navyWrens rum Young Wcssagq Several hundred citizens hun ed out during the weekend tor the second annual carnival at Wrasse Beads The event is red by the Wanamak even York Haas Drum irom Tbronte pended mm the member at Commerce oiiiu to tha downtown are where memhers resented heart Th Su ay allernoon ieelura water ski show between cy island and the mouth at the Noltawasaga River The Carroll Cadets displayed their skills on skin with crossovers pyllmids end hareioot skiing Weather conditions have re lduced crow maeldsrsh at Wasaga Be recaathr the nis have noted algaliicant rop with the cool and rainy weather which began in early August Business was booming belch this though as temperatures rocketed Bikinis were abundant and iraliic olilcers were but Congestion on the beach rue was becoming so had that at directing drivers to alterastva southward routes were installed These advised drivers to take gates leading to Highway The assault against Iratlie Acongestion was launched by the Ontario Provincial Police the evillaga oi Wasage Beach and the Ontario Department oi Lands and Forests Their experiment Ippears to he succesaiul but really hasnt had test under heavy trslilc department em ployee said Only moderate amount or cars have entered the beach ark since the signs were halal in early August Since the Department oi Lands and Forests took the waterimnt over in rest and developed it as public park attendance has continued to increase FAMILY RESORT The beach is becoming more tame also actordlng to busl nassman Sam Presio Gone he said are the rowdiea and hoo lgans The businessmen are try lng in develop the area as iamily resort hlr Prado the vicccharman oi the Wanna Beach Chamber at Commerce noted that the success oi the campaign is due largely to the work at the chamhers mem bers They have gone to work and routed the iiyhynlght op erators and staged mass lua restoration program drive through the business area durinl the early spring and late winter would have revealed nume cereantcrs painters and elec lrc frantic eiiort to brighten up the bulldillls The beach is enthusiastic trying to outlive its sordid put as wild weekend hangout aior carloads oi teenagerslook log for kicks Historic sites rapidly expanding zoological park and new attitude to wards customers are being de veloped to augment the iemoua nine miles oi golden sand which comprises the worlds largest lresh water beach The new attitude concerns public relations Mr Presto said He holds weekly sessions with his stall to stress ihe need ed or courtesy He aerd his em ployees must be able not arsly to periorm their work eiiicient iy but they must be able to answer the questions most like ly to be asked by the tourist li they want to know what the bench has to oiier well tell them The courtesy is pay lng oil in return btlSInesl he stated This new attitude is spreading sto other enterprises heeause oi the work ol the Chamber oi Commerce Businessmen end estrous srs happier because ot TOP ENTERTAINMENT The drive ior rupedabillty not diminished the beach on iun place ior mls oi all ages Nightly dances lea urlag higdeeéne entertainment lattract ban young prop Baautilully appointed cocktail lounges are packing la those over Tl lha beech still otiers the best swlmmins and sighteesing in Canada Water kiing and host ing In the crys clear Notts wasaga Bay waters and the Nottawnsaga Riverars she iav orite rts For ptile nodnauticaliy rinclin ed there are many other sports available including stock car gracing horseback riding his cycling scream and howling And oi cour the world is mous amusement park is hub oi activity tor the many thous ands oi cottagers and tourists who lock to Wessga iromthe MRS EATON Funeral service was held re orally at Elmvala Funeral lours or Mrs Sarah Melt sa Bet on who died at Hilisda in her sath year Mra Eaton daughter oi John and Matilda Archer leavestwo sons Archer oi Wyebridge and Earl at Toronto two daughic Pearl oi Toronto and Etta oi Ag lncourt eifllt srandehtldren and ï¬iive gustgrandchildren Areeident oi Hillsdaie where has hudrand tanned until his daathMrs Eaton was hornet Orr Lake at iochlidren Burial wasat United Ceme tery Hilladsle ans scurrying about in Wllv smokeshroudad metropolises oi Canada and thaUnitbd States The combination oi candy lies and merrygoround ride can tinues to put stars in childrens eyes last as moonlight stroll along the beach at night does tor those more romantically in cllned One iaclor which is drawing the adult tourist trade is the in terest oi the permanent resi dents in restoring historic sites The HMS