Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1962, p. 4

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Community Anaassesses as as punishes anomalou 311 Ely probiannlat toenail yourpbuillicd is get may clear on com it in state 3mm into chat3i latter event sroyl will discloscfaulty functioning of the gall bladder and stones may be foundnot an unusual cause of course Stones do not disappear by thcmrelvss nor hyany known medication Itthay are there and causing trouble surgery may be necessary If so the rev lief from getting rid of the faulty gall bladder may make theoparltion well worth while But conservative treatment shouldhe given chance first lost as you are now doing Dear Dr Molnar Does om volts affect diabetes This dependsoa its use ii to soak an infected area no But take care not to have the solution loo hotllwhan used on foetor lags its cathartic it Dilemma In Simdoe Cdunty Any day now would be good time for the special committee of Simcoe County Council to get out andmake proper inspection of the work being done by the county communityend re creation services Each week day there are extensiveprograms of day camps and swimming classes going on all over the county under competent guidance and instruction Next week too starts the Simcoe County quilt and rug fair at Beeton organized by therecreatlon council But these are only particle of the worthwhile activities going on through the whole year under community and recreation services guidance It would be backward step for Simcoe County to wreck the progress accom lished and built up on sound basis the pest 16 years Council of the Town of Collingwood has asked County Council to review the recreation service case motion to this effect passed unanimously It voiced Collingwcods position to the repeal of the origins recreation ser DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 YEARS AGO AROUND TOWN Barrie Northern Advance July 1092 Hay crop in county simply im mense Elmvale expects to hold down mud on streets with new gravel top Thomas Arnold sells farm near Cookatowu 100 acres for $3000 altev Father Labbreau has returned from the US wherehe was collecting money to build memorial church to the mar tyred Jesuit priests Alliston plans new opera house Singhampton cheese actory booming with business James Hamilton Glen Huron has flg tree in open air bearing figs Joe Sproule ap ointed collector for Essnrat $100 Fa wheat badly lodged around Stroud Thousands of bushelsof dam aged grain teamed away from Craig vaie at 255500 bag Some excitement at Bradford when several young blades drove to residence ofMrsRohert Stud dart and hauled down the Starssand Stripes which had been flying in the Barrie Examiner Authorind la mode his mail Office no artman Ottawa Enlist plyincntpof pentagolncasn nmnlmdnysand Statutory Hoilda mourn wants room BRIAN lLAlamGansm plan MelmWNn mm cnasm wanes soars honours drop top Manager our to Earrtoi Ito wulrlyfl 14 By snail to Ontario nae tom monthl snot no VOn tiffiua on unfairhf treatmentscumin Canadian01 MW in Cloadlsn Preutlndthh rerun li asclnsfvelr on of all news Anathema read policy stood gsons points 140cpoundJoe Gray cf Coidwaterthraw ldpound shot put 42 vice bylaw and the action taken gener ally because aithe dismissal of the staff will threaten the continuity of the service the members of the special investigating committee are not profes sionally qualified or able to ve the time to properly evaluate the tuation That in clause above shouldbe re The other members of County Council shouldtake it in mind when the matter comes up again Colllngwcod Counciilor Ford com mentcd on the value of the leadership given by the staff to all communities in the county Two examples in which the town had henefltted he said were es tablishment last year of swimming class es and day camps If the continuity of the service was disrupted it would take years to repair the damage Counciilor Ford concluded by saying it was short sighted and sad state of affairs which could threaten the welfare of Storms County children If cuts must he made let them he made elsewhere other councillors spoke of the excellent res ent staff and fear of losing them the breeze Hi Coffee shipped out sev eral carloads of black pine at Anten should be taken in very small doses to avoid violent purging action if you are on insulin watery diarrhsal steal from Epsom salts may make you liable to insulin reaction There are blandertypes of laxatives that are more desirable Dear Dr hidinch have been told that it we dont hear air escape when we open end LETTERS TOIEDITORV Dearsir spent amost enjoyable two hours in St Vincent Park last Sunday alternoon listenlogto the hand But was very surprised to note that thorax were com paratively few people there to enioy it is it that the people and visitors of Barrie do