Got Asreen Thumb mom In emu IXAMJNBI WEDNESDAY JULY ANNOUNCEMENTS BURTON LODGE NURSING HOME home away trom heme tor up and bed patients Dieta re habilitation prom or motto ll OCiAiID NUMIND Iniiioléumcn ONTARIO ATTENTION BARRIE RESIDENTS In order that our head lem min pool may be made avall This in local citizens we have talututed day rate THE CONTINENTAL INN mint ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for title work Accommo dations Ior bed and up patlenu Male and Iemale loud Iood lawlvlalon Reaanna rates Stroud isolaoi IIRTHS NAN All THPORTANT Boom in Elmo or ill Ghlld Ihauld roll pieuiile Ind other will eat to know your choice Nana our child an ulthly pallihla lid lira Aha ind viani name in III baniillar ninh Announce It our clalllliod nu llcta lnlliidlll nd we will pualian int Natire in ldillan lthia IRDLlYPrlnk Ind Flora of II Sprinlhilme Mr all happy In lanolin tho arrival at sort Dru Harald on liiiidl Jul III at lteyai vleiona ncplla ma rumora dauï¬llilr Michal Dom in William Puuck In lamgnlartzy nleadly III Ania at Victoria aepILIl DEATHS mouse WilliamAt In Royal Vintaril limitI amt on ruaa day luly lost Menuy at am hairye huaband oi Lindsay daar lather of nlrm oi cantormod and Moon of Si Cliilarlrtll Also Ilirvlvad ay lan thaI atrran lama in his 71h Raatl It VII dllllll rum flame me Funeral omit 1mm luly at lintmien rIaitarwavlld ml II no main it oclock auapicu LOL Nfl Alli lUmDLAND Rieth Ianivrd IllflnPalnd away It till Royl Vittoril iloanllai on Tue Iy 19 RIohIld Slnlam Cookalnwn In ilLI Beloved hmoano or cCuIleun dear rather Mn Garï¬eld Nllon of Maui Onl dear arandlathar or in in Paul and lfllin nartlna at Hume ninenl Home canksiown lor Mu on ihlirr July at Mo pnl inter Alllaton Union Cemetery lilo lervlu in Llll lunarIi IdiiudIy evonlnl It In liau as Ilium donlll to Clnadtan Clam to hum Itn were Ill alt and think yau ih elite you used to We won er pray you Without chance You wan Irvine le load and true mathar never lived Your uall but lew Orlaiiln by Guy dliilh ll Ianrinlaw Bah laid laan mndchlldran iovinl Memo 01 er Adlm Wlelliirn 1y July son lathl my and Your Imus memory will aim lleauly Island by oauuam ran CARDS OP THANKS sultanin and Mrs non larratt ot Cooketown will in mre their alum thanks and rp pmlalion ta fluids and nailhbore IM lh Irta kiMnul duflnl the rule bereavement thatr daulhlar Dpoetai thanks to Ray Mr Howard Dr norrim nur us and em or stomach hiero Orlal Ilaanal IVANlIr and Mrs letil evan and John who in expim their aopmiallen up the lovely IVMLIM Ind Ilitilul lllll lvaii avlna rail in Illinr think you NAOANWl Willi to extend our hintit thank and Ipyrullllnn or the act of kindneu meaallca Iyrnplthy Ind beautiful floral nillrlnu M091 durin mantv COMING EVENTS ORANGE CELEBRATION Sat 11th Jilly at PARRY SOUND mattered bits tieleta FEW LEFT Telephone GEilol0n 71173504 Corbett mom Monow 7mm REAL ESTATE REAL WATS Broker Phone mull 01 Dunlop St II III ind mutual ea In raanihlr Plyln will buy your pnuni ill Ind ascrtaaall JUST OUTSIDE TOWN enclosed hrecreway nicely land iIIrnl ESTATE SALE BURTON AVENUE BRADFORD ST 0500 room and kitchen to buy lot IIIADEI MARSHALL Iiieltu ma HARRIS 1mm loser EACltMANN malls uwalrlca Km uwm Alliston nn No par rarransoN 71ml Keith Marshall Photo Realtor l5 Clappcrton St 7282502 Indrhlidren Ind Shed and downtown BLOCKS FROM