Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1962, p. 19

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sac egg All Jitter ch lnils tor lute wfindim on and is good condition latte PA was liter bottle in road Apply Center luor PA mat squall National his llt sutur or Wellth rasu CONDITIONIII Ilse LII IilEL in meats MI BTW Service in Its swarm mm or pile and cover mm as rebuilt to your no tell and ll stock st reason rIcss Telephone PA eras OLIARANCI at in 11th as also may now ty et itl ciesners Irons Ito and ruur mIlrsrrie I1 iilpia lit OIL ilesler with auto ht booster salo circulstor sius ad lrcthlonsfils taken So no cs IPA H176 or PA asaeo D065 PETS It PUPPIES tor sail min months old ears are and shots lemsi Leontisrriok id Telephone PA Hill tbrcs months old on smploruhip blood lines lot hlsrsd yciiow strsdor Ms your old trsinsn hunts iy ilsinbow hiolol BOATS MOTORS Illl Johnson oulaosrd motor tank Liliansw Used Very lll 115 Telephone PA 751 DRLCItAPT host with Ill hp nson electric motor and equip nt sddics lilo isckets sla upnul Camp pordcn sis anILCItAlT museum or sale with Thai Eylngdakculsgiizn loror or maroon 100 Toiephbnl PX euro 001 SHEPHERD mIIWIID 1° ftiiiiisiiiliiir til it sltyiizi spptry outl Telephone PA 03 INnDAllD Outboard pow Ctullincr Fiberqu 15 runabout completely soul convertible lop Used only Clil PA Mill TID Tu ltltNT llost and with Trsllcr tor two weeks Ti to August in to it No or prclcrrcd Experienced with ts sun will hell in load con ion Reply stains rantsl tor tIBdVlI pcriod to Box The llsrrls Exsnsinar nook Ansusransu excellent condition to cut long plus id loot at end inllniirid tnlimloat i011 Iill lii TDD ii filled to depth OI stler up to last tired any two sossons list price Telephone lD Ststion Silk noose movsblc stccl tubs work with adjustable 1ch new canvas aovcrsd toe anti 25 Ieet long and avProxlm lo cut wldc Will huusc Inboard or two outhosrd otor hosts Csn ha instllicd in up to icct deep Whale all can be removed tram water urlng olt scosonr Urcd only two months Hall prlcc Om Siltlan == FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK best prices paid tor dead or ulppied cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service phonav or ask tor NIIii 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours dsy1 Assn ms BARRIE PA 31751 collect ICKS DEAD STOCK LRR Foxraead Ontario DLDTEIN COW or due July 25 Talcp aronsn Bradiord Pit eases LACK JERSEY COWJflr III ulct gt good producer Ircshcncri Iliy Telephone PA ddidd EARLING 1114192115 01 16 Ill Angus crosaed also it Pills cks oid Apply Kicmsntti tilt COW due to tresbcn Aulr liB Iceland calf Apply Robert dietetic 11th Concession inniitii iphonc stroud 21113 POULTRY CHICKS flock Registered hatchery shy chicks started chicks 011E NNYS POULTRY FARM RR SHANTY RAY FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE ers Vacuum Pumps iaairs Separators Parts any milkcr HANK BROWN nanrtlc HOLLY PA Mi ESlNG MOTORS ord Tractor and Equipment ES AND SERVICE ONE103 MINESING drain gilt to every ceupil who gt 1m FAILED MDN Im com mausme on CAMER no ll infill cola lots with Wool clear Dealld ll Ceohtowa mm mm II AUTOMOTIVE union caasron sass ices cuav DELUXE lour door rladlwsgon Equip ped with eulomstlc transmis sion simis two tone green with like new mulch interior hiust see to Ipprecil PAMm rr WESTOWN MOTORS Home one owner and csrs so BRADEORD ST vulu FOR RAMBLER Viau Motoraleltcd 17 Gowan Street PA 66488 or BLAKE so PA 61321 ioao CHEV BISCAYNE Tudor Equipped with wind shield washers new white wall tires Caly22000 miles Full price timo PA 86181 WESTOWNMOTORS Home at one owner used cars 93 BRADFORD 51 BRAND NEW 1962 Volkswagens ounv $1767 ExcludingLiceace Cast Al PIERCEH Morons ai ESSA at PA cases 10 DovmSd Montiii to Pay 1958 FORD Two doorIVictorid Equipped with dual range automatic transmission White wall tires signals