smut Mrawlgdtlmlg prvs businesses left to ï¬nish Marjorie Pa own or ammonia Ernergcncy Measures Organisation per Representatives of most city Eitio is doing and show how departments attended plan How teams would work logo sting committee meeting of titer in an emergency SimoneBarrie Emergency On gt Present last night were contention hold in the County Chairman and City Manager Building last night Walter Gtgg County frcasurcr The meeting is one of ser Jack Coleman County Engin les planned by the committee cor Leighton Clark Bert with view in organising the Smith of the Waterworks De departments and agencies of partmont of Public Utilities municipal and county govern Commission Stan Bohbelto ment superintendent or PUC Roly Roy Atkinson EMO coordino lrwio Chief of Barrie Fire De for took movlo color films of partrnent Simpson First the meeting highlights Cooperative Packers oi Onia Yesterdays filming was rip le Erf Simpson County small part of the serieswhlch Assessor Mrs Margaret Kelly will be made into three halt Childrens Aid Society James hour television programs to be Westbrock Courunrers Gas shown by Canadian Eroadcsst John Winchester an enginee log Company later in the year with the HydroElectric Powe Purpose of the film is to se Commisston of Ontario Mrs euatnt the public with the work Marjorie Pearson and Miss Pa Students Back llrom PQ French Palslire Here lllso program oi Iactlvitiss to keep Eleven girls and one boy all students busy duringrthn from Barrie exchange students to Quebec Province returned to Barrie last night accomp noted by eleven girls and one ther boy from Quebec The twentyfeurstudents were two weeks they are here Many oi the Barrie stud nts say they hovapicked up its officially greeted by Mayor Les Dilgnglrzggy Cooke Chuck Wedge and Gear lie Surgcnor of the Barrie Jay ï¬hmlï¬nagfpgezzsgawdng Eng cccs The French interpretni tion was provided by young Raymond Valiers Trotsltiv ieres man here for Barrie lo improve his English Allin all the students thor oughlyv enjoyed their twoweok sojourn in Quebec Five girls and one boy went to Motane area Mont Jolt on theGaspe Peninsula about 400 miles east of Montreal Three students went to She winigan Falls and GrandMcre areas about flit miles north east of Montreal Three other students went to St Feifolcn small village near Quebec about lab miles east of Men treal The Jaycees have planned Cannons By on common ennss Toronto William Harry Weaie 63 oi Port Credit Ont Plesident of Standard Electric Company Limited of heart atlment Dublin Frank Gallagher 69 former editorot the irish daily newspaper lrish Press and director of the republican governments information bur eau ona on can Barrie girls Stephanie Merrick who went on twovweek exchange visit to Quebec Province alighti at Barrie station last night as the stddents returned to Bar rie accompanied by Quebec students Who in turn will be spending two weeks in Bag rre TODAYSSTOCKT PRICES Compiled by Flynn Oh Dunlap St Barrie Nor Ont NA it bieors Corp Help Par st Oshawa 2M Plnlflo Flt CtVs Fem Pips Page Hersey Quentin Gas snows Etdsliey netheras Royal flank 5a sdashirrlfl 51 neon Sbswtntgsn Steel of Can forDom all Trans Clnr Trsnl on Trad an Texaco to Union Gas Walker new Vnsnuamuw Dis Eng Alï¬ Dom Found 51V Dem stores Dons tsr Gt Lakes Gst Pom Horde Farm Home Pit Home OllA Hild Ely Min imp Tobacco im 01 in Accept inland NG inter Nicket interprov Py loehey Club Lnbatt mr lereisod llllc FEW Riv Vs Massey Fort mls Norsnda 29 Abltlbl Algoms Steel Aiuminium Alberta ass on use an 16 Steal 125 ibii 53 fZrb 39 2W 460 so lo 305 Bait Tel Essslilsn 34 OH 130 Powor Crin ills or Com OdorBrawn cm Cd Cement Can Chemical Oil Coigsry Power Con Mlndsm Con lsner rConsumers Gas ammo GeeoMines dunner lieitinlar Kemaddfsoa Lamaque Lorsdoy Maritimes ll hitlruy lilin opsmssss Mi tsuamont 30 itto Alanna Sher Gordon 90 Steapltock Unlteo oil Wifroy Wiltsey Csn Dyna 13 Husky Devonian amp Chib deo tank on filo one Copnsr land Ms Ctlrl flail 35 itmisoo Mines lots ti Builtvsn Lax ormetsl Yateanlrrldn so Nortngsto rsvamoss arrma shocka cdn Buwartes Vsoismse ltsglsn bu Kerr rssw spas avaoaorra itsdo tilltlss down sonondao ssocx lxeaayo mean Metalsdoivn owot am Biiilmms nacnnnao as dividend August id anoint so Meeting war Be Showninarignan bit or the French lungunger 6V lBVs of president soon ProianCounty treas urer Jack Coleman and Frank Light of the Barri ll Morris at EMO Communion lions Miss EarbaroProvso Barrie Police chief Ed Tsebirbart was unable to attend by Lasers consult Before started on the UN Pilgrimage for Youth sponsor ed by the loos and Rebekahs fellowship was really juat another word in my vocabul ary Nowthat the trip lsover this word means great deal more to ma becauser expar ienced it in thehlgheshformy on the trip The iirstiustance In which fellowship was brought to my attention was in Oshawa where joined the tour walked into thalfotel Genmha and as soon as rooms had been assigned found ihad al ready made wofrlends All the st dents on the trip were pleasant and everyone was there with two aims to learn and to make new friends it was in this atmosphere that our trip began As we continued our journey the friendships and fellowship grew and everywhere we went warm hand was extended to us to welcome At every Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodge we were treated like royalty and Otfdfeltowahfp was added to our vocabularies When we arrived in New York we realized that the