not know of those Sunday afternoon concerts or is it that in thli day apd age people must pay for something to enjoy it What more should anyone want than to sit in so open park right next to the lake and listen to selectionsfrom Camelot and others lhe atmos phers was so resilull felt very sorry for the public who missed this visiting hand and perhaps not in theirvery warmhouses watching TV Sincerely yours if Lawrence Barrie inn list sans lit Geneva Talks GENEVA ReuterslNentya eight nations including Canada llfonduy rounded off terlifne gotietionn involving an esti rtPated 900000000 ln conces 50115 Government representatives Mills Barrie filled with heat ex med ihenucal cursionists from across the lake Government decides to abolish post of fice savings banks Rev Frank Langw ford reached his first tsermonat West End ethodist Church on Sunday John Carle finishes construction of 30 foot skiff ortMuskoka customer Levi Carley shipped steam launchgto St Thomasman Dunlop Street be tween Owen and Muicaster beginning to show that city appearance Reeve Bothwell and Adermanp Plaxtonf intro duced motion at town council calling for fire hail bell to be rung at nine oclock as evening curfew for those chllr siren under 13 It wasdeteeteii Mill menalong lines of Grand Trunk Rail way complain of arfscarcit ping lumber specter kindly use hisnose along the north side of Dunlap Street and determW 3= ES 36 ine if all eilars are insanitary condi lion Steamer Lillie running regular ally trips toghingay Point weekly to Roches deGrassi andlack feetjseven inches in local fieldmeet Sons of Temperance of Keswlck ran ex cursionto Peninsular Park nd arr here dflourlshing si Ladies of StoGeo es no n3 ton Lennbx Bur ing the resultscf the 196061 tariff conference under the aus pleas of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade sn itemby item technique was the one generally used dur log the tariff conference How ever new ap lunch was con tained in the ofer of the Euro opcsn Corrmwn Market to re duce the common tariff by 20 per cent ovcr wide range or tsimports lithecommunitys negotiating partners were pre pared similarly to reduce their own tariffs gt The total number of conces slons negotiated in the tariff conference as whole was about 4400 tionsare iiiaddition to The United States AliaLrl Britain Cambodia Chll Czechoslovakia Denmark the six nations of the Common Market Finland Haiti India lsrnel Japan New Zeeland Nl geria Norway Pakistan Peru Portugal Spain Sweden and Switzerland as sears manuals para orrswh iCPlTerget date for theiarrivaiof the first of 100 Hongfilflnug refugee families nannies Vital To Goa Finns By DON oilEARN NEONliO The Caloric Energyiloard has finished its review of the rates of the tin lonflas Comps lthas ep rov the adsadule asked company it we dot great as the corn pany asked that the rate of return allowed to gas compan ies should he no per cent of investment En But it figured that the return on the rates asked would only be about at per cent and didnt interfere with thorn than is probably nothing at all wrong th the Union rates as set But still there In some feeling of dissatisfaction left thorn the proceedings tihla is principally that the municipalities or not to hnvaipald enoug attention to them WERE REPRESENTED At the start of tho bearln large niunber of munlclpa iiels were represented by coun so But gradually as local differ ences were settled by thfiom puny theydisappeared In these stages where the all lmpcrtant rate base of the company warbeing not they werent on hand to argue And one would facivbetter if they had been lhc reteibnse of com pany is the amount of money of the plant 51VEAR mourn spa won Issue enters 99 vsraomn aaour 501 ToMATllltllk Interest payable October and April Two montha intqu Denominn lions $1000 000 $25000 $100000 and 01000000 which if docidedtepreseotaihneooms the investment in its pilot Where ithe companies are controlled such as natural gas companies are In Ontario it in turn is the amount on which the muoneym earn schedule of rates is set which will provide not me onus amount to certain pen outage of the nth has this has tbuaforois hay figure And it also can be flexible one to some extent Wm men The company naturally makes its ordinates of costs as high as possible And the op lion ii there infany as to knock thaao down as far as possible In the case of gumm panvthcra are great many thacompany can 0380f Canadahuito ooan dollars even togbtuforaign oliolthouab we have nmnlo oil here This Inseam international oil com arger paniastiod it more profitable and Espedltloita to sell us their foreign oil rather their oil from their Canadian wells Ath volllleldd are cooseoiicn alive while jobs in Jamaican nin fordgniownarahlp of our ad 0L enterprises tends to keep on locontIast Canadlaps have been largely unable to