Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1962, p. 8

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slut woe Whamole but Larseylit definitiodltoar ece tull ruomen lr to bee Nat Dorie Nu Irsiieciilve wLo It me at Iioottlrrrien llt mamlntedhmurymamatewmnmue rhtpwmittitih°°htf3 IIIII nonsense mite fttoidappointed superintendent Oltlce hours to be em to Mondthughhtdsyrfl CA Vflltlil8vanily Aricu mmm or aAnniE umon calamity Reed PA can Nehtdoerlotnllmparletnlsmi SPECIALTRI ih on second floor gr nood lsre en as well as diningI room Tit train 115 DUNLOI ST EAST onyounirdaiPA eeaos htertoa RutledgePA iii NevinDA than ronnonaesun Room Member lerrte and District Real Estateiiroher PA oiooe odgési Joaa Langl PA edict Charles PA iaaii VA ll4lDuop plus Ishower dining room BAYVIEW TERRACE Down nutond level are two bedsoo bath ml Shlnlv Day Old It Bill nominal oer opsninn to instance Ly vdcsicrtandcoiiee RealEstatoBroker uomiiiuietxoo Frameotiicebuildin ieitzt Pm bed $185 Igloo tor teed business warehouse body shag oryzhat iiavexieouiV BIRTHS sum OCOAttloNThe aina evident in thisbeautliully styled home with 45A DUNLOP ST There are plenty of ator Vi Help yoursoit in soup orJuice utiit dd ih and build terrific sandwich figmowgau Miltmlliormm to mum um EVENING DINNERS Worth learners and at this price it is bargain Terms may be FROM bPJtl DAY OR NIGHT arranaed Bd No 701 ot your childi To tell the not news to lrtends and min are The BUSWTIEySSA MEN ten mmmm WNW niouerooi treatmentLStepe fliereni hati load to in sin level snde spacious open living room rd any iiirthcrxintormstion to suit you tarnish it with celery olives and pickles Sel REDUCED Drive minutes and save 30 Youil begliid you did asonavoaa Let rm hamlet ciauiaet In The near as your tate gala PA Melt The rate la only said and amend andreaidanttai aionm iiidoth Smith Campbell PA 57389 Member that mate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE anoaan zoo TiliinSt PA 34831 mmos Karl Marshall in quotient conI inside and out and no resentsexcelienl value tor your money Maire an appointment to tea this home today Tenor a9 Bowmans on 87236 Bargains Store tot lease evnllable August let itlooirnonth Lovely Home in Shanty Boy Jroimt eiieoo Variety Store Stock and tixturea 534500 80 Pm lb fireplace Ilera zPA 34303 also is the master bedroom eplece bath kltdien action at cheeses Choice oi 51900 iitiYeIthisLvtmmerelal properly onBlako St Consistent day at birth lust aI Suitable lldltttrlll OIIRINM the Royal Victoria itoeptul liarrle on Thursday July it last to Mr and Mrs Vernon Dream isrburh street Anaus Ontertv son Mellonair and Mn alorae McLeod at till Barrie are nap or to announea the birth at Ieon on Tuesday July twill at tlae lloyetvtctoria ilnlpliai ENGAGEMENTS PAHlMONIIRDWN Mr and litre timid Patterson at Bertie announce the engagement of their slaughter Anne to Mr am at brown son at Mr and Drown of Barrie The amt untrue ly in we in at Ananws Presbyterian Church MARRIAGES MLMI WILKINSON 0n laturttey teesin neutral United inure by the Ytev Cecil Bren Annette William to Mr herits Penar both oi asrrlo COMING EVENTS Square and Modern DANCiNG EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Oakviaw Community Centre Wasaga Beach 1305 SCOTT and the Canadian Pioneers Caller HAROLD HARTON Featured aromatic and caller £10m CFTos Country Style TV KN DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CAEAItET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PiNECREST enso couple For tobic reservations ALE 157R hihdittthlttith itll or the parade steps that be Mlde It LOL 32 H0 IltI LTD zlatl Int am Cenotaph at it Stock Certificates Reported Missing with 3000 square toot plant at rear film mvnnaaaz zoNewlon Sacrl