vwnvmwem oth YOUTH WINS Still BIIIILE Mloynerlrllot8e marathon battle with thee sndmdedllresdsywher teillteBeechlltstaadsbo ddsthemoormdrtinsrsy he iooaht farmhouse lhe toot wld started last you Joynerwestlflrutromapier allowed two diver to Canadian Hold 15 Per cent Of Stock 111 Foreign Firms OllAWA GP Canadian held about ll per cent the sleek In iorelzneonlrolled oom osniee operating In thll country It the end ot 1960 To raise this ehare ownership to per cent would have to no ei Canadian Invth oI about 51150000000 In such iolck assumllil It was avail This rephre lllurtrstion oi theloreisnownershlp problem Is drawn irom iigurer recently produced for the that time by the bureau oi statistics It was not known whether these statistics were available to Finance Minister Waiter Gor don when In 106 he Iirst ro poeed the wltliroldlnltu tern were er per their shares to Csnsrllanl lhls picture has been printed by the bureau At the and oi 1000 there were 1030 torelznmntrolled enter prises in Canada COMPARISON DIFFICUIII it Is dllllcult to compare this with total oi all enterprises it 0°th $3 corpora one eo that time but the in eiudea about la000 ve eorv porrtlons and thousands ot tiny we as These 4039 toreigneontrolied oompsnlee had total equity In vestmentthat II in common and prelerredehrreeot $11 momma Canedlrne held MOVIE COLUMN Beatles at that time entaddlg tl7030000W 01 it Ior l5 cen Aaually shut as per cent oi the total inmtment we con centrated in ill bl ioreim eontsolled oompenlee ends hav ing rn mate Invenment at 3000 or more these 00 were controlled by Americans use 00 had total equiw invesunent oi DEMON SOME IN 3mm However about as per cent oithstrnoneywertiedupln mahollyovned rub DIEM Coll nler totalling II in number 40SSenetore Kill TV Debates WASHINGTON AP The Senate itlesdsy nizht killed all hope ior televised pres Ide el candidate debates this year shaving mearutlejto slum at prov ons ol the Communications Act ihe Democrats rolled up partyline melorlweto detest compromise bill which would have mitted television de bates dtweenlilreeident ï¬shn son an Itepub can pre enlt tlal nominee Barry Goldwater Senator Norris Cotton Rep NH charled that the be crste were retina on or derr irom high up to Junk this bill thorn the campaign the role we 44 to el in these of come Censdirne had no equity investment at all Another ee ot he 00 noon nler were psrtlyowned subsid iaries with combined equity investment oi 003000000 0t thll monotone was in Oetll dIInI handIehout It pl out the 10 remrl nlee had total vestment oi 3000000 oI which Canndirsre held $301000000 or or per cent per cent the total Investh oi 03401 6mm shale menu rsn higherIn es controlled vnapmuflwvwwwvrnwrnww FABULOUI SELECTION ANTIMAONITIC swrss MADE warcHesrorrHe FAMILY Jr mv wamz lï¬goaflllwmmwrer riverm mmfldrfn Chill andeirlsJlveiemlhlneltY incl bensle bracelet threedimensional or rtylse automatic calender automstlo calendar Men am stendsrdrnd modell elsewhere than in the United sduIan other rm nompaniasrCansdlatil held 31 Per cent of the stock the cognatesawn those withtm 000 or anon to equity investmentthe Cuna prrtleiprtlon was perv Illnawer To Wheer Is It iheohotoon twohows thetmoflhe Barrlemon Np DRIVING wonmrs NO PARKING mourns no LbNQIWAIKS Tour Starts In Frisco rites moms aoravwoon APlIhls err lrlverpudll hing uniï¬n Amerlean eon iound meet in the middle of scene tram Men Brothers movie That was whenldeeided tomnkeroomedynotapop musicalI Aiter the prelindnsry negotia tions the Beatles were to the United states tor the Ed Sulli vrrr drew and ï¬rm realised Seggades had worldwide pop nor scsrrnn inen really