Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1964, p. 9

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FARMERS MARKET LIVISTOCK FOR CALI ss nos tar sale as menu was nus ramss muss Com YOIIIIIII Ca PIll Ill ans Ill Tum Ion false in II earl old and ltd InclQ Tile eu or hilt IL eelau DWI IMHV nllfln III ml If tiled also several Haul tball his Tatclean sums or an ON stare II It fill Ellwmrcm no filhlnzl CHM ouos noussou Relies dun August to Grade Halaltn Cow Eul la sootpm ram Is no to son or Citation laia peon Ivan am more nrutta roar uddls onst Ins nItu also eyeMid wane rany Anlymumlxsos vry inn SI Telepbflnl mew Hormone and Verb ltfiréoflulnl senluehln dlrk Mn northern Ilullk perv iomsncsdmedblmo urv Hanksp1 rnn trusts IIIe in FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Su lies Service Cal New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipment HARVEST TIME IS HERE NEW AND USED Combines anthers ihreshi Machines several good use Binders 176 BURTON AVE mam CASH TRADE TERMS Mourn sousr sermon lis ehlnl which cylinder on rubber in ms eonsiuoa Telephone us With MILK codes alson also be used lor mlk or crun lntlrnltinnsl rapists doubl Tslcphon no ADHERE Combine ND ELI new Lnk ponfcty fldiléarn hdailtbsrhr gyllllphonl are not POULTRY CHICKS mar 10 but It and mum available Ur loansdili delivery APPLY Manson started ultras sesiorth telephone AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE sec AUIIIN Hull Epflll in loos condition mop no slurs IT PONTIAC Mir deer IIIIIAIM Insulation Prlcs mi Apply Mlnlll Polnl storm on motor In chaps is ca barlsnd sum or III as mean um Station an rs IIIELII condition mo Telephone moors lil mucus our door lllto matts amount body wussw mug emu 1an ssse sear near an oi the sound tr mini Al ughElena oosyIrtr rIIwam mtooo CEZVIOIJI Instr door sednf IMdiorama1 dilrectlondsl slsh Isl as an $290 11 Tflphm IMO CHEVROLET Mr door Bel linear automatic with cuisinfhczflellant condition Tells Phone 1160471 rm voucswnnsN Deluxe black until 094 cobaltloss 01M or beat eller Thimphu TIETim Ilia er an ms Convertible motor Indrd trlnlmlesiall windows radio in is Don Telephone AIM VI or matWWwVmrvw auromonvs moansHomes LUXURIOUS LARGE MOBILE HOMES 52 lo with bedrooms General Glendale enci Twentieth Century Complete line at Travel Trailers 50 AND UP Hitches Parts and chslrs Used Furniture RUSSEL CHURCH 170 Burton Ave No it Telephone CARS WANTED TO BUY WANTED CARS AND TRUCKS FOR WRECKING Ill heat Prices Paid ompt Pickup PARKWAY AUTO WRECKERS PHONE moses 8PERSONALS UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with SACA PEIA SACAPELO ts dlllercnt it does not dissolve or remove hslr irom the surisce but pen etrates and retards growth at UNWANTED HAIR barBeer Lab LtdSte 679 Granville St Vancouver l3C 9LOST FOUND WITA lelaI wallet train blue Ponillt on Nlnl IL Annie Pious return to lax ill Angul DLAIIEI lost lldlu Illh II an iilt awyer Phflnll TMIII In To HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS arms To build our own business be lndegeniellz Sell It In commission sz sued prod Itch profits And It lion Customs boned oi lre arooucts and rsrolunrs any case moors mburled within so or unsatisfied Jim DIaL Hubert lientrrsl WERE OFF To our seasonal booml ar ambl Sep tember starts our labulous Fall Selling Season There is no better no easier time to start In our type oi business We sell commercial industrial In stitutional accounts but no dom estic selling our products basic commodity are sold on unique selling plan that results is our men receiving repeat business continually com 85 Ir accounts Fail com mission paid as orders are reA ceived with tail commission on all repeats No cash invest ment Car necessary only men forty years or more considered Complete details irom The Cer tiiied Electric Company Dun dee Ontario FEMALE HELP DR ONESKIW Creator oi the ilrat Canadian PrestigeVCosmetlcs has lnunedl aia opening for EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE in your PONTIAO Mann on station or do Nola usnrmlsslon LI betteri Telephone 71 lb mnoe eta use auscst ewncsr ysllosr black lrlln radio til secext best oiier illust be sold lmme lately reirpmmr 7mm bsiwecn an and 71 1m assumes an Air our on ren Marian ne or as to on an Tele on more or spots no Peel treet 55 CHEVROLET VI automatic new lint VI ll sterter motor but pain condemn coil smnInmtea Will sell it best oiier Apply Eurton Avenu Itll pan um CAI msuaraxcsr Big alv lnfl or Dreiemfl drivers We insure any driver renrdlees or an or circumstances stall caves efi Bentley and On posrten st resales usr saunas sis cylinder two door arm an inn miles arcn enl condition scam playssent lsn wn trade cm pro 17 turn north at ewkesto tut rssasasta twa door in cal nnlsl white with mtrutinl blue Interior custom rsoio vrry last name no down 1s per month Telsp me man Custom neeensla red with red and black interior fllllflm rldtp lids View mllifll very low minu use down an at per month an FM 71570 ll DINA Gerdloe with can tons radio and wlndavl washcn Alaska while with contrasttnl mi arias us down prism rs per month Telephone moans Heroes HOLIDAY SPECIAL leetllne custom built your choice at floor plan and interior 7colors Hydroreord iuil propane tankregulster awning rail burner stove hose bumper eucegenera axle hitch Numb endear wt inmonth warren 1y runonce tiara low down 339 Lb onbank yme also my down on fit residential district For aamplu and lniormation write BEAUTY SEAL mo Wat sherbroeke Street Montreal PQ ELDERLY up to give matheriy can to our liraU Halldren Ind da light nanswans Live in Writs new Clancy Gencrll Delivery Angus LIABLE Woman linked to look siicr two tltlidrensnd to do rams lsnuuhald diet lea in or will need own transportation Tele vhwrmms summon Reiis keep varscold colts pm Pmier home nit nhlld as our alter pm IIKNOORAPm or medical oil ice shorthand essential AWIY stating us edueau and exper term to £0 IE rrll Enhalnrr mm LADY ll children are do womN wao can on sr ourwouid solo worhlnl sir day Ill regaier each month lronp oi stueo cm nil an rail ha and around Harv da mu write studio isl Cosmetics Defit JDdd LI neur entrele Isolate mu up to taco per hour MALE near NEED HELP 0AA Supervisorloma Han dy needs all or parttime men to help himurneet the demand ior Ontario Automobile Associa tion Memberships Pleasant dignilled good paying work No experience necessary but car is Foruiull lniorrnsnion con tact Lorne rhndy Ayes Barri phone 7187809 LICle God excellent Irt beneil and 1431s ll Napalm pflatzofl PHONE mun DISTRIBUTO Well established company req and Appliances MOBILE HOMES Highway South Barrie 7289866 MALI HILP THE BIG STEP wt and AN lNlliRNAiiONAL oourm ours MANAGE aim is YOUNG rooms lVE stars muons we NEED men also ennu lNELY rnrsasmn 1N MAKING mason 1N sou me You Can Expect UIO EARN ABOVE AVERAGE EARNINGS IMMEDIATELY BUSINESS ACCOUNTS ES TABLISHED IN INCOME PROTECTION successrut TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT rno GRAM AT COMPANY ox PENSE moo GUARANTEED ron run rinsr uoNrn 0A SECURE FUTURE WITH OPPORTUNITY FOR EXEC UTIVE ADVANCEMENT Call or Appointment Johanssen 7mm Monday August ma OPPORTUNITY ational Consumer loan Corporation Want bright young men inter ested in promising future Matriculation necessary Age II to so Willing to relocate Write to Box lo Barrie Examiner BRIGHT YOUNG MAN Age 2843 LOCAL FIRM HAS OPENING No previous experience necess ary Starting salary taco two plus 550 car allowance Salary increase in six months it war ranted Reply ip own handwrit ing giving iuli iniormstion Writs Box 59 Barrie Examin er sacrament Builderr tor wanted or new 7182901 evlnlnll 718 ronmrr Truck OperaIer or yard work In person only In Nixon Bil in much 1410 WI Tiliin Street Belrte cansimp Auto aoemsn noel em monsoon nst rats with pros shsrlnl scheme Red Taylors Auto afl sea amenon Roan Wood