uucmvwrownn Mm or big powamw wn held at the home at Jack liutch inn lielrme avenue last BIG BARBIE CIIEF WITH BRAVES night when organisers and many at local children dress ed in lndian costumes The SIMCOE NORTH MP Questions Efficiency Force Reorga OTTAWA iSpeciali Finan cial savings brought about by the reorganisation oi Canadas armed services may be more npparcnt than real lieher Smith iP ior Simcoe North said here this week member oi the special coni mluce oi the Commons tr Smith illll the purpose oi the hill below the house was com mcndnhlc ii the armed services were to be made more ciiicieot Those are conunendable pun poses and they have been loud ly proclaimed in headlines and press releases all across the country But when we look be hind the iieadilno and the pres rcicasrs we begin to wonder ii the ciiicioncy and the savings are not much more apparent than they are real he mm mcritcd cnrricisM llc sold the idea at single chici oi stall to report to the minister oi dcience might not improve the quality at the nth vice the minister would receive Nor would it provide the proper civilinn evaluation oi the views fthiit the heads at the armed services out iorward lit Smith argued He said rather than cutting down the number at people re porting tn Ihe chief oi staIf there would now he commit tee at seven instead at com plitlee oi our lhis seemn to me to be the ï¬rst indication that in the bat tie to cut down the armed ser vices Proiusor Parkinson is REFER am going to win and rldllll min later Mr Smith said lie suggested that dctcnce minister Paul lieilyer should have small group at civilian technical advisors to help in evaluating the various weapons and deicncc systems that were beta Pmud ND STATUS llia other criticism have at the new command structure is that it giv little or no sta tus to the deieoce council Mr Smifli said pointing out that in the organization chart the coun cil was enclosed with only dot Tempo 0i Work Stepping Up At Barrie Tourist Centre last year So iar thctotal oi registrations is com above that as the rams time last year Up till closing time Monday evening moo people had visit Wilfli oi the Tourist iniormn don Oiiicc on Highway no is becoming increasingly intense Last week truth the Monday morning closing on Sunday limit 4600 people visited the centre JVisitors are asked to sign die register cardul record is made oi the detaiLs as to where they came from and what part of Ontario they plan to via During the week visitors mostly irorn the United States over complete season Amer ican usually comprise onathiid the visitors lhis year the centre opened April it days earlier than contractions Lisr iron mum in lAdiIlls lrom the Sheltered hernias wt to aim ed the centre this mason hp proximately onethird oi them are staying in the immediate tires The peak season is yet to come Peter Head is the manager Working with him are live girls who are univusity students All come tram the Barrie at The centre simpllca tree intonation and literature on camp sites fishing and hunting areas and points oi interest in Ontarios vacation lands Agricultural Society the lint Wllvfl garden was rigged with totno poles end tuna and there was camp tire During the eve ning grace and dances were nizatidn lad lines Instead oi solid black lines This indicates that lit tie it any use will be mado oi it and indeed there will be cvcu lcss civilian advice tor the Imlnister in the iuture than there now Mr Smith said that every time the question was raised about the number at people itto were going to be cut train the services the number is loss With the cosl oi living going up steadily it meant that the env lnt will be reduced and the amount oi nsw weaponry that can be purchased was that much less it was also not made clear what position the Department oi Dcience Production would how and whether there was simply going to be more dupli cation in the purchase oi inat eriul tor the services Ruler ring to the Avm Arrow he said one oi the things that torced the decision to drop this plane was the iantaallc and uncon trolled costs in connection with its development COM $50 MILLION What is the minister doing to dinoge the Department oi National Dcience and the De parlarient ui Dcteace Production in order to induce the type of waste that occurred in connec tion with the Arrow the North Slmcoe MP salted The Stariightei plane now has to redesigned and it will cot Another 50 million to make it work He said this was an administrative decision taken by experts and no politician could know about the design oi the Starilghter But he asked what was being done to make sum there would not be anoth er tsu million more wasted on the nest weapon Canada bought la the minister going to put the aircrait and naval prom meat programs under civilian control This is where same road savio could be made ra ther than is die lamina oti oi 2000 men traps the armed ser vices Mr Smith concluded DEATHS VncouverHnroifl Weir iorrner editor and columnist whose lournulletio career spanned 44 years SoniaE Alien chair man oi the Sarah Hydro Com mission in Call hospital following stroke oi The horrid Examiner held Seen with his tribe in root oi the ceremonial tire is chic link Hutchings in large headdress Ambulance Force Paces Busy Season St John Ambulance Brigade ls Into its busy season Peter liegdoosl head at the Barrie brigade still today Our duties on pretty much regular For example we have people at the stock car races at lVaaiin Bench overy Saturda night And we have cover several picnics lately lir liegdooal sold the brigade makes courses in artiiicisl rmplration avail able to any group Ralph Cong don is instructor Charge Motorist Failed To Stop Graveidturst man was charged with tailing to stop at Barrie stop sign yesterday He collided with car driven by William Shoughan oi Stay ner Charged ls Villlnm Builtng at no James St Grovenliurst lir Straughan was trevclliog east on Codrington street and lir Rutledge south on Vin cent street at the time ot the accident Damage was estimated aL am by Coast Tom hockey with school out the Barrie Recreation program activities in all parks are at their peak report irom each park in dlcates that this summer may be the best ever tor the com mittee An account oi activities ioilows BLAIR PARK Thirty children participated and activities included junior and senior baseball games tor the smaller children modern art with crayons games mak ing maslts with glue and popcr by smaller children physical iltness program and basket ball game QUEENS PARK in the past wcck registered ior ac leaders conduct diiicrent age groups in softball physical ill ness active and quiet games and craits Junior and senior boys and senior girls have his gun their soitball schedule and spend et least an hour day gnaw5 lnr tolunlear communications ouicer ior SimmllarrieEmen use Home Oflanlntlon He is employed by General 31 ectno ln Battle it is expected the restdts oi the eaamination will be known Minot OBITUth EDWARD HAGAN Funeral service ior Edward Hum 53 oi l0 Ii Stunt was held at Jenn homo llr Hogan died in Royal Vic toria Hospital June to iollowlng heart attack Born In Ballast lreland son at the late hir and Mrs Bd ward lingn he came to Barrie with his parent At the age oi we lie was servim manager oi Dangoriicld Motors and had been 30 years with General Mir tors and Harris Motors lie was member or Burton Ave United Church and oi the Royal Canadian legion lie was an association menibcr oi the 10°F llr liogm was married in me lo the iormcr Marguerite Scott in Barrie Besides his wile he is surviv cd by son William oi Owen Sound and tlxee doughters iie Robinson tAnnol lire Law tLinda both oi Barrie and Brenda at home Also surle are two blotti crs William oi nunina and to berl oi Barrie and sister Mrs Jacobs Rachel oi Ibrahim iuncral service was conduc ied by Rev David hear and burial was in Dorris Union Ce metery Pallncorors were Merrick liuol Bogardls ti Peach man Ciemmcna and Mo Cacthy RECREATION PROGRAMS Activities At Peak At Park Playgrounds practising The park is host to the bicycle rodeo Friday WELLINGTON The weclta activitica included sputter painting games and songs Pet Day with prize ior boll pct reporting masks and games physical illness program mahlnfl kites base ball and basketball throws and scavenger hunt CODRINGTON Ihe park organized baseball tcains tha Senior Girls played Grove Pork physical illness program is well under way The Park also hold pill show with prizes ior the smol ielt dog the iunnicst dog the best watch dog and so on ihursr day will be blcycls day srRABANE An ltidlan Day was held and other activities included mould ing with plaster oi Paris mak ing animals with pipe cleaners and painting the physical tit noel program was received sn thusiaitically with many work ing towardn their crests on corn pietlon at each division SHEAR Monday the program Man with organising ioithail