potrcaned raid the producer ieit re in rponaiblllty to the iaur not to liaise for Kim Novelr Rita Hay and others Then one day In in Imdon as He had rousing sue wIIlI The Mouse that and followed it with MEDIABOIII FILM Walter returns to hla native Calibrate ï¬ghgunrmerhsmhge wee prepar re urn Hand last September United Artiste executive asked II ha would like to produce illnr withthe Beatles 20 are they arenaon lashed In all innocence Ibld who they are he protested that he wasnt Senr Katzman th dueer of pop msiqnls But Walter to 100k thematleraddaiterlome ileulty be located the Beetle in tendon réllrey sll pliedlntn sud started trith harm the rhesus hrrage Iolt rerpongthleto thelroys to make nrovre they could he raved oi And also wanted to make something that would be Intelli $1 wlthou being thoughts Sheneon and writer Alan Owen settled on theadevloe ot dell In the llle of the 3500000 which makes it migh tine inveetmmt ese has beer sensational remandm the mournshy adults slrensonhes mun latenigh showial Shanson to Enz 33th ten mo EVhst will the flooutta lirets Iproducerl prob iom Izhed th no will nottustxen exteneion or done Hard Days Nightw shotlnelartweekaatneostoiv 00 av eus To run CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBIIIQN nrnecrlNro me orounns Annrt rear to Seplenrher 1th erUrsrou FARE $365 mam lheiudeeflglsslon Leave Exhibition 1030 mm Alter Grandltlllfl BMW nsylltllt Time lineman aarwrcn vio Toronto Trips Each We Every nu nuran nsueneers our on regular buses will beneï¬t siirn loohf White amine user may with eep leather or suede shops ONE All GUARANTEE WITH NOW AND CHARGE ITI narrator zlurks eleglirscxroscmlot uorstlnrnrs JulLOVERS Loo mans rroalun CARDIGANP Mfr arms morxrs been or fioronto Bus Terminal to buses running into the fluids runners wornhoe nature BUSJTERMINAL Mapiekllmooe5tl mom lradetohenroreouolotstgz John flu writing Beetle hrs asked in help on the script We rnlzht go in talent but dont think the budget will be muggy this nous eonnunor BOXER mess 1577 MN gt commst oorrronoeevara esters ALL MODE IW Zl LLERS Ht Intt nn roars MISS rickrostrum rrsrlous lhe cutest collection oi mess reelstsnl little is tell dresses From nset little navy tailored Allne styles and ey myrls checked shirtweletere to hriahtpieldekirtedslviuwithlscy lunhodioeslhiusetoox 17 LONG ILIIVID QRLON CARDIOAN VI ml cosnurov sums Aldeallor ahesdymoheerlesdm ICenlal unlined oorduroyellms at no as with iuhlon elartlc $5 waist while shiny John euzs to it UOANYWHIRI use TAILORID lHlRT leeulllully classic tailored eotnhed cottar shirt with neat tour hutton mt cloelnl Pointed dollar convertible neck White blue pink Bites PLAIDS FOR PRETTY PUPILS lntmhttt We or It the woelrl ln wonderiulï¬snn wool mixture nest wristband side ripper with button closing Assort ment oi lovely elesr 499 pleidn hires to 11¢ SAVINGS PRACTICAL PLAID SKIRTS swirl ot little knits Mind pleats rnslm this Viscose lsld rittrt an all round success ds lrt rump rt rnnnmnrn em rneeh ions in rsnle oi even sell shoulder etrrpr Colour test and Im Ml list and mm sell lnrtspelrepsl in red roysl brown or DELIGHT learnurine earl ontheeye shades styles stretch ton In browns teens or blues wlth cute grownwashable 121 TRETCH NVLON SLIMS the Momsl Styled with smart tapered let all round else MWEIlultnltloltokRel$200gt 25 SHEER STOCKINGS TO on horn is denier su enttna reamlese irorn Burnt Amber to Strata Bella Nu eizes0tollorl =4 edtoerhoeetowlt PR CHARGEII tlrcutrr our Ian WEEKI BOYI CONTINENTAL SlACKS Hell rors mm SHIRTS so is 167 tors nrrss SLACKS segue 367 399 now alw rovs oxrollo VVSIertIShoes 5m g3ee 17297 cruulosr TAPE