Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1962, p. 2

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sohxhhl cadet at Camp Bordcn isnt all use oi marching 200300 TréesAre Doomed As Council Wields The Axe Mayor has Cooke and other members oi Barrie City Coun cil praised Aid Les iollllle last night lor his sustained elloris to save as much at Battles treelilo as possible At the same time however Aid Jollillo explained that be tween 200 pad 100 trees lnihe city wouldhava to be lelied because they are dead He was asking council to give permission to parks hoard auperintendent Savage to mark with an trees which will have to be cut down so that council can put the matter to tender tor the work to be done this winter Nowis the best time to have this work done when the trees are in loilnge and the experts can easily sceriain the trees that are doomed because oivdir lease neglect bad irimming methods and march oi pro gress Aid Charles Newton urged Aid Joiillle to insure that great deal at caution was and so that only dead trees are cut down Alterati said Aid New ion ail trees are dying some time or other and dont want to hurt anyones laeiinga but we should be very sure that the person marking the dead trees Citizens Group council éDemands Restaurant Closing group at irate citizens in the vicinity oi the Richie Drivein Restaurant on Brad lord Street rnsked council to take drastic action last night and close the establishment because oi the amount at noise made by patrons and stall at the restaurant peliiion before council jcompiaiaed that people who lrequented the restaurant and the cars they drove made too much noise during all hours ol day making sleep impos gcaats the serenity ol mim mer outdoor living at knows which ones are really dead The man is taking on re sponsibiiliy that certainly wouldnt want to have said Aid Newton lie was immediately assured by Aid Jolliile who has been associated with lorestry tor or years that Mr Savagevls well nuaililed to assess the ire that must get it appears evident that there is going to bebctwcen two and three hundred that will have to be taken awaymany be fICarPlunges into Bay stDiver Deternnnes None Aboard have not established who the diver probed and police stood by with inhaler equip ment early this morning alter car careened down Daylieid Street and plunged into Kem peniclt Bay beside the govern ment dock The diver established that there was unions in the car and it was hauled out and re nltoved to city service sla ton Police said the owner at the vehicle was Donald Medhurst ol llahsyfield Streets but they The people who signed the petition said the police had been asked inthe past to take action but they had stated they did not have the proper amount oi policing stall to pro vide daylong supervision The request for council to close the restaurant was re erred to Aid Ei= Herseys iinance committee tor turther study and resolution will be brought in at the next regular meeting alter it has been given committee study BITU an wrsuarvr swrrznn William Switzer so oi Cold water Road Oriiiia died re ceotly in Royal Victoria Hospi tal in Barrie lollowing heart attack Mr Switzer was born in Jarv rstt One the son ol the later Edward and Julia McLean Siviiser He was tamer and lived at Crown Hill for 35 years and at Orlllla tor the past live years Mr Switzer was married on May 81 lathand he and Mrs Switzer celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in last at their home on Coidwater Road He was 3an degree Mason Scottish Rite Club Oriilla member at the Corinthian Lodge Barrie No 96 AF and AM Masonic services were held by Corinthian Lodge No as Alf and AM otBarrie assisted by theOriliiaLodges Heis survived by his wife Matilda nee Melterroll two sons Harold at Crown Hill and Leslie ot Eimvele three daugh ters Jean Mrs William Man ning of Creernore Wilma tMrs Stanley King of Harrie Elsie iMrs Graydon Cole at Oriilia two brothers lament Barrie Earl oi Thornton brother Alvin predeceased him tour sistersMrs