wlndshield washers Two tone blue and whiterwith matching interior Priecdto 6C PA 85192 WESTOWN MOTORS Home at one owner used cars as BRADFORD Si rosr ronn soon lrlns orts tion Two now and go mn tor Tsiaphons PA error saytlrnsr tau onnsMoarnn our door suto mstlc rcconditloaad motor in ex ceiiout condition Sscritlcs at all Telephone Peteriiallewly st PA MIPS dayl or PA 511 19 NA leiiilr as custom rsdIo windshlsl tur rceiiniitl seamla ss new casui tlon I75 dawn take over manta at til per month phonePA 57083 1th VAUXHALL Wlldil super model slim my and white with contrasting red iostillr interior Daep tread tires Wladshieldwasb ersr Can be bought or Ins do and Lil per month lithdne PA E1091 hit CONVERTIBLE ill as Ing black with contrsstlng cud leather interior thts wsli true This car Is as new 68000 ariglnsl an be bought tor the low with 10 down iliepilone PMSml 5951 CHEVROLET Eel Ail Collv vartlblc Iuliy equipped automatic trsnsmissiaa custom rsdio white wsll timfwhaai discs windohieid washers This csr in ms dawn soar METEOR Custom Ranch Ws on In as new condition All new tires Two tcns osInt deep blue and white Windshleid washers and backup lights custom rsdicw This cart be bought or the low price at 975 with 10 downToisphone PA Milli cAas wro To our cast non your csr Liens sId our We do nor down into till Mot PA 311 TRUCKS Es TRAILERS gqlste with rscir ideal lohnllon phon Ins Austin pickup truck BuiitIn covered box Excellent condit For quick Isis Iidli leieh PA 837 liidl IAMO LEON Tractor Ind 12yard dump burr Telephone Brsd ford Prospect Lillie altar did our PERSONALS 1HAIRCUTS srrn return Irorn Telephone PA 91LOST FOUND Wl Dsslershi mum II Pass hostl ismis can scconsmodsts 175m Road can No sppohrtsncnt neceusry LEARN mmonassruo Govsrorneot Chartered Sebsel Mahmud bl till oi beauty culture narron umnnanastuo SCHOOL woasmy sr scans Till ROCK 1AM DAflil In em dolly at De or toll ra Look and to our vs st Telephone PA 85111 bulldog sa irons mi 11111 hirer Loll JULY illrcrn csr rack hr tween An and lslflsad Lsrgs rd tor dads aolleoi peter 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP TRUCK DRIVER laQUuEMEIlTsi one be ismillsr with area sentinel Barrie 00verfie years at age Ofimbitlous pleasant personal OPermeneat position Oleerai employee benetits Apply in Pinon to noss aurcumsou PETROLEUM DEPT MGR Simcoe District Coo érailve Services 259 1N SFIL STl EARRIE Young Man required as BOOKKEEPER to handle complete act 01 books ier sinaii iirm hem sex 21 EARRIE EXAMINER CLERKTREASURER WANTED Applications ior the position oi ClerkTreasurer tor the Village at Cookstowa will be received by thagunderslgned until July 26 1962 Applicants to state agnitllcaiiona and salary expect lMRS CALDWELL Clark Viiicgapi Cookstown MEN OVER 55 till or plii lliiil County or Iurtber dsislis tele phone PA Hide DRIVER WANTED Part or itii Ilnsa Ilust hs nastln pa ncs Apply in person to no on In Clepperton Eli TAPE MAN rcgulrsd tor mans snd boys wur buslnus Married man raisrraii Pleasant workin concltons Good msnsgem Mostan Dorrie Ltd to Dun ap Strut West MIN WITH CARI to call on local lsrrris to sail revolutionary pro ducts All issds hournpilul corn 11 ll limvsla Room No Thursdsy snd Friday No lsitPanllchE or love necessary Tslre the slut wsNi proiitsbis career in II Products known and sdvsrtl nationally High commission II or out time Chances tor promotion Write to Besunrian sac 8t Roch ltmt Montreal Id flushed FIEMALEHHELRI WOMAN WANTED II 111 or tirns cook Apply Huronis his house Tau Brsdiord Street Esr srs sndl ouaomen ates Andy crtsn nlop Strut hut sup lied ti psr If hcaiisnt cm tasks PA flHJM ammu 0ducstlen do not count us think ior shtilty Imban sad will to work Salesntoarlsace direct lines belpIui butnot essential ftsia uhoneiA elm icr contide lutdrvlswhetwus and 11 not LI DANDLIIIJM mares anachronistic user lurttslr detail EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN rseolm aeuuwsrlr its the Could an antenna relrails an 71va LADY require position II oase irnper Putr Harris srss to do housework dcor Apply tales II angle xsarla mmnscsn lwitohbesrd lle DRIVINO SCHOOL ce tlon with in uirs Fain preisrsclly Inq stool fit It lIRA 1y ll ca sms laminar il LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate oi FLORA GILLIES latsoi the1owashlp oi Notta hunger in the County ointm coe Widow who died on the ttbdsy oi October 1961 must iorwsrd some to the under signed day oi July last filter which date the assets will be diatribu ted smonget die parties entitled thereto and the Administrator will not be liable to anypcrsoo oi whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 11th dayoiluno AD 1902 BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ail persons having claims against the Estate oi WILLIAM seams late at the Townahi oi Fios in the County oi Smcoc Rem tired who dint on the Illh day oi May 1562 must forward same to the undersigned on or haters the 31st day at July root alter which dotethe as sets will bc distributed amongst the parties catltled thereto and the executor will not be lia bievlo any person oi whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 5th day July AD 1m APPLIANCE TONst APPLIANCE GRAVEL TOP $011 on or bolero the 20th FLOORCOVERINGS Charles Laws BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE RR mm 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario rrNoaas TENDER PURCHASE OF KITCHEN BilPRODUCTS Scaicd tenders for the purchase at kitchen byproduats are in vitcd by the Commanding car RCAF Station Edgar 0n tarlo Tenders will close at July 20 1931 Hlmcst or any bid not necess arily accepted Tenders should be addressed to COMMANDING OFFICER RCAF Station Edgar 0ntario you WOULDNT DISCONNECT 12 Pvfliu youa PHONE COUPLE or DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to gar in touch with you paring those periods when your phone service lardlaconiinued rcs iridium one win an tisiog People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued STENOCASHIER required lmmedi Barrie financl REQUIREMENTS ately by leadin ai institution Between the ages Vol ZDZL Able to meet thaipubiic Good airman Neat in pears renamesumo Five DH Week With PA 85903 95am pm Company Benefits good salary to rightpers Mtzxulrruu CiTY4WID Delivery rvicen PAB sIuur ruewoiuo uuoa saavrcss ANDZTVSERVICE um service HI DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 ORILIIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING sanvmo amen mu non APPOINTMENT ANYTIME on upper excavarmo FILL SEPIiC TANKS PUMPS Excavating sadliradln Water DeliveryCrushed no Hell srd Backhoe tor hire melanoma 19 Anna Street Bsrrls eat2m BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE SALES AND SERVICE 2t id PLEAYE tarminolt ocagdlste line or rsmcles Free stimates day or evenings Workmanchip guaranteed Free Parking PHONE PA 5852 EVENINGS PA B4352 roll HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS individual styling Moderate rates roan ennui season PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hancius Spray Painting Scrvica Sincslm es cross PLASTERING dc REPAIRS CARPET AND UPHOLSIERY Pickup Delivery and by since 130m consummate eeea PAVINGa ybvocsiJirrn MC adder Paving Phone on gozviz ALLWORK auanaman son awovaaas ASPHALT PAVING vaacoa shamans are Berries oldest msnuiscturers and suppliers otas all have opened new pav ag depart ment in take care at expanding business and will be pleased to quote on any paving lob isrgs or smsliin town or on the amt Plant and oiilce st NORTH DAYFIELD 51 DARRIE PA Mm PA HIM EVENINGSPA 3373 PLASTERINO STUCCO STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM carer PA 61675 asralcsmtou STAN BRYSON aaaaluaaarron oeuvres Clappartonfit PHONE rs Hm UPHDLSTERY MAYEAIR CiaanlnpDu Location Or in Our