Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1962, p. 12

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litescistadstteAn no Irom Maldefinite Ibzvuluevhydrertw tiheltome at her ext udeol Island Anne In Pnrltelde Drive cleuoutt clung Parke this In 3W trip uutsid Quebec Irovlnce lame time ago New Brunswlc and mm °lllitiii mo page munch thd tlses 5W muly by the Barrie Junior chamber oi Commerce She said that In BIN lbcreseom to he very low French misread It themm any one must sock them at It can be dlillcoltet tlm now she vrent to hienubile an the other heed wheo Anne was guest at Cletidetlss hoosc In Metade linen ago lzthamcly Claudettts elder hrs er Anne has picked up man French phrem and can spe quite well It she does so slow Iy she said Claudette has al so picked it some conversat Ionel Englis The Interview was hit eon using at times Your report er would ask French lion in Cloudtite and she would answer In English in peeing on English question to Anne she answered in French II the purpose oi the change student plan to ice Ier goodwill lrlendshlp and gain more thorough knowl edge oi how other Canadians live than the purpose has been tulilllod with these two young larilcs Almost every time Anne tried to answer in English she would get reminder irnm Claudette to answer In French the situation worked in re verso elso Both girls are thoroughly en ioylng this experience We Believe Peruvian Army Move quot think It Is wonderlul thing lb sold only problem that ml ht arise Iromtha entire pro eat to that none would like to stay In Quebec and Claudette would like to remain In Ontario When they were In Quebec they did lust whet two ordinary girls might do anything end everything particularly dun5 cool sketching snid Anne Cloudellos brother one ol live In her Inmiiy Is the owner at Ilgnshor lha glrs visited neighbors had many parties and dancer and made many irlende Anna said she was mainly Impressed bsomam cal Unions negotiating for moo meow twedoeadey serious and most ceretuIIy at CLAUDETTE nonunionnun ANNE reeves by the Imali but warm wel ooma reception at the station in Malone eudette said that she was impressed and appreciatcd the welcome givenTthern by withth blayor Cooke atallandalc our tlon Iuesds night Never be iore have cre been so many people to gret not only me but irlsnds only other thingthet Claudette could not understand was that Barrie lgirls prcler Vllormude shorts to to tradition sl French skirt But Claudette is now relormcdtas ls evidenced in the accompanying photograph showing the two girls In Poss naturclc qu Bdost Redetatos There By WILLIAM RYAN Al Special Correspondent Perus conservative military men probably have given the pro Castro and Communist areas in Latin America help ing hand and slruok blow at Presldent onnodye Alliance Ior Progress Thu Illtory sclzure oi the govar cnt In Lima was not based on reason or onlogic but on cmotlonallem It was It thing the Latin Americans call per oonallsmoa blg gmdge The June 10 election In Peru wal lrnportant for the whole hemisphere Byrotuslng tolet constitutional processes oper ate Perus military drove home some dolelul truths Iha election was no test whether old hAbIIe could he broke whether oligarchics and military leaders could change their spots and reform We experience Indicates they cannot NOT rsonnrnn case it Isnot an Isolated case It resembles Argentinas experi ence demonstrating the blind spoie afflicting the military In much at Latin America The ArgentlneArmy did notlllsa the results of on election last spring so ltfmeved in and Installed Ilgureheod president In Brazil year ago the army did not like thovlook or June Goularts politics whenhe was about to succeed to the presi dency alter Janie Quadros re signed lt moved in and changed the constitution shear ShiilWorIr PorDeskmen shift work will become more and more common for white collar workers according to ear Item In News npaperipubllslh ed by the Ontario Hydro Em ployees Union With the recent inventionol the electronic computer shlit work has taken aglant stride gt mm the whitecollar world Tradlttonally office work their been daytime activity But It to too costly to allow mllllond 01 computer to sthnd Idle all night The article continues As automalion spreads Into more and more at our industrial and commarclal activity shill work Will Increase the very high capital In vestrncnt re uIred by automa tton can ny he reduced to re rensbfi per unit oost Ii ithe ecflulpment is kept operat Ing lul time Ir ro EMERGENC PHONE NUMBERS lng away the powers oiIho presidency Argentinas casa ember rasred the United States Ar gentina ls too important coun try to let go down the drain but there was only basically Illegal Imposed government to work with Accepting It the united states draw taunts irom lls encmleaand criticism among Its irlends Like Argentina Peru Is Im portant in the alliance scheme Yet to work hand In glove with