rinnrossonaaais nlaronca an VAltgtForca Day at Camp Bordon on be held Sunday July so rieaturing lhs liGAFa in on Golden 41011005100 anomalous Promotions ht centr Mineslng litsdes 00 Adams lleth Greek Linda Kennedy Erie Luck Denna McDonald have artsy Maw Lorry illlclis step hon base Nelson Thaw Lyn dpiiv Koitschoten Cornelia Van Voorst Hank Ward James Grades Anderson Karon Crawtord Marilyn Kerr Barbara reel grant Klaas Parlridgsjloyd Polych LyndszSnge Howard Srigley Lorry Teeter 0111 van Voorat Dick lVeatherbeo lohn Perlect attendance Lynda Polyeh Grade Adams Cllttord Erallck Joseph Johnson beat her Johnston Nancy Knislay Delbert Ln Chapciid Yvette blow it yr Noordogrnai Mary iVsn do Larrthtddlo Van Koltschoten John AGrado 00 Adams Donald Giiten Warren Holley loan Meiosis Sandra Pain Stephen Patterson Alisn Patterson Linda Van deLnar Adriano Walton Terry school Grade Downsyiiosanne Gltteniim Johnston Sharon Kerr Ronaldt Mow Brenda McDonald Kenneth Muir Sus an Noordegroat Lenordy ital ich Carol its Kollschotan irFrances Ward Allan Grnde Diane Ashbcrry Ricky Adams Bellby Heather Downey Cathy John oton Donnie dyDlane Martin Brent Mothers Barbara Pricit Glen Priest Howard are FREFPEEEFEEW ilaw Months hate been de voted to preparation oi the program and Barrie and area residents are Squadron Lead Prieat Van ds hear Alex Van Voorstuiinrold wood Gradefs Jim Adams Keith Anderson John Ball Harold rColss Earl Glitch Nancy Jockv son Norman Martin Kathy hisy Tommy Mlcks Mary Don Priest alen5agolohn sin cloir Chris Tooter Doug Thaw Pertect attend no Given Beilby Kathy May Chris Teet or Grade Height Amy May Holley Richard Kerr Sharla Knisloy DeborahiLa Chnpelle Ricky Morrett Nancy lllor row on gla Muir 111m Noble Dnvidi Pain Shelia Priest Jack Lynn Teeter Roberti Whitton Sharon Grade Bollby lanlco Johnston Gary Knlsley Brent La Chapelle Luck Heather Martin Terry Maw Coral Mow McNobb Cathy May Susan Micks David Nardagrani Elsie Noble Bnlcov Pertect nitondnnoe Gwen Noble Richard Holley anions New York khan as composer oi sueh songsjaswcrazy llhyth and lmnginotion whose term or chtstrn inhludod Tommy Dor sey Attia Shaw and Downeykl Hollywood Jerry Wold 40 one oi Hollywoods leadingiilm producers orton statistical summary lorlwack anolna July Avsltnaa YiBbDl lit Aysrfls Stock Yields Bush 10 Frotcrrsd and Stocks was Common ladustrials 4410 Mining July 1° 441 711 Gilli 11 109 FriesInnis Ratio oi Emil in Industm linden Abitlhi Aisoma steel Aluminium Ball lslsphona an on Csnada Csmont Canada Partners Canadian llank ol Commerce girl1min Celsnsso niiihttttttihd Dominion stores amount ion international Nichol Interprnvlnclal Pips Lists MasseyFerguson hswinlgsn at euros llssr isWu Abltibi PowerAnd Paper Co LtdEumtngs at the company will be substantially greater in 1002 than last year Doug ins Ambrldge ent stated Me Ambrldge said Abi tlbi is expanding its hardboard plant at Alpena Michigan at cost of about $5000000 The expansion will increase prodch tion by about asper cent The company is spending totalot 07000000 to $0000000 toex pnnd hardhoard he added tlbi which now is spending out $1000000 year on re catch wiltinerense this to bout 02500000 in thregryearaf awintgdn Water andPower any declared to gt20 ant quarterly dividend pa bie Augusta record July 17 lvidend Julytt The prev only paid dividend was 20 terly Fuller stated that the in case in co no me divldcnd ouid bring the Shawlnlgan ayout ratio morerin lino wlth prevailing in the electric tliltygindustry generally Aver age payout torthe industry generally isrmore in order at 70 percent in relation ioearn ings $151 share reported tor ooilfthe new annual rate at Loo petshare represents apar goentage oi 06 Peri901 auosnrmnntsss the 1002 ilscal year time Earninll par lilacs mtio new 113 20488 1010 1915 ll 1011 1140 15 all 1403 11 1158 ll 1901 12 president said in the six months ended Feb 70 1062 the Company earned $10 mil lion sir5107 per share as compared with $13 million as $150 per share for the almllar period