Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1964, p. 16

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aiaireiy armies nch eiamw enum it 31 guns thllmeii Mm film Railwlli lithrItirfwidermi Terrence iii Carl 93 3333 PM mrnnwnr Shannan one Wlnirludil draw an mumI or one am on lfnfliizinilln not in 1s per cent or over it gal rum 251nm in noodson 1m rains Linda ll tier John hitter David ISpercentCaoio0per cent GRADE Grade ll students have writt en examinations at by the De partment oi Education These are marked In lbronio and the results will be mailed to BMHS oa or about August ll it sascrar COMMERCIAL lib12 inlowlggfirodenu com succes one year cial Commercial Course ll Susan ads ll was com ieta they are being rccommaa ed tor Sec ondary School Graduation Di piomasComrnarclal Special tAurcc Eriira urn ii tPar Niel Program Broaden Joan ll Buyers Beverley Con ineli Evelynii Edgar Carol 2D Ellis Ronald iii Hughes Donne ii Jamieson Sharon irir McEachern Sharon ii iMcLaughlln Sheila ii Mel fcolm Patricia Mooney Gla dys Nielsen Debbie ii kOHara Shamrock mailed Breods ii Samara Jean Stephenson Gail iii Warlord iWr éeeteiapercentimooto ciai iiacirs Michael Richard is Carol lacks Hl Robert ll Dickson Donlsoa David in Evelyn Wilson Sheila ii ham Glenn ill Gra GRADE ll General Gregoire nitscommeadsd tor Secondary Hump Aim Schooi Graduation Diplomas in the General Course having assed English History Phys ileai and Health Education and at least lour options isms DPIiONl Jenidns Diana ll McDowell 17 Me or Elizabeth ill 1m Cote Dennis ill Coulis Roger ll Menzies Bsrhara ii Dale Pairicla ll iElllson Rodney Pehcly jJames ll Grundy areryi lli Hliiil Charlotte iirrolova Daniri Jackson Terry Leonard Marjorie Mun ray Salty iii OLesry Sharon Pace Marilyn ill Parsons Clark firms Emu Sedgew on iiaihlaen Taylor laye iiii Wait Robert ll twms onions NBSiudcnts who do not gsve was besidethélr dame ave so some fexaminstions and theirresuits 5mm shave not been received as yet Simvidv mi Banting Wayne ill Barnes Karen ill Bell Mills nyC Parklnaorr John Karen ill Roberts Robertson Marla Janet lacks Hist aysl Alan mrday rongman Eel Sivénedn Gadsden Jetirey ill Carol Hachett Bariy lli liars lsobel ll Jackson irena McKay James Miller vShirley Monkman Bria Mooneyg Gladys Moran vseph ll Moran Rita Nim rgaon Brian ill Patton Oscar ill Radyis Ar rihrir Richardson Margaret iii Ross Jayne ill Sadlar Kcn fpettr Shaughnorsy Daniel gStokes Dawn Stalk Bertha rill Thompson Jack VanWis drldgc Henriette Williams John va iWiisonyWayns RADE rs Commercial course The followingi students be ng recommen or can dary School Graduation Dipio time line General Business Bennett Elizabeth ii Boyrr etch Joan ill Campbell Ralen ill Cerswell Lindall Dowling Dianne la Technical leulknar Robert John Pchdergast Pau Sheridan Patridr ill veld Jack ill arrows lioday on their rrl GRADE ll Galen nie loiiavriag students hava corrusletad Grade ii General and are promoted to Grade is General or Special Cornmm Adams Bella it Alison Na da Aiderson Linda ii Bag Sharon is nail Andrew Bailey Richsrd Physics Sardeciii Beliord Ridiasd nlénlrl can moron ii Carter Randolph old Ill Wright Carol Cooper John ill Crawford Diane hints Wai Denrlaaiuk Stella Danliasn Martin Dermoii ti chitey yd year program sons lacks Hist Phys Doyle Mary Jana ii Duiiin Sheila ii Pails William ill Fleming Allyson tisclrs Phys Floyd James ill Forster Ann ill iowler Can be oiyn Gates Betty Gibson Donald ll Gillespie John ll Glass Marilyn ii Gourlay Pat slots Graham Blaine Gra ham Paul lens iii Hamelln Midisia it lacks Geog Ram meil Jack ii liammsll Susan Hannah William ii Hare Sharon ii Heveran