ITWD BEDNOO ace Owner leaving city convent bedronmbungslow paved carport recreation room lniy princl al interest and taxes no It than building lots Only as Low caslfiiay llm Lenoir aiinas merchantion MOVING gauiewi Lanzygtlggofiltllmofli Don targetto transfer your fimmlgx wilfuld loom NSUEAZCE non httfttlhhllil hut IDth emanate jig Ta tttlhhttndtlttl mansort swalN PA eases oflgterllnl am LAME oilhtJonmfllmn house titres hllha Suitable tor two lam ulst FOR SALE irtiu giants orbltlliti punctual auinnsns oriunltyi Leiu It PM lot over as egg opposite Bowling litmus Aliey on Eloise street 90 Telephone an evioe EVEN ACRESelade productive soil tor sale onollignwly about Homiliestrons Barrie Tate pbona PA LII or lllfliifl in formation mm BLAKE ST AT PUGEI dNow vacant dGmund ner mi hm eiil one room ll BUS OPPORTUNITIES apartment Separate citiganca Neareast and shopping centre and beach t75vmonthly PARTNER PA87475 For retail lumber nndsupply MODERNAPARTMENT outletkin Weston Ontari Four roo odern upstaira good soundlnvestment tor the apartni in new apartment right person wishing to invest buiiding Nearschoolsand on approximately $5000 with intern bus line Two bedrooms Roisig estlng returns No tritlers orator stove and drapes in please Appiyt chidedIndividualJbeimostam 4BOX22 Washing in drying iadlities lLarge play area Many other BARRI EXAMINER teatures Children welcomeINo assAEusimn scanner or petsplease in Nantes St Iem math The thisan ale lully equipped lnasnatllete Whining £3 Iieatulres of reiiroperty tare pglxesztloigahpptyéflltma the iinsneiai beneilts to be de room largo modern kitchen Hm Fm Milieu rived over tow years Upo dining area and pantry 2bed REALToflAPmASERq reasonable down paymentow urooms and newspleco bath OBERT DI 301363 on will talre back that mortV roam upstairs Small barn and REAL ESTATE BROKER gage tor balance Payments W1 i1 DUNLOP STv EI Rm will be covered by income from Phil 37735 property ForlurtiierIlnlorma 09903139 and 51° lion call Joe Vreugdeiihll three dmm home Member or Blrfle District lil kit no no HEB VDE room large dining area lots at cup boardsand storage Oil heated 0m Dventnasi oonnuN nounsPA erase Czloraidwlsgtihrgum fixturesyvaa Wslfigyséooafiygxu cerwonmnvoroNornoun mvnin anemia JO vneunnmuiLr ol iterate and Dielrltt lteel talsle Board Ellwood HENDERSON REMmg isolation BLACK LAND15 room full prle tor thisLtroom EXCELLENT VALUE 330KB brick dwelling located inVAl Jtllolrléfiaglrgeifir in this ioveiyruc brick ounca any fimfaflwiéiflihw$2I low on qllgethasrefl waltlland PA Haitis bum human mam NURSiN HOMES scoped wt an on rm no AC is ran in ems mm Noumono fihitm NW1 dtcttml All Clay loam aoiLreal oood aor huh would Anglican33 5mm 555 unit on eosss recrcaunnroom Very red9011 denland situated on black top we 1mm Down payment jauw Wm n°uiiio Atrium Lot ColiSt mining mm ca adm i° i1 tilt drum and the balance on gmrmfl if on oo isoo or ways insul brick house two on mn my 0n Edlehiil DrivaI100x iWtiooo barnsandagoodebtckcnhoiise Summer Homeson Wuterirorit unto MUST BE 50 THIS WEEK Water pressurei to 1mm and CALL DAY oR EVENING °FFCE5I STORES RENT Summer home leilease mile Barrie so ngnmlgfigyxéyhgnqsmg barn stabltng is fair epien PA 3237925 tome Inca ELR WARMING counrnv aunonaow homeuDowniown location one rmma 0500 tough 55 AND zrlfllgihfoiseiyiolrflgtiredicouple biiisstop on no man inortnaiiouhtP veryFrSsonnble rDbllltlliiirlflw vino 00 Nome room and at convcntenccs term Ca are 9V9 E000 Dairy barn 6000 hipsruotanrla MIC ova New LISTINGS steelstabttng thwnterbowla ADCONABEACll IF YOU WANiYolm NEXT HOME no BE NEAn scnoor noih first time sdvértisod One on mg TWO re from no driled Fl 15 Owen so Banta We have ltt Iconiin summer warm in winter this solidly