Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1962, p. 4

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blessing to unique yet rm here Thsscheme aboult theinfolrryrelifnofbldfimmpan ca or one Ha ulnuld be msde ava table to fled iingiirmsthatho ii reooa modestrbas stand ready yoursel encodes develo meal of industry measures is tobl to tsbllsh in tan isthelrrslnchiid of theiiarrie The it tindus ai Commission whose jobis to encourage the developmental new and existing industries in the city at Bar rte if and whenestsbllshed the compan would have no formalconnection rwi the commission or th be financed entirely by private capital Neverthelesslthe commission would to give advicesa to size of plant loca ion and financing The new company as EstMayor Kinzie olnted out would be in preferred pos tion to assist new indust sary capital and see ing out mar ets ect has refreshing doli ng The competition for new dustry lsireen atthe best of times with metropolitan Toronto having the edge in the past The commissionis fully aware of pro be rotected contracts uncil it violild in obtainin neces vlnclai responsibility to decentralise in dustry and brln more prosperit small towns an cities at Ontar to the But it also recognizes that serious as the tendency is tocontraiize more and more industry in the Toronto areadisgruniied comparatively short time and pave the attitudes alone will not etiect cure Asorious eifort by the overnmentto deeentrelize industryvvoud notznecesg ions evenln its most optimistlcmprnenta sariiy meanthst Barrie would benefit Com otitlon between the various com mun tieswould be is keen if not keener th Journal editorially But to law dedi rated researchers andamateurs collect ingclassifying and stud fascinating occupation an ever industry must be closd to its markets To the majority of us bugs are at best necessary evil says The Ottawa Says The Journal ylng them is gt The recent reissuing of is little vo lume called Collecting Pre arlng and Preservlh insects by the apartment oi Agricu lure bears witness to lng interest in this field fThe book edited by Dr Bryan 25 YEARS AGO INTOWN Barrie Examiner July 15 1937 The 247th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated at Newton Robin son ior the first time in 60 years Over own ME antinu three thousand marchers turned out for the parade Occasion also marked the centenary of the home LOL No 209 if whereWorshipful Master was lion Earl Rowe Ontario Progressive Conservative party leader Town Council issued de entures to pay for new arteslan well re cently drilled to supplement local water supply Town Clerk Smith at letterjfrom Miss Lillian Dickey of avre Montana granddau hter of the first mayor of Barrie follow ng incor or ation as town in 1871 Mayor no ert Simpson had Mary Streetand Elizabeth Street now Dunlop West named after his two daughters George Baliie 45 Jarrett farmer shot himself alter wound ing iohnCanning 61 at Uhthotf in ar gument over estate General Mu Hogarth and Mrs Hogarth opened their Mardon Lodgefeatate onsouth shore of lt Kempenielt Ba not Canadian its oTHER EDITORS VIEWS for garden party in aid tionai institute for the LADSI LAWS lasso Lioubst Kingston WhigStandard The liquor laws in Ontario state that nobody under the age of 21 shall pos sess or consume alcoholic beverages id Susaeripiion rats daily is The Barrie Examiner VIIthIirinhd ss aeconaelsu mail eat Oilice otters and for rrlyllioniD KENNETH WANI Pillslilli BRIAN IMIGHT Gsnarai Mans or wall in casts Daily Srsndays and statutory Holidays sa led Msrnsasorisssnssinsurtos channel wanna Iullnfll aisasysr DAME Wflgdofl untiring Muss soars ransom communismnaps 1o at to ogayolnm year stasis so six men or had an i1 cites onisirlsdsil Milled Pu Association Thai disnPrsaa and tie aadtanPrcagts aulrset ubllaptlen oflaii he led to it or Ill dllcsratahssjin ngr Most LANE this kill uni 2i equslimpgr mm all able and heipingi vs other ay post sible to stsistindu ills ltjiis entire tactthstéthem company will ere plant nspec and thenrseak out the ndustry0ne could liken such olicyr to similar who bakes cake then distplsys his wares in the window for sale general practice the committee would probably build to orderonce the newcom any had been screened and its good aith andknowirow established Off ciels too could do much to help the newcomer with financing through chars tered banks or federal agencies There wouldbesome element of risk there is in any business for that matter However if established business prac tires were followed in approving lessees the percentage of failures would be low indeed And the leasing company would he knowle ge that it could have factory building erected to odier would be of tremendousvsiua to any firnr at helping hand at thestart could bring scores at new industries here within way for an industrial complex much use er than the industrial commission envlsi The fact that we as community will min novsvouv be doing something ositive to bring new industry will soon known province wide if we follow through as planned the result will be soon apparent To the adults who had to desiwlth him llycarflld Doug view hewss door of daring deeds knight who was eager pee in distress Doongillgiuklslodsgrl Beirneand ublishedby the Queens slwayucented to ondin die Printer wast rstpublishedin 1955when aster Doobls 8600 on