Rae Baron of Bar rie Mrs Norman Reynolds and Mrs Tomlinboth ot Tor onto and Mrs Bert Parker at Montreal He is also survived by six grandchildren Sandra Robert and Sonya King oi Barrie and Ronald Judy and JeannoSvit sei oi Elmvaie Funeral service lrom Doolit tle Funeral Parlours was con ducted by Rev Allan McCuaig Euriei was in St James Ceme tery0rtllia Honorary pallbearers were Alex Patterson andWllired Jar rett both at Jarrett Stanley McLean Orlllla Jack Johnson Minealng William Edgerion and Roy Partridge 01 Crown Hill minister of health recently paid Bnrrie council inslnlght on the ent was Aid Smith then HIGH scrroor crosrs oer iNSTitllCllON rrcrnrsorrrr lite at susiunor high and needing to growling scr cadet It brought ch in at ih the above of finale where some school cadets catue oi poor trimming in Past he said He lurther assured council that only deador hopeless cs ses will be cut down There ts no intention oi completemercy killing mis sion he added He outlined that this was only the start of the plan and that when the dead treeslare re the roruoirrs pronoun avcorrsersrr BllND flhe following is the program tor this evenings psrlormance by the Barrie Collegiate Band lnQueens Park which begin MC Royal Fireworks Music Fllandel Overture La Palx Allegro Plnsie ll Highlights lrom Camelot ill Sketches ol Ottawa in Legislation bl River by Night to Conluslon Square This work by CBC arranger was played in manuscript as Canadian Compositionaat the riot Kisanis Festival Competitions winning lirst prim it has subsequently been printed lor bondip lV Processionai trom Viva Mexico Morrlssey Howard Cabie imoved he hoped that council gt wouldgo along with him on cornpiete relorestation schema ior the city driver was Chiei Ed ischlrbast saida men wasnported seenmun nlng from the car as it sped down thaBaytleld hill to the The diver member oi the Metropolitan lbronto harbor police went down as soon as policereached thescenaand determined that the car was is NM or Riverbndgfihureb Ontario more continuing its doublehprrelled program at nounr uioiy stared at elr students and it appsersto be pteytugloll in leisure County in cooperation with the De partmental Education at an tariov the Ontario Hydro has produced series at sststy per ton and displayed them on in eiisten lag tin their instructor Sewer OK For Sutton surlorv on cmme 0n rr resonance VO insulators on poles the hazards leafs $3333 pinch oi tslien lines and the tilille this Iowa to miles north at Ten ers ol liying kites and model ontou airplanes close to power lines out the year lhapostarsipolnt out the db mags that can result from throwing stones or shooting at Lerner and loewe Kennethpsmpbeli mentaryand secondary school school bulletin boards through think recslvad th unoccupied when it hit the wa ter Police estimated that the car was resting in about seven leet ol water The splash was reportedby Bill Vaileyol Valley Taquai before am Communicable Disease Dips The numberwot reported cases ot communieishie diseases lor the month at Junewss down Dr Scott Medical ottleer at Health tor Simcoe County said today Cases reported were Measles German Measles ht iilumps 12 Chicken Pox 10 Scarlet Fever Whooping Cough intectious Hepntltu inflammation ol the liver Hon Matthew Dymond his first visit to the largest Health Unit in the Province Slmcne County Health Unit Mrs Norah Chelonerwho wasin Barrie tor lteld work experience earlier in the year has begun work in the Barrie oliice Mrs Shirley True and illiiss Ruth Norton both graduates from the Certificates Course at the University at Toronto have joined the shaft of the Alliston ice Prenatal discussion groups in Barrie mills and collingwood have been terminated tor the summer months but plansare under way lor new training groups lathe tall TurnsDownf if Cruise Banner request from Delaney Lines and Services Limitedwto erect banner atthe lootol Hayfield Street meat tt cruise5 was turned down by grounds that it would sterli dangerous pro lent fihe ideasvmost hitter