swam rm wrvmyverawwu wmmWnrrï¬rmxmm ummmmm Local weather Showenmlorecutlortodv andSundaytnwtnntghr6I Continuing inexpandvnth High tomorrowls Foraitlil Burteandsimooecunty summarylurntopaxoteo Not More Than Per Copyhu Pam roan Yur No In Barrio come Canede Saturday August 22 rm Nuns Youth Among Dead LEONARD Ont CPI tiveton truck loaded with are vel slammed into rear coach at CPR passenger train early Friday killing the truck driver and seven of the tralns passen lers Another 25 persons were in hired some oi them critically in the levelcrossing crash at this quiet tnrrn harrrlet about 20 miles southeast at Ottawa The crack nonvstop train lelt Union Station in Ottawa at 755 am Dubbed the business mens specta it was due to arrive in Montreal at 10 am But at 320 am as the eight unit train sped through the crossing unmarked except for wooden orrrrs there was sickening crash as the tniok ripped into the thirdlast car be ing pulled by the diesel engine The impact drove the coach irom the track taking with it diner and parlor car The death coach turned over on its side but the other two cars re mained upright The dead are Truck driver Basil Czopyk it of Ottawa Sister St Eliza Roman Catholic nun oi the Congrega tion at Notre Dame She was returning to litont St Bernard College in Antigonish NS Andre Roy in of St Gervais One and his toyearoid aunt Monique In Train Crash Rev Sister Maria de St Maurice of the John at Arc Girls School Ottawa hire Jean Pull Poultn oi Quebec City Mrs John Palmer 01 0t tern Dimitrius Georgiles about 30 Montreal and Ottawa One 01 the mrvivors Rev Sister Mary Alberta ttl said There was terrible shock and was going through the window There was broken glass and dirt everywhere Next to me woman was screaming Her back was broken and priest was giving her the last rites saw lcct with no bod ies bodies with no skin MP ABOARD Also aboard the train was Howard Grallley Conservative litgt lor Brome Misslsquoi He described the scene as one oi the most dreadtul you could imagine The grinding rash awoke lilrs Woods an elderly widow whose home was near the tracks When got to my back porch they were sitting there she said Some were crawling gave them water and towels to rrrop up the bi gruesome sight awaited po lice reporters medical people and others who rushed to the scene Rain Curtails CNE Attendance TORONTO UP Rain poured down but relatively low people poured through the gates of the unadian National Exhibition for its opening day Friday The opening day attendance was H500 compared with 124 not in rest And theweether at tlce predicted more rain tor to day However his evening grand stand show went on despite the adverse weather conditions Television comedian Jack Car ter and lrishbom singer Car vmel Quinn this years headlin ers upheld the tradition that the show must go on Ahout 10000 marchers and 50 hands comprised ol army navy and air iorce personnel will stage twohnur march past while Air Marshall Orr tis will take the saluteat the Warriors Day parade today Fraser president ol the ONE told the ï¬rst exhibitions directors luncheon Friday that the cold war would be won timid resources our lineman be preserved not only lor Canadians but also tor thehungry people ol the world said Mr Fraser tanner Lieutenant Governor Earl Rows of Ontario touched oli button which started cannons roaring to mark theoliicial opening at this annual extrava ganza of noise lost drildren and run The rain inrced olï¬cials to perform theopening cere mony inside an enclosure in stead oi in the open Indias Education Minster Seeks To hholish Illiteracy OTTAWA CF Chagla indiar minister of ed dcation has called for con certed drive to abolish teracy in Codimonweslth coon res He suggested to the third Commonwealth education cont terence Friday that target he set so that onequarter of the worldspopuiation would have all the beneï¬ts of modern edu cation liis proposal was one at many prrt forward at the open rng sessions of the two week mectmgattended by some 7m representatives of 33 Common wealth countries andterritorie Mrs Susana Al Hassan Ghanas deputy minister oi edu cationextended an invitation to hold the next oonlerenceat Ac era and announced that her govemmeot will award to schol arrhips for study in Ghana Meanwhile sh urged that the conierence stu the Creation ota Commonwealth scheme of trarnrng overseas and that steps be taken to provide training scheme lor women in such tields as home economics and nursing education proposal by Rt Hon Vint cent Massey eonLerenoe presi dent and former GovernorGen eraLol Canada that the worlds iarr facilities in Montreal might be turnedinto Commonwealth study centre alter 1967 met favorable response unGas reason John Ewing New Zealand drrector of primary education said he thought the idea oi Commonwealth institute should be vigorously primed Kenyas delegate Education Mrnister Otiende was one of several who stressed the ar gent problemv of the lack nl trained teachers He said that between 1964 and 1970 his coun try would need 1500 graduate teachers in secondary schools but would be producing only son cargoes army