holdln its 01 montbh tbs bureau of or and tillfcderal labor artmcnt reported today monthly labor force re shewod employment up by one to 8451000 while uncm yment tell by lti000to 3013 June Jobless total roost ted 45 per cent of the labor compared with 51 per In Juno last year iolnt Ddslsbor departv at press release issued about week earlier than usual sold ï¬fcrnase in employment as usually torgefor the dy une period decline in unemployment added was smaller than al ior this time of year picture In brief with so also In thousandr lunchtay June its 1on2 not her force 6752 6590 0592 mployed 13451 6250 0222 ncmpioycd 30f 316 370 The report is based on cur1 of 350013houscholds ncrnssl nada during the week ended it no 21 Todaysrelcase did not clude the DB5 llatlstlcalre rt on the labor force the ba document on employment unemployment trends This promised later this weeit Changes In employment and mployment between May June wcrcatrongly affected very large Influx ol youn pie into the labor markc id the report DECLINE said an estimatedtisnm agera substantially more In recent years were dad to the labor iorce hoolterms ended About II found work butlipllll were or Immediately absorbed into ployrnent thereby slowing own the declinefn lotal unem layment LONDON APiThe Britishl lgh Court refused today Dr obert Soblens plea to be Iset ourt observers estimated the ppeeleven if deniedwould clay Sohlens deportation to United States for perhaps weeks They estimated It gwauld take that long to com gplete the process In the Court fltppeal if he loses the appeal Dr oblen still would have pending request to the home office for sylum as political refugee The home office has declined Vto give any Inkling of Its attit tude toward this request but it nited States rejected the So vlel Unions Ialcsl disarmament roposals today on grounds they tend to create immedi and seriouslmbalanees of lacy power us delegate Arthur Dean told the 17natinn disarmamentI conference here thathe we comes the Soviet Unionsac eeptance oi thcAmcrican ape preach for phased reduction of conventional arms However he added continu insistence on tho el1mlnation or all nueleardeliyf cry vehicles in the first stage of disarmament quite clearly Is Lcirgest AVEuerf nearly 10 minutes before he an advanced Echo communly ations satellite The gleaming very sphere bbed any Shot provided rici but spectacular show for and observers In the Cape anaveral area as it separated on the Thor booster Unemployed self while en route irom Israel MA is with newsletterthan expected for Industry rising employ moat lavels ofiowed v1 seasonal patterns ihotfmso year last other gt on yesrtoycsr basis the rising trend of lobopoolngs In manufacturing was an impor that feature of the employment umin the second quarter Areas employment was up 195000 or 91 per cent Of thi manufacturing accounted for £0000 There wsssn Increase of so 000 In the service industry and somewhat smaller rains in conV strucllon and trade Agricullu rsi employment wasstvmlowcr then earlier UilAWA CPlCsnadssun employment picture In mid June tin thousandsl June May June 1M2 m1 ALL CANADA €1752 8590 8592 Labor Force Employed Mil 0154 6222 till 336 370 ATLANTIC storforce Employed Unemployed nuance borPorce on on Less inao 1112s that 171s 16a 105 me out root 205 2312 concoct to can mpoye Unemployed at assumes Labor Force Employed Unemployed nacmre Labor Force Employed Unemployed is thought unlikely will be granted the IfIgthourt turned down Soblans pigs to Ireeghlm trorn detention ytl1e office ndcr writ of habeas corpus The court upheld the govern ment contention that the 82year old fugitive who fled from life sentence In the United States as Soviet sni Is an alien In transit who had been nl lowed to pauseln Britain only long enough to recover from the stab wounds he lnflieted on him to the US Sobleh who jumped 5100000 ball when he Ist from New York to Israel last month is fighting for permission to re main in Britain or to go on to refuge in some other country negates the principle oi anoed reduction and would cre ate all earlydisequilibrium of military power detrimental to peace This to just notreialistlc he added Soviet delegate Valerian Zoria announced Monday whintire conference resumed after months recess that his govern ment was ready to meetrlhe Western positlo halfway by modifying its raft treaty on complete and generaldisarma men Westernspokesincn ai most immediately relocth the gcs as oi no maior import VShotv eter and drilled across the pro dawn sky it was visible for by haze and time It was in sight lta peered as brilliant yellow ob eel brighter lhanany itarsln tbcsky nys ohot was to deter mlnflwb 91F bblng at aloft There were no comm lcatlons tests lane made on emerged Je LONDON Reuters Iliand purge ay psore 1e ova aroused the