wontn roman shame sane assesses son went Icaiegioieaand Pr IForSedttléFdirSh or By GWYNNE POWER On summers day back in rose lord Elginthen Governt or General at Canadapaid an official visit to Barrie For this occasion group of pupils from Dorrie Collegiate lounrled seven cart before layed appropriate airs dur ng the parade This event establishes Barrier Collegiate as one of the llrst schools in the country to have its own band and as one of the pioneers of lnetru mental music in Canadian Schools One hundred and twelve years lateron August 22 this yearthe successors to these musicians will bear the banner at Canadian music continent awayat the World Fair in Seattle N0 STRANGERS But the present performers are no strangers tn internation nl travel and performance it Is through the worldwide re putation built up by these youngsters that they have been invited by World Fair officials to appear in Seattle it is re utatlonnwltii solid ionndaton Since 1044 when the Kiwanis lntemational Competitions beganthe band has won 53 trophies it has played in the United States on number at previous occasions and in was performed in Eng land Holland France and Del gium lhe man who has been the ï¬guidlng spirit behind the 75 piece band since its foundation in its present tormin 1937 is Fishertrend at the Cal legiates history department as well as director of music Under his baton lils ever changing group at musicians ranging in age from to to 10 yearshave put Barrie on the musical map But ltghas not always been success sioryMr Fisher re calls that on thebands first essay into the realms oipro vincial oompetittonitwas pieced seventhin class of eight So they went back for more and the tollowing year moved up to thirdand have not into sed taking prize in mpctt lion since in Seattle the band will give two concerts both on August 22 us part of program that features different group of amateur musicians at the fair each day at its duration CANADIAN MUSIC Not only will spectators on that day see Canadian school bandthethlli hear music by Canadian composers Mr Fisher says he hopes at least half the program will be Canadian featuring the works of such composers as ilarry Freldman Kenneth Campbell Healy wn ion Howard Cable Maurice Surdin and John Wolnzwclg The bands trip west will not touch onSealtie alone Arrang ements have bccn made for concerts in Vancouver Penile inn Vernon iasper and Ed monton in the Alberta capital the group will be the guests of the provincial government Desiple the success ot his pupilsMt Fisher is firm about one point The band is an educationaljpmlect and its entertainment valuethough den irableissecondary to academ ie and musical considerations Mr Fisher noted that work with the band ahnost invariably brought with it an increased musical appreciation lie said he noticed that many at his members were buying records at classical worlts they had played forecomparison and one joyment PROBLEM illr Fisher is faced with re ploclng about per cent of class graduates He noted lalrly cvcnly through the grades in ttlfl collegiate last very few members through fairly consistent fairly consistent He stressed however that he last very feqrnembers through dropouts between grades nine land twelve He estimated that he lost less than 15 per cent in this mannercompared with for higher dropout in the school as wholeu ISimcoes Economy iBuoyanti Seys Macaulay IThe economy at the Georg am Bay Region is generally buoyant and prospects for the future are bright said Econo mics and Development Minister Robert Macaulay loliowlng an economic survey of that Region in late June Sponsored by the Georgian Bay Develop Association an one mile tour at 20 munici palities in the Region was con ducted by Mrs Levitt and Young of the Department of Economics and Development accompanied by Neville Keefe General Man ager at the Association Eightr cos of the 20 communities cnvr cred are members at the One to been hour tours oi the municipalities were conduc ted by representatives titthe communities who could speak for their industries their tourist operators and their general business climate Many phases of econamle act ivrty were covered sifch as in dustry tou at establishments halislllg water and sewage fac ilities hospitals schools high ways forestry and agriculture in summarising thereport of the survey group MrrMacaul leysstatement reveal Employment levels are rising and there is to evidence of unemployment New industries have located in the area and number of resrdent firms have expanded plant facilities Waterend sewa have been improved to se new residential and industrial ertes The tourist industry is look ing lorward to busy season Agricultural conditions are most invariably the answ ers were favourable Mr Mac aulay said In general