LEOPOLDVILLE tAP The Dongolesehnrryhas won major victory that may pro vide PremierMoiae Tshombes struggling government with psychological boost in its light against Communistbacked in surgents ihegovernment had control today oi the heavily damaged northeastern citon Bukavu alter savage threeday battle that lett at least too dead in ciudlng perhaps seven diurn pesns ExKntnngan gendormes alriilted in UStransflrt planes joined CongoleseFootie in sea eririg the rebels and regaining control at the capital rol vKtvn province marked the nrmyfr ï¬rst key military success in ntha owrng repeated rebel it enabled the cen fBï¬hdyu tral government to maintain at lensia toehotd in the Eastern Congo where rebels control the big cities oi Albertvtila and Stanleyville stomhca government began the expansion of citizens ottila lormer French Congo Burundi and Mali Trucks buses and taxis took the deportees to the Congo River lor the twomile terryride to Brazzavill Soi diers rifles and clubs chased the aboard MAYEXZPEL sum Sources said Tshomhe hopes to force Brazzavtlios Presidentr Alphonse MassambnDebnt and his proCommunist regime to stop aid to therebelagby pour in thousands oi homeless and unemployed into his capital Some 50000 oeraonspray be ex FREE VOTE AVORED ON VISITORS To the Canadian rain that marred the opening play at the CNE lhe 56th edi itowa ot Ontario yesterday National Exhibition in Tomato seekshelter irom the heavy Cresh Kills3 injures Four lit Simcoe srrrcoaxcrr twocar collision on Highway near here Friday night claimed the lives at three men and injured tour others Dead is Hamid Lawrence Smith in ol Brandord Policewithheld the names ot the other two dead who are outotprovince residents The driver one car John Daloe Reed 17 oi Brantlord is in hospital th undeterrruoed ehcst injuries There were live occupants ot the other car The driver Peter nrrai oi Bradford is reported sulierirrg head cuts passengerJohn llorvath of Queensville Ont suliered head cuts and undeter mined iniurirs In serious condition in hospIA lot is John Kuiscar oi Mont real HERES ONE How is the razer sir does it hurt inquired the harbor of his squirming customer cant answer lor the raaor replied the victim1 but my late sure does day wide the wings at ham caster bomber which is on dis Red MOSCOW tCPlWeslem inmats looking back on Rus sias carelully rneasured re sponse to the United States air strike at North Viet Nam see it as demonstration that Red China ts not to have linger on tho soviet nuclear trigger The Sovietllnlon had made an effort in preceding months to let the Chinese and the Com munist North Vietnamese know that they could not count on automatic Russian support should they clash withthe US llintr to this eliectwere con tained in succession at Soviet statements forming part oiutha incessant public wrangle he tween tha two Communist giants on ideoi cai matters The Kremlins noncommittal reaction to 118 blows against North Vietnamese patrol tor4 pedpboat bases Aug pm vided concrete evidence that the Russians meant what they said Dbservers here douhthow ever that the Soviet response or lack oi response was predr rated on getting such mes sage across Rather it was conditionedby whole set 01 factors summed up hyone dr grpatio oh erver as opo as Buddhist headers sea nerds Oi four Generals InVietNam SAiIGON leaders called today lease ollour South retnamese Arllty generals under house ur rest since MaiGen Nguyen Khanhs assumption of power test Jan so The generals belonged to the junta that seized powerirom President Ngo Dinh Diem last Nov Khanh glater placed them under house arrest in the mountain resort of Dainty no miles northwest ol Saigon won the Buddhists agitated in the cities the war continued to take its tollirr the Com Laotian frontier 370 miles north at the capital in Viet Cong ambush oi government patrol Friday Monks also toolbup the argu ment recently voiced in am dent demonstrations that the linked States should unde stand the aspiratiins oi the Vietnamese people Student leaders attaeked the United states or allegedly interfeng in the rust nlialrsioi Nam by called dictatorial governme pollelea Ahnnst continuous Buddhist Viei Nam most oi them with strongly anti government lla var Students have laid down an ultimatum to President Ktranh that he must agree to turn the government over to civilians rescind the state oi emergency chine decree and rid the government of jentirï¬uddhist revengista Truck Rolls Youth CORNWALL cry Donald Joseph ville was kllledearlytod control on llighway or about over several times andhurstln urnrrr an no milu anhourwaalrapi saidem end uplmrting what they and student demonstra as are kinder aythrovgttoutrSouth VTE tionot the exhibitionwas olti positiohto do anythirig about the Americanmction even it it wontedto since it does not havla uvawer olita own jto hrin Sou aast Alin had tnavold making any comrnltment ol sttpport tor China and North Viet Slam that it could not make goo Aside altogether irom the stark realities oi the power equation however Soviat sup Part for the two Communist countries would haveheen out oi atepwithjits