Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1964, p. 2

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WW mmmmn ¢ur¢ rum VMMMWFWV Instruction Projects Due For Completion lhe Barrie Public Library Maple Grove school extension and the Grace UnitedChurch tarc three construction projects in Barrie due ior completion within the next worth Besides these projects were are number of others being started and due tor completion by the spring Theyinclnde Bayview Towers at the comer of the Victoria St and Shanty an road which is to be two modem or suite apartment blocks the new Barrie build ing on Grove SLWBSt of Bay field and the Medical Arts build ing on Wellington St The construction of new sew age treatment plant for Barrie at the works on Bradiord St is due for completion October 17 Tire 51000000 contract pro vides for the reconstruction through the marsh of the Ellen St sewer Piles some of them 95 ieet long are being driven into the marsh by the contrac tors Emery Engineering and Iontracting Ltd to support concrete cap which will be the base for the new sewer running parallel to the old one Sludge digestion and final aeration tanks are also being constructed The Grace United Church at the comer of Willowdale and ook is due for completion at the end of the month Contrac tors are Les Bertram and Sons findncotion started late in or The footings for the Westmin ster Presbyterian Churdr at the north side of Steele St be tween Downaview and Puget are now completed NEW CLASSROOMS The addition of four class room to the Maple Grove School on Grove St is due for completion by the contractors before the children return to school next month with the ad dition the school will now be able to take children at kin dergarten level and the drildren who were in grade six last year can now stay for another Year when they move up to grade seven Workmen are brrsy putting the final touches to the interior of Barrie Public Lbirary at the corner of Muicaster and Collier Streets The completion date for the $150000 protect lsAugust 22 An official opening due for sometime in September will be announced shortly The new main entrance for the library will be from Mul caster St and the old entrance on Collier St will be kept as an emergency exit with the two storey addition the floor space tor the library and the childrens area beneath will be increased two and half times over the old building in the basement there is pro vision being made for it to be altered to store for book moblie service to be operated by the Library Board FILM ROOM The architects Pentland and Baker have also designed film room for private film shows and specified lighting suitable for giving art shows Contractors Kirby and Sons are pushing ahead with the con struction of the new Medical Arts building on Wellington St The lootings ior translator ium and the boiler room have been completed by the contrac tors Emery Engineering and Construction lid for the new Barrie nt Grove St West of Dayfleld By the time the first deep frosts arrive they will have backfilled around the inundation and the buildin will be closed in so construe on will not be aifecled by cold weather Behind the rite oi the old Bay view Terrace restaurant on the corner of Shanty Bay Road mid Victoria St two to suite apart ment blocks are In be built The footings for the first building are alnady installed The well known restaurant is being used by the contractor for his oftice and commands fine view of thel sixlot site Tigrle cwill be it uxury apartmen ng lake and the contractor William Carson oi Carson and Lambert of Toronto expects to be renting early next Spring Smith Urges Leaders gIo Settle Flag Dispute OTTAWA Specialy Canada is headed on collision course on the flag issue Haber Smith MP for Simone North said in the Commons during debate on the governments flag resolu tion lle urged that the leaders the parties in the house get to Igather for quick conference that would solve the problem byarriving at some compromise on the issue am sure that ii smal committee were appointed it douid quickly produce some tors muia for national symbols that torrid bring together rather an divide further the Canad ian people Mr Smith said Make no mistake and have no