matmural hm 2W DREAM COMES TRUE Doreen CormlerfotWest an iheAnbsssndor Bridge todtovlsitwiirlsoralteruw Saint John NB had her wish Siehoseancermdsbouttwo eralWindsOr raidentsheurd dherpllditandsentberpost mamaMnodwwhenma monthsietttolivasuwon rardsmwirephoto Asks CWL Group To Take Close Look GHAMUHDIUWN GP Mattenolvlhe Catholic Wom ens laser 01 Canada have been advised to take seardi lng look at themselves and the work of their organization lhe adviee came Sunday night lrom the Most Rev McEnchern Bishop of Gian lottetown as he swine at chord service attended by del egatcs gathering for the annual convention which opens here to nght the OWL members the cream of Catholic woman in Canada he told them hope you will take good look at yourselves as the dtumh is doing today to see how you can improve your good worlrs Before the formal opening about so delegates from across Canada are expected to regislt tar for the national convention which continues until Friday tbey will represent the issues ANNvLilNDERS 150000 members in about 1500 local groups from coast to coast Among the main topli adied uied to eorne up are CW1 pro jects for international hopes ntion Year in 1965 and the 100th anniversary of Canadian Con tederntion in i967 The women one also expected to vote on about an resolutions on wide variety of issues including cen sorship and television program ming in Canada th home minded in mm cauics on continuing carn palsn espinst pomosraphle lit erature and is expected to dis cuss resolutions inning provin cial outlsorltim to tighten can sorship regiilatlons ihe leagues national diree tor Most Rev ihomas ite Carflw Bishop St Cathar ines is to address tonights opening oeramoniu He Needs Treatment For Safety Of All near Ann harden think there is something wrong with my liyearold bmther but my parents refuse to talk about it Mat is in the fitthgrsda and know he should he at least in the ninth lie slaps mymother and punches my father and they never say one word to him Last night at the supper table he ihrew aglass oi water in my fatiwra face Father just sat there asked him why he didnt pimish Mat and he an swered the boy is fool and nothing can be done about it worry about my brother be cause he does such oruel and hurtful ihings Last week he put my little rum Perky in the ireezing an ant oi the rdzigerator it hadnt eldentaliy found Perky she mildhavo been dead within the hour Ive begged my mother to talk to the minister about Mat but she says This our cross and we must bear Please tell me what should be doneAnni SISTER milus Esters Mat should be receiving special care and guid ance not only or his arm good andhis own protection but tor the safety and peace of mind oi those around hirn Parents do the mentally handieappedohlldrno favor when theytreat such child lfihevverennrmai the am is advice you have mentioned thi does not hear herseli iind it difï¬cult to believe must con clude that she has no considera tion for others Please please please print this letter Anml will tacit it on our bulletin board lhnnh 5331 thebottom of my heart To Whom it Mayflow It you are ading irom an niï¬ee bidirehin board and have gum in yourmouiii you may be Old Com rapper so watch it NOI ms BUSINESS Dear Ann Ladders Why dont rouse lump in the lake in recent column you called WWW to am list her ï¬nancial holdings he tore making her hiswite On several previous occa sinus however you wholeheart edly encouraged women toget all the facts sndfistuoa beiore they married Why the prrjcr enhal treatinentl shelhasthe right to know all Why doesnt he have the same right mm MALE Dear More The role oitha maieis to provide forhis wife She therefore has the right know in ndvsnee whether or notshe may have intake in laundryor it she can hire httla day help or herselfr to man who is preoccupied with awornans financial hold uigs is invariablyiookiugio talus life bit easier ï¬vv mwwmw morrmrcpe uncommoni unnamed nonnativesimilarities remitthairurimrmoentes zFérvSlï¬gï¬leW6nénk Menomth havesooowdneathutlntd the yur is coverage for single woman under is who has had three Incidentfree tickettree years WW Rates vary in other park at the country no the hssisil tiresome Onset theream tor the Silver Maple Wll Plan Bake Sale hire Don Thompson was hos tess at the August meeting oi Silver Maple Womens institute him To liost RussianiWomén ilONthPIllourltus gull ottbeVoiel olWomen Mme Barriosm Vow pruidai hire Rush president was in the chair Itoll call was answered by the vermtonmotwhutserved werereadenddenitwitbac co mwmmadeihradlb oisewlngatthalooal bake sale was planned Aug 21 ihe inch draw was won by Mrs MeGrnth social half hour was moot over the tea cups tor and smear critical ea GLENN SWAIN Attends Conclave In ilnn Arbour Glen Swain son to Mr and Mrs Emerson Swainot Sunni daleltosdhssrotumedtoldon trealtoliowiug Week in gineeringGonforcneoattlieUn mltydhï¬dilgnnetmfl no Worlds leading men in field iron the United Sta Canada Japan and Frame lootined on latest developments in that specialties While Mr Swain attended this oonterm his wile Isobel and family were goats at the home or Mr simian pm lhey retinned to their home grillika where waist with Development at NormaAW THE STARS Sir By WA Felt monnow Mixed pianetary influences Early mcaii on cam in personal relationships espe 95311 within the domain carom And in your business contacts use the utmost not in dealings wtth superiors and with those of the opposite sex Brighter aspects in tho prn howeverth you to