ies were printed Thereprl Dous or he calledhimioil iikdvlll ct iih 21133 wmgh goo have been bedroom 3°3de °runuby it One Ottawa entomologist rare that lttdndtoriuibmllerlelllflhi amateur interest in insect collecting activities some of which in had waned over theyears but seems to valved bicyclesbusss and rs be felting up again valuable collécb V°1Vil°°° lonpof some 10000 butterflies recently ggflhntnfnwfl was found to have been stolen irons the in movie cashier and Entomology Research Institute glances Doug was shipped Meet local collectors are small boys oils to camp There he became adds our informsnt mim up fresh series oi mishaps limiting in situation whlcbgave chance to displaygccurege and the begin nine of wisdom The author lets the reader see Double Dangerous Doug botb Blind Guests enjoyed use of swimming ss he sees himself As result facilities private golf course now the thostory has both comedy and Allandale club and the beauties of the path is sensitive story Grotto rock garden andpools 1wjxyflfiligwfldflggfifi ilev Benjamin Pinkerton Sm th rector personality of StPaulsChurch Painswic conducb id open SiiAiserFylce at Camp liordlisnf for lg goatggfigggp may an orce personne an em illes Barrie Citizens Band directed by mm irofessor MichaelvAngeloprovided mu has family believe she is dying sic Salute at march past was taken by But she has ascors to settle Colonel Lee Commanding Officer before she too end also wants to nd little time thinking of Signals and uadron leader Collie muff 000 RCAF remler Mitcheliiiep burn paid surprise vlslt to local plant of J15 her My pm or 13 chug Copaeo accompanied Hon Dr rcn and the humor and tragedy tSimpsondMitnlgt rig fiiucation sitter or con rice Morrson general manager Premier=Hepburn ex pressed his pleasure at progress being made Phyllis Marshall ldgrand daughter of Mr and Mrs William Rolling and summer resident of Barrie beauty contest winner at Sunnyside featured singer on radio station CRCY Bari rie Cubs beat Midland 240in North Sim coe baseball on Red Storeys pitching andJackDytes hitting Stayner Un ited won Simpson Cup for YPU softball said long pants of democracy iisu ally some shock is required History points this out lellrlt llllj liilcliil The law also statesthat this illegal to mailels itI rrylordl clack Evzry sell or supply it nor to amines Our time they move th can oifend nelwspsiper1 are ull ogcqurtyvcam my somebody So mos often have vo ying un erage inkers but charges against thelsuppligds are fewiand iarlllifutlldflii by mm between is the fact that so few cup to gem is pliersare ever charged doctor olice in Because this shtick in efficiency in that they do not other to we probably will be hnvlilgb attempt totrace down the source of mu mi IN suppy rs TORONTO ONT Rios it Sarnia Observer cities have become so bi fight for everyilrlorsel of dill venueThe smaller centres areir against psychological competition Whic is has to combs litario is no exception many pee in and out otToronto nstanae el that UNION rosewood in the Teamsters strike there wusone quite remarkable inci dent that they Alford negotiationsa it tyinillvbst rcCo sploposc as emcn mm wnsput beiorsihe locals of the wrinioir The aim Relations Act has epecli provision regarding settlement proposals says in very clear words tors in riojis Toronto peopleare the shoHratleast too muchot for metropolitan growth Itis timenot only the municipalities the Ontario govern ntj son 118 SP decided by secret ballots The Windsor local oi the sinister however didntreo By Frederick Darling Davenport swasv troublesome vorsiiyvand cockyr in his own Discuss Insect ColyieCiirigf toil ht for justice and rescuo this bellevin Dangerous sa thsenomy sees him and yearold Mary Ann Green and She recallsher marriage at ms aliens to be shocked into moving forces them sent years has been at hujyoiesun strikes must must be lawsyanii they must trong change in rllilllill urinal Wasaa rue detachment Oil iivrli schematics rliT rile tiltiliillY LightglxReading retiree Summer Month at lonesr liie Msiy Anns view of fels realistic all her lang uage somewhat earthy She emerges is determined loyal and advonturouswomsn tier dauglrterinlaw Priscilla arrives prepared to try for the last time to gut the fear of tied into horrnot srinlaw but Msry Ann hlsher own ideas about she is on and towns with he bicker in an inionnaiwsyu This is lvely story of ion eer lite at camp meg barnssialngs and cement or heyingsMost oi all it La an erri tertaioln character at dy with Cans an frontier background snortinns ibi nicnaroo SyDanthshnrsnb This entertaining novel begins when Will Watnoy Westboro insurance man succeeds by his untiring eiforis in among ing for Hollywood movie to be filmed in Weslboroa Mid western town The local residents are amas ed to learn that the friendiess local novelist Joseph Hart Van wsy is the author of the book tooe filmed and that he has received fabulous sum for the screen rights ofhis novel mum is in an uproar be oause oi thei arrival of llils movie company the governed important movie personalities it well as industrialists who extendthe towns industrial section The meeting of the glamorous movie personalities and directors vilihthe local rec ldents possesses business men drummaiorettes house wives visitors and sightseers adds much to the humor oi the book the books