STREET aolld hullt home all seven rooms on Invelirnent tor the future own outside entrance showing excellent retumor seven months busingl oil furnace piece colored bathroom Aluminum and screen an scan FARM loo yards from City Limits loo acres mixed hush mostly hardwood room Iarm house creche and wells on pmperw NELLES PHOTO ms REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST GRAYDON KOHL Real EstateBroker 75 DUNLOP ST Telephone 7204252 HAVE CLIENT tor mailer type home In or close to Bar tlon Can pay all cash SNACK DAR AND Holy lita tion on busy highway north at Barrie Year round buil ness 55000 down or best all er Will consider exchange for on other rooerty illness forces title Tare WINGS CALL MOORE7W HOTELTm VFJLGARVEY Real Estate Broiler ERA BARBIE Tunney taggersIans PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY an Dd Attractive room alum bungav low Iltached laraze excellent basement recreation mom and laundry toned air all turnaca ished Situated oil ILiel of tinny bathrooms bed rooms rooms on main floor includlns separate dining room ape Would exchaaae or house Well kept bedroom bungalow lam attn porch llvlnp dlnlnl Baaulllui view at the bay Good batsmen with oil turnacs All very clean wr looIr Iraslim Davidson St Real opportunity in PER MONTH will take care at mortgage and taxes Clean compact stucco home rooms one In basement large kitchen Close to schools MAIN brick large and airy This well kept home Is located on commer cial property and is Ideal Inr azrnwlng family and Is an WE RECOMMEND Ulla lovely home on Naplar St yellow brick lust silt yeara old lane bedlooms kitchen with dIninz area and many extras Aa an extra bonus there is an apartment In the basement rented at 770 mallfli with its SUMMER BUSINESS In town loo ACRE FARM i2 miles south Barrie 90 acres seed ed remainder cedar and ma ple bush II room modernized Iarm house now turned Mr storms roan firpi Clrpdfl lenred wn Egï¬mggru mm and heaps haekyard Private ltarah sills mm rie Must be In good condlv REAL ESTATE PHONE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR DUNLOP Tram EAST 7285568 Save Mlle whilï¬ur Photo Pilu EVENINGS CALL MEMBER BARRIE AND DISiRiLil REAL ESTATE BOARD MacArthur726W Desertmun lira Joan Lillim7 Dd Colomm Don ClinpbeliMlm will hucment with oil lurnaca Photo MLS Realtors elm 13 grflugldhlgï¬ COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE to nil 13 DUNLOP ST TRIPLEXtldioo 7264422 or 7281423 hm all mmunw rvmmos cam orne era en are Eminent cgnslatlon lgalkinl mu ELF1 girliIEi wn am we able 331o oneerhloor Wm 7mm HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo IIILS Realtors BAYHELD 51 715645 WE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Morlzaxe Funds Avallailla ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 726648I Allph loan 73 Norin Hyanatt 71w Dill Hamilton 7M 72147 77591 Ruaa canon Laddta nrtuhae Ileilu liary Harrison mm FOR SALE BY TENDER to close an estate hrlelr veneer house at $08 Bradford Street Burrle Tender with terms pro posed and certltled cheque tor Ion oi the tendered price to bo submitted to the undersigned not later than Friday July 10th loot Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted COWAN AND COWAN Barristers and Solicitors 58 Comer Street Barrie Ontario wntmtlml Rn mut tome air hours and dock tween name and Grill phon