solve many or theearlier problems and promise accomplishmmts in all good endeavors FOR THE amramr it tomorrow is your hirrhday your horosz recasis inter eaï¬nsdavdoomenta during the naming yamU Job interests should pro highly for thehal anon otthia month also be tween middllecember and late March September of 15$ Mons inter should take an upswingduring Novem ber alsoin early 1965 alsoinext June DnntJaka needless in midDoceniier next April howeveror you mind sutler dent time Mr Holman lays Canadian BEAUTIFULVCOVERUP idealfor slatsslimmer Ind intervening in only full is WW Mmwm Paulette one of the leaiing ndllinery designers oi Paris in Marius pastel shade Lend An Opulence With Custom gt Millinery ByJEANgnARP TORONTO CPA mom made hat to mid dress or cost has an air of opulenno about it usually with good rea son But it doesnft have to cost fortune it youre brave enough and intended enmrgh Youoanmskeonelorsbumfl For instance to make pill box out length of burlam two to live incha wide for the side crown it should be 10118 enough to leave an inch to spare It the end Cut arouud piece or the top and sew the two together with em stateh Wiretheoopedg ondooverit with hits muslin Pad the hat with sheet wedding it you want to soften the edges th cover al you Mrs Spanish been giving motions such as these to classes at lhmnto YWCA Ones you have seen it done ttis very uncomplimted she says Shedocs however advme women who havenever made hattn get someinstruotions from friend or prolegionai teacher ï¬rst TRY saunas Ihe he style to start on is baithat Speed says Measure your head over the ram to ill ship you want wire the edge In determine your headisise measure around the nape of your neck to the centred your orehead the hairline then arormd the loudest part at your head The larger of the meaninmentl is the sineto work with Mrs Speedm sslabea hart slightly too ge can ma mailer telling darts in the lopvfmmeartoear0uthuck innian and to hold the move never the wirelfstitch in thelining and cover the top Him is no to the mat erlaia you can use You should mansion not to handle fanny mateilalspenudaaoies and velvetsvtoo much There are basi patterns hats availabiesnd pre set hucham toms sh sailor brim is made by slashing the material and oven lappi ng it For floppy brim cut slashes overlap some and add piece of fabric in others ï¬lo can be maded 11mm wrapped the amp for oboutsn born betora in to banned Mrs Speed says beginners Egon make their stitches too Members with T6 VisitCNE me hundred and revutyhu In It Junior pm in meetlo the Conadlsnw Nothol nursdsy Club members are selected by Cm and Distrid Home Economists Ind must be between the use of 15 and years and have completed at least on Homemaking Club Womb lhe girls will here Ml oi the Canadian Na lionsl Exhibition DurhIg their stay in Meta the girls will live In the blur garet Addison liaidenoe Vie toria Universiï¬ 10 Charles Street WesL On Wednesday aftemooa dub members will be presenting team demonstrationsskits and duh exhibits flils past of the program will take plnne in the minoritist wellnunded meahlpwhidiinehuiedswim minglntftemodernponl bathhgendtheshipsdame chestra inporttbere adnyandsnlgbttosee sightsinluertoltlmand visit tamed dime ndaylnthevhglnlslands explorethebeautliul hopi islands Labor Surveys Womens Work mnom CBWomen will be asked whether they work or want to work why and at what during the Canadian National Exhibition this yea lhe survey inland to an swer questions about womens ions and job expectations will be conducted in berth set up by the womens bureau of the Ontario not of labor Director thei Malian said lhesday sm woman who wants to volunteers information and opinions will be invitedto do so An anonymous questionnaire asks whether woman has been employed and at what type at work whether she is interested in working and at what key set of qumtinns asks what type or training she would be interuted in taking to get job The answers will be tabulated to provide npicturo of women in the working force of how much women knew about work ing hw realistic their attitude is toward their own skills and training and wherein or re cruise for you or trip abroad Complete service or your cmvenience ttJHNSON mover Adsucr 72665251 New located in new modern ofï¬ce with Avis an Snakes 1M DUNLOP ST Theatre at the Royal Ontario Museum Following this the whip will visit the Exhih itinn as rows or the Canadian Ne tlonai Exhibition On Thursday the program be ginswithaquisrelaiedtoclub work to he auswaed by each girl ioliowed by tour of the Royal Ontario Museum and to the Parliament Build ings lhegiils will again be guests at the Canadian National inhibition ior supper and the Grandstand performance training programs they would enroll in and use Coupled with the survey will be job counselling service ior thosa who want it Mrs Moisellan said the hur eau is not tryin to encourage women to go to workhut it women are going to work the obth is to make them more ctirctivo members oi the labor force its SadrtnSchnol Time its also time in put back bone tandem so we settle Into Septembers mom or when binaries insures oerr esl hot with milt cheese for Breakfast Va definitelycheesefnr fhmskfast for its great tlavon well with eggs ham and toast And thaoxreilsntpintainItoontrib utas helps catty folk through long mornian with nary hunuaipang Try owing some of out good Canadian cheddar with lush pom ind will round out bioekia milkvaiy iyl It shamanism psuaoiaumsinv ti roons sea ssunzau