illusion we are being divided over this issue but am sure something can be done that will repair someof the damage and avoid further damage gt Mr Smith suggested that if the flag matter had been intro duced in less partisan way most ofthabitternaa that has arisen could have been avoided But hesaid it was not too late for comproqu that would leave feelings less embittered than they now were The Simeon North MPJDill that economic patterns were M130 rapidly and this was Found an ill indecent psychiatrist yolrthleaden and neighbor were defence vltnesses in the ease of Max Morris yesterday inmagiatrates tourt The Rm Barrie man was ecent ab aurtrnvo ng yungm Sill He has been remandedone wee for prosentence report Dr Edward Patriokjiouston peychiatriit entaeld spilfil at Penelang th the Ontario as examinsd don the Inuit illemanded OnelWeelr good for successful treatment lia suggested the man take trtment at Torontos Forensic CA Executive Director gTs inKnToommeitédontlia ads character Mr Davey said he had no complaints wi MrnMonis YMCA youth lead formanyyaarsp was youthactlviticb Mr termed Mr Morris affecting the lives of Canadia ans ltwaa no longer just struggle to protect French Can ada or English Canadian cul ture but stnrggle to main tain Canadianidantity What ever the origins of Canadians it was vital that they work to gether and not divide them selvearfurther over the flag in sue bio longer does the cry that was sometimes heard that an Anglo Saxon malorlty was im posing its will on French Can adian minority hays much val din because Canada much like this House of Commons is now country oi minorities and this will be cominuing fact of Ca nadian life Mr Smith said tine neighbour who was always willing to help every one Defence lawyer Jr lotockl suggated maximrnn probation period be given with the stipula tion that treatment he received He noted that the psychiatrist had saiddeviaies often become muuhworsc in tail Crown insomnia he wouldnot make any recent msndatfons to the court but stat ed that the courts prime pur pose is to protect society He saldvit was evident from the doc tors testimony that no one can guarantee deviatewlli not rev peat an olience The deviate rtunilyl should not have the msmsxsrnwnr TWO CONMUCHON pro in Barrie which trawl started recently and are planned to go through the win ter for completion in the spring are the Barril build ing at Grove St west of Bay field and the Bryvicw Towers two to sulm apartment blocks at corner of Victoria St sndShnnty Bay Road The excavation at the for tho nntslerium photo at left and the boiler room has been made and the looting tlo At thtA Bayvlew Towers is top pho to the contractor William Carson is using the old Bay vlow Tenses Restaurant ll his temporary office The foot ings for the first apartment budding were put in last week Examiner Photost Warns ligaimt Carelessness Fire protection officials in the inks Stmcoe District are again cautioning fisherman camp era and other summer visitors to exercise aliryrccanlions with smoldng mate rats and camp fires While showers may bring temporary reduction in lawn the rial will continuodrninl the next taw weeks with sununcr visitors in the woods and any carelessness should be avoided Adina lama dock district forester said today To date 25 tires have occurred in the Township of Banter llfatohedash and south part of wood covering total area of some 51 acres IAIIJIDAY AUOUII ll library Must Close Present Interim Site marryv rrr 77 ra marryflitsunrwziwm1flnewnwmwmwrvrvr Much marmmwmm Three Fort Erie Men Remcrndéd To Aug$21 Fort Eris men drugd dmiihmi an cdrryinl llmrms without permit worn to All or by Maguth Gll filter yesterday Gorsld Jose Llo St Albert Keyring mm at And we Deals at harem Eric won reminded to NM Bell was set at as S3 at gs 519 iiig iii egg ii 35 Receive Awards At Elmvala Camp The Simone 0th Recreation Service presented awards at Parana Night to winning chil hn from Etmvals Day Camp Wentyons awards were pram ented in the piwslcal illness category Physical Fitness The following children receiv ed Red Awards Doug Mm 000 amt be The three men were arrested last Saturday umicutomsb ie as calibre Dixieland saint automatic calibre rifts were found In their cs Nearly $500 