alh at his Con servative party backbonchers Splashcd on the front pages of British newspaper this mornr lag were reporls of nprlvate of backbonehcrsrank membersei Parliament nlmt atlwhlch 7d ers denounced the Pilot Executes Emergency Stop rodhoanuns lCll TrsnoConnda alriin viscoun BII ing at the International at there today ofterllte nosow failed to position foamcovered runway with tho wheels on the wings locked in position while the pilot Capt Bill Gwy nee of Montreal tried ensue cessiully to ahaka the landing gear lnlo position He was In direct radio contact with TCAs maintenance divi sionjin Winnipeg and followed the instructions at cxpe rts there Most of the planes fuel re serve was used up before the pilot attempted landing There was onfagnnlalng hali mlnute alter the lane touched the runway durng which it skidd sever hundred feet HERES ONE One backseat driver is bad enough but poor Mr Gruber had to nwtor all the way tram Toronto towns with two constant advisers behind him his wife and his mother Jaw Aiongubotrtviondmt worm finally turn Once andtor all mended of his wife wh driving this hackf You or your mother LiberalMargin itedueed To 65 CORNWALLICP Ingroificer Alphonse Charron said today themeiority won by Liberal an did lie Lucien Lamoureux In Mondays Stor mont election has been reduced as from 92 votes as unofficialeou SAIGON liteutcrslAll tour crew membersot 1154 Air Force 12413 trans rt plane that crashed to Soul Viet Nam sunday were foundvalivs today Us ilItary spokesman are One oi the tour has broken Icgbutthe dlhers are behave guy tfyhurt hell picked up helicopter is or lyfatter the wfeckage of the missing plan was sightedat the foot of t70Moot mountain Inti1e cen tralhiglllandaof South Vie Iana crashed about 30 miles southeast olwlian Me Thuotwhlle on atrouttoe mam dennnce mission to the al there from gsigon 170 no as to the southwest Jnotlon of cabinet censuro by tho oppo sifion Labor party lntholiouse of Commons demanding Pthatv his government resign ondyesl egenersielcction1 Iwhlch rs hell But accordingto portscit was nothing compared to the blisterInstall one tths on was not own hackbpn quoted assaying encompasses 1th he Nnbarro single outlhe disl missalot Treasury Cblet 5e1 wyn Llo and dcsetlbedit as shab ranks and helpiMoemillanover Receives Astronauts Wings 1205 ANGELES AP Xld pilot Robert White earned an astronauts wings Tuesday by scoring record addmiles into spacewhore he saw mysterious paper like object driit by Fantastic he rndlned oi the view as he coasted weightless for three minutcsln giant are over California For the firsttlmahe sold latcrreferringto the deep blue bus of space or high altitudes 1I got the impression that was up inlt la dark blue sky not looktn at it Atabout at time he added ThreugiIJmy left windshield saw something that looked like piece of paper the size of hand tumbling slowly outal the plane Lthwas grayish in color and about so to 10 feet away havent any idea what it could be The pitsyearvold United States Air Force melon on his lhth X45 mission piloted the tiny research rocket plane it miles Premier Resigns Iranf TEIIHAN Iran AP Premier Ali Amini resigned lodny alter 14 months In office marked by sweeping land reforms and pporadic demonstrations demandingagreturn toparlfo mentarygovennneot theshah Mohnmmed Recs Pahlavf acceptedthe resignation Lowjliwards tit Dalhousie iiirdamcsIiunn Foundation toda LirAX OP announced the award at icon the scholarships go to Bruce and Jeffery Sack Sudbury wows unemploym pared with 556300 weiï¬n compared with $51 batednoxt weelostich motions umlnrté inputs for flights more than 100 down into Mexico as farssI laws BRIE year study at the Dalhousie Universitylaw ch filament Figures Reina ent insurance benefltmachweek in by com Aprlllho reported today lheamountpeid in benahts 6000001a monthrdarli feturlsry ail Onlarloifsh and Wildllis its view wasidentiilsdwithpshd dved vlsirnment vote of iheoppoaltlnn bln poctg tradition are discussed in too as osatble censure motion probably will Political observers said the cause thnConsorvntives to close his difficulties with the back benchers higher than 11 ovcrhasigone be fore AI designated astro mlles highin thalliercury space capsules are Alan Shepard Vir gllflrlssom John Genn and Scott Carpenter By agreement amongthc space agency and the armed sorvlces anyone voy aging more than 50 miles high qualifies as an astronaut Whites height Tuesday was 3100001cet slightly under 50 miles This comporesjwlth 246 700 feet or 4113 miles achleyed previousdy It was remarkably wonder tul flight the pilot told report ers There were too many clouds to sea thcvoconn but could see the coastline of the western United States from well abovo San Francisco Bay wanted to look VI could see moraclearly than ever before the distinct