Itlfllf wvssmrnraw an wmszwvvu rPWrm vda WHERE IS IT SEE PAGE SIX Small Boy Misses Death By Inches Gregory Worrod II in rat islaciory condition in Royal Vxe ioria Hospital following an ace cidant near his homo last night Tho boy was on his way home mm on Essa RoadBurton Av enue store with bag at gro Acerlcs when he was struck by car driven by Francis Guy of 11 ll Harrie He sutfered head nd body lacerations 111 driver was leaving ser icc station lot when his car it tho hoy Gregory fell under eth the car and his foot ought in tho undercarriage According to eyewitness Gary Stevens of Essa Road the movement at the cor caused the boy to pivot Just before the rear wheel could pass over his head Gregory said llr Stevens did complete sommersouli under neath the car Shouts of peopla apparently confused the driver and caused him to drive over the curb This action gave the boy extra room he managed to frcc himscll and started running for home with loud cries oi want my mom mro Pmcrsby took the child to the gas station to await the ambul anea and police Mr Stevens and friend went to inform the mother Mr Guy was charged with careless driving by tho city pol ice Rival Yacht Clubs To Race For Grenville Rolph Trophy Wind and water permitting the Kemponfclt Hay Sailing As sociatlan will be host to mem bers oltho Barrie Yacht Club this afternoon when the two clubs meet for their annual race for the Grenville Ralph Trophy The race will be organized on handicap basis as the Kem penfclt Bay club races infant Grows and lotoot Nordbergs while the Barrie club will be sailing their Snipes and Lightn lay Mr Rolph late commodore at tho Kampeniclt Bay Sailing As sociallon donated the trophy silver rose howl During the Credit linions Will Be Hosts At Picnic Sunday Presidents oi the Georgian Bay and Eiuewater Chapters at Credit Unions Bill Aerosol Mcaiord and John Woodcock of Hawkstono will be hosts to hundreds of credit union mem bers at the second joint annual picnic at Owen Sound on Stin daY Last year the joint picnic was held at Innlstll Plrk for the tirsttime It was so success ful it was decided by thedlreo tars at both chapters that they would make the social an an nual alfatr The picnic committee which includes Bert Ward of Calling wood and Roy Lennox of Pains wiek has been busy for weeks working out details This year there will be races for every one pleating contest and championship baseball game be tween the two chapters for the trophy donated by the Ladies Auxiliary ot the Bluowater Chapter The two chapters which cover anarcafrom Parry Sound to TYort Elgin on Lake Huron to iStouiiville in the south have smote than 60 credit unions Membership is approadrlng the 119000 mark with assets 01 up proximately 5000000 tivc years the competition has been held the association won it the first two years and the Barrie Yacht Club the past three Each year the handicap for racing between the dittercnt claims of boats is adjusted as it is recognized that the Snipe although the smallest craft in the race is the fastest This year the Snipe has to give handicap oi the per cent to the Crews and 10 per cent to the Nordbergs Last year when the Barrie club won the handi caps were tour and eight per cent respectively Therecaps duo to start about 230pm Barrio Yacht Club members will be sailing from the club to tho Blakeney Woods residence Néhms Estate Left ToDaughter NEW DELIfl tReuierslThe late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehnl left all his property to his daughter and only child Mrs indlra Gandhi as his sole heir in his will the lndian news magazine Blflz said Friday He thanked his sister Mrg Vikayn Lakshmi Pandlt and Mrs Kriuhna Nutheesingh for their love and care tor him and added can give nothing to balance this except my own love and affection ch they have in full measure Previously only extracts from his will relating to disposal of his ashes had been ublishad The will was signed 1354 The late lndian prime mints ter indicated his personal for tune was not large Cur services reflect long time stability in serving Wide range gt needs Hamilton Band At