progresses the most unexpected copie nre of Richard ill Yer lat cause sietanilemsywe aey that tli On the titer whohastollvs wills such oiicred ilensils suppose nails like the rest of us can get sott tram sitting Tirlrd lions has thin lrsglls nails theres not much lot in wishing for thick stur ones unless you want to change your mepbscklirea and emorsun llicely rolects succeed lira era in Kicks is an using novel idea for light umnrer reading fllE moisiano By Margaret Campbell hardest Once again Mar sret Compv bellBamea has writes novel using historical background This book Tlle Kings Bed is written about the troubled times When Richard ill and his army were marching to Doswortir ihey sin for load and rest at the itc Boar inn in Lel caster Tellers the inndlordi daughter not only saw but was spoken to by Richard iii an watchedlwith wonderment men set the kings special bed that always travelled with him Tensys father had served Richard when he was Duke of Gloucester That fact and the Kill visit bound Tansy to tire it After Richardiii and his srrny departedps young boy called Dickon come to the inn He was about theage of Tansy and was trying to catch up with Richard Tansys interest was aroused by ths unknown boyY with the detest of Richards army and his death chllon managed to reach Wblte Beer in Tansy learned that he was really the son of Richard ill Because of this hawasiin danger from Henry Tudors victorious army as Tansy help ed him to hide Tbis bookli he el these two young people brought together Wlll Watnevs plans to putWestboro on the gin Political syncs Just What these changes will cant bereaailyssid his almost certain one or ones however wlllbevproceo duresithat wiil make it mus simplersto tails action against anyone disobeying labor laws Atvpresent these procedures are most cumbersome To changothem these be change or heart on the part of two groups One at these s=our legis torsfiire second is the leader ship of organized labor ThajTearnsters union in re has the regard lineg independent of thaland that itjiigow public aware forthe law ihisdlsregsrd ill the wheat strike has been strong enough it also rahould boys the legis iators leadership awakened Gillan iilrls awakening and they will see the weaknesses in our laborlavs Thatto be any good foranybody be capable of enforcement Just giyenlihis change at ewv point and ihereficuld be skin on War are those it idtits lil find the or he may monstrous iiill cl sirens specialistAlier answer for is anybody naus can getmighty sick at them and yaot to correct the situa tion orhgcodh So here are some hints on possible causes lirst akin including the nails varies in texture tougher nest and susceptibility to dis from one person to am olil Second copie who do bard manual letter rarely have brie patternof life and work Fourth women are especially subject to asiljtroublcs There are many plausible theories sure to alkaline solutions au as iiiwashing nail polish vitamin dsiioitnaiet especially and nutrltionaLdei latencieschiefly lackei enough protein Filth eases whether of Him such as psoris consuls lllSTORYv hy rile caveman sodas suiy is less George Vi and Queen Eli sabeth arrived in Paris on state visit to the cheers oi thousands at Frenchmen years ago today invitatio The royal couple crossed the Engllsh Channel in the En chsntrelsj and rode to Paris in special trntn drawn by ablueandcgoid engine At state dinner there were toasts to peace andiriend ship Both nations were at war against Germany with in to months leisEire in New York Cit destroyed sit buildings an an estimated 900000 damage lsls The Germshsbs gen rtheir retreat across the Marne the First World in mingle permanent weak God can use siliedness bullish headache cemsregard ofvwhclirsrlsm ari cit men it you ca see properly People gettheidso ihnilbs mostliirelyscouss This isnt so Melnerr lbava told lilo egg shell calcium very good ioribe nerves and hel spans to sleep How should It tskenl ms ltvshould be taken youll excuse my riots with grain of laniii Clslelum is necessary for general health but It alesptsnd it the nerves Iliad eggshell isntvery di gestible Get your elciumfiors milk spinach and other green vegetabes ignore the folklore about egg shells MRS lint Theresno danger in ying facial halrs removed is electrolysis You realize it rustihat ltteires tirne But aordosssuchj tone lllsrthing as having some nent And the electrolysis is much more permanent than gt Churchill saves in isothermal LONDON rthPidir Winston Churehlilgappesrs to be well enoumr to go home at the end of next week Middleselt Hospi isi olficisis said They said there jbe one more iulleiramlnation the former prime minister by his stall at doctors probablylirl day morning medical bulls lid is tobeissucd that alter noon The inf rmsnts laid Churchill will fire to his ilydelark Gste be for few then probably com lets re cupersiion0n the ranch Rivi era Sir Winston broke his thigh in tall in sMonte Carlo hotel June iii and was flown to Luna don the nextday for an opera lion to pin the bone together BIBLE Tactical bath on sea the foolish things at this world to calla found the wise ind God hath chosen the week things all the world to confound the things which hty Dent ever underestimate yourself it youthlnlr you are yourwsali ness fertile glory

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