Donna iii Hughes Allen Jagos Mary ill Kant Linda Kcll lrana iii Lalex Karen ii Leek Brown Christensen Peggy ill Chu Maison Frances Meicsli Jacqueline Mcinema ilarlia list Mie dams Donald iii Mlllcr Carol Mitchell Donald ll Moran Agnes Morris Judith iii Murray Ruth Niaclrais Jen Nielsen Gwen Noble Barbara Palmer Linda Robbins Ian iii Robson Jean Sand Judith iii Selle Shacio lady Edward Shephard ihomas iii Simon Sandra ii Small Mary ii Smith Kather Gary Stewart Dorothy lacks Hist mm Lu Scayia ii Saunders it lacks sron ii Symonr Peter ii Thiviarga ill Thorpe Janice Turner Debra Waiteiin new in ii Watson James ii Wat son Judith iii Whiteside Paul Wiley Barbara lacks options Wray Gwendolyn GRADE ll Technical Tire following students have completed Grade ll Technical and are promoted to Grade Kent Mary Shiiton Sirr Nah Paul art Susan ll Stubbs Rosalie ii Titiay Heather Titlcy Bailey Mary Aim Harbor Lynda ii Tr John Walkom Marlene iii Wardcll Wayne ii Weber Dagmar Weir Paul ll Whaaier David ii White Bolssonault Gary ii Bran Wayne ii Brown liars ill Dunstan Grant ill Mater ill leane Stewart Roger Peter Veldpaus romoted to Grade ii in Four ear Program Arts and Scl ence Business and Commerce or Science Technology and Trades GRADE 11 Commercial Gary iii iniidlflriirh so arm Janice ii Lemon Carolyn ii Little Marie ii McKay Rosa maila ill Matthews Robert ii Morrison Gail ii Marrow Shin ill or airy on fishnets Barbara ill Stewart Barry ill Tomporow aid Richard Trotter David ll nicl Diana Watson ml is ll Wirelley Ja uaiyn ll GRADE lit The Year iirepermorovar i1 loiiow students are prome to Glade ii in the live Abrams Janet Anderson Cynthia seaii Janet Salsas rélarganet Blair Cath er Royntosr Patricia Brooks Ann ii Syi Marlene ilx Camp Bruce Carleton Cary Carswell James Coiiey chen Con nsli Lynda ll Council Robert Couae Larry Crows Tch nnca ii Davenport Gerald iii Dawson Bryan Dodd George ii Doherty Patricia ill Dorsey anne ii Downey John iii Ei ilot Linda ll Fcchely Paul ii Fisher Douglas ii Flack John Fleming James ii Frlisch Eugene Gadsden iii Gnliaugher David iii cra Lada Holmes Clarence ill Jenkins Orville ii Jerry cnry ll Jordan Dawn iii Sh err James ii Kerr Mary do Itll KlfihcncThlolmasLbliil re ary ver ilrpfewis William ii Llak Charles iii Lisk Raymond ll MacDonald Scott ii MacKon lie Robert McCracken Joan ii McKay John ii McKay Judith McKenna Theresa McGuigge Lorna Mnllion Rhonda Mrsener Thomas ii Monkman Edward Mordon Brenda lil Morris Diana Ritchie Patterson Gail ii Jana ii Robson James ii Terry iii Sargent Richard ii amehorn Janis ii Scott Sedgewlck Paul Sharpe Janis Snuiswcil Elizabeth iii Small Barbara Smal James iii Small iii arr Mary Stow ill canor Judith li talk Margaret VanDorp Venablos Shirley iii Waison William mi osemary ll Zlnit Guy ll GRADE to Four Year The following students are Chris Amon Patricla iii Atkinson nie allowing students have completed Grade it Commercial Bar Bockstead Richard ii Black aw Heatharil lire Santty Kcltha has GYM l1 Grills Frank il Halbert William ll liancey Karen lielmar Dwightii Holiema Brenda it Edward ll ii iiutohi rcnca Master Robert Marie ll Nlc el Carol ll Ogden Donald Ii Joan Ma slim horn sins son Wayne ll Stoitz Alan iii Sutcliiie Adela ll Sutherland Wayne ii Sutton Diana Symons Margaret Towns icy Ruth ll Vnik or Pet Warnes hast ill Watson Brl rY min rs meeting London tomorrow hole in cable from Wheeler Diannen when le are re rneoressx Georo Bowie Camilla Lath ortl Catharina ii lea Mellon Glnty Jack ricie ll Macs Ad Bruce Downey Jo Dale iii ews Barbara as Milner by Helen ii ii llindia Frances Hlmyi lii Sawyers Sc Sandra ll Scraltn William Donna ii Sheen ass