Pleat Storage PA 61612 WELl DIGINNG WELLS DRILLED PUMIS lNSTALi ED BY LICENSED DRILLEHS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling PA 87646 an BARRIE the June leveling deterred in oiiheariglnsl Liberal candl Iér Conservative Grant Camp totierednenleh Wyiidid MKifimi entire pponenls wiro had been to the ileld well bétore stomntrbecause oi thedestit date Albert Lsvigne iornourauwiasxaontlaat some tour weeks ago The Liberal victo ml compared with bulimia clot ell louryssrs ago it compares with Liberalmulcrltlel ran ng treat law oi AM to iii of we in theirrtringoi sis gen eral clcction trium hr its aim ZDYCIICUOD the Li rai margin was 350 Conservatives what or days had been conceding privatey the probability oi deieat iouad sacouragemaat la thexvery closeness oi the race Dr themflhore was real satis iactlon in the strong run by Mr Campbell in predominantly Tbs NewDemocratic which Itunt fielded candida Stomuotsia or usvreirsr the as noise seste Social Credit hoidtao snd NDiI ill in other NDPseei harem vacant Monday when Erhllt Regicr resigned Billitd bylcoquitiunrto open constitu sncy lor Mr Douglasbastsn June la la Begins City MPReeigns Seat To Assist Douglas UiiAWA tCPt Erhart Re xicraewy reelected MP ior humsbychuitism rcaignedhis British Columbia seat in the Comatonrhioadayto allow New Democratic Party leader Dougiartc contest the constitu ency in bycicction The resignation threw to urban riding orpeciaiiy since they had lost areas oivOntaro June ill US Doctor Returns Home JACKSONVILLE Fin AP Dre Gerhard Beck resumed his Jacksoaviile practice Mon day alterrelurnlng imm Saa My katehewan where he said org provinces medical care nsur anca plan iorcod him serving as an unpaid intern in hospital at leader ihc ESycarsoid doctor isltJmhad saved two or three ilvcrhetore the provincial Colo legs of Physicians and Surgeons threatened to have him ar rcstcd because he had on Ca aadian licence und in urban sure from doctors ilghti to stop ssuhs Prime Minister Dicienhakcr and the cabinet the questions at when the byeieclion will be heldat which Mr Douglas in leads to runand whether the government will contest his election Mia Douglaswna detected in Regina constituency in the June it generalelcction by Conserv ative incumbeotKen More Mr Ragierwas reelected in Euro abyCoquitiarn with big ms ibe Io year old Burnaby school teacher will becomes party organiztruan NDP spam eaid Mr hcgier intends tosceh another seat in the Commons whenever the opportunity arises He has been nParlia1 meat since 1953snd has been the old CCIs iinlnclai critic sinceieilw It the gaveramentdecldes pa hyelectioa as soon as poo sibIeas the NDPhas re Deck saldvhawas not mem County societyraaidin an in Qucslicncd here Saturday Dr her at the American Medical Association and the vDuvai llinclraonviiie County Mcdieal Society Asked why Dr Beckrcplicd thuthis ducs lapsed accident ally and haventsinca applied ior readmission Mcantimc Dr Samuel Day chairman airthe Duvai terview Dr Becks lack oi membership in themadical ss sociations did not niicct his right to practise in Florida lie has right to practise he added ttrere is no law in Florida requiring doctor to be long to the American Medical Association or the state snch csl association questedthe earliest dotswould beSept4 the llsalday alter Labor Day To CUT DOLLAR DRAIN WASHINGTON AP is Secretary McNamara launched Monday drive to slash the overseas drain on the United States doiiar by another 3900000000 year without cut ting fighting powerabroad The aim is to reachthe obs iectiva by loss with more than hell ofthc £900th savings coming through reductions in spending overseas most at which is donein Europe An assnus WIotAd PHONE an aura IPleasevadvise carrier or telephone the CircuivaiionADeparimeni nA56537 advising whenioaiop and resiariyour BerrieExaminér

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