butlt downtowniocaliongModestcha Imp malemmnvin avg mm 52 gm ggmhgmizglommm Am We 1qu 700 smelt cross irorn Hillcr tScitool three bedmom home Clear and Telephone PA Mm alter pass PHONE PA cases way mp cmant shedand eluded Grou sin good 091ml ransom or wire aAnnie AND WANr IT sonbi ism 51 AN Rm 01 six roam vhlteirome house iion 0n pill rota Cloaa to mmeiilDca oismco am mm aoAno We have Increased our sales torso and in position to Emil nice lawns and sarden 45 hand lake shootout wn ro inspect roamvigour Ir Mu hen rsuch as brondioom landscaped cam mos 81mm ml am can My week nteraadToiIend to even erservice Prooeriy listed with ltsIreeeivcs our Itali or sit MELROSE AVENUE personal attention regardless at value and is ad artl rl Ne hem 5mm Purebred 5000 belts of new boy it Mccague Stroud slits Brickewnsalow with lasso WI Call now and term iaiuii om lth ltt no NW Wt UW iii the barn all spring crops ALso sununn cameos linoJ rdoom dininglroong grew as no obulguml if sale Call Emerson SWIM Iiwobtrlaciorsl threshinglmanh non saunas mm erooms poce not our and mowerAlvoth heressnttn RMcCs ue ished recrBationvroom den iMliieiSiiuMotelsSubdivisionLand maggombiwffgflm er implementaon the once nah Estates Audion ooh Whiz £1 iffch you and mad WANTED bedrooms bathroom wotorsva m°m° 1P fsmm we no non tor late on itiitt iiiflgiiamfii dill 3155130 in yd wghlveinwk bus or tom and septic tnnksYourigs PM mi my sour iota Over an on un trial aim to stores and achoeii ANNESTREET dd°y°°WW ittfilthdfihhetthihtt was anlgigriilgniiiiavy cioy igpltfiimrsifiorMimi might common heeled Gray brick bungalow Wm HACRES ONLY $7500 Easy TERMS age on sandy shore coed tish loam soli tremendous heavy Ilolisll tor Isle cminiiougon runes glance nungnw 19 mp5 good maple hushv spring contsnr two apartments say no at rte on to month inched aarase large living Your 990 will eonoutwhen you see this land with LIVE inil WW WC reasonable down asylum Carries iy oi iitrnaoo niii ballinan mm family5wynmng STREAM running through natural LAKE 51 Twenyyywa 22 31000 down hours north of creek large brick house stone roteiio Telephone PA was rgoit be giiilnl in bedrooms and place both 95 Barrio milestoIHighwnyrIi liinrepiatoi Srhyloslefe aihd5l0ili5 eiephone ro esis we semen won or irghieiiimliiaillimenLP mum Fiolfllce Sin cu Ewes home two large hip root barns round May seen is 4113371 riggiiriighrfrvic ausnvnssoaPoiic $14003 $35533th and Wm when 033 than titty UNITY oLoi Queenst W43 seen at any tmc ony 522 IF downtown Larige living room Wm emnnblhems lilgticigpa tiltinIiolizg 02 acres on Queen St ts mile south of Burrielon with WWW bEdmnm 1500 Bel OfIciIOice the mini andrshort hoursBusiness can was Take gaedigfiflgédhmlllilllzimhm by depth oi Stile leedt tinill 01118 we ihiiiifléhiitifii iii no no bedroom and bath migihtyffiifivhiaaiigii Lenss available tor period oi flplu Penman mm Pmild immaculate 13 to property New low priceii nor to years at title per month lLover home in Shanty Bay Only stones throw from the mm mm 59 sold inblocir No Ivmm minim year round home with all conveniences plusthe ad WWW mm mm tor Victoria and any amts nearby swimming and boating Ontytnm am at prices that make sales ot ulna See this level bedr Write or call myhome tor iri anne PA Bbflea alter naure 00m home once formation on tiifieptotiertied plsune sob riawoiiiny PA Hots Overler Store on Barries main street Good location good longlleaae good aloeiiAburgain at $4500 wll coiuidcr terms Magoo In Elmezqglflulggfiél SEE STEVENSONS eDuplex Woreiaysty1o5ooj 31m noun noon Hum with tons ter giwwomnaid St Wondcrtut condition itnished lloors Ila Dunlap St 5ih£3531hgaiahffiimehogfi lt or pensonersorcoup who gilondgla IBooIv 312500 co wnnreoro RENT htttptiahti 9X