an Illegnl regime Imposed by the army Is to feed ammunition to the extreme lelt CHANGED VIEWS the paradox In the militarys action is this of the three ma jor candidates In the June to election only victor Raul llaya do In Torre ran on on openly antiCommunist platiorm Ills popular Revolutionary Alliance tor six years with the intelllr Manuel Prado It had shed Its old extremist attitudes 0n the other hand lIayas opponents might have been sus pected by conservative mill tory leadership Fernando Be launde Tcrry Illrted with the Communists and Constraints Former dictator Manuel 0drln did not reject extreme Ieit sup port The Communists were in terested In one main goal Hays as reformist had to be stopped by any means The army had an old grudge against Hays and the APRA dating back to the violent days of the mos So did certain members oi Perus rich oli garchy In advance of the elec iltlll military oiilcers an nounced they would not accept llaya victory although they allowed the voting apparently In hopes he would lose Iona got more votes than any or savenlcandldatcs though not the onethlrd of all votcs required tor electionBui the army could not prove Iraud even though It made the DEATHS novella CANADIAN races stlllruno Que Senator HenriCharles Bola 65 widely known agronomistand member oltha upper house since 1957 Winchester Ont Mre Workman 57 publisher oi the weekly Winchester Press since 1957 when her husband died ManilaSammy Romero un ranked Filipino flywelght in hospital after losing sixround tight last Saturday night SHELIERED wonKSHor The Sheltersid Workshop for Adult Retarded will ee closed all the new premisest thecorner oi Botany and Duolop Parly APRA hltd cooperatcd gent government oi president charge There was possibility that when the election was thrown to congress July 28 Hoyewouldmeke deal with odrie The military leaders would not standior that They moved In WASAGA BEACH tS clall lttook threats of po cc action before delegation oi Wasaga Beach residents were linally quieted at boisterous council meeting last night Demands lorresignation and snap election were requests put Iorth by the same group at property owners who have bcen strenuously objecting to village road putthrough recent ly In iront oi their property Erie Lawreson led the group at ratepayers Into the regular council meeting and demanded that council call an election Immediately The council has untll December 1963 before an election is mandatory For several minutes during the discussion vlulencethrenten ed to erupt as some of the ratepayers angrily shouted at Reeve Anthony Beck to resign and call new election it was at this point that Reeve Beck threatened to etunmon the provincial police Council then decided to or word the latter to the village solicitor Rowe of Bar rie boiore anything Is decided The letter is actually morn orandum Irom one oi the rate payerslawyers asking that an immedian election he called Some oi the property owners are also suing the council or its action in building the new road through In trout at their properties In other council action the members voted In favor of ap peeling an increase in village Try An Mr West as racerer ems Dunlap anti Anne PA 83 comer senvrce STATION oussoir hiamiili mu con eillelionboerd The promise cents as the board studying the unlone new eontreet dunno hii time limit gee so go bolero Idiouro erthts lob security has built up during the hearings or big ger problem even than wages rollqu throwing their grins and strongest lan guage Into the attach on the unions set the unions said Wednesday the railways hedflngrossl mlso understood the on tian and represented than esbelng uncompromisineg rigid on the question Plan Field Day Periloungsters Yotmgslers irom ever the city will compcleln iield an ey tomorrow morning abiding son Street school In series of ovohts nsored by the Barrie Items 11 Commission Each oI the II parks In the city have held Ileld daysand winners meet tomorrow In gtsod final series at events The commisslouhnshod counsellors and volunteer stud cuts worlng in the eit pulls pools and henchmen varied pro em to keep vsca tlonlog eitldren arnttsod istoMySessicn At staga Beach assessmentamounting to soon marine appeal will be against the easement established by Simone County assessors Also at the meeting litre May Robertson requested pol Ice protection on racing nights at Wasaga Beach because she was afraid that patrons leaving the racetrack stcxcessive speeds wouid someday knock oil theloorner of her property in sreview ot permits eod licenses council reiused to al low mail toutahllsh donut making concern In non commercial area or the village Coupnell also decided to lurthcr review request to establish water skiingschool on thd Nottawosaga River uotll turthcr Information was available lheviilage council has also decided to put up no parking slgnsfon streets which are to be closed when the Department oi Lands and