alelols TWO BEDROOM Emile ranmv kitchen hl room on watar iIrn bulb iiayi nu sic llvlril and flu Piece ll Thirtméolomil ca ca 72846 BUNDALOW or III three bed roolril ailhaillttlli down lyinent required Askhll prlcl Tele Iionl norm or more periicil era mill IInMOM Erluk Hausa vie inity or at church Lem lIviM rnnnlnrlnlace lull am rnsnt dllllnl room laraa ktlenen owner translsrred Apply to so mania strut amacm Dunlll quilt ltreoi nui hill roll in end on livina Lhrel edrooinl dine man nannooM brick Dunllw alavv limp melled retrea tlon rnoln ehed earns iandlt ande mu da Ind lettered back YIN convenient to Dublin and hlah school ind aua rvice Tele plicna Hume alx ADRES Property or Fruit lam l2 rnoni brtelt 7281405 ham oo 50 double Wu hm outalda LiL llrn EVENINGSI Iiiraway it no clar title mug WEN Hm Telephone mom or him dllt PD Ilsisol 11 7537 ParvaTa ear Ihre bedroom Ban no mm brick home In new with In an own email rk Iaru kitchen ilVint rnhni led in piece hath roam lilwhld llllle atlo 67a rinancina at out tel Innn Televilnnl 716ml my not on om own irn late custom bunaaiow Attached Ovoralaed kitchen hsths panelled dy Landscaped Ind tanned vllin modern luxurioln IIOOII To View thie 71AM Priv nl lei Grove Street AN IXCIPTIONALLY Iliraciiva haul in client location 596nm hlflinom Recreation room round floor lendinl tn min and patio summer Ind Iliad Ev Joe lonxlla mom llnnhor or lame and District run but Board SHELSWELL and WILLSON CARRSDON Six consecutive Imrtotu var rotor menu be ti vem used To per wont arm Myerti ncparhnont requires Mrs Noriiie hoursmole Donnellmm CAMPBELL lilortnxe MCI Available Orallee Read7281317 Mrs Loren Rico481410 Bill RIwnmmi FARMS WANTED rant on huth or county road lentil radius cl nanIn part bush mr auudlnu race haun Iiiu nun so to Ian mu Pro ah write an or inor all particularI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IiiINiAiURl Oou Course Snack Bar Ill arid CNN Home All led an llrll corner lot Ml iliwld Owner retinal Birdil Donllcolin BaniI Ill Colt Stroll LOTS FOR SALE ANOUI LIndIc with lnataued ut lilel Centre at Anni Toluth Aillaihn 0563 MORTGAGES WANT MORTGAGE First or Second Itlow simple Interest up to 807 oI your prop crty value Low monthly pay ments up to tilteen years to to pay For any mortuage problems Ito COREY Real Estate 98 Dunlap St 7282413 INSURANCE MOVING Dont iorzei to transier yotn INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind SEE ISTEVENSONS its Dunlap mieol RENTALS HOUSES WANTED TO RENT man BEDROOM Hours wanted in the villnlty or at Marys or at Monicas School Telephone 7234 rnvn BEDROOM Rotua required Dy remmllile llmiiy by Auluet ii Noyesr lean dulrallle In thl Vichzity any public ICDODL Telephone 7184007 CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE 722414 Classiï¬ed advertisements and nail oll for there pale mint he rel solved in mm day precedin publiuiion with till ex tlon Cilarirled Dllplatn ldve menu which must he by i210 noon precedllll day 2a wann MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING cull Disoount Rates apply it plia within daia to per word per Insertion or one or two days Thm conrccutlvc Insertions Tyre per word oer inurllon total not word For insertion total 01 10 additional nharll ll not Mid wlUi in van dlya onuhlrct to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained nLINn LEillli