in 1001 Dominion stores Limited The annual dividendrate oi the company has been in creased to iOaperphare as compared with the previousani nuai dividend at 02 cents per share McCormaclr Pre sident told theannusl meeting rihe that payment atthe new be made on Aug 1406 Dominioniiioundg steel Ltd Production sales and operating protlts rat the Company in the first haltot i002 werethe heat level of any six months in the Com panys history Sherman Chabman said The Company expects to operate at or near capacity lnthe third quarter and probably at good level in theiourth tern Canadian BrewersLtd Net incomator theslx month per iod ended April 00 1002 amounted to $4710002or 21 cents sharens compared Sept 14 7record ywith net income ot $1451 017 or 20 cents perjcammon in share tor thevname period 1year hetore sales tor the slm million as compared wllh 01000 million tenths 1001 its Rotter Wbltsï¬ quarterly rate at 10 Vcentslwlil es and 91 Do nay ooordina Walker otilcsr command as the aircrstt train school Ottawaltlen Faced Death In The Desert By RON LEBEL OiiAWA CF No Ottawa University men are staying close to hours tor while alter six month tour oi Central America inwhlch they taced death tn the desert constant hunger the risk oi malaria and even arrest as suspected proCastro agents thin and haggard Pierre Na don 22an51hlaurice Nancy 01 arrived here by hus site driv ing their shaky two cylinder pickup truck into tho ground and going through sharebones 0000 budget fNow that we know how to visit Sleuth America or rich but with more realistic oiii tude Nadon said in an inten view The young men travelled on roads ranging trom inlr to atro cious and had close shave when thcir truck overshot hairpin curve alt night and rolled down 00toot embank ment in Guatemala Their tirst hairrats xpe rlence also took place Guate maln in midFebruary when they were picked up with on Castro students who had led ligovcrnment riotsi ew tanlane on we hl suppose cant to police 0r Nadon We were nrd ld bush aekcts and rrled rltle and hunting knives They were detained tor atew hours until an army otiicer rived examined their passports and released them lhey tound that Cuba and Premier Fidel Castro were the most common topics among Latin Americans At May Day rally in the Nicaraguan capital oi Mnnagua workers shouted such slogans as Cuba today Nicaragua tomorrow and in mostcentral American cities they saw rpmCommunist leatr leis and poaters People are split in their where especially arnongwo era but most people we saw were strongly nationalistic and opposed to communism He found that hisbosts had grest res eot tor Canada be cause at or fnoninterierenc in Cubanaiioirs They had fairly good knowledge at Cana dian geography and politics al though many have the impres elon were still aBrltlshreol my LWEil HER idynopsls unsettled weather with belownormal tem peratures appears to be the pleasant outlooktor this week end and threatens to persistan the early part of next week Lake St Clair regioaWind sor Cloudy today and Sunday Light rain probably ending byv were and scattered thunderstormslate to mldday today night and Sunday llt cooler Winds light easterly to day southwest 15 to 25 Sunday Lake Erie southern Lake Hil ton Niagara regions London Hamilton Cloudy ioday with occa nal light rain ullkeI to southern glans increasing cloudiness to day becoming ave thia atteruaon withn tew caitered showers Partly cloudy Sun little cooler wind lght east lESundsy Lowltonighi High Sunda Windsor Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharl Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kiliolte travel we hope some do to 1idliburtoh res 7th voted bee saline oi the des at tho ori lilnl liberallcandldato was executive assiston Mrchsvrier whitehaired lawyer oi an op resented Stornwnt tor to years in thodiouu oi Commonsile is oollveoi Cornwall bat the an impassioned reply loo Conservative charges that hung Co rivarfin negotiations renco Seaway WEILEMINIETER lbsseatvay agroement was concluded