pitched mica to within game ot tint plane night when he blanked llinoeaota Mar to on mat gnu livehitter The victo no No tape to the Ame eao league tor the 17yequ theoalier and the ahutout hw Cred hia earned run average to brilliant zoo lie haa never hear this close to the zitvictory mark beiore and another Bob gateh in anger in the maior he uau eluted the 195 Winter Iguo season Ihe Santurce erto Rim clubs batboy hut wound up on the pitching rtail when he diacovered he could fling rock harder than the teama pitcher could throw basebalia hvo raralater he was bill wauiteea prize amtxi etrib in out all batten tor the Bravea Jacksonville club in the old Sally League The Brave pnlrl Santuree $3000 ior hll oontratt but they never got return on their invest ment FAILED wrrn BRAVES Piano and the Milwaukee management suiiered through our eeaaona with equally unim retuva reunite 111a eouthnaw upped each ring waa de moted to the non where he waavirtu unbeatable and tinithed ea union in the prevee bullpen Finally in mo the Brave traded him to the White Sox and awu protectuo more winner am noon Elsewhere in memorials League medr allot Clove land lndiana upended lam leading Baltimore Oriole third plane New York Yaokm toned Waahioaton Senator he Angela Angela deieated Karina City and Detroit Tig ers sluued Boston Red oi the ninth with lingia out later Floyd Robinaon aim ted Bill Buwron lined out he iorelion Hauaen broke it to with runscoring hit to lelt HOMER BEAT 03101118 The indlana atm or five rune in the eighth inning the last three on Bob Chama two run homer and Leon Wasnere solo ahot to overtake Baltimore Oriole starter Milt Popnaa gave up Clevelanda iourth hit at the game double to Tito Frontone and walked Woody Held beiore being replaced by Harvey lladdix In the eighth Max Alvie inch single acored one run Gino salmon singled loading the ham and the rec ond run meted while Dink Howser was minding into double play Ihen chance and Wagner connected backtohack hula Aparldoe twomn homer had helped the Orioles to so on Whitey Ford won hie ï¬rst game alnce July 15 when the Yankees came irorn behind with tour nine in the eighth Mickey Mantlee third hit of the night tworun double war the key ow Eye made hia reclamation Ford worked eight innings erare Reed Win Routs Re Howie iteed domt win oiten in tact hia hitching victories pre ao well apnoed out he mint even peat ior Met But when the II year old rlghthondtr doea get around to winning one he does it in con gluing iaahion and he makes alicking hurt Feed who hadnt won in the mniore alnee 1968 got around To again mum night He inshioned etahitter with ninthinning help or Lee An gelea Dodgers and heat San Fran Giant cieooa mingling The lora dropped the Gianta hrto third place and leit them genie behind National ague leading Philadelphia hilliu deiicit that become re ltnpoaing each day one over sec Cind ti lied took ond plane rapping New York eta 11 behind the six hit itching oi Bob Purkey while irhiladelphla took 76 licking imm Milwaukee tor the Bravea vtuoond atraight over the league tieaderar Houaton Golta held oft chl ugo Cube $4 and Iain Erocka Jathinaing shutter sealed st Louie Cardinals 7o verditt tï¬over Pitteburgh Piratea in the 3otlwr1amer IN TOP FORM iteed whole lent motor league hiiunph won or deci iaio over Chlmgo While Sea pitching with Kane Sept 23 mos wan irtop againtt the Giants ii aliawedflonlyvï¬ve hita lbtmigh the iim neveninningl gave up another in the eighth theatweekened in the ninth jWith oneoutV he laeued waika mfnudrmuer and Many rierranoski earnaton to eling SF get one out and Bob Miller war called in to Ilrike out Wil lie Maya and and the game it war only Lon Angelea tourth victory over San Franclaoo in 15 games this year but it left the Ginnta with an overwhelm ing tank in attempting to over take Philadelphia For example it the Phillies play anywhere near their cur rent pace theyd wind up Wlth 90 victories To catch them the Gianta would have to win of their remaining as gamu HOME lhe Meta got two rune on Ron Huma hmer beiore Pur key got anyone out but he shut them out the restoi the way Frank 100th doubled in two