cash and two Miki plus various tools it rs slruiound ntsy wen led into the court room hsndcoffsd to police of loan Friday They won dress ed to lightcolored learn and woretbeir shirts wellopen at the throat llis sta Foster adjourned Willard Bruce Hartley to Aug 11 The secured peered on bail and was charge with driv ing while intoxicated endure ieu driving BAIL LOWERED Goessellsnd OrvclE ken were adjourned to 21 They wontamended in custody and ball was lowered from 01500 cash to $1500 cash or 000 property They are char ed with attempting to da frsu Brown of Harris proprietor of the Canadianiire Store They are also Jointly Doug Jameson Mlh muv charged with pollesslon of the Don Whitfield llm Columbus Shem Pilon Mary Jean Cot umbus Rosemary ONeil Gall Cosmetic Ellen lracy Fairlie Ritchie Staplren Rose Peter iinnsy Dilly Wlodrcn Allen Jsmicoon lbny Stone Danny ltltdrle Scott McLean Stan Col umbus Johanol Columbus Straits Jacobs Blue Awards Diana Rowat Teal inspection Award The following boys won tent inspection awards Iroquois under Ross Helllng tHawkeyst and lions Stark Little Beaver Doug Jandcson Mike Mn Gary French Don Whitfield Dan Mullen Doug Wright Tim coArdrery amplons or boy and girl classes were Don Whitfield and Mary Ann 0nd Head Oarnper drunplonl were Dan hldnan and Ellen Tracy No canoe awaros could be presented due to bad weather for testing Awards will be given today it tests can be co can liowe Park Still Growing Earl Rows Provincial Park located just west of Alliston is continuing to grow in popular ity the Department of bands and Forests reports One of the most picturesque parks in the Lake Slmcoe Dir triLt approximately 65 miles from Metropolitan Toronto via highways 400 and no the area has been particularly attractive to family groups for plenlcking and camping The Boyns River flowing through the park lined with giant willow trees proth lag coal shade for many pic nlckerr is one ofths msinIIea tines number of wading Pools and foot bridges along the river add to the enjoyment for young and old alike Car park ingvareas are conveniently lo cated nearby During tbscurrent season the number campsite traits have been increased from 75to too and Superintendent Bill Braden reports visitor attendance ls well up from last season Earl Rows Park is amenity undergoing considerable expan sion with the overall area in creased fmm 112 to 742 acre Development of the new area has now been underway for sometime by tbsp of Public Works wrthons oi the main features bclngtha creation ol unfertiticlalvlaksand water way ot smozdnrately acres The dam now underconrtnrc tion is locatedon dretold dam site occupied up to about no yearsagoby mist mill serv ing the AlelonnresuClearin operationslnecessary in dovej oping the new take are now completed Sawiogs produced la 2ni°niae$mhf er or of Lands and Forests by tend er dintag the latter part of August Tenders are being cali mation can be obtained by con tactlng the Superintendent at Earl Rowe Park or the District cheque obtained throunr lslsa means Gerald Kenneth Kennwell 19 of Sanford Street was flood is plus new costs formskln un necessary noise lhres cltrsns moo crab or equaled blstim when entsr eonrplalned lint Kennel bad the Barrie Plan lot rt Aiiln Inset of William Street Burris was fined use in torts of for im drivlng His licence was police along on Street It hour Raymond Plant who ism two charm of tailing to re main at the scene at so sonic dsnl snd one charge of care less driving was sdyournsd to Sept CASE ADJOURNED John Besudoln was adjourned to Oct HI is charged with the breaking and entering oi Wood rows service station on Blake Povvér Squqclron speedsjuo to no pdlsr per lag street Frank Roy Hughes flint ll Dunlap St out was unleaded to xulmlhlm two chas ll lain Manna and goons flights was sotst or PM Mill Bedour 17 of Dun lop cart pleadedgullty to of breakinnadcnisr thett of small ll of cash at Olin Paint and Wallpaper store on Dunlop lilo was charged along with two other youths and invaallsl its was remanded to Aug or lot dedicating Attorney John noted that the boy ll on or ion and commented that secured has been glv en chance but it apnea to have dons him no good at To Stage snow Members di Barrio Power admit their families