Ontario OLD and largest direct may in three sap ly MAN wrla manifests1 liene study not to ate re bervl Must be IllI Ill esencsl Write pasted In Ba ran CARETAKER Applications wlll be receivedby the undersigned ior the position UTOPIII morons Ire vaekwen II IlrenerI train Barrier daughtcr llcr that at Barrie Blah Sit SIIIIII Bonnle Mair vis Mas owrerrr nelson Congrsuustiooa to Stroud teen who did so well In the County livenoeir and seed Mains mutton John New won best class many high novice award and Canadian Na tional Exhibition shield Earl New won high intennedloie Jur nior Farmers trophy John May an the second senior award Cash prises go with each The team diort et Earl ew Douglas Campbell and John Mayer won the special iar grain Iudginl ibelr or Ronald Cook received silver plate He assisted as Judge in the swine competition Aug ll teensger Ronald Ecl esisl and prise winner in draw mens wear storein Ba icit ltlsllon ior New York cmmpsniad by his uncle Douqu Belcski Barrie They will eoloy an allexpense trip tor two days and three nights to New York city tour and visit the Worlds Fair lOHELP WANTED MALE HELP OFFICE MANAGER ior CANADIAN TIRE Bookkeeping pa roll and general accoun also capable of preparing finan cial statement APPLY To tA BROWN CANADIAN TIRE BARBIE TEACHERS WANTED PART TIME TEACHER Foratternoons at the Best Memorial School in lown ship School Area Oro ior grades and State age ex rtence ii any and name at ormer Inspectortet John Currie Business Administrator Om Station Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED TRUCK prism with tractor trail lf III or dllul experience In or out or town work Write to nor is asrris pruninrr MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS ior BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT to BAYFIELD sn EMPLOYMENT WANTED IXPIRIINCID Iced will look It areschool child In own hoarse Phans Hum HERON or Cl 4pr rs ulru lmrnadists postti race education eilht Yes aspect socsTalIohons 7160550 mounds an anti no saintly sears househe clpsbc position or eompsnloss Mfr is rare at caretaker oi Shanty Bay le lire luciua and mod 47 mavsz lt 174tmsfluzwAAe one mum vmflfigmflmmm is rss IAIII um assumes scours is tau SIMCOE COUNTY ws MranereWllburGeonel sndcbildlcmeunflInd son Ooaaw Ssvacah Gm drying with Mrs Orson then and unclc Mrs SEFEE On Aug Mr and Ella entertained at yelrs oi ego Mr Black hewOII or poslti bulth on held forward so yearn Miss Uda Beamish has Joined the suit oi the County Regis trars oltlce Barrie For to years she has served the public as cashier in Young Bron stores Her many lrlcods wish her well In her new position On Aug number oi our residents atlondtd lhs Royal Black Proceptory celebration in Oriilia and msoy took part in the parade The business oi Stroud Ibis hl phone Company is being can ried on irom the home oi the accreisry Mrs llannah Prileh ard Thclr vacated premises are under renovation and will be oco copied by Mg Dave Johnston Wedding lia ere ringing merrily in our community or Dorms Marie Mason Cari Con stable Kay Robinson Gary Ransom and Richard Groh Best wishes oi the community are extended to these young people August an unusuat occur rence was the tponemcnt oi scheduled be me bciwccn Slroud and Alliston on the home ileldI because oi temperatures below the so dogma mark The hum oi threshing mach toes and the tltmb oi combines are in the air these days Fav arable weather prevailing most oi the grain harvest will he completed this week William New iinished harvest last week end and Harold Robertson on Dicsday at this week Patients irom our district in Barrie hospital are Melville itiariin hiss Alec Black Mrs Hill and Mrs Roy Morrow The latter was able to return to her home Sunday We extend the sympathy oi the community to the Iamiiy oi David Johnston who died Aug ust it in hospital On Aug Mr and Mrs Bihe Black entertained at dinner The guest of honour was Biythes mother Mrs Lennox