nnx ROILila Iilllil Elind better Box Number or Mile ia held ltrlctiy ontid IntLII Replies to Letter Eon will ha held only 10 dIyl litr llil III or publication IAdlIertiulI IIIIrll Box Number will be uhlried Ila snow chas er Word rhino ehlrle 015 EIth Ind Notleea run or up to we over 15 worda Ev Ir extn word In Maroonn No on muons our connscTIoNa an phone Inserlion ordera are ac cepted convanianoa to tho Idvortla ihereiora Lila Claaauled all srtiurs to kindly resheek their advertisement Immediately liter Ant liiurtioan orde that any Indra or ominlana reported that ulna me he re uhliuiio Till rrl hummer lIflPonIlb or If on any ye Him 10 Ill xleni of Mind It Invollml the rim £101 which do not iIlaen Ihl wine of tile Idvarliaemant are not merit pastas for SALE HOUSE ANN here and more with nod town and active siunmer resortr In qupboardr aéï¬leoe FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CROP Zstnrey In excellent on elilibll or correcllona hyin loads clay loam tile drained rloae to odltion largeltitehen hatli and combinetlon furnace odhtluxu ADVERTISING DOWNTOWN Irrir lamb ntcd catzd newlyrdecoratzd private ONn BEDROOM Iurnialied spare rnsnt tor rent Suitable or one or sums HOUSES T0 RENT liVI IIDIOOI In hr mi II Dunn Elm haiku Ali liar decanted Ilirt dï¬ in to can or alone ivphm Tull WI unila mu manual menu homo am New Tn la alto oesool hr Mounting pins call My vamr nlconm modern house tar not in Bardea better hoina district bedroom or warnrel our In evenlan motel Real Estate and Insurance mm WM auntlo Photo MLS ï¬eld so me mania mu 32 HIGH ST 7mm 1155 4375274 unl now Also our bedroom hin iiilhed WIDE ONTO month will nan or IM er Edy plum Also one ed midi mind Mu close to downtown Malh IVILIIbiI lmedl stair cau Rania renter and Company APARTMENTS TO RENT BRENlWOOD TERRACE meal dry tubs Close to stores adioola Parking facilities Available July 15 Phone roem monk Janiinr nice lian iron it Tellvhanl TIME Trina ltooM nirnlallsd aleia SM OpÂ¥ Aren Avail uu paon mam IILP comam lthreledroarg mu all one 23am Tellvhono mi Iner pm riVit R00 It to rent nil hut eily ranvanlennu nur chant nor morn lnInrnlallnn pie call aail hurt ammo Trimaran ltlneuts or rent three rooms and lit entral lo cation For lurlh iniornilliara Only Daylield Street DIiill rovn not an rtinant or rent it and balhr Heat and Inamcll plied TelI hon iiaron nri tinIvan 710R Two nIDno rent Availahi st Pleu contact Mr Perry lard THO or Robert MCCOIIII at Tleloie MD AND Brilllt Ihru room min mull Lilhllr hell Ito and truertor Iii lied eon monthly Apply at It millet Streei OItOLNO noon unlimillhed William three mom and him healed hot and cold location Available mm or 7155 ON aunnotm Apartmlnt moth cin kitchen uvtna mm ta Dal and clue to hit lie or and stove loe Punt 8L Telepho Two nlnnoml Apartment heatc ed lawn parkllilr buclltrrit in reliant condition Available It the end or In Real to month ly Call LIkIlew DIliy MSW Two annnoolt Apartment tor mat irl Allandlie nvll ROOM unfurnished IlpltaIrI apartment tietad Iellflmtained uilnll QriirInce lrhlnl Il Available immediate Toiegn $2710 or 715430 ONIOnNisnall two Mroom up Inmlnt weetund Earrlr near on All uuutlu pits Ap ply Pranru St North or tele phone 1mm mule noolii apartment hed main living room kitchen into Diraimed llava lilpplied Hydra and aid or rill nlnnthiy Central Te options