Nancy British naval supply ship is preserv in museum on Nancy in land in the Nottawasaga River This sciwoaar was sunk by us lira duringthe War at ion The sunken hulk iormed an obstruc tion in the river and the result ant depoaition oi slit established what was to become Nancy ls iand The Department ot Lands and Forests operates the island Schoonertcwn is cunently iorad on theriver road avs Epties wam stored here during War at tall The hosts would load at the site which is livemiles irom the mwthoi the Nottawasage Hives The protect is sponsored by the Wasaga Beach Chamber at Commerce and lsunder the technical direction at Dr Wil irld Jury Dr Jury an arch eoioglst irom the University at Western Ontari is ismous tor the many dig he has con ducted in Humnia Schoonertown now boasts three buildings which will eventually be furnished with exhibits sorts the 1312 era The Upper Canada Zoological Park is becoming major attraction tor the area Tour late especially during the week ands era jamming the parking lot at this animal sanctuary The park ones private no Elmvale Forces Third Game In Intermediate Playdowhs ETMVAIE Elmvale Palaoa Hotel rebounded from rain nlng hearthraaker in the open ing game at their OASA inter mediate first sound set with Gravenhurst to force third and deciding game in Gravenhurst Saturday night Gellnas and ace Dan Mc Hugh were locked in tight slab duel The clash was tarced lain extra innings with the score squared at ztaiter the regu lation nine Lawrence broke the spell and won the game with leadoii homer in the last oi the 16th innings Gelinas complied so strikeouts as he held Elnrvaia to live scat tered hits Elvi Franitcom trip led Mcliugh Doug Stone doubled Gary Ticeler and Dave Campbell singles Gravcnhurat earned iour hlts nil Meliugh who collected 18 strikeout victim withK Itsst iedie tagging two singles Back home Sunday altarnooa umvsiereboundod in big swamping Gravenhtrst gGeilnas stc ed but was Nanci knocked outoi the borinthe sixth alter parnslttin seven runs Lao Belcourt ed liver hitter to gain credit or the win The third and deciding game will be played at Elmvaie next Sunday aitemooa August starting at am FARM PRICES lUIlElt TORONTO UP Churniog mam and butter print prices magnum ed or res cuim Shbiliaalloa Board tenderable cariots buying 40 some buying acorehz selling anasrr marketwaa moderately aaive la earlvroutineGsain Ex draagehadatoday oats opened it soll barley undiaogcd to it ringer October 12m flaxlis levhiflinr October 18492 The PubliciaibraryK will be closing Thursday August with at pm ior movingand arrangement Books due in Augtrstmsy he kept untli opening date or ex changed at Dangerilald Motors eid showroom on Cei lies street heiore August both be announced headlinesn wlu annals ruatrctiaanav COLLIER STREET lower May Maker October 9331 IIOIKONTO BAND PERFORMS AT SATURDAY CONCERT nonproï¬t Canada Zoological Society which has as honorary patron the Hon James Auld Minister at the Departs talent at Thusism and lniorrns on The Society is currently con ducting and drive to iiaance the proposed $3000000 expan sion oi the zoo Once completed in WET it is expected to he one or the biggest tourist at tractiona in the region Already crowds an growing tHhundreda oi iamllies stroll along paths to look at animals daily Tile wildilie includes lion hippopotamus two bison monkeys byenas moose beaver harhary sheep deer turkeyvultures owls and hawks and many other species Wasnga than is quickly ha coming much more than place for aJleiauiely die The var iety amusemcns itself is saw to attract tourist dollars tor entire County oi Simone in every way its the play ground oi the province any he willbe WV AUGUIT ilt PINEMNO all Yvon Game has baealp med clarhtreasurer or the P53 to whose scoace ee see ignation becomes eitactivs the and oi this month Mr Galas has been depstty clerk ier sav erai years JLOO LIQUOR VUII Flor Township ratepayers will vote Se on two questions under Ontario liquor Iai llone Aet mlwmrn asledg ouer rooms meals and sale in licensed as Clerk stn Robert son returning oiiicer James Hancock oi Elmvale RR is reported to be manager ior the rye and Pringis ma Beach Tilt ior the CONCERT TONIGHT Barrie City Concert Band will be giving concert in st Vla cent Park at oclock tonigh The conductor is Alberi Hie City Will Live Within Budget Finance Committee Chairman Hersey said today that it an Harrie will live with ing ts budget this year He noted that wellsre spenduu is up bit but said that other do DITth are down inloosts Keeping within the budget is one at the aims oi the ilnsnce