wants it overthrown CORNWALL OP Leader Pehrson cheered on by Miss PRODUCTIN lliis hiliernard Lady can of iloclioresl is be laved to have set Canadian cited iluslla now should otter omc concessions oi her own State Secretary Rusk told press conicrcnco Thursday pre liminary US reports at lm rovcd seismic detection tech goes may reduce the number control posts and smile in ectlons required to make ermnncnt ban work But lllelmprovcrncntr wont provide completesubriiiution tor inspection and controls he said and treaty wont be at tolnahlc ii Russia coatinucsto reject all Western demands ior home inspection oi her territory The US and Britain have proposed detection system at 50 world control posts includv log about 30 In Russia They record by giving birth to 11 pups today One died Admir inglitter are Robin In Bltbcr Iiv had Charles Hints US also have requested that Russia allow between 12 and 20 annual inspections at her territory to make sure suspicious explosions are not nuclear blasts Russia has rejected this saying the West merely wants to spy on Soviet military installations meat and Berlin but int rmed brynla tor hours on rm Soviet Ambassador Anaton Do porters Rusk criterion wltli ng with re quarters said later the situa tion rcmalns unchanged Nuclear test hantrcnty talks likely will form vital part at the general disarmament ncgo ilationsto be resumed at Ge nova Monday itnslis hint that the 118 may provide some new concession in the way at re duced control posts and inspire lions coincided with an Atonilc Energy Conunisslon announce ment that its big nuclear test series in the midPaciï¬c is coming to an end its mi Passed initializing Mi itary Echnomic spendillg WASHINGTON iAP The Iiousc of Representatives has voted to allow President Ken nedy to aid Communist couo es it he sees archance to ry ghem irom Kremlin domiliav ion After giving the president this major victory Thursday the House went on to pass bill authorizing him to spend $4 663500000 ior military aid and economic assistance this year The rollcall vote was 250 to 164 Kennedy did not get every thing he wanted irom the House and got in tact some tillage hcd rather not have The authorization $210000 doorbelow his original request tpand it carries two amendmen he considers noxious ban on loans or grants to the United Nations until other members pay theirbaek assess meals requirement that he vstop aid to nations that seize American property unless an propriate steps are taken within six months to their meat Bids Heard By The share the foreign aid measure tnaliy will take de pends on how SenateHouse conicrcnce committee resolves Ihe House version and one passed earlier by the Senate The tough Mil on money will come later in the session When appropriations bills to provide ioreign aid money are debated and voted on by both chambers In its bill the Senate voted to authorize torelgiihld spending oi toascooooonsesooooo less than the House The Senate also acted contrary to Kennedys wishes by barring allassistance toCommunist countries with the exceptional surplus load it the House approach pro voila in conference the presi dent couIdprovide aid in tin goslnvia and Poland and broad guidelines These clu presidential ï¬nding aldwouid advance Unsecur lty that the aided country elinir can Commission For Ireedomln Lending Bale OIITAWA CWSupport ior treedom in chartered bank lead ing rates is piling upln the evidence submitted to the royal eommissionon banking and llné CE For yéurs the banks have hpiriimierhnaiuiory int it nor cent in anniialinicrcst on loans The pinch Is mainly in light money con tlons The investment Dealers As sociation oi Canada in two fly appearance that ended uraday noted that in such periods like thepresent one he banks are prevented trom up price as deterrent to undesirable loan lteiipansi Thus the banks had rcsort to term of credit rationing theatiendani dangers oi ierent classes theJDAC said In addition the so called nearhaolis niches trust and at borrowers children oirowner Richard Benrnnn oi Unlonville Ooh north of Toronto iCi Wire photot II RifleMen WASHINGTON AP The age at nuclear wartars than made the man with the rifle more than ever Indispensable to the countrys defence in the vlcw oi President Kennedy At the clone oiaceremoninl parade by us marines in the nuadranglo oi the lotyeaer marine barracks heic Thursday night Kennedy delivered an un scheduled speech in tribute to the menwho stormed the 1lzleeaches and pialked the lun years ago thought that the need tor