Sheridan Rod Sirr Patricia Shani thony ii Small Douglas Smith Thomas ll Somers Linda it Elsie ii lor Wanda Roth iii UF Michael Urbatsch Stol banslrl Susan ii Mndill Gail Veals John ill Wagner Bruce ill War Weddell John ill Judith ill Wilso Winter Mina ll Robert ill Bradbury Ann Geoilroy ii Campbell ll Campbell Caruso Rosemary Judith ii Clcroux Cook Patricia ii Dorsey Brenda Jane Dulault Carola Fleming Robert James ii Gould Larry Rosina Scxsmith Elaine 1i Shaddfldy Sheardown Mary Sheridan Shela Maren Carole lil ster Sandra iii Danes les tie it DePisncke Carl vali Glennie ii Daugherty Joy ll Donnei Pays its li Diracao senora Edersiey Pamela Evans Ruth iii Fowler Brian Gibson Gail My Linda ill Gilroy ens Graham Batty Mina Willi Beverley ll lrellntl ohnson Edith McAice Karen Marcel Edward ill Rowiay barns ii Alex aughncssy wn GILsin Clinton ll Townsend Vamcy George Terr Whitaslde iii igbt Hamid Wilhelmina ii Wr GRADE Five Year Tria Ioliowing surn are promoted to Grade 10 in the Five Year Program NOTE Hoe to amih ill Kelvin Dodd Thorpe ii Donaldson Daniel Drummon term Doner Jane ll Fink Bruce Larry Greer liorsburg iiughlon oi Thomas ill ll Ronan Ryan Joanne ii are Robert Schema Terr Ce ill irerrir ill She ilk Daniel Stephen iii rbansid Judith Shirts Vanderzaag Laurel Terry Watson Er Watson Kathleen ill Mar aret Wilson ill Wlson Wayne ii Woo row Sharon Barbara GRADE rouryear The allowing promoted to Grade 10 iii ery students ants inasan ated from til Midnei seer Grea ll Guy John ill amend Elaine Hand and Kenneth am it Henderson Holmes Carolyn Carol Jailery Earle iii Jaaneit Patricia i1 Johnston ariene Joyce Wayne lielly wuiisrnn McD one gall JaanC Mc 3mm McIntosh Pat hicKnlght Nancy iii rlan ill Mainpriza Mara Susan li Metcallo Don Patricia Mor Morby Sandra Stephan ill Morgan Fred Morrison An Vernon Dorana Walker Catherine do per cent or over Gail ill Cam salt per cent lira to on per cent Co to 59 per cent Sackstcad Peggy Brown Daniel Wayne ii Carr Carter Bruce Cfluihitil Monks Joyce ii Nicol Heath lll er li Osborne Janet ii Seed Copeland Lloyd iii Skelton Gerrard ii Donna neon Ross ii ire iand Nancy irwln Be it Jenkins Grant Jones Va aria ii Jordan Garcia Wendy ll Kerr King Bruce Lancaster Kenneth ii Law um Norman ill Lilly Ross law Susan ll McCarroll Mary Ellen i1 McDonald Leila ll McDowell Edward ll Mc Tiromaa ill McNevin ll Mcliuer Jeilcry Mabee Sandia iii Macken zie Sharon ii Marshall Bren da Carol ll Marshaii Brenda Maison Che Ellen Niel Kelly William is ryl Menari call Susan Mill igan James ll Mitchel Ann ii Monisman Beverley Notiurag Parsons Pitcher Cherry Rod paih Joyce ill Raid Gloria ll Robertson Ronni Luciana Galbraith ski Gibson Wayne iii ill Da Drum iii Harris Ronald Joe will MID Clill on Iii Jetlaia William Dani Gordon Kenneth James Lick Sharon Lynda Michael Ill Adeiie McClain is Mléilithlda ill Maiden ubara Diane in Murray Nagei Antonnata iia iiamcnt Robert ll Patricia Reive Anne ill Charles Rogerson Kidd John ill Si Donald Taylor iii Thompson Evel The Jean Niekcrit aid lll Wadas Matth Ncii meted ling occupational ii day Sandra mm Douglas ll Harvey Lay Douglas Mary ii Saunders Jnmcs ll Varcoe Alvin feline Donald GRADE io The ioliowiri students cats oi Training Arlow Donald ll no ii Damianiuk Ronald bridge Peter lii Lowe Robert il Mogmson Johan Resume Today ion CLO will alter oneday Richards Globe and night recess to start release progress wBl made merits Colorado Springs Colo neither party would ing oi the local liaWspaparmen 0n Coast Dies VANCOUVER CmHarold Weir as former editor and col umnist whose Journalistic on rear spanned 44 years died Monday night Mr Weir was editor of the Vancouver