greatest example of fellowship was yet to come for there we met with over hundred stu Vu dents from different parts of the United states and Canada We all hdd common interest in the trip and that was the first thing which seemed to blind us into one big happy iam Every time we would see someone new we would rcad Wt Hotelsontfresorts Airlineservi soiossjcanadaélinlrlngScontinenlV WinterorulsestothesunnyWesllndies information and reservations from seem MIDHURASAi rs arson Surviving srahis of Meqï¬jngjOfFellonIship the UN was for some countries Scentedome Ailinclusivefarestncludingmeaisberthsndtips Groupdiscounttares TransAtlantic steamship service GreattakesandAlaskscru so Es es chasm the southbound mmrm at the board as Coleman Packers of Pint ted tCe es tor have the sf mourn the beast rnrionrot who the were silabis only to the Barrie downtown section because number of business establishr manta offering these services are located between Cundlas sooli Melville Kenneth fbsonto and Hum Burlington too sister Mrs Harold Bates Orlliia William Dickson New Ltskesr six grandchildren Donald tisil and Garry ol Toronto sad Shanonth Eaverfey of Burlington Pallbearers were the folio my neighbors Kenneth cbrirt rWlllIavaoodrwo Vic tor Ross Bert Crawford Ern est Crawford and Bert Graham was not swars of the errorlun til notifiedby The Examiner Ald Williams quickly contacted Clty lsafilcmon Jim Lowe and City Manager tintilgg and quick trip to the scans confirm to the error Mr Gigg said steps would be taken immediately to sea thatthe signs in this area are changed to indicate services are available In both directions north and south Mr Gigg said bayflaldst At present the department some of us very deeply to think that we might never see each other again Even though we are all home now the feeling is prevalent that any of us coud go anywhere in Ontario or any of the olherplaces re presented ion the trip and be welcomed as good friends This trip has tdught me how to meet Jreopia and make friends an enjoyed it tre mendously but ireaifze as all of us did that itis unto us whethcrthatrip is success or failure that by usinggteiiowshfp and Oddfcllowshfp as pass words this experience has been wonderful experience and privilege and It will live to the memories of us all We can only hope that through our efforts some of this feeling can be spread to acquaint others with the meaning and purpose of the United Nations As we got to know each other better many new friends were made Activities such as group singing eaiin meals together and just sit ng and talking when sad if we foundtime so helped develop the meaning efworld fellowship Each bus tour seemed to he unali family and the bus songs were composed and song know that on our bus no one wanted to leavozailrthefr tour partners and that it moved their name tag and viceverso and we would enter into dis eossion about multitude of things if Americans and Canadians started talking together you could be sure that the phrases eleventh province or 51st State would lsnter into the conversation But evm though these were discussions about the differences between the two countries everyone remained good friendsrr When we want to the United Nations we saw tbarldeaof fellowshipbeiog put into world wide use tor we learned that the only place they could meet with othernatlons and talk to gether peaceably Although there was great deal or fellowship there in the world family we realized that if every delegate at the UN could take home with him the ideal of fellowship andworid wide brotherly love and have the people in his country fob law these ideals there would be no need for the United Na tiohs Organization This of course is one of the basic aims of the UN but we realized that it is onlyvthe beginning and that we as students must take home these ideas upon which we can help to build thastren gth of the United Nations We experienced this feeling in other places we visited such as International Viiouse where we met students from all over the world They also agreed viith us that fellowship together with the United Na tions is the only read to world Fe ce lb lavnnaon BiotiiERSfa short Cut Whole Half railiravel cAanstL vleHiERSy nan across Canada PK is ill liii on insw vtollilisr so ram effective Joli rs SPAGHETTIJT sunnv Moan rsioHWJoV plans to post about nine signs north and south on lssyfleid on Dunlap and st Essa Roadsnd dattons wliivbe made to rtment of gghwsysr Sldsrosd and Highway too on Forecasts issued by the Ten ontoweather office at it few wfdely scattered show ers will occur overmost sec tions of the province thisove oIng There will be mainly may skies Thuradoy LakeSt Clair Lake Erie Huron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay iiaitburtoo re gleanWindsor London Hamil ton Toronto Moiol sunny but with afternoon ciou loose and chance of few widelyscat tered showers this ovcntog Thursday sunny little tempera ture change winds light Algoroo Snuit Ste Marie White River regions Mainly sunn but with some afternoon eiou iness today Sunny Thurs day little change inytompera tuna windsilght Cochrane llrpagorni regions Gunny but with someafternoon cloudinessand cbon mainly sunny te slurs Forecast leropeiotnres Lewytonlghtr ffigb Thunday Windsor esj as or hit ss Winghsm liamliton strltiethorfncs oer non Trenton Kflialoo Muskoisa North Bay Sudbury Eariton Kopuslsoslog Moosooee Soult Ste Marie Tinurltna errncrrvn Mylo rs no or console enowN NQi canoe roller cor TEABAGS57