provide the equlty or venture capital to finance ourpown development can with the crutch of foreign investment in bonds This is be cause we are under venture oonaa and overtaxad we prefer to putvour savings into life to entrance and we havaloog been so heavily land that we find it hard to create private or cor poraic capital Consequently foreign capital has been pk to salsa the hon tense aw ting it here Unlike the history of those 115 rall loads it has taken over control temrto he vsiuedin us confol Canadianindusuiu with in Audio large company lona base has been set $102000000 the Idllllilflfllll can amount to considerable aunt Io imptbelest time there was full hearing on lioions rates the municipalities were represented th rou bout and contested every of the fix ing of the base The result walthat it and considerably lower than it oth erwise would have been But this time thaopposltion wasnt there able October 196 ma spg noncauses no 1550 PRICE asap Croesusor iiiWM oovravnruiforerunnersoups entrants as investment sunny foreigners conhoioe cent of curruhber manu acturing industry 91 per cent ofour automobilegloduatry per cent of our oil wellsel per cent of mu mining aod57 per cent of our manufacturing in dustries Wa thereby sufferacutelyfor two msonl We can never rid ourselves of tha liability to pay the hire of that capital year after ear because that eouhy capita unllhthc bonds of those 115 railroadsis not re md dom Many many deemable Secondlyan that was our ocrbasn1aese fl as our fauousrgs seso nation ohhaweln nf wood0ur invasion ordain that Canadien natural resources should be exportedin the form of unprocessed raw materials to he recessed hvwallpaldworlrcfs4 foreign plan At thcsamr time many foreign owned lento in Canada are forbidden to compete in tha export mars ket which ilie foreign parent companies wish to preserve an thanuelvenf ihuliorelgn capital in the formof heartily investment in which we have admitted It keeps us in perpetual economic seri Yflll 19 Ottawa should have initiated policies which wouldforhld fan on control of Canadian indus itrlas 1er morons on fl swritteo an hath not seen nor unheard neither hath entered intotha heart afvmanntbe lhbm which God hath preparedsfnr thesn fit love bisonL Corinthians iletyour imagination run wild and you cannot compre his the goodness and love of rr soars communioue and at the coilntrles which took Can It Is condition of the issue of 5m metal of Canada will operate purchase fund The Government of Canada underka to use its best efforts to purchase during each commencing Optober 1962 when nvalluble in the open market at prices ootexceeding maximum amount which would he required to bepurcheaed by the Bnnk of Canada has hiresdy agreed to acfiulrc of Bank of Canada Interest is payable at any branchin The new Bondi are authorized under authority ofan both principal and interest are charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fundpff Can canon July 16 stoma aaour snag ro maronlrv rnzmnéanvsaieresmrynnsmgmn Dannmnnti 13500 $1090 $5000 325000 and troops bonds duo nan seminar on an the original issue price plus accrued interest at least £195 of the principal mousit of SHE bonds maturing August 1980 The GovernmentofCanade may howeverpin any quarter of any year apply to this undertaking the purchase ofthosehonds inadeduringah immediately preceding twelve months and notprevioualy credited By maturity the ernrncnfnfCana udder these provisions would be thirtysix per cent the original issue mlnlmumof $50000000 or the aim loan open as to maturity The proceeds of intuition together with of prnccoda as the sale of 5000000 or day TreasuryBills to bedatcd August 1962 to mature August Md and to tiered at cbmpetltive wide on July 301962 used 00 redeem of 3Cavemmentof Canada Bonds maturing the $20500000 trainer rat new Bonds Will be dated August 1962 end will bear terest from that date Fri and interest are payable in lawful moneyof Canada cipalis paynhlcnt any Agency without diarge Bondi may be registered in to principal or as to principal andinterest Definitive bonds will be avallablcpo ordbout August 1962 and thereafter in two fo bearer form with coupons attached this form may be registered asto princi and registered forrnwith interest payable by cheque Bod denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomin subject to Gavelomen ensfer requirements where app abl Subscriptionsfor the new Bonds cub may bemndc to an Canada Ottavva throughranydnvestmont dealer eligible to actasa distributor or thrpugh any bankln Canada rho books of the boom close It 000 pant Fnstom Daylight Time July 18 An offlle prospectus may be obtained from any Agency of nit little quarter of each calendar year to matun Canada of any chartered bank cP limnentpranedannd

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