Gravenhurst GRAVENHURST For the first time In its I5yrar history the Barge at Gull Lake Park Gravenhurst will be dominated bl Sunday evening by femalcs With the exception of conduc tor Santor all so mem bers oi the Hamilton Cathedral High School Band are girls LOCAL GENERAL WELCOME SIGNS The Wolcoma lh Barrie signs should be ready by next week according to traiilc dclt partmcnt supervisor Jim Iowa They will he posted at the en irancu to the city No passing signs are also being prepared for crosswalk areas Signs to warn drivers of school areas will be erected soon as well INVEHIGATE THEFT Harrie City Police are invesU gating the theft of money irom cigarette machine in west end bowling alley yesterday No malor accidents were reported YACHT RACES Barrie YachtClub will hold its weekly race for fleet of snip es and lightning tomorrow starting at to am The race is usually held Saturday alter noons but today members are guests of tha Kempanielt Bay Sailing Association WATER SAFETY The Simcoe Conny Conunun lty Recreation Service held Red Cross water safety examinations at Hardta Pool Camp Borden this morning Further exam fnatlons will he held at Klondike Park Wasaga Beach Tuesday at am oncnasrns camssr The Cookstown CidTyros 0r chcstra competition will be held Sept in the Cookstown curling rink The contest is divided in to two classes the oldtymo and tha oldtyma western Prizes totalling $650 and two trophies will be awarded to the winners COUNTY COUNCIL Simcoe County Council will resume in sessions Sept 14 Fittyane reeves and deputy reeves representing 32 munici palities willaltend AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Thebaard of directors at the Barrie Agricultural Society will meet intho offices of the be nadmeat of Agriculture killer St Thursday atB pm PLANE FLYIN The BarrieOriliia Experimen tal Aircraft Association will hold its annual flyin tomorrow The event will be heldv at St John Airport seven miles northeast of Oriilia Last years flyin at tracted more than too alrcratt my mumm am nos PHONE nilMir of business insurance 1way vr 57 minimum WAY AUG II Ill 2PARMERS MARKET tempting can Farmers Market iii morning coats turnips in oil warm trot Ice 15 cents II cuts bum potato as cents basket Eggplant in coats to errtoes so cents court Bro coil 25 cents New honey and irom 35 in mo Eggs to tools to according to site An ample supply of home bak Iag included variety oi cookies data loaves breld rolls iruit Iquaru hitter tarts pics of ma tnrlL Car Rolls Over Six Borden Men Are Injured TRENTON Ont Clerkwa pcrsonl to to Friday after car went out oi control and rolled over into tho median at Highway or about four miles wort of here Police slid the car apparently cw rurtlre Hort seriously injured was Prank Hellenlus so who was transferred to Kingston Hospital so miles out of here Also in jured were tin car driver Thoma Lee to Claude Mer cler 11 Peter Dcslsrdlags is that Raymond Bouts in and Rock MCIBIR is All from Camp Borde 15ml utot Dorris DISPLAYS PRIZEWINNING POSTER Jud Cmrtnoy Ito the poster which won the first grin It the horticultural show eld ti week It Odd Fellows Hall Collier St The compe 11 weva wmurwma new tummy titlon held for Separan nnd Public School students was won by Jim Hunter at John son St School The prize win ning poster goes to the finals BARBIE saga wrarnrn Expect More Showers During The Weekend The oftgain anagain rains have plagued Simone Coun ty residents and cottagerl in the last white will continue Show er are forecast tor today and Sunday ihundershawors are possibility for tomorrow as well Th Barrie Examiner ther momctcr read 71 at noon today The following children recei ved awards nttha second day camp held at Patnswlclr at gmnts Night progrun Thurs Iy Swimming Tadpole Linda Breaelartoduia Masher an Shanahan Carla Tarbush William Hobbs Ralph Nlnsber Steven Johnson Karon Mont gomery gunnan Cathy garlilson one fyn ac RI Joiurson do glacial goddess any If McKenzie Carla Tam da Brewster Gall OQuinn Mara garet Koopmnna Cathy Coul son Jeanett Brewster Chris Sherd William Mills Greg Mc Donald Bill Hobbs John