Mania Friday was Pirate JW ior and Senior mom came to the part drch II pirates and Flared various pirate gam es total at is children hove registered ior this park OAKLEY his boys WIpliM ton and nature pictures were Ads twigs other activitch cl names exorst Friday was Will Ilh wards my Clothes soul bi which ditto register oiimi an it it till Hit up vtlb filtration ti ow tattoo lirl slywtt in an it with rituals all Hi illilllil ml hill at decoration IuihpIIIOSUlltluog 79 calorimeter toilets we no ill10X Insect Bomb flylt1 rayr mwwmmmmc annn wwmnfl gt stamens or nine to Royal Canadian Legion met with Barrie City mun City The City Detctopmcnl Com mittee and representatives oi Branch ltl lloyni Canadian Lo gionhdiscussod housing ior scu loi eitixaua last night Both groups backed by pmvlucio surrcy sold thoy rca line the need ior such tanning The Legion pnviously had cs pressed interest in providing such otcomodotion The committees last night de Sponsors Park Bicycle Rodeo ndttes will sponsor bicycle rodeo hiday at Queens Parlc The cvent will be open to all children who have signed up at the citysulaysrounds Prizes will be awardcd ior highest points Top boy and girl will each win trophy 0o inuridny Oakley Park School playground children will particlpataln Pirate Day Bri gauds and buccaoccrs will warm over the groundsior the entire day totem pole and prizes will be awarded to the lndionwith most authentic costume Activitlcs trot well under way with 230 registered The senior glrLs tcani detentcd Codrlngton coir Friday younger boys pain ted pine cones and mad blue and yellow ornaments lhe older girls made pnpcr mosaics Phy sical illness is well under my and coming up is Pt Dsy Kirstin KOIEX usurmrf llis Barrie ilocroiitiori Comy immediately iessinnal sluii lobby lounge initiation Development Coinnith lost night to discuss th and int senior cltiua hours in Bor rlor Hm are alru lved Into the problem but in dicated they did not have euthi orlty to make commitments Questioned by chloonaire as to bow in the City would go Aid ii llacbaron said 1hats no problem He Enid it would be soother yam beioic building could be commenced and council could budget tor it by then The panel agreed that senior citircoa housing should be sit uated in the tart oi Darrin Mayor Coolie noted that tho old toncept was to isolate the elderly but the new method in to keep thcm close to chur thcs shopping control and even schools Aid Si Morrow chairman Contract 1hoinpaon ilcttl Bert Rae and Chnrics Lawson with Mayor Cooke inasnio or Pinto Seek Moreelniormation On Homes For Elderly Ill illn City Detrlopniciit Ounv nilttce ritiiiitilid the coat oi housiny at 000 utilt The panel was mail crlrif nioth typo accommodation milor to that oiicrcd in North ti chion lilies and Burro coun cll mo in toured the North Bkdwelliags in June North Bay homes noted by lille citizens are sellllgul dating Those hoiiicl have bccgi high iy prniscd by tho Eurlcilcs cause they allowed the elderly trecdom and adequate em medallion at reasonable cost The wniiiilttccs last night ag rucd to pursue the matter and took more lnioimiilioo iioni pro vtiiclal sources Signed For Centre The Burris thYWCA env nouoccd the contract ior ihl new centre was signed ycs tcrdoy This means that con struction work will start almost President Gard Patterson and past president Mia Well aco signed the contract on be hali oi the Barrie and Don Emory signcd ior the contrac tors Emory Engineering nod Contracting Company The iirst and turned during vcrcniony at the Grove St site wcst oi anilold lunc 2a was attended by many local dig nitarles The anticipated con struction time is 33 works Architects tor the new are Sailor and Allison oi Barrie The centre will include an in door itwiiiimlng pool two soil oi ioclttr rooms shower room and drying moths Also included in the present plans are awlirunlng oiiicc and physical control area ads ndnlitrativo oiilccs tor the pro and moreball gaina and hiltu Specials Good Iii July II We miv and giiincs inoni Thcie Will also be ii kitchcn sciicrnl put posn moms and our club room ilic iicw building will not in cludo two club rooms and program storage ma wrich worevdeletcd irom tho original plan botanic at lock or up illiittlllitil niiilin ARRENIAl tuitionIlls it will pay you to loose your next car treat us ask about our low rates 7564412 to Dunlop st 799 in in 330 Itseve llnlls ll to we till it it Mix in its Mottttlltliltlitlityriy you