Sun in the loans and 930s and wasa columnist on that newspaper between 1952 and 1062 lie hadalso worked on the Winnipeg Tribune Canadian Liberty and the now defunct Edmonton Bulletin ha gradu Un varsity Sas arm ignssunrs amen Shirley Daniel ill Gibson Edward piiua Jane iii Henderson Ren Rutii ill aid Heel Sumerian John CRo asaraiia ill Keen irard ill Weill IT Gordon Linda ill or Lee Heather LeGrow dy Glenn Ciuslt Sharon iii McGee Carol ill rimm Meeker ill Meicail Ronald Ill Richard llnl Mtinar Judith ill Schoop Patflgia Sefii aw Donna syner Margaret Jh ii Troti rniirimirm er an Trudy il Varcoc Don Veuables Elizabeth iii Frank Wagner Pet er Wsnlesr David Ill Ward Webb Neil lll Wil occrrpational course and are pro to Grade to second year filigrclyfi Vera Cain Mary rec or he Shimw son Glen ii Doyle Timoi ll Dugdala Parncla lii Fi Greenwood Erving Kelly Anne lilowaiski San dra iii Lemire Randolph 11 David McDermott Jean ll Mailofi John Plats Bideils Rady Barbara ll Snwdcn Robert ill Thompson Williams Second Year Occupational completed Gra 10 occupation and will receivea Certill argaret iii Giles Robert ill Goddard Brian Groom John iii Mackenzie TORon tCPlNegotiaiions between the three Toronto news papers and local 91 at the in tarnatiohal lypographlcal Un resuma today vicepresident oi The all said Riesday Mr Richards said no time had been set or the meeting The parties will pick up where they lett oil at one am ines day nearly 17 hours alter the bargaining session began At they said in Joint being ported to have distressed the wording of contract clause re spectng Jurisdiction over com puters that can be used or typesetting iunctions as well as operations or other depart Propossd wording oi the clause is believed to have been sent to itLi headquarters in but comment general membership meet voted Sunday to ask union headquarters ior permission to conduct strike me or declare lookout wusussvwrralavaIfiyrxlpltnlmrm my wwv Galeaorre linea il Hill Drin Major Andrew Milne Motion timid le Nel othnagel Judy Par Robiiu Doreen SliSKll Barbara Pindl John Mum mm llama Linda WilliamsShar Nancy Lisk Sylvia ii Little um 11 Glasgow Ml Mu 34 on ii Williams Vera iii Win ludiuiirrlynmrlf John ii tardiowundail ne calm ii Graham Bruce iii Naomi Peril ill Patier my CM 39W MRI 10900 Gray Jean Green are sort Sandra Patterson Wil my Mum Rfla itUNION Mcoacken Ellen rr McDonald bars Greer Terrance ii llam iii Patton Linda ii GRAD Abomclhl Gwen iii All John McKay Margaret ll Gus Dennis ii Hackeit Wan Robbins Kathy iii Robert on 11 Inflow udmu ythonv Donald Biicv Pub McLachlarr Peter McNavln oy ii Halbert Mary Lynn ii Patricia Roi Janie lion comp Gm rlcia ii Boiham Norval ill David Msitisnd Joyce Hall Lynna Harvcod Rosa an Bernard Ross Sandra Clarka Heather ii Cook Ma year On June 95 number are attended the second annuated ihrca yeara ago Glen Morris FROM KAPUSKASING Jcan have at their niece WONCRSTUNDEN CLAN 0n lii ogger Terrance ill Fraser rant tor noon luncheon guests oi honor were Mr ebranu were the recipients Darlene ii Corrlg ancy wood onto North Bay Straud 1urn aoer man Pauls and Barrio argar av Contention Curtis Karii al WORLDS FAIR ryri Dangle Lynne Dar Negotiations Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming lck Joyce ii Dodd Ronald ll Carolyn Bobby and cousin and Miss Eleanor Jones have been on holidays in New Yorls While there they visited the Worlds Fair and the Unltad Nationa whore Lloyds brother Carmen is reporter lor Canadian Press spent some time with Mr and Mrs Ken Gray They also tamer residents of Stroud PARTY FOR TEACHER party given by her pupils Sprouts hostedthe group iember Mr and Mrs last week