present policy tag line on Asia Russia has otten seemed the China and Southeast Chinese Contnruntsts ol taster ingeinternationaltension by re jectingrthe Sovietpolicy ol peaceful coexistence on countries with diltercnt social tema Hangman on SovietNuclearTngger immediately to bear in alternoon tCP Wtrephotot The Soviets have long been concerned about the danger at an explosion in Southeast Asia resulting irom Communist pres sure there Further the Soviets want to extricate themselves trom en tanglement in region where they no longer appear to have any influence lirm declare tion oi support tor North Viet Nam and China could only have prolonged Soviet involvement while tacitlyencouraging the two countries to continue press In relrospectSovlet reaction during the lirst 48 hours oithe Viet Nam crisis seems to have been marked byhesitation and possibly contusion The Soviet press accused the US ot an openly hostile act and warned of the danger oi large reale militarytonliict some Iron AP sisearth ins howling mob lteenagera most of them girla trapped Englands mopbpired Béaties in the Cotishum tor 59 minutes Friday night belorepolleecmlld apth them awoyin an amind ence The youngsters screamed and stomped through tw trours oi rock roll music surged against police and aaiiora locked arm in arm in repeated ellorLr to get at the tour nestles Ringo Starr George RanLeon Johnth and Patti McDortneYl The Beatles perlornied tor minutesdehnd big cron Killed t1 Caribbean Sea Rescue13mins otgltlloo screaming inaooo ttnuous roar Mien time came to leave the building their limousine was mobbed andthey were escorted back to their dressing room ON TO VANOOLVER The Beatles leave today tor their next performance in Van Teen35ers inthe British Col umbia cityisce the drailenge ol penetradngn cloak ol le crecy that surrounds theerrir PM Party Heads Fail To Compromise in Debate OliAWA CF Thore didnt appear much dangcrol it anyway but Prime hilnistcr Pearson rays any detest ot the government on the flag issue wont result in the tall at the Liberal administration and consequent general election He said in the Commons Fri day that aii MP5 will he tree to vote as they choose on the ting no matter what olllclal party poiicies might dictate He thus ditched his hard line that the government would re Ktrdas test oi conï¬dence its proposal tor maple leul ling The other parties have indi ceted they iavor tree vote as well Whether tree vote with party discipline removed will cause manyor anyliiPs to change thdr views Inpcared doubttul Quebec Conservatives and New Democratic Social Credit and Creditista party members had already made clear they would vote tor distinctive na tional tingenough to give the minority Liberal government comlortabla mayority MEETINGS FAIL The search tor compromise on the flag issue ended in tail ure Friday temporarily at leastalter three meetings dur ing the week among the live party leaders Mr Pearson said in the Com man the meetings had tried to reach agreement on time limit or the ting debate but that there was no unanimity He said he had told the other icad ers thogovemment would look upon each at the ting voles Ihey would include two Con servative amendments tor plebiscite now hetore the House as entirely tree votes Mr Pearson also said the door will be left open tor any iuture meetings or party or floor leaders on possible compro mise Meanwhile the debate will go on presumably un naggingly it was interrupted Friday tor twohour discussion oi the $90t65000appropriatiorr lor the forestry department Opposition Lead er Dieter balrcr said lilr Pearsons prom ise ot tree vote had come too late that attitudes were already lrorcn He indicated that his party will as whole continue to nrgue in iavor oi the Red Ensign its proposed that the Com mons strike special 15 rrrern her committee which could dir cuss the ring question to couple at months and its ind lngs be submitted to the poo pieI apparently retortnee to plebiscite which the Conserv ailves scelr The suggestion brought groans alrom the Liberal benches causing Mr Dielem baker to snap that the groan on were trying to cram the the maple that log down Cans dians throats NDP Lender Douglas said his party favors commit tea but only with lirm agree ment that Commonsdehate on its report be limited Without such an agreement we could end up exactly where we are now UN Shows Muscle lit Cyprus Border NICOSIA CF United Na lions armored car oonvoyl manned byDaniah soldiers rolled today along the unified iine dividing Nicoslas Turkish and Greek quarters in the third obvious show oi United Nations torcnin three days lndian Gen Thlmayya the UN commander appeared determined to show warring Turkish and Greek elans the United Nations has the muscle to enforce the islands wobbly ceaselire Thimayynr started his new ampnign Thursday by sending nnsh intnntry detachment backed up by armored ears to rip out three Turkish Cypriot sandbogged emplacements on the dividing line He had given the Turks 72 hourSto pull the lartitications tarther back irom the designated nomans land When it was not done he had his man do