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Run Beats All Stars NEW YORK APlIl took the National league at your to draw even wth the American in Alistar warfare Tuesday and in the end it was an are American Lee or who did it Wondrous Willa Ms as ur na starred in the ii and on the bliss Billy Willis and Ken Boyer smashed borne nt hunnlng and Juan chal pitched superbly But hero of the Natlonas 74 iri umph was Johnny Csliison was not even voted to the team Callison personal pick by manager Walter Alston came up In the bottom of the ninth inning with two out two on and the score tied at 44 He wai iopcd Dick Radntts ilrsr pitch into the second deck over the rightlield bullpen to square the all ar series at 17 victories apiece The National has was is lost and tied one at the inst it The tsyaerold Philadelphia Phillies outilcidar selected by Alston as the 25th men because oi the Notional Leagues need for in handed pinch hitting strength had entered the game in the filth inning batting for Running He beat us enough said Al ston managing th th win ning Alister squad in nine at tempts llgured he owed us somethin HIT AGAINST BUMS in recent series at Los An gelea Cnlllson hit two home runs in two games against Ai stons Dodgers Next to Renata the moat cha grined man on the American League sound was manager Tones who has yet to be on winning Allstar squad He lost four limos as manager twice es player and three times as coach And to think that before the game shank hands with Johnny and wished him luc said lopez It was Depot who traded Cal lison than so earold Chicago White Sox hope ill to the Phil lies in the winter oi rose for man Gene Freese dont regret it at all was aware that Cal iison had great potential but he was Just green kid then with beautiful swing ilel pitcher Cslliaon said he hit belt hiah last ball or the home run This was the ilrat time hsd ever seen Radatx he said was looking for the last ball and he happened to throw RADATZ WEI1W Batista Boaton brilliant so invincible in the seventh lghlh innings when he struck out four oi six batters he laced lhs giant righthander who has been dubbed llhs Mon star by opposing hitters was nursing as lead when Willie Mays opened the ninth by draw ing walk Willie romptly stole second Orlando epeda singled to short right Mays holding up because he feared the bail might be ttilitlghl could go WW II iar as Joe Poplione after retrieving the ball fired to the plate the ball skidded past thecalcber to th screen and Willie alid cross with the tying run Ce peda took second Radata dis ed oi Bo ar on poparp as John wards intentionally and fanned pinch hitter Henry Aaron Then came the fateful pitch to Caillson Until the final piichlladatx Brooks Robinson at Baltimore Orioles and Rocky Colavito oi Kansas City Athletics had been tba heroes Robinson who also contributed line lielding play at third base had put the American Leaguesa ba In the game in the sixth inning With Chris Short of Philadelphia on the mound Robinson tr score It REPLACED KAUNE coisvito lasthour replace ment for the injured Al Kaline doubled as pinch hittelI in the seventh moving Elston Howard pied to drive in two runs and tie the to third Howard son the lead on Jim Frego acriile The victory went to Mariobal lifth national pitcher who hurled scoreless ninth Don Dryadale starting an AlStar game for the fourth time lowed one run in three innings sunning only pitcher ever to hurl for both leagues in Alister competition turned in two run less innings Short yielded two runs in one innings work and Dick Farrell oi Houston Coils yielded one run in two innings the Americans need four pitchers Dean dance the artar iunred in the best per permlttlng only two hits and no runs in three in nings John Wyatt was raped for the home runs by Will ems and Boyer in the fourth and Ca mllo Paschal gave up run in two innings WON Radata took DVEI Alston Says Callison Owed Me Something NEW YORK AP Hes beat us enough figured he owod me somethin Wait Alston was aughing llis National Learners hsd lust whipped the Asnarlcsn league 74 in nresdeys Allstar game tying the lengthy series at 17 victories apiece with one tie the player he was tatldng shout was Philadelphias Johnny Galilean one oi Aistons supplements selections Callison is hit two isomers in two games against Aistons Los Aogeles Dodgers recently ca the National Megans sive fournor rally in the iastol the ninth with three run homer Caillsona great allvaround player thats one oi the rea sons picked him said Alston flhen too wanted some more leithanded hitting Buidea the way hes hit against us he owed me one Wings Nip Leafs tin Inning Steve Demeter proved lor onto Maple unls downfall sa Roehuiar lied Wings scored an 11th inning comefromvisehind as decision in International langue action inleaday night Demeter came to the plate with the