mlallz Two annnooll arinient or rent Centrally Ios llciiltles rklnll rpm Heal my run Suitahls Iai adulls Tele phone sum alter pna one aspaoon downstairs apart nicni Iiyina room kitchenette ral Irllrrator and stove Suitable for up workln person Telephone ONE IIDROOM unlumlihed spartlnent ipr rent mune iluor EQuflflkilflda alpl Entrance halted water supplied on him loeltitm Telephone more unlit nvrakx and in bodN lanllilie hue Adina pl Tamed uh YURNIBNED Apartment hedelp tins room modern kitchen with re Trllerntor and aid rlete entrant is with uulli Tera IIIODIIIN one and two bedroom aoartinenta with relrtaerator and stove automatic Waaher and dry er Paved parktns int Scenic item gaizleltEIy View Telephone 713v our room llviiil Min two at Iuwlied Good rkinl all to TI ephone iwe Tenn unrurnlaned rimeat llï¬cnn tailled on rtI floor with priv lk entrance hell light and water supplied are per month Busineaa hour telephone usual Tnnlzx noOM Furnished art merit Eath Central loLIiIon ellla hut arid welerIuppllnd modern eillgtogitlitaeadr ï¬arï¬iifl 1mglble one or $15 MODERN TWO Indrnflm Aplita meats Einvl llid lemurator op tional lDnE water Janitor aervloa paved parlour talented aut end plan to plan hill Telephone mew moses Lana ittin items and kitchenette also three roan ninet ntent on iilid flour Very cell trll Im arklnx Ices PieIII leiphone HIM aterneons or evaniiill oNnnnnnoon Argument IivIIIl room when ha healed ell sonilne nova and relillarlior euppiisd laundry Iacililiel Cen ONI alnnoOM Apartment livin Tn kitchen In hath it Two DIDROOM mimti flnar apartment or rent centrally lolt entrance ndry Illiliilu halt supplied Janitor aarvli Parkinl Ice Telephnnl 71M will In two ldilill LIIIMW ii hiil lI Tel aiop Aooualaia auruat lillona Healer one noon Apartment 0m sitcoms atmt area In gla toro lrklul hell tier bedroom Iellltoatalaed apart Larze ilvina room kit clien lull basement with laun Alilurt state not and location lnet naked ZRENTALS APARTMENTS To RENT maroonmt unann WEmhoumwh AND Mind one HM nees turnou ml of INTI Intel AVMILI it COIN ODll pennant wanna turning an an hm Kill or Ill OT Mill in email Lots of WEIXII lumen ï¬lth Ito Ind Inlor Itomm martate HIM EM pillar lld ii nleanu Itir of ROOMS TO LET IINTIIID Bedroom ll elm MEI Oanliuiln llama Daub int ii dulled PM lldiilin Triophnnl 7M7 110 uonr Housekeepina lime or nni Linn Noniled Tele phatll HHS or apply it Thom Inn Strut rum inn aauaampiar noon mti ol TIT once opr aooM AND aoaan Pleasant lilrmmhu iIIIphaOI ON AND TWO damn Avarl TIM ROOM AND BOARD WANTED mm Boll or two well train ed childnn Ind ll years of Ill or one month Please collect inwnln mam evcnilm only mum Need an worlilil mother an Ihru children an lo It learn end board in Mental hnlnl RIIIOnIhlI rate Telephone H010 3SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 RENT carnal or rent in lovely tried ITOI near Will Dunn ho bedroom idlli or build and Avaihhla now Plean telephoto 7168140 anytime axilan rurnlxnrd callers to Va mile south or isaiin aaach Oeurllln nay Near excellent My Mach AVIiiIbi mm Ali OR in 19 Apply Little Brown Ius on link street at Balm Beach IAOLI LAKE Coil 10 miles Iron South River or liuhmy ii Sale Tandy beach aleeirierltriar orator IIId nova boat us really olden COTTAGES WANTED OR BEDROOM Cottala wanted to rent nur Barrie elnu to or on lake Ihm week