HIrrls David Hubbr Jlnle Tyndale Bonny McKenzie Leslie Sword Blue ludy Boyd Ardieryr Judy Boyd Deva ubbs Calming beginner Cam eron Hobbs Bob Shard Boa nis Mchensie Talia Pllmlm Togllattl leader of the Italian Communist party since 1976 after suturing stroke during vacation at Sovrct resort on the Black Sea Klaus City Wilkin son as founder of Kansas City Monarch an IllNam baseball team and the man credited wrih conceiving the idea of at Vhaseball mate mi some high at 75 is expected tor tomorrow Forecasts issued by th Tor anta weather oifice It Synopsis Southern Ontario record mot weather of recent days is expected to give way to warmer but rather unsettled weather Rainfalls of about an inch which began In southwest ern Ontario Friday morning hlveadvanccdhtocentraisnd southern Georgian Bay regions Toronto Hamilton Rain slack ening to occasional showers to dry Cloudy with sunny periods and few scattered showers or ihundarshowers Sunday Warmer today and Sunday Winds southwest 10 to to Eastern Lake Ontario Hali bnrton Killalae Rain today slackening to occasional show ers this afternoon Cloudy with sunny periods and few scal tared showers or thundershow ers Sunday Coot today warmer Sunday Vinds easterly to to 20 lauday southwest to to 15 Sun ay Forecast Temperatures tonight Nah Sunday Windsor 32gt St Thomas so in southwestern Ontario today and Sunday Temper lures In southwestern Ontario should climb to near normal later today and Sund lel St vClslr talk Eric southern Lake Huron regions Windsor london Cloudy with sunny lniervllg and tow Icat tcred showers or thundershow en today Ind Sunday Warmer Wind light Niagara western lee On tarlo northern Lake Huron Quick Frozen ice cubes for cool and refreshing pleasure got some todgy and keep on hand COMET Service Station any so Fulï¬ll Open Daily an to orurnsi Murcia ruuas Appointment MR wound out new Mr In Vain Moï¬ht restdantrGeneralf Mutual es announcsthaap olnb itiJackmsnuv trlct FnudIthd wis meat or Mr WIIIiamtB arrl Genorllzmutual Funds London E0 Kitchener 75 Mount Forest 75 Wiogham 75 Oct 17 at the Trlnlt ilali when the Bar cultural Society will be host to the Ontario Associations annual convention Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Petcrborauh Kingston Trenton Klliaioc Muskoka North Bay Sa 88881938 Ell Dunlop 84 Etgt Angus Girl Is Injured In Collision Eight accidents we invent giled by Ontario Provincial Po lice in the area surrounding nar rld during tut Ilghll rain Thl mishaps occurred between pan and It pm The serious accident rent tind Beacon it of Angus to RoyalVictorta Hospital for Iti the to her chin She was passenger in car driven by strict Jarvis 19 of RCAF Clinton His ear calli ded with vehicle driven by Peter Llold Snids of Camp Borden on Highway so an the outskirts of Angus OPP Const Marshall estimated dam age In the two cars It 01300 The sldeswloe occumd during heavy rain with poor visibility Bnrrle City Police charged Abraham Lawrence 10 of El rcx Ont with ialllng to fold after his car mlllded wit vehicle driven Harold Wab win to of Wellngton St Mr Lnurence was leaving the RVH parking lot on Ron Street It the time oi the accident Two RCA Camp Borden lien Armand Morel 21 and Ken neth Dodd were taken to Toro onto hospital last at ht They received undetermlnc injuries when litaralsi car skidded on wet pavement during heavy rain and rammad lan tree Damage to tha car is ml led at $1000 The accident oc curred on Highway 33 at th Sunnldals Corners Big Bay Point Residents Hurt collision on Slderoad near Concession it lnnistil Township last night sent six Bug Bay Point area collagen to hos pital and dcmollrhcd the two cars involved Taken to Barrles ltoyal Vic torla Hospital for treatment for variety of lacerations war David Barrett Donna Wagg and driver David Hurt from the one car and driver Charles lccicau and passengers Dorothy Loguo and Eleanor Addison tram lhl utlrer Only Donna Wagg admitted Innlstll Township Police Do partment is investigating mm Help You Save More of Your Earnings For Yourself and Your Family Woman1m 9cm Barrie new North American is Assurance Company