at Green Bay Mani toulin island Mrs Marina and Ca iormers mother criand Mr and Mrs Morley Black Eirnveie and their grand daughter Miss Roberta Loug hecd recent graduataot nur sing at Montreal visited this week with Mr and Mrs it Black at the summer home Lelia Slmcoe of Mr and Mrs Charles Martin Dinner and supper picnic style were enioyad on the spacious grounds oltha residence Races stunts and contests were con ducted An election resulted in the ioiiowing acceptingrespon sibilityvinr the toes ion President lJoyd Marti Sech tary Melville Martin Treasur er Allan Martin Sports Barry Martin On June MrsEuaice Smith lelt by train to spend lsatchewsn var two months withhor two bro askalelrawan oi ngina one oi 24 Sasha rhawan stu dents visiting Windsor on six day centennial program By MRS DWiGlll NELSON day oi Gillord Centennial An niversary Many Irlends were delighted to renew old acquain tance will Rev and Mrs Simplerl vfiro lwertlr stagioged din inns crcut ran my and mum during the rival oi daughter Lori Dian years ioiavai Although supcr Shaptcr is still serving as pas On June 28 Mr and Mrs tor oi the United Church at Km km Mm female July Twenty guests sat down apus as ng vs as was with his hrother James and bf wile On June 21 they all at tended the wedding la Toronto una as as members oi the WonchStundcn clan gathetr ed at Lakeviaw Dairyrestau Mrs Edward Wnnch at North Baywho were celebrating their isih wedding anniversary The table was centred with hand sums anniversary cake the cal many gills and good wishes Guests were present iron Tor on June as Bob Sweczies team On June 27 Mrs ParkerNan ce was the guest at honorat grades and and their par ents Mr and Mrs Charles lemmas CHAN baligsme was enjoyed followed GE by dancing Prior to the lunch hour Mrs Parker Nanoe was presented with an oil painting Many segrEIts webs exprefssemd ii The negotiating teams are re Egzhmrmunfi smfldz Sap Mainstream andtarnily spent three days Sherring thy remained tor months holidays with the less Mary MacDonald oi the Lakahead spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fraser Suth possible Mrs George Carrion ll Toaswan crunches on Torin teireisduthfl1 helm of cruise trip to BobLo island in the Detroit River John Hunt oi Saskatoon wat Reser shows Barber Wirephoto SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS three children visited on Tues day with the lattcrsgmotner Mrs Violette Black NEW DELIVERY RD Since Bruce Martin has ac copied position or the surn mer Larry Home is the new delivery boy for the Barrie Ex aminer Congratriiatlcui to Mr and Mrs George Young on the ar handsome candle holders bcrt Campbell mm with pretty Surr Rccent visitors were ire on June 27 kins of WEDDING PARTY Jamlesnna GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs George Campbell Mrs Mr crry Knit were hosts to tire wedding party oi the Ayers Amos nuptials to behold on guests at dinner party held at Mr and Mrsildred Cl at Carley last Saturday evening in honour at Eldreds parents Mr and Mrs Angus Cloris at to turkey cold plate at which da and groomtoba were toasted Win scrrbor cure The Winners in Strand 11001 goldenweddlng annlvcrsa in 1h EUPI Elven to thin Will1 the evening open housarywas Worked th harden and lhnw held when many friends called ed the most improvement drris to congratulata Mr and Mrs ing tharschooi year were won Clarke The following day Mr by Alan Sprnuis and Elizabeth and Mrs Angus ielt on trip Duivendoordcn to the West Coast On June ah Grades and On June iii Mr and Mrs enjoyed arswirn by invitation George Campbell Mrs Ir George Mrslhaliands pool GilchristLliiss Agnes Campbell Grade spent the day playing