oppon sald Ifth let this rm do every other march and businessman ln titCJClly coui comeJaiong land righltuii lyhllrequestg council to permit banners across lhentreets in Snake Fence Country Vi Bolero Maurice Ravel Vii Concertina lor Percussion Section andBnnd CltltonWlillams V111 Jazz Suite Eobort Mersey foilDost Dramatic 1X Themes lrorn the Musical Comedy Wildcat LeighColemani XSongsai the islands tiinwsi Traditions Elniiialetiétsllliibhpyrcvai For First Siege ibe lirst stage ot Elmvaies tirst sewage program has been approved by the Ontario Muni cipal Board The llrst fstage anocha the installation at pumping sta tion thslaylng at trunk sewer to serve the entire viii age lorced maimand lagoon and will include elghilnch la Brick Thrower Is Appointed BarrlesMaynr Les Cooks has been challenged to take up Esrrlea by competing with innisltl township Reeve Joseph Cochrane ina brick throwing contest at Strnud this Saturday butithere is some hint that Barrie will not only throw the brick but will throw the matches weii in more of bull throw lngisessloh Aid Gerald Hoh Eris suggested that Barries Maynr shauid let the innisltl Reeve win the competition so that the township council wouldnit get mad and retuse to let Harrie annex some or the township Most of co edi agreed first it would be an easyvmaiter to beat the innisltl weaklings but through some secret inlor motion acquired by The Enam iners undercover reporter it was learned that Barrie might brow the match to assist the armekation cause MayorCooise Who will he out at thefcity on Saturdays has aireadya ed Ald Fred Smith Aid Smith reports this he has been working out this week with cement blocks which are much heavier just to show the lnnislli people how easy it Aid Roberts indicated that he might also takamp the briekdhrowing challenge they were being aved tow do ra hip 0i Sewer erai pipes lor the main section of tbiwilinge This stage is expected to cost $12500 The council also heard re portion the completion oi the new vilidge lighting systemL fluorescent bulbs to replace luminairles in the villages main section Caunellior Ales McAuiefi ehstrman ol the Hydro Comm tee noted that the some poles had been used lor the new lights only the brackets had been changed ihe luminairies had been erected on Highway 27 at the north and south approaches to the town The changeover was eilected in seven days by Ahercrombie Electric oi Barrie at cost or horrid renames Hydro is team this llegoodt bmnlr on piekin be olive all when they the tor shoot years Siren enough is never had sale cidantlavoivtsg occidentahsve sli adults and that why our program in the is paying oil lhm copies at no tor were sent to em domains and lit secondary schools in 1mm the provi Cop are also been sent to all Ontario elementary and se ondsry sdrool inspectors psrtment ol Education olch including throughout Mr ODonsi snidilhst all schools in Ontario should have to series at posters Council Buys Hydro Land city Council last night agreed to malts twospurchases trom the Department of Highways lor parcels at land being ol ered or sale by the depart ment The first concerned trinng ular portion ol land between Highway too and vtherCnlario Hydro property north ot ililini Street lor the sum oi $26 Council also agreed to pur chase triangqu portion ol land or approximately sas acresabutilng Highway too be tween tlunnldale Road and Bay tleld Streeivsnd north at the credit whiehthe BuylieldCund lessanltarygttrunh sewer will he built tor the sum at 100 per acr EMO committee Meeting Tonight City dcpartmentsjwilibe well represented tonight the Simeoediarrlo Emerg Oi ganlzatlon planning committee meets in the county building the meeting is one at ser les planned tor the committee with view to organizing the departments and agencies ol municipal and county govam meni Ray Atkinson EMO coordina tor said liaison lrom Bell Telephone Consumers Gas Hydro Electric Power Company Police Dept Fire Dept and Engineers will be present Re presentatives at private trans porctI