the economy ofthe region appears to be growing at an encourag ing rate error constrain The Royal Navys rum issue before 1945 was rated attllt per cent alcohol since then 55 per cent ge wtirllrs Jitter Survey In commenting on Mr Mac aulaysrelease Neville Keefe General Manager of the Assoc whcle henrtedly with the Minis ters comments and can only add ihatl feel he is being rather conservativein hie en tliusresm for the development of the region flhls surveyrwaa the prelude to complete writeup on the economic status of the Georg ian Bay ltegion as whole in relation to the situation across the Province it to anti cigaied that the book on the glen will be published by the Provincial Government early next ye PLIIEDLAGAINST declaredihc winners CbNtESitflULES Contest closing it is essential thatstrtngs be intion sold agree mast coupon sELow THENM sauce 51 rosonro i5c MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THE hilt with this are over does the band maintain such consistently high ndsrd through the your Part of it lurehigh school private tuition Mr Fisher says Many wants contact hlm some years ore their child ren are othigh school age tor advice in this matter To keep the whole thing in the hand family Zmest 01 these children are coached by former band members in the city la the time they reach high not many have at least grounding in their instru ment Mr Fisher said LACK IN BARN tie added that there was an instrumental music in public schools lnthc city at all and blamed this factor for the lack of dull school orcltr brass and weodwlnd in grade nhiethougtibetter éarllerrbut estraln Barrie it is possible to introduce dgce an orechestra inhlgh taught In earlier grades to pro school Mr Fisher asserted Haadded oï¬t that there were very low geodhlglr school orchestras in the pro vince Among the band members are some pupilsfrnm the North CollegiateMnebut they have been aliowcd to attcnd Central Collegiate to work with the band Mr Fisher spoke of work at North Collegiate to form strlnesection but relented to his point about prevhlglllschool training in this instrument He estimated that at least three more years sterorequired on strings than other instruments to produce competent sec lion term plans envisaged bi school orchestra embodying the band based at Central Collegi ate and the string section trom North Collegiate Mr Fisher pointed out that the band retained the name Barrie Collegiate Band be cause some of its members came from the North Collegi ate zone Mr Fisher is proud the esprit de corps demonstrated by band membersand the help provided by their famil ics As an example of this he pointed out that more than half the 520000 required to make the trip to Seattle had been furnished by the students andt their parents They hope to raise the re sorts and donations malnder by subscription con Because education is bigI ger factonthsn entertainment in MrFlstterI eyes the band is not too often heard by the general public in the cityw though it plays at all school functions However it can be heard in concertfeaturing much of remote that will be played in Seattleat aconcsrt at Queens Park on tilesday even ing And it wont cost the audience can onour BLOCK OR Hones lf merethan one person gets the correct iigurethe first five coir timbers reoeivedln each are above groups will Conth mini is imam emf ii supremo SMWIMM raerve be rightito usephmos for advertising lie noted however that ion IOnNoise group in window residentt petitioning Harris The people who havorsigrtcd the petitioners centred around srcaeftito tuebis Drive in Restdurantwhers homocttn crs say the worst oilcnders seem to lurk The petition beln circulated ti Nor ton dormer Beltyrtcgsflrman who livesintdeo Bradford Sb jMost resldentsia the area said they were saddled notice have done their the past to control the driv tang menace but as one man cruiser would have to be there every day and night until about are to really watch the way some of these youngsters drive Council isbclng asked to take action in controllin the noiscrnade by the vehiees as they enter ahdleava the drive inrutsureot conserving tiniest Completed Alloying ls nearly completed la Simeob County the Depart ï¬nt afAgrleulturo re rted ay Keith Clay assistant to stew ert Page of the North Simone branch who is on holidays said both the grain crop and corn are coming along fine 0v Wm Neafly 5000 members of the Loyal Orangelodge went to Minnie brisaturriay to par than tlclpate in the celebration of the mad anniversary ot the Prince of Orangesyiclery ov ct Rentals Catholic King at the Battle at the Boyne to $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 00 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Wltiv$200 WIN$200t Wiiiy$200i ENTER rHisrAsthUS courssrnup WIN sane