curvaturegot the earths surg $1500 scholarships for first statistic 3itedx Deputy and we to have to apply euthanasiarln such scolded In her bathtub no measurable riew tto LONDON Route Vanta mlnDymsinis ook over his new dutiestodsy as Soviet dep uty remissinto government shut made him no first Milo gain top Sov et gov ernment post sinesfitl Ths EMMYold Dymsityls 0N VACATION also took over the key rest of The altland hermothor Mn chslrmnn ot the stats panning James Armltsge and other chit committee replacing igtiimlr dron wm vaoatlonlog on Notiirovw has been moved to small friend about two miles snotharpotths Soviet nows molniahdldn the Cog Toss reported Nesday nosbono sroa Nomwnsploylns£wlth two hyts hes been men an 91 tfondd by Khrushchev he an who 16 soon aha or miiihthhdiipiiufriiilii °I do when thumbs senile she collsps ondnsv mrhyts was the latest of gained eonsc otuncss succession of Dr MeKsazI id romloEntpo it had broughtthe linitfilil reverential and 111 munlst party snake bite knowwi1ethor It was mop last or We boatbtlt he could not understand wh lmately foight latches of ATTLEB DIM¢K0tliii British eblym rattle snake that legislator today urgedtho child as he thought that was mercy killing of babioi born do the formed and limbiess euuse their mothers look th sedative drug thalidomide during illfllt adawouthorlzlngdoctors so of Lordsih day Lady Edith Summersk also willnsk the government to permit doctors to end pregnan clcs whcrothe mother has In ken thalidomide The tronnullllter was take off the British market months ago and it is only when taken duringvtho second month of pregnancy that it is likely to damage the baby By August an estimated 800 babies will havehccn born in the United Kingdom with missy lng hr deformed limbs Many more have suffered from th drug In Canada Weathermany Sweden ficlglum and Australia Thalidomide was developed by German scientists and after exhaustive tests wosintroduccd In Britain inlliss Administered in tablet form It was accepted In medical circlesrns one of the safest and moss effective tron quilllzera yet it vised ohiidscm In Bathtub TORONTO iCPt Thirteen month void Katherine ltliison died In the Hospital for Sick Children today after being OTTAWA CPIPrime Minis terDlefenboker meets with the postelection remnants of his cabinet today and la expected to appoint acting ministers for at least three vacant portfolios lhercslgnatlons of Mines Minister Flynn Works Minister Walker and Postmaster Gon erat William Hamilton des tested in the June Iii general electionare expected to be an temporarily by other ministers Fivemlnlsters were defeated Word from qualified sources on the eve of the meeting was intend to reconstruct his cabinet Immediately State Secretary Noel Dorlon resigned last week following his defeat in Quebecs Bellechasso constituency His place is being Bnlcer Tho iiithminlstcr affected by the general election was Sol icttorGenerni William Browne defeated by the army vote St Johns WeslA recount mom stilli re Mrs Gladys Allison told as lice she was bathing Kotheriu NOT ouanous Tuesday and lefttile room for it the recount proves vrnoment An older childBrowne defeatedhi turned on the hot water tap s1o dl dtnaboat onher way to the hos ital ore yes entity as result of alsoako bite Grossc olnt is sDe Alex Meltonslosald today tlnltoly estebilshodthat ogtrl die mother hora bybost as didnt nounced and their places tilled that Mr Dicicnboker did not filled by Transport Minister yearold Gr Poln reaming tovltormother th alto and approximately it utops ha result otthe DESCRIPTION Acoordlnti to theOntncio be rartment at band and Form Fish and Wildlife Review Masamhga ls short and stout seldom attaining alonftho hat teat momma two and RIO il hhdiiitpgngngh back ca Cit to eehua Paod III as tho tlcnrnron wells totallygttn antancoudy 1e gasses Minister Fulton and denoting solicitor general may be up pointed The oliicE though oi cabinet rank has no onerous duties and Mr Browns used it as Nowfoundinnds ropresentny tlvo in the cabinet to keep general oyslon his provinces Interests The cabinet departare of Works Minister Walker de feated in Montreal Notre Dame do Grace will leave gaps which Mr Dieienbnker from sonaisinndpoint will find cult to fill their friends in the cabinet soy Mr Walker 57 Toronto lawyer specializing in the laws of lIboiand neglect is long time personal and professional friend of hfr Dielenhnkcr Illr Walker served 11 histEnstern Canadian politlcnie agent and campaign manager when Mr Dleicnbnker was scckins1 the Conserve party leadership which l1ewanin 1956 lilrlfomilton 43 your od Montreal advertising and nsu executive first entered per e1 ment In 1053 and Immediate become friend of Mr Diefen lvegand enthusiastic approach re opoiilicai problems and con tituoncy organization