companies will also at ten Waller Giggr city manager $3000 EilTHER Synopsis Lightwwindslh produced settledweathcr Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron regions Windsor London Cloudy early this morning loliowed by partial clearing Sunnywith few cl intervals Wednesday Little enge infltemperature Windsiight northeasterly Niagara Lake Qiltarlo Geor gian Bay Haliburton Timsg aml regions Hamilton Toronto North Bow Sudbu Sunny with low cloudy intervals to day and Wednesday Little fininge in temperature winds Algoma SahibSte Marl White River Coehrane regio Sunny with New cloudy vats todsyandWednesd ng peratuie Winds light northeasterly Forenaetlemgeritlllul Lowovernigh High Tuesday Windsor so St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham is news er is chairman ot the meeting FORECAST St Catharine Toronto Prierbgroush Trenton Kiliaioe Muslsoka North Bay Sudbuli Carlton White River Moosonee Mount Forest Sapli Ste Marie limrnina 7d 75 75 75 75 7b 75 75 70 7o r75 75 smgsassaasmsss ice reassess puh else tb event councillors in their chairs birds hsve ad lheprngrsns Airlines Day lorths public at Camp Borden mt Sunday is In wondertul in stitution tar as Barrie city council is concerned not drop pin lestlet over the city to as been down boo letter lrom Group Captain it Hilton oilicer command Ing at the RCA StationCImp Borden lovitlng Barrie cous Wiiiit illsnn sweat Ism more at or or harrielwontde Bombs oil to site the weekend was greeted hlgttranbyou and council mnmnm City his on Mnbui dlrew btgel line l1 to gouncii titles mil reqdm in own in Barrie fJuoior Chamber at Commerce to dsopJeatlets ad vertising thsirDonttnionDay goativltiu grind turni ar Isinhiguingg Members ot sin City Coils Vckiore toill the order at procedure during regular coun cll meetingshave an order it mlting speakers to in minutes in council discussions The councillors were startled with the results at their ruling that night when former mayor Willard Kinsie addressed council Mr Kinsia spoke to council and llnlshedby thinking mem bers oi council tor their lndul genes ihewords were he soon er out his mouth when per sistent buzzing nolseroused the Mr itlnzie calmly looked down at his watchstrut oil the alarm landrald guassmy time is up Mayor Les Cooke commented perhaps watches like thora should bepresented to certain members ol this council longer train locompt Locomotive Oil To Mdsitseal The lead locomotivelnvolved in the truckire WE toothellleot on murder is be tskento Montrenl lor repairs aUNB Ipokesman saidthis morninl Csrzebawson at or Shanty Bay led in the llama as the grain loud he was carrying caught tire on impact hallway oiticials at llrs esti mated damage to that one ves extensive but said today the damage total mote both The load locomoti to till dawn repairs in Montreal and out or com weekrwhliefthe second is to be ollllhs rolls tor two or three days rs TODAYS srocsesicss thrplledby animus on Dunlap at Eulerm alumnus fifhm cn Polo Asbestos earner Alsums lies Aluminium Alberta Css Allis Nat an on Bank at MA Bell rsl Brasilisn as on 30 Power Don Bis rt Corn Cdn lrallr CPR Cds Is Power Con lltln ssm Con PIN Consumers the tilt Dom stoma Dons tsr gILsEkes ltsrda hrma llurm Pit Name on gtllud DI illin Just To use in Oil in Moeps inland No an nsrprov pe Jockey Club lellt ran an Pow niv Massey Fora Narsnda lnm Pipe Page Hersey print awls Eddin Rollins no al Bank Holds flhirrtll Simpson Ihlwtnigan Start at Cara torJlnm EKP 150 10 bl 111 till he $70 72 110 amsat Union tiss Walker Claw ammo Gm Hines Gunnsr Holllnlsr Karrsliddlrrn Mmsgus torado Maritime In Min Margitl Nnrlhgsto ms arose cam and Nova Icotil Violsmac Ks DOWQONID NZW OBIS LVIBMIEI lsdown Lea nails own so Utilities data aonenro srocsv excesses nvnax ad down Li dotd stile Oplmilkl ausmont imam Sher itnrdou steep nook United 01 tVilroy Wiitm Co or Band Cori nail Desires Mine Bill rsson 70 able rent bee dsprlr1klared manutlacturing torsge retail be who

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