the man with the riile would be passing awnytrom the scenc there are good many Amert cans tonight who are stationed undergron In hardened silo whose only duty is to watch some tables and some dials and button But the very slae ondmagniw ludeot the new great weapons have placed new emphasis upon what we call rather strangely conventional war Expelled Soviet Pleads Ignorance SYDNEY Australia Reub crslOne at two Soviet diplolt mats expelled from New Zea land Thursday or alleged espio nageaald here today dont knowany rearon why we had to leave Nicolai Shtykov who was sea and secretary at the Soviet I94 gallon in Wellington was speak ing to reporters beiote leaving with Vadislov Andreev Ihe Ir gallons commercial counsellor by air on their way to Moscow Accompanied bytheirsiarnli ies they arrived here irom New ZenlandThursday night NEWS In the icons and it is true that noisy overflow election sudl eiwehssld Thursday night the but way to restore conï¬dence In Canada to throw out the baseman government at Prime Minister Dieteiibaker Addressing the largest rally who ilerclelyclnaterled Stor csmpa go gave every indication that the menu are chomping at the bit tor another general election and do not ex pect the minority Conservative administration to loot long The most important thing now is to restore conï¬dence and strengthen tnith Mr Pearson told the applauding crowd of 900 to 1000 In st Columbans par ish halL lie laid the best way to do this is to throw out the Conserv ative government The process began Juno and could be aided next Monday by the elec tIon oi the Liberal candidate to Stormont TOBY HOLDS HEM The Liberal chlettain was speaking on behail oi Lucien Lamourcux seeking to unseat OTTAWAKCP Delcal of live lheJiutoia olec Prime Ml tor Dieieabaker wl one at his most puzzling cabinet recon stnictlon problems since he tooktottlcedlve yeariago Mr Dieienhalier has given no hint when he my name no ccssors to SolicitorCerium Browne irom Newfoundland Works Minister Walker irom Ontsrio and Posimasterdieneral William Hamilton Mines Min Istor Flynn and State Secretary Dorian irom Quebec Mr Dorian has already re signed and Transport Minister Balcer has taken on his duties on an acting basis The other tour ministers unexpected to resign helore long Political circles in Ottawa seem to share Mr Dieien bakers view thatrthere Is no irnmcdlate urgency about the appointments since there has been comparatively little specu lation usually rile whenever there are cabinet vacanclee nbouupossibie choices iuay saisr orange There has been no clue as to wbeflier Mr Dieienhalicr will simply appointment the va canclesror whether other cab that shiits wlIIbe involved as well Some sources speculate that the 24 member cabinet might be reduced to by com bining the secretary of state RIEPS almer sets Newlllecord moon scotiand torac oceanic champion Arnold Pahner shattered thccourse recordat Old Town with live underpar 67 in third round oilhaBritish todayand carried asiivestroke 1e ionspr 16 holes The immune star strolsfsofl the iecordior the roan Golicbain lath the tidal tonservptive GrantCsmpbsll in the eastern Ontario constitu my Votingrwujdeiorred irom Juno Itbecaulo ot the death oi the original Liberal candidate general oiection lir Pearson served notice that while the Liberals are die posed to support the govern ments austerity program as necessary in crisis they want it modllicd as soon as the emergent cn He set the Liberals will not allow the emergency to be used an an excuse lor government policies which wouldblnder the return to expansion iull employ ment and national progress both social ondeeonomlc Mr lcarionL who ignored mild heckllng irom Desmond Sparlidm deloatcd New Demo cratlc Party candidate in Tor onto Resonate intimated he is thinking in lemon so early egneroi election iis said it the Conservatives thought they could get major lty theywouldnt be airald to allow proper democratic pine tics andcoll Parliamentinto session till month Prime MIrilnterflDlsienbslrer and sollcltorgeneral portfolios or by assigning the solicitor air geaeruls duties to the Justice ministry now held by Hon Dalla Fulton Csiiadlaa tradition makes the tormatlon oi tederal cabinet more complicated than eeiocb log enough men with the re ulred ndminlstrallvsand per mentery sldll prime mire later also has an eye to balanc lag representation regionally and seeing that French Canada has ogvolce in shaping policy All provinces are represented to the present cabinet Ontario has seven ministