSCO APiGov ernor William Scranton at Penn aylvania indicated today that he would appeal ior planksvin the Republican party plattorm oplt posed to extremism at an particularly in the cl rghts iietdx Seemingly unable to start rankandille revolt against the leading contendEr tor the lie plublican presidential nomine tiou Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona Scranton carried his tight to the nominating con vention plationn committee He was invited to appear bciora the committee today But the l05 member grou contains malorltycl Gol water sup rtera and there was no ind cation that the com mittee will produce any plat iorm statement that Goldwater could not accept or any that Proposed By Asian Leaders Attending PMs Conierence LONDON iCP Calls ior sanctions against South Airics were heard today as Allan ricen and West ludisn leaders spoke on the world politch al tulltlon at the conterence oi Commonwealth prime minis era Attacks on Southern Rhode slea racial policies also wore made notably by Ghanas Prime Minister Kwame Nimr meh but conicrencn sources said the debate remained dec orous and triendiy at all times Prime Minister Albert Mar gal oi Stem Leone said it is essential tor senior Common Wcalth members to take iirmer attitude against South Airicas apartheid in order to retain the coniidence ot the emcrging Airlcen countries He criticized Britain ior op posing sanctions Conicrence brieiing oliiccrs declined to give spccliic lnlor mation on wllat the various spcakera said but spokes man ior Mergal raid Common THliEE TORONTO PAPERS STEUCK TORONTO UNA lwitls man ior Torontos dain upwa papers said today that mem bers oi the international Typ ographici Union CLC walked ati their tabs at all three pap on early this alternoon Atimed were no employ ees at The star are at The Telegram and at The Globe and Mail Meens ot wealth problems such as dern onstrated in Malaysia W911 and Kuhmlr show the necea siiy ior some iorm oi concil lstory machinery within the Conunenwealth Canadian Prime Minister Pearson was scheduled to later today in its second day the is country conlsrenca seemed away to smooth start alter the tentative agenda was reargt ringed tomcet the wishes oi can countries anxious to reach racial questions The meeting decided quickly and without acrimony at its opening session Wednesday that such issues as Southern Rhod csia and British Guiana would take second place on the agenda rather than last Under this agreement the agenda now includes review oi the world po litical situation Progress at British territor ies towards independence and membership at the Common wealth topic embracing ior instance Southern Rhodesia promoting closer cooperation between the pro pies oi the Commonwealth and world emnomlc attain Some sources said the world gebatl might oimpyhbotn at to oys Irons or era was distintt possifiultyfttie second item would be reached launch ing speeches on Southern Rhod esias white minority rule Bodies Found successlul challenge on the con vention iloor Scranton arrived in San Fran cisco Wednesday alter criss crosslng the country in an ei iort to spark popular support ior his own campei to win the nomination and are Pre dent Johnson in the Nov erai election in the meantime the Gold water supporters lowed corn tidently toward ther goal or lirstbailot victory nest Wed nesday Senator Carl Curtis Ne breaks the Arizona senators convention iioor manager said that we have got more than enough delegate votes tor the nomination but we want more Senator John Tower of Texas another Goldwater stra tegist said in separate inter view Weve got more than aacorvrrna out or The bodies oithres New Jer sey men were iound today where their plans had crashed Saturday in rugged hilly coun try helicopter landed at the scene as miles northwest at Quebec City that none otthe three had lur vivcd the crash and coulirmed Twopars rescuemen had dropped into the area Wednes day nlght shortly etter the wreckage oi the plane was spotted spokesman atthe RCA base in this community 150 mllca north oi the provin cial capital said radio contact has not beenrnade with them since they tended Quebec Provincial Police were trying to reach the scene There are no roads in the lmv mediate area at the crash The plane was piloted by Dr Charles Taylor 47 Butler NJ school superintendent With him were Floyd Struble 55 at West Mlllord county clerk and Butter painting contractor Hollis Card 55 an throe rm Caldwell it open the way ior any 700 on re getting more on tlight oCanada Jilne LATE QDeserter Gets Seven Years FRANKFURT AP Capt Aiired ESvenson was sentenced today in seven years at hard labor ior desertiorl and theft at jeep in which he drove to Communist East Germany it months DiplomatTalrés Turn For Worse LONDON AP Panamanian politiciandiplomat Roberto Arias husband at ballerina Margot Fanteynhhes taken turn tor the worse because of chest inlection Anna 47 was shot by dis gruntled political colleague in PanamarClty June per ct rd Hesaid more than as com riesnow had this kind oiv experience The peace seping oonierencs raise during the question ad ater SocialCredlt Erodes RobertThonrpsors lmenu tiorred that the Soviet Union presented splen Tuesdayioro worlnlpollce tom to UN Geaeralu Tbaot grad to tish ltd dloover To Miss Convention NEW YORK AP Herbert Hoover oldest living former US president will missthe litepublican national convention tor the first time since he leit oiiioe 32 years ago Hoover who will he so next month said through spokesman that be will send 600 rd statement to the convention that opens in San Francisco on all in random or no The latest attraction at new VIII By its helps and Dowiin also bottleted solar crale Canadian Runners To Compete coupon or Toronto nnrners3ritce alarms am emitters ilew here todayand pro aredto compete in British Amateur Ath Ethic 91mm Wk letic Association champ nnshipsErlday and Saturday Crothers lilfllthfleYEEPOld Fill 73 it will ntnthe Booyard event and Kiddhso the six miics North American eik Park

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