and Allan Walma ot Orilila st gnmes and swimming at liun tcrs Beach Stroud School held afield day The and loaded the baptismal service at hand Head United Church tor Richard Evan tniant son of Mr and Mrs Evan Wilcox Alter wards Mr and Mrs Wilcox ans lertained the Campbell and Wil cox families at their home PRESBYTERY CAMP Mr and Mrs Lowe had saioot household irsrrrishings nnShturday and are moving to St won prizes or having the high est number ol points in the 25 events On June 22 in the schools soithail tournament John RID scis team received the prize tor showing the linasi spolta manshlp lhronto Wewiah them every lngrada the high boy and success in their new venture girl were Bob Sweezla and Misses Carol Bertram Juno Joan Ayerst in grade the MWtiIur and Alex McGuire higliest Ware JoAnrie Versagc spent last Weak End at VP and Patty Robertson 0n Juuazs Camp Midlandrvint the Safety Patrols oi lnnistll Sat and Mrs Tnomu Bares chaperoned by Mrs ParkerNa nca and constable Robert Thomp son had most enloyanle day at Wasaga Beach where they of visited Upper Canada Zoo and enjoyed swimming in the tepid waters of the beach motor tor manths vaca tion in Vancouver sins eananon Mr Vandermcy spoke on Calling all firristiansat Gu thrle Presbyterian arurchlitst On July our local restaua Sunday The Junior Choir pro ant and motel openedunderthe vided special music atihc mam ncw management of Mr and oriai service at Knox Church Mrs Edden Ouden arrdlamlly Ora on June 73 lrom Barrie Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Gerald Rattle Dan Wallace have moved to attended Reunion DayatOAC Youngs old store whereltirey Guelph last Saturday plan to open business shortly Mrs William Wallacewlrila visiting her sister Mrs Brosd Oshawa enjoyed trip to Bellavllie and visit with mm for the luminary mm mm Viaitors Mr andMrs Max ML Reynold 1mm Livingston on Sundeyrwera Mr is visiting her daughter Mrs Milt Stanley WWW we Sm Saskatchewan and Mr and Mrs gt HWrrght and familyandMr and Mrs Livingston CharlesFell of Orilila visited at Camerons on niasday prior to leavingnlsfi train to visit his Mr and MrsJohn Capei oi Owen Sound called on Mr and Mrs Gilchrist on Monday on route toiheir cottage at Ti HMM can and in Alberta Bruce Fraser at Basswood And Mr Penman and Manitoba who spending bill Sim the summer in Ottawa visited rimJam his aunt and uncle Mr and Caldweu 5° mm Mr MUM many Caldwell and Mrs Penman were thei lher Mrs McFadden SCHOOL PICNIC Ward at large crowd named at Spancerbt Oro Memorial Paris on June so Th Mrs Cameron for picnic lunch at noon foln lowed by sports and swimming Mr and Mrs Aid EGre Rev Jennings wss master ham and family of Carrie visi oi ceremonies lor the preserr ted Mr and Mrs Alex Graham tatrons to thegraduatlng grade here on Julyl Jim returned eight students There werapther born with his parents awards given by the teachers or perfect sitandancsiiarold Husband brought greetings from are School Board and gave line address to the graduating class Vanderwav lnvhia as to the grfiydeglfigilla tacit urged em and acquire aiijthe educa tion who he resigned Priael at Giliiilibaltd will testify Best Memo cites as helmsmanrtiorrest the tin cr points at navigation CP set at candles and Radar Vase oi Keswiclr Ceramics MrsxRo was presented china cake plita Mrs Georg Campbell invited the grade it pupils the senior softballicam and those witn perfect attendance to lawn party at her home on June 29 Mr and Mrs Diana Baker oiynn couver at Masons Ray Haw Parry Sound at Mill Walker and Mrs Gilchrist were arks Goldwater to celebrate their and Tom leit Sunday morning

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