Forests starts to charge vehicles to get onto the beach can snow races ran Into the jet airliners Trans World airlines said Wednesday that citective July 15 passed gcrs flying eight miles high at Hess do against seven Insane to NEW YORK tAPI Anti now the telephone has Iotmd it way dro In miles minute will be able to make telephone calls In flight no so urlng storage rlflm layers to hmIt bankruptcy tor cm would limit the reduction In the manner or smpleyecswith live or more years unlority to one psrcenteyurinsnyiobc slilcetlos seven flight rua Wednesihy ioummeo The chairman is up Justice Craig bicnroe oi the Supreme Court at British Columbia Ital llex lawyer Gordon Cooper is the rsllwm nominee and David llewie oi Toronto the union representative The unions are sacking on ex Irazz centbenhour in wages The nonops new earn an ov radio orege of star an hour about It cents below the latest atandnrd tlguremade public Wednesday The unions the 21 cents is needed to so parity and maintain it through the III or proposed twoycar contract WAUBAIISHENE Stall Donald Essaonnge 23ml till Schomberg was sent to lor two years less day he appeared in mogtstrntes court here yesterday ior sen tencing in the shooting oi his young wile on June 34h Easson had pleaded guilty to the charge twowecks agoe admitted tiring three bullets from 22 calibre rifle with one oi the strolls the mush uranium Synopsis Skies are clear over the province early today to light northerly circulation at drier air The line weather will continue through Friday Lake St Clnir Loire Erie Lake Huron Niagara lake 0n tario llatihurton Georgian Bay Algoma Sault Ste Marie lIv magami regions Windmyllon don Hamilton Toronto Mainly Mm sunny todayand Friday little may in temperature winds t= White River Cochrane re glans Sunny with cloudy Inter vals and chance of tlnlnder shower today and Friday little change to temperature winds Forecast Temperatures row heroism mommy Wohave some choicoorens in title buildingveil able new or coming up for vacancy soon Reason retsll or wholese bust apply WIiiNZIE Eaesonr had becngvacattoninl 1m Do sltrnouth gunmen 2Yllinsiromlomntotliata cedetsend two Morfiblp ionolDetcncs Pilotol relations start On bT SI tee pro to en ar An elipolntr alert and 75 On receipt for the thctt re ed with Ion mile manilaunborn obese cod port Irom Tomato Barrie OPP outside and thcit oi gs edroo county road near radioed an alert and dosesIra nowhere ended tlllfl seller this morning with the lieu of the vehicle to all points road near Memoreitor Ball arrest or two men tor car and northend the car was spotted Chapman andfiien Shuman gasoline thcit near Wouhausheoe rovlnclalzpollce threw road The chase em in Wichita Poul mama to Power nelsomummwoynao shoes at about 610 this atom street Toronto has been arres olteilley and Barry were ill when car was stained ted and charged th theft or rested byConstoblas Attire alter the that was reported by cor tacit line den cry chapmsna Glon shurnen our driving and driving lie irernVlctori Harbour OPP dc Earlierat Izii sape car tacitment had been telling mmnswtheumedeudn the stolen car slnce It was lion had stopped etRolllug 1mg little motel and gas station Ililed up with gasoline and rut Inch sane Ited camp Bordens lloysl Canadian lidsool oi mum suspension Gerald Barry street Toronto oi as Bimec been drsrg rootlvssroorruus Given Two YearsforShooting Wile In to Winona compiled by M39 Doniopflt Emllnil nteunlssr nlec see We or oat the Deal oun ll iian corps Den stores which Pore Dan for fork41V abuts Pultlo Pele on Pew lernt Plan Bards Varese Ham Pit Koflll all Kill Ill Ilia Imp Tomaso Oil Asbestos In Btu UNI Aluminium Alberta nu Alta Net an Atlu Bk ot not Hm If Bell Isl Brasilia BvA Dll BA Pawn can an or can can Drawer CPI tide Cement Can chemical can Cslg my In room variety striking his wile in the leg film was kept In hospital tor twodays bciore being released In passing sentence on Esp son Magistrate Cem croneommcnted that lesson was lucky that he was not Iso Ing murder charge The Pet Hsruy 12s No on all at eley netheras II II flank do eds Ihlrrill Simpson lhewtel sn titssl can Tornado lib Irens can free lit me linA 5i°o 01 III DWI Con Paper Wsllser new Consumers nu gt Accept Inland NG lets lvilehfl rpm pr lochy Club albeit Labelled sue Pow fill at summer college In this 35a when the shooting occlu ronacnST Peterborougb Trenton Pol rev Dpemtm nemont Sh ting or on cm Mil stunan United Wllmy IAIIAnlltvn riteootmeu revs erosionrive mm Jacobite Pisa qu hierthgetovtolsmsev steel options nowIons Imr ronlavsseou Industrtels up not run cows 01 Utllltlcr am se soaom noes neonates nonn Isa om Lu com up on Menu down Olle down $38$$883$8$ ecuctbus Horns cow new one ntrraasrtr smco COUNIXSHEINEsTf RASPBERRY turnouts and wide assortment of CAKES PIES Stilts BIIIEAD ETC not THE BUEKET upon 375 burgms nuance 2IPIms 549

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