T0 QUAtlFY counrriieootcansinusestinsanvearrssMeurann COMPLETETHE All IMMEDIATELY ronoaru AMERICAN cousrsucricu on 12 NT THE wrunsris war as sticistsrcn szoo warm or sev NOLDS LIFETIMEV cotcssn ALUMINUM siotueisnoon COLONIAL sronsrro as new certescrosmsoven vouniiOMEev poemanemone source THE VERY LATES HINGIN HOME BEAUTIFICATIONAWE WILL MAKEVYOUR HOME TtiE EIGHBORHOOD TAKEADVANTAGE 0F 15 YEARS ACCUMULAT ED KNOWLEDGE IN HOMEBEAUTIEICATION BRICK be hot boyatOrange Lodges from play srucce Hones runners assenresu cartoonistnor 12 sense on rename 15 our cocaine supersonic Nauru oomaerraenn ans stone or rare sevens Vermin churns phase psld gt mom this his victory Cltyjcounm Mon toytolro pants at to sctiop to alloying tire noise mm trem vehicles ovary night mrs Igoto Northern inland gt when hey marched hitrï¬ipbon tires Seturds itvwosin rim that William Prince oi orangeudefssted in battloihe Roman Catholic King lamest and since thatrune ndlllonsplflOrangemen ummd ths worldhare been celebrating The Glorious to celebrate the event 00 cos West Simeon BouthHPnrry Sound illustrates some Mutants North OntarioNsrtbnnd North York County participated in the mammoth parades scene or pawns withrrtorelhsa score 01 bands participating in the huge parade it was really or day for the flutes and dntms as men women nndchlldren mar shed proudly streets of 0201000 to the Com munltyPsrlt Parade Chairman Ivan Valcy sold total of 80 lodges were represented in the largest par events he held in site land with nearly 5000 marchers and many more people watch lag the paradefl huge throng ware Contra and Jack Moore of Toronto who is also pastgrand master in the Order Mayor Northern lreland Above the Allandale lodge widthwas later judged as the best dress ed iodgcdn the parade lip per Elliot is the Myst Orange lodlgdeIy tvy 351303 mm Si as hundreds efothers didtn theparade cache 90890 oozsjoots 003 not ooze not 00 out not setting from the town of Midland sndttev Charles t7 of Victoria other as sessedthe prfge winners in the parade lhs ledgerlib thefiargesi number of rcprosentsttvzs was the loyal Orange Iodg from in shell tournament in the slicenoon Ortillatopped three outer seams to take no in tlrstprise money The Orlllln team beat oukbtldlahd Morris and llllmito tortlis honors at thodayu OLDEBI MARCH The oldest Oranremanto march inrtlra parade was so yearold William Baker of Cookstown Mr linker said this was the 7tstora gs Par sdc ihst he has me ed in adding and this is one of thsblggest and best in which have partlctpsted through the Speakers who addrcssed the of Strand pas grand master scum chelrms or all the enhancements satiation IlrnoldWon Pypsn ehslrman of the parade Jack Cooke concession chairman and Mr Carter =chatrrnanof the receivr till committee lhd parade which stretched for nearly two miles started at ttwoommuaily park and mor chedutroumnhe streets of Midland back to the park where it finally broke up rim the roosteranre lodge held to brief memorial service at Memorial Park in commemoration of member vet crane who tort their lives filth trig the two world wars The be ceremony was conducted by Rev Welter Dyer at St Geo rges Anglican church The men then left for the Mid we edinio til mo throttle wereth killed when contriv sn byJanis Drsifeids north Cm mtnreoto and amid victim or the groin holocaust on Sstllrm moraineGary tom of Shas ty BayAls to be binloo lemons His body was binn it beyond recs nllioo after the of tenyton truck hots flames aftern ONE holiday pass enï¬ertrain kntftdtllrough vc lots on the nth concession timlslll tovtnstdp smile north Strand the blaze set fire tothe nu roiatding wheat field ship fireflï¬itens battled the blasts to stop It spreading tos The dead man is thsymssgest of family at ten and tsgto be buried at Barrie Union Cemetery after service at dire Jennett Flt oral Home lie is survived by his wile the former Ricks Hilts and by part onts llfr Mrs livLawson and sioters Madeline Mercy BONUS 0° sinsrenfsf according NewHcmei dune Ruth Borflts and broth ers Wilton Douglas and Walter one District oopsradveSsrvlo es iarthc past four ye ifl mittectreports it is pleased with atténdsnce at this nanni ers parks and swimming pro gram gt As at July there 1141 children regltlered parkssadssstntbebsswlrm mlng elesses conducted The committees summer actor Ronald Moreen is pro vidlng an cxpaaded parlts program this year with some thiag included for all age groups In addition to the arts and crafts games and sportlv for the older youngsters and such things as golf and arch cry Cenaclng is also planned for the older members in swimming instruction is being given daily atlthe Liens pool Johnson Beacb andKinsv then pool Tests will bogfvus during the summer in diapers lore swimming categories and badges awarded