wen Ella amnestqiisoo Real ElrSiCIiie Broiger BUY hm ESTATE anom Xv an 0111 5L Terms tii50tt Owen es it your on inane aseraom Ho FA 5259 409 BLAKE STREET wanted to rent or buy in cwmm hill 225Inf£fi¥ Wm 10 ST Nicely situatediecomlpacthiinconie will mm property close osooo soo figm ofimfi gm UMP5 ll Hishwoy $i000 mu31 0113105 2a Very great and in good cog twist Nicelocaitonsz Realtors ditton ownstaiis snafu OCommercini not let 166 Burton Ave soaoo OPEN EVENINGS TILL or sists of iiv room dining ALTLEFIENDL NEW YORK AF New PERSUAEION OMotellfir Restaurant or Gas Sitef limits tram Earth on Hand Engrmflfi liable stack certificates worth Just to get you in mi these Hg Wm Imnmeand house only 19 LT Wmdkimeniflndmm lav91y beam hum mg 050 acres oi subdivislon Ia rooms Priced for quick le tedoniy block from public 01W nus le sap room garage close to downtown and worth much more than asktngprlce $200ti down CCiMMitIRCIAL ARE only $12500 Terms to bear ranged upon suitable down pay ment For inlpéctlon call Joe Vreugdenhil 174 DUCKWORTH 150 ACRES rat the bestiarm Bungalow just like new the hind in Sunnidaie Township time altered This picturesque Large new steal barn is property is corner lot sllua tednean schools churches and bus The newly decorated bim gatow natures medium sized living roemwiih picture win dow dining room modern kit chen two bedrooms ment Must be seen to be preciated Price is less than wouldbeta build Gail Larry Harher ALLANDALE DUPLEX income property ina convenien the vaults of and high schools Fully IBDd PW WWW iirm seapch Ceramic tile bathrooms Poiica put the value at nearly Custom bulit cupboards and 000 ut spokesman tor many other outstandingleab in Bach Idid it Wflltl000000 me For iurthor intormatlon As the loss was made public IIONE PA 267 the districtattorneys ofiiue said one man attempting to sell some oi the certlticotes wsa are rested hero July and that second mapwas seized bythe Federal Bureau ol Investigation Wednesday in Denver Colo Authorities apparently had stayed announcement or the arrests tnan effort to void dipping at others who might be involved The missing eartiiisates were atad as represontlng 1900 du Pont 2400oi1nter national Business Machines soo when of SIGNS building loiacbn the nest possible price We have the necessary lslactory job for you We are in contact hgtafhe financially abieto payyigi top price and are to eexpansve mrovamen bi Barrie View 10 31de for bullshit new em av and cropAs pom DELAY has no ingoniyezsooo with good terms Sub DiVision II at Cithlstoiiico tor the bet HomesC atom BUIi4T0 the yeast csccnt Harbour 12th Mutant Asking 32 OUNTRY HOME Situated onsoweti fenced level acres is miles troni Barrie on Paved hiahway Close topublic so no rllide Gould schooiy church its my Seuo are Brownr ea Wiper month For appointment phone Pita573E alter pm ODM Apartm plex Close to title monthlyAvalt able soon Telephone PA HIM BACHELOR Apartment constan tul bedro tliitchen living room Indbeth Private entrance monthly Telephone PA Mm Amen two bedroom unturritshed lplrtmunt heated Very contorteble monthly Telephone PA YURNIBHID Apartment ltvlna room badrnamand kirohene Moderate rent Parking teatlttae New Mom Number Telephone PA THREE noggaafigztgené rtvate Wy snarai Motors and platelet naldagni aiiA urto AveiioWiylliam owzivuigim St South on William to Baldwin lemon can GOED SPlllN s11 GPAMWI 25 month CnliEA ii0300 WILLTA ie id tretlarei1lflallm¥acehmsawo on r332 the oat anment on sand coin Wll int telep one H001 lloi llififlrijiel xamln annae it 0M Carlene tarp sale inane daubleiotl0t iit five rain some can cnescerv bedroom buulelow two nutty lannromd thlshe am to rim IV LflfillIfl Earle Deng

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