Leafs leading 21 in the bottom at the ninth and elouied solo homer all losing pitcher Marshall Bridges Dem eter ifollowed his seventh homer of the season with single in the 11th walk which pro ceded the single cashed the win ning run on Jim liggatts blooper In other league action Syra case Chieis defeated Buffalo Bi sons 58 and Jacksonvillesuns edged Atlanta Crackers 10 game between Columbus Jets andRichmond Virginians was rained out Dave Vineyard went the dis tance for the Wings picking up hisninth win in it decisions with livehitter Five Chiels doubled off Buf iains pitching and only one oi the twobaggera lasted to figure in the aeorln DOUBLES IN FIRST Chico Fernandez doubled in thsilrst inning scoring George Smith Winningvitchsr Bruce Brubaltervied oil with double ln the third and scored on two Infield outs Jaekirltloore and Re Oyl ih doubled ftlse and or red The league leading Suns man aged an unearned run in the sixth on two errors Cirnlno who tools tha loss gave up the only hit to Jackson villa in the fourth doubts by Joe Morgan with two out Johnny towia went to second in the sixth when his grounder was hobbled by Atlanta first baseman Ray Money and the throw got away from Cimina Lewis reached third on an in ileld out and Jack Damsska drove grounder through third baseman Ed Olivares for an other ermr and the lone run Toot Wins In Ladies Loop Berrie Intermediates and Orillia chalked up victories last night in Danieladies Soft ball League doubleheader at Queens Park intermediates whirped Barrie Juniors 177 scorng runs in 373 ll Ttfma Ilm VIII iles 2010 intermediates hlammed out units and Herb Jenkins wig 0r chervstockdale bell ed two home runs in pacing her tin son an gull Cellison paid the debt with one swinghis first against malls Dick liadatz in the was glad obody said any thing when want upvihere slid Cellisont It might have tim scared me hadatz ls sneaky last so was Just looking for the first pith to come over The liratpitch earns over and want over the right field fence it was the first time lve ever seen Radatz said the one timc American Leaguer The raglan hit was insidebelt Before Catilson came up be fore the crowd oi 50850 Radatz had struck out five in in nings for total of to in innings in two consecutive Star games renew LOW threw him low fast ball In the seventh inning ex plained Radatz He hit the only lemming masi Ty ll Callieona homer also beat his lorrrrer boss Al lope of the Cialcago White 50 who handled the American League team For Lopez it was something special He has been in seven Alister games and in the losing dressing roomatterward each very fortunate to be inked he laid and didnt ink was going to do any thing but Ch bit iigtuod Alston we use Aaron TODAY ill SPORT Senior Softball Doubleheadta at Queens Park Stewarts Garage vs melove Heating at pm Camp Borden vs Bar rie Plaza at can pan halessonesu Ihorrlton at Camp Borden pm Intermediate will meeting at ciarkson Hotel pro Fourth Annual AllStar Till Set For Midland Park Sunday ilre fourï¬r annual ailstar game of the Simeoe baseball leagua comes up on Sunday altemoon at Midland and after the nineinning batileone sure winner is due to emerge ï¬rst should be the leagues in hared players fund to which the bulk of the receipts are ticketed Playing hosts to the affair are Midland indlans last sea sons champs who will be try ing to make it two wins over the stars in as many tri Gard Dyrnent and company will have fomridable foe to handle in this fourth engage ment Monty three players have been seieeted from the other in teams and theyll pre sent plenty competition na well as several new faces for telling in this affair Fl the complete lineup for the AllStars whowillhe handled by Bob Watson of last years runnerup llrorntnn squad has Archie Blanchard Tom Gillie John Westbrookc Creemore Dean Hutchinson Gary Parrish New Lowell Ted Loycoek Bill Laycock Barri Pat ileum Bob Gatlield Ed Beaten lia Motors Don Shannonva Johnston Joeilmmona ilrom ton Bob Burns Ed chnrouiis Angus Pete Cameron Dave Evans Cookstawn Al Ellie Tom Arnold ivy nick lay GlanWoodrow prillia Legions TomMcCullough Bud ifoerber lottenham Besides the baseball farer which prorrrlscs to be most in teresting therell be umber oi incur draws made and all ticket buyers are eligible In ilTowtnsp LD DAY INTERNATIONALanIcx Nb ROLLING PIN THnowtwchomasr nuaavt jsaruaoav can NEW TIRES an srzrs sno TYPES Tuastsss TUBETYPE WHITEWAll BLACKWAIJ NYLON max League Monday BARRIEDRIVEACAR co iii an 49 TIRES MlISI ill 257 114 120 mushrooms ma AM RETREADS USEDTIRES PRICED TO Sill 0N SIGHT COME AND GET EMI QUALITY RETREADS AT lOW MANY WITH THOUSANDS LOW PRICES All SIZES AND OF MILES REMAINING TYPES sreciar onrcas 0N PAIRS AND nouns SAlE runs JUST SAY OPEN Firestone UNICHARGE ACCOUNT AND TAKE MONTHS To PAY NO TrHoNaxoanaas rLaAsa SHOP EARLY TOR arsT srlrcTIon 32