Black her three score and inur Ieenth birthday anniversary MATTE REUNION About lass illayes came irom lreland and settled on lot Corr lnnisiil Latcr he married nelthbcurs daughter Mary lilacKny oi Scottish des cent Thelr iour children daughter and sons Levi John and James Henry lived their years in lnpisiil On August io descendants met at Sprln water Park Midhurst tor the 9th annual reunion Games con tests races iollowcd by picnic supper provided icliowshlp ins the ma Mr and Mrs Rich ard Dad worth and three chil dren Regina came the isrthest Others were present irom Ches icy Colbeurne Burlington Mid hurst Stwud Cookstown and Barrie The president and sec retary Norman Mayes and son John of Stroud were succeeded in the election at oillcers by Harold McMilllcan and Mrs Ar tints Oex VISITORS Mr and Mrs Spendiii and children Toronto with Reg Spendlit Mr and Mrs Ken Carson Oakville with Mrs Hil da che Mr and Mrs Harvey Knapp and Mrs Baker Guelph at Norman Mayea Mr and Mrs Hand with the tor mers 55yearold father James Hand Alllsto Carver Simon alaslie and damter Vivian ll oi Dan can 30 out iialshlng toaciv rowan rats to es en Moot totem pole being sent to Sydne Australia park by no noerts Assad illiSSIES atIon Canadian lndlsn Alisha department is cooperating in limich tCP Whepbctol Prov Assume Welfare Cost Raised At Meeting PORT ARTHUR ODThe possibility oi the provincess suming ell weiiare costs was raised Friday at public hesr ing by the Ontario legislatures ltmember select committee on municipal lsw Solicitor Douglas Gaeble oi PertArthar told the committee statutes should be changed to make actual physical pres ence in municipality the test of who was responsible for an applicants welfare services Vernon Singer committee member and Liberal member ior Toronto Downsview askcd is there anything too shocking to the thought the province should pay or the whole Lunar Mr Gaebei sold the citys weltere commissioner had sug gested the province should it nanre all autonomous wciiare bodies such as the Childrens Aid Society The Port Arthur city solicitor also surrealed 1tie provinces municipal works assistance should assume larger share oi the cost at exlsllag pm ecls instead oi encouraging projects that would otherwise not be started Dalario Hospital Services Commission rules should al low wcliare recipients to be admitted to the hospitalisation plan without threemonth waiting period lhe Lakehcad arca needs more realistic regulations on the period in which wellore recipients can be helped to the cost at heating their omes Bowman Andrews city solici tor lor Fort William told lilo committee that the sharing oi coal tar administration oi lus tics should be revised radical overhaul was needed on the sharinl oi luve Nile and iamily court costs he said ucenslng oi technical trades such as plumbers and electricians should be done by the province STitOliD an and Mrs George Webb and iamlly oi Kingston his as Mrs nruvor mans Mr and Mrs Armstrong and son Mark all oi Tbmnto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Alilcd Webb Mr and Mrs Jo Bowman Jrand iamlly oi ronto vie ited IriEnds here Sunday Mr and am Bert Muiholland Bill and Bonnie attended the Sbcibume Old Time Fiddli Contest last week Over attended and there were lot cont icstants illeMuliholiands hava attended ior some years but find there are so many tin iiddiers irom all over the worl that they are no longer com petitors Iitlii Stilllot IluhlloilfllllOIfllli tantrums at no out ileum Lilli its out can swim momma payfiianl and iliI assortmentan MIMI aaaswssso on ltiitIIEit NEWBOMPLEIEESSOUILFUIIIIICEIIIIII umlmnwrmwnssrn veil restartsarmaments ohm wathunsisabalssscld ilaw Etseiisaling Equipment FinsncsPlsaMsker so easytosyouto awntbeidn leadslino heating equipment No dew antyou End is ting equipment is of eduipmenc thisassures safety Comfort and cons aynnp rioa humegair

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