atlriliil inId Greenwood 1600 Edwin Ave New York 1M Noll 4ARTICLE5 FOR SALE FOR SALE New and used TV sets Vacuum Cleaners com lets stock of holes bans ts brushes Re pairs to all makes Authorized Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE ii Mulcnsterr 7W SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Only $25 up to 1000 gals TILE BEDS and TANKS installed IWATER PUMPS sold installed and repaired OWELL DIGGING aperializing In quick sand OYESl We now have our own backhoe REASONABLE RATES Phone 726477 KEN WINTER 133 Bradford St Barrie FREE 1Year Guarantee on Used TV Picture Tubes PIusBODay Warranty $40 AND UP McFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 27 NORTH hï¬ wanow Tenants and to order To qualitiuuaranleed Telephone clinic FOOT du reason in nod condition SW Tolepliono Mrl Paddlaoll 9001 New Mull use of email cuttina Mu chine hr price no iele gllone Kolmar at Carl 11a lions scrum custom matte Illi lnhld with prime cost 3m and up Telnplinnl 7744600 for me estimates mr QUAHIY DEElnernt quail 111 lliiifl qillilaia 51 1h atdel tic lp rm alone an Ill Dyelt on amt telephoa us 101 nilnn oil In wclnut dark Double aIalr tor Telephone 7251174 spauToN Sterermedio Comhlril Linn new iaea nodal hreular vulu sols one only linol model to clear only is Terms avail Ihle s1relton Stare Barrie saws allotted kinds road coin ditton lllovliaei Medicine Cap alliel ï¬nish plai new All very TeIePho OHM WEDI all All aim of ill IE Pirhsra Elven Earherl on Collier NO wallint Expert uni od parking if yourI rushed try Filiierl Shani AntoNIaLJllalr mall rook Ilqu rocker and it round tahl tr rsr erlb lren Telephone TTEIWA Inn nrawnmsa will laid rent ed eglirad tudant natal ratc lan annilt asur arm and then In 23 nunlolr so welt Interest nuansh sum anaNuinherina gaehuéa all aiiea nude to order HI aervlu lath do Con et llfllu wronger Illa mirror relivnalale laundry room iii dry stove and rairll poneaainn Twill 710 am an sean avaiiahIl 4aanctes roa SALE 4AlttlciES FOR SALE isotopic Ad In Want Ads 7282414 PHOTO REPRINTS animal It The Barrie Examiner nowta HR salmon To Ian well by stall Dilation pliers please an Oiiioe callatotnBlIai WearelOrryne camel accept phone olden GLOSSY PRINTS i0 i25 150 Dill II INCH Noon Lathe never been land Phnno Ooolllm Unto Boat HERETO for Price wanted ihlill an nui la tool boa only tam Ivtilllil Man Eton Barns 12mm loanl rubber club inns walnut new wood trtla bro eatHa covartu linelint enndh Linda Telephone nu cnrrmn lamina Ind rack or sale eoupieta with motor car Handy Hardwllvr I710 Elmira lemon alt IlNi Sawing Ilel or month CIIi Your Machine Ina trim in ainon¢° rv roadam or ian HI Villa ll nod condition laefldn III Club Willint 32 DOMISTIC Rabbit ina Ilia melon IL Reaon lnr Minn rnovln or film Mme tlun call andlin all and Wild Pay da ternu available stare ante lose ined odd WmOiNd OOWN aln deull etth llol bodice inthilea Multbcm Inn to at Sellina nImIW TIIIphono Elm IPIAINNIMNCD 11 it done Myanmar and live all for only Mall trade hi to tie available Hruluril Eton in it heaven or modern liar tn almiieni conditloa PricEyd humbly 1y Ed Balls Ullld Elm NW rwo nanmall one bed Chryaiar Furniture Sin Ti Harrie Telphone Tamtoii tired Mirna iomed Iir 15000 left one Ill need water tau Ibo tanledth Aï¬viy Nomin nrlstaw Hrirtaw IIlnMnl Ind Haliinl SI Dunlo Street WM TIIUphOnI HW