and french will tsks part in their eighth annual water rendezvous and sail put tomorrow flar noon The event will he held at tho Weltman marina on the south shore of Kempenfelt Bay where the Squadron hosts will assem bls at pm After program of stats and contésts for adults an children cold turkey pic nlo lunch will be served at so and those attending ars agedtobrtng their own eatln Kiwanis Conlerence Will Be Held Here Monday Ailemoon Dcle ates from the is clubs in Div sion Ontario Quebec Maritime District of liiwsrs ln ternlions will meet in Barrie Monday alternoon for the lln nual summer contersncs Mur ray Anderson Toronto div lsional lieutenant governor willpreslde The meeting will be held at Bayrhore Motor Ho Principal item on the agenda will be nominations for union antgovernor for i985 and elec tion for approval at the dis trict convention in Ottawas Cha teau Laurier Sept Division dust Downtown Torono Bloor Tor onto Learlde orth Toronto North York AuroraNewmarkst Barriviempcnfelt Day Orlllla Midland Collingwoad Owen Forester at Maple The sale includes some 75000 than white elm and smallerousntt ties of mixed hardwoods and few white pins and spruce Elect Seven To Committee Simeon county in Produca era at mecttux held at the Ontario Department of Agricul ture Barrie Thursday elected savenmenrbers to this districts Egg and Fowl Producers Com mittec lhoss named were Craig Hunter ud Hunter Rum Jim Johnstone Al Ray lmugheed Barrie McLaughlin AllistonyEinrQr Beacoolr Elmvsic Mindfeb gin Alliston The electionwss conducted by Mr Stewart Page Agricultural Reprmntativs tor North Slmces This districts Egg and Fowl Producers Committee total at 22 from the oountlesof Simone are loronto Sound Scenic City Each club is allowed three delegates Barrie delegates are Presl gent Roy MacldIm vicepresi onis Norman Synnott and Tony Decarie Ksmpeofelt Ba delegates are President Bentley viccprelldcntl Glen Stewart and Ralph Franklin Following the conference the delegates will join with mem bers of the Barrie Kiwanis Club at their weekly dinner meeting This will include an interclub with 12 members of thc onllls cluo which was sponsored by the Barrie club to years ago Speaksrwllt be Clayton Par nably past president of the Orlllla club which is nominat ing Robert liipwell or next years lieutenantgovernor ihs climax of ths sfternoon will be the sail past Command er Alex Bolecbowrkl will irks the ralute from his cruiser sn clrored off Kern cit Park be tween Dnndansl and St Vincent streets Subject to suitable wea lbcr the boats including both power and rail willline in marine arsds forrnstlon ong lira sou shore of the bay at 030 pm and escorted by the OPP cruiser William ll will move off eastward circling the Barrie city limits of Kcmoenfult Bay and westward along the north shore for the salute The entire manoeuverl between Mil and 730 pm may be seen by the public from the waterfront park along Kempenfslt Drive Cmdr Bolechowskl will have as guest at honor Commodore Erie Mercer of the Barrio Yacht Club Operators of other boats in tho area of the Power Squadron manueuvors are asked to keep clear at the boats taking part in the parade and sail past At tention is drawn to the courtes ies of the sea requirements as laid down in the government marina regulations which pro hiblt watcrcrait of any kind cutting through or otherwise in terfsrlng with marine parade First Lieutenant Bruce Wine chairman of the rendezvous has announced that in care of bad weather the event will be held the following Sunday Also on the committee are Lieut Wtb Holtn hauer Lieut Bernie Bishop and William Jones Associate Innis ettc Wine is in charge of the pot luck fsiturs of lbs picnic MONDAYAIDWESDAY snaps York Ontario Durham and Vitt taste will in the near future be electing from their mnnber this dlstrlctr member on the On tarlo Egg and Fowl Pmducora Markean Board mun Pomona Atour dBflflle gardens plan had for Sunday by theBarris Horticultural Society has been postponed to Srmdhy Aug canon mnsar ed for some 116410 fbm in curtains separate lots and further inior volume our fie Sarieant cc to Tony nddwhtubllbm In high expense on generally heavier Colitis 06057 an unis oItIIY

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