and work bdgun while Mr Chevrlsr was the re aponslhls rnlnlster at Ottawa tie lsierbecamo tint president Women Boning liq added thatth ariseos have nevorllotthls corn stliueney downahouted Mr Cnevrlor hlsrvoloe ulvsrtuo rno Notln is denied in not tar sway when provided original up In The lid orthodontistshanghai Women intour countries are boning up odtho art otthrow ing rolling as in prï¬soratlon tor the words iirst empion ships Julyll ltwili be part ot the tourih iniernstlonalubrlcls throwing contest taaturing musclemen in tour communities named Strand in Gloucestershlro England New South Wales Auisirlino Oklahoma and Strou Slmeoe County The British and American brick teasers last year invited their namesakes in Australia and Canada to compete in the noydeontest iiilsiyenrflA trallnlisuggest lt aould udo liins is petition rworn the elfailen has token women here and they thaslaatically practisings llh twolshiny hardwood pins out over from Australia opinions on Cuba saidMs Nation Castro is hero ever Tilo men are five and brlckavmada in Stroud Shaman teams inoach no Insanity will eontpete tor goldplated trophy and the world titleResultswtll be exchanged by telephonevand cable Bricks may behuried item standingror running position underarm or overarm the Ontario team hopes to pick up point rs this year by watching the omen toss their rolling pins Oklahoma won the brick throwin contest lost yearbut Ontarlos team has high hopes iot capturing tltle Bev Cochrens 14yearold iarmer hns llrrgwndambrlck 11010 teet tur can raccesas unmodiï¬ed th record setldstlyesri ttrelloiStroud The St OntL learns tor 111 be than on tonight alter trial baskets of peas beans and la spotin the inals of tb These are morethan 3000000 head at cattle andabo many sheep and go 1an ganyika in East Airlca vlng at the sprintlboard div anadlan swlm mlng and diving ehnrn l0n threemet ships in Vancouver day it Wirephotol toastnoun Straudzmi aiil duplicate locks will be needed on the see warat ComwnliEan eventual short time ope hendqdartorsioi thrsoawayrau thori needs The that were red 00 per centtrcm 70 in mar in requirements the unountt at must he poiddown cash on unto thoSenatd tlnaneecom Ito mittee killed span to withhold taxes on interest and dividends pprovsda IGVQGDQHGHI investment credit tor taxp poles The withholding planyes opposed strongly by investor groups The investment credit would tree more money irom grossprotlto torplaa im mentab lne third waoths meat oi new tnx depreciation schedulesy saving any as mated 01000 000000 Lin tastest year by letting oompanlesd moreltrom theirtaxea ment depreciation An immediate oil at each ot these actions was amp irr stock market prices glv ngltlidt tluctuntlns business the air break at lat tilsSennto committees action on investment credit to ea courage plant modernization by dialogtax leredlts ill BID The tastestselltng item on the10arris Fameranarltct this morning was tresh garden pro duce Ono vendor sold00 new potatoes within or very The first ranpberrles went tor Vaiicents pint Flowers this morning included peas and garden ti iAiricon violets trorn Midland soldmtor dictostcenia Vendors came irorhrilredtord Midland trom nn the south to uh Forditlotor Coexecu tel group in Dearborn stitch the economyneetied was good dose oiconild roe lko lacoecs gsnersl mean oi eompnnys Ford div on sat tbsts economy is soun la damaged by some whores motor ccionllimt on Ithaehartï¬l Htstcompany meanwhile pro diiudtts 1000009thcnl forth tnhhespingwith ahuatl business ths ha oi the every line lsoounto sr lulu sa thehorth Among various items tor aale were home ah ng products honey eggs and iams as ArvOURSsRVIce gYQUHONE YOU YOUR HOME lusuaeivoua soar ALLslices or BOATING1NSURANCE Avnlinate HAVE BOATINGFUN THIS and shoaldrcmoin so unlesavlii cables in diotiog an sariyxpicimo in ctlonfwltlaiinai quarter orsers runabout level with good tlnal quince oldest Lukena steel however its quarterlydivlds cents trom 40 cents expansions Nsunnsscanoassov on oss