runa and Down Johneon dou hled in three more iar all the working room Purkeyknzeded The Brave built an early lead on homer by Eddie Math ewa and Lee Mayo than held oil Philadelphias late rush Braveeuidithander lhny Clam ingerheld the Philliea tathree hits over the ï¬rst raven inninga but the Phila chased him in the scoring three rune on they new an ona mer St Louie blew to lead then came irotn behind 65 More Brock aettied their long Itiug fla with Pittsburgh with his homer Smoky Burgess drove in two Fittehnrgh runs with pinch aingie in the top oi the 12th but the Card weighed mneminthahottomoitheln Bo Arpromontajrove in one run with mole mother With aaeritiea liy and toured third aa iiouaton jumped on rookie John Flavin in ï¬ve runain the ilratl 14 lnninga then held on againet the Cube BASEltllLL nchnp 33 ehee exnasnassaa naneesnsner New York Cincinnati chiengo Houaton San mm late Angelou Mable Pitcher nodIr New York stalked 716 It Cincinnati Neutral 37 Shortth at Milwaukee Lemur ml Pittehorght3ork or Schwnii to at St thet lnr Ni ammonia omen or pm mart Loe Angelo Dryedale 13 AHanta Dnty game achoduied Angela trams my Minnesota Guiraga Cleveland haltimore Washington NewYork Detroit 11 Boston Prnhahlellidierl loday ecord two more in the seventh alter lCarl Yastrremkkie rm opened the late Expect lively Ctmvention Topic WBii Considers ClayListon BOut NOW Va AP majority oi the early arrivaia to the World Boxing Auoda tion convention thin week iavor outlawing the propoud unan Ciay rematch on ere ll be floor iitilt over the WBwAa auaperzetion oi Sonny Linton liter he lent the world hem aollght boxing titla to Cualua Jame Dukln executive secretary oi the Nevada State Athletic commission aold Tueao day he plans to take the floor at the convention Thursday and challenge the MM rmpentlon oi Litton He maintaina the WM did not have the author ity to suspend iieton untill Soother boxing oommirelon did added avai the Minnesota ArrigovM at Gai Game Thursday ins Annalee at Known City Minnesota at Mr pDetmit at Boston 7i snsaaann anaeennnq anggeqlig Syracuse Jackaonvflie Main Rochester Toronto Mmund Colnmhua Rochester Byrawae Jaekannvflle Rielan Tom Roohrate Syracuse IColumbua atAtionta Toronto at Huiialo garment Jnmonviiie mm vacation hem mono mount meaninglt toillvingior airtimeL Symbols of Superiority evmwuugmurtuamnua will to meat oi Halon to the WBA ret Inu hut dlupprove ot the re turn bout with Clay ieei Lia Ion ahould he made to tight somebody aiaa hetero he meeia Clay ualn Then Lleton can prove that shoulder is good um Norrie Klein chairmen oi the Miami Be eh Boxing Commit Ion aal We had no rearoa to nupeod Litton We could move nothing irregular xrayr were taken at Ma lelt moulder an 918 Phyllriana examined Lhton wea ruxpended or not coming out oi hia corner at the beginning at the aeventh mund oi his tight with Clay last Feb nary 1n Mlanu Beach lie oom plained oi shoulder injury return match has been lined up or later this year but no date or alto has been re looted mueoo vinyl um not no men are Vauourr aim Wm Greek Maclhï¬l For nmm 69 Dr Eisenhower 3mm Hd MP um who Minoan $233 En St E2 no president open mmu 31123 mu President Enznhowerfl ihe next onmniiu ab whtelymuatbeamn Macedon an en Mtl Ilid mail We EVIMMkindotmanheh liarytaod dmt know whetht Dr IidRit itlmddm mahnan outstanding cantata Itooor whou term orphan year rorn Septembc Vnouncedhla retirement tlonameralweekeago E3 E9 gr 553 it 55 VeEEE site it 52 egg erg third Frill BUY THE FIRST TIREAT OURNOTRADEiN PRICE tn the 2nd llllE middlemen metrea EE 35 Nvto AIRE WHITEWAttS BlACliWAllS wants rummt euv uowr oour Miss rnis oursrauomo mm uni orrm rtnttfaiirfitt WW whimImam Mahomwdo mm marina Emum rlmm All Fimtone paaungar tires in peaeengoraorviceoarryaNOLIMIl Road Ham and Quality Guarv antoe This guarantee in honoured by over 80000 Firestone denim across Canada and the USA 13521 ilbmllhylrkll All TIRES MOUNTEDiREE inst Service by The Exoerls SAxlhéx JL 44 41 £1341 Choose your own terms PAY WEEKLY SEMIMONTHLY OR MONTHLY NO MONEY DOWN Openl arn to iridoy lili9 pun IKARY IVKUSHION Ticae amwn 3mm Rdhhertetlnngo wearing nylon hrietioa