committee commented Council howon the master mom in February To Talia Lecture Notes In Braille Murdock iormer Cen adlan National institute for the llnd ileld secretary In Barrie will be taking his lecture notes in Braille when he enters the University at Tomato School at Social Work in September University studies under blind ness are not new to Mr Mur dock He obtained his BA irom the University at Saskatchewan heiore Joining the CNTB tell some it years ago He has pru ed as Field Secretary with that rnwall as well as in Barrie Mr Murdocks new venture teamwork eiiort on the part at his iamilyhls wile Madeleine and live sons The ti library has prepared text books on tape with volun teer readers randy to supply additional iniormatlon With Master at Social Wel iara degree which will require two years at concentrated study Mr Murdock will he prepared for new opportunities in the laid at social weliare He will hs one oi 72 persons now taking hi or education in the univer sites oi Canada EQUALB RECORD 7ch AmHoracio Es tivezoi Venezuela equalled the world record or 100 metres Sat urday with time oi in seconds flat in the Venesuelan national track and iield alsemplnnahipa Eativez matched the world mark held by Armin Harv oi Gennany and Harry Jerome oi Vancouver Hamilton Watkiliiaalrie INNIPEG CPI The italic Tuesday andVWednasday Aug Alvin Thompson director oi activities tor the Barrie0rd in Experimental Aircrsit As sedation believes in keeping Three Treated lit Hospital litter Accident Pearl aryson as Clapper ton St Barrie was admitted in Be Rn Victoria Hos pital yesterd She mattered rsctures to her ribs and right knee shock and conclusion when she attemptedto make leit turn across Highway it into Guthrie churchyard Clare White at The Cameron Ave Toronto was the other derlp His wile Gledys 63 was treated or deep lacerations to heeJorehead at RVliand discharged passenger in thaWhita va hicie Susan Quayle 7o oi 81 Lavinia Ave Toronto also re ceived emergency treatment tor lacerations to her right leg The White car was southbound on Highway 11 Damage to the two cars was estimated at $1500 by Barrie OPP Coast Rlchard Secord Tba oliieer aaldhlrs White and Mrs Bryaon hit their heads on the windshield The accident site is about eight miles north ci Barrie EMERGENCY mam orgaolzatonln London and has been turned over to the Co his hbhby close to home The hit No1 Barrie man is con structlng an airplane in his garage The ultradight alr crsit will be his own design handnerjhoto Annqu FlyIn Set For Aug 23 The Barrie Oriilla Expel mental Aimalt Association will hold its annual flytn on August The avast will he had at the St John st seven miles northeast oi ilia Last years iiyAin attracted more than two hundred lanes This year planes irom over the province and possibly sosna irom the northern US are ex Wtï¬i The many aimrait on will include home built and new aimsalt gyro copier Wirialcraib harming Wile ons are included on the program Eachpiiot will be given dishes to strata his plane in flight The unusual aircralt include JodaLsStlls Play Boys Mili piancs Volmar Sportsman Mung Sports biplane Baby Ace and Pitts In the boating contest pilot and passenger are given three bags at flour They fly to speciï¬ed altitude and attempt to hit desimtcd area with the bags The spot landing involves the ability to land on three Wheels at speciï¬ed mark Last year int landings were used WASTES son lightning irces nitrogen from the air and rains wash ltintn the soil valuable utilises display oi airplanes in var ious stages oi construction will also be exhibited The builders will be able to times their new theories and techniques with letter enthusiasts Admlulon to the aliday event ls lens The public is invited to attend and discuss experimen tal elrcrsit with the pilots and ammonia Money Rings Are Stolen Barrie City Police reported relatively quiet weekend with the almost unheard of no oc currences this shift being chalked up last night Chlsi oi currcnce as theit Money was taken irom local iunarel home the Christian Beiortned Church suncoa St laundromat land two medical groupbuild ass Two rings valued at it each we stolen irom the window at Ree Jewellery store truck was stolen irom Barrie arm oury Saturday night and located near Alliston by the Ontario Provincial Police on Sundayit was abandohed car was sioiadsaturday irom Barrie and iound by the Innisill Police Degartment in its territory The ve icie had been stripped of its motor transmis additive sion and tires LEAN LOIN PORK CHorsre skmtess ALLBEEF 23 Mmem ruzzauvawmmnmmmmmrnv were In wrwwmmwra