nasty Peas denim ell Ind tuned Ilr Alma 90000 BTU ranm KeMie enamel $11 um um laiioa SID Xm Tw Latex no or ion in BM Pllnll Ian st 713ml elmr slantolsltle lo beauurui Illa ï¬fths attachments In If Tinee uniteu casein Telephone new BRIO rI tlred nulls our mentaliuéld sale Telephone Inninll TIE7m reliant condition hilnhonl mil lVierIlOI in My and Ir lop boat urIlienl condition sold an lell rut am ll lUNAIOlii 10 motor for IIII In condition will cool air Alkiu rtoe Telepanae mm apller pan it nor canah sul wine palid unsol eontmll hom Mllr walls Ii his mm all and wmhlephane elem aalinoar sum modI ii hull IllD hill duel willth lion cradle ir IL Mull be nun annianl GARDEN SUPPLIES Reside till Ea In or Harrie Camp lordn Aneu area ARTICLES WANTED onus aicrcu an lult Telephone neltm lCIflNlDIN Campera Ellth wanted in seed condition Papa lleueo sitar pen MONICXOLI WIlilId dud Ll rn Relunlhil Molina ley IRLI ISiIr Nil FARMERS MARKET Highest price paid or dead or crippled cattle small animus removed tree Healm NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENIiHSlloo NO CHARGE 2t hours day days week runw gt ww aw alonerm macawm Warnvase In me rah Clann WIND MACHLNI limo1 Coat Will DOGS ll PETS BOATS MOTORS al Nlrlllllgi icodagfllg it heal TIERr All in ALI DC ill Elli Iii DO Wamama er Johnson In Nationally electric ahri Lannie LrIliIr W5 latent OIIIIIDIII Iii nsmlll whil mil Mollln aira lle haw Cam Toilyhonl kill us IllUNI Ind hrlllllllil Odomlain Glnlrai pray Sanka none 7111 in load Mdilloe InA halal or nIIr condition DEAD STOCK and Much For fast service PHONE BARRIE mTISI Collect or salt for RR Ioxmead Ontario output excellent gondillon Ucenea No 293064 iiiolad€ tauIt Nick macaw PM 733 Tiiéiflimmligénwaï¬ smutm3 ADS lulur 3ih° maltan hasumsl intnrnoNE PA 32414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year ASPHALT PAVING PLASTERING DECKERT NEW gfwnus AND PAVING Estimates Asphalt Driveways sitiCCo and lots SAM CRYER man ESTIMATES roe1675 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone 72831710 TT9 Formerly employed with 9m McFadden raving CHECIK your mm CARPENTRY PRINTING COLLINS ll SON For best value place your order NOW oAlterutlons QGarager ORool repairs OPatntlnz aoaaarai Carpentry or all kinds PHONE mam ANYTIME CONT Dump truck septic tanks fill top soil excavating grading backhoe midted limestone DENNIS MORAN LTD DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN DRIVIN Dual conlrnlled cars gt Dilly insured BARR 7268915 MASON RACTORS water delivery mmned Travel front end loaders SCHOOL Instructor We are fully equipped to handle your For QUALITY and VAL UE have your PRINTING done in EARRIE ie BAYFIELD ST REFRIGERATION ALL TYPES OF PRINTING rioting re quireniellls including 234 color work By The EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE 7255537 STAN BRYSONV humanitarian slslwlrn so Clapperton St room mass WELL DIOOING PUMPS INSTALLED BRICK AND BLOCK WORK FIREPLACES 17 years experience KJ Free Phone 7706374 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO nowann aims AND sou Painting and Sprayialntlns Serylée AND CHIMNEYS ENSEN Estimates lPaaer Hanging Since logo murmur mmncian Ind RESIDENTIAL rivmn RY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couninnd Drilling RRZ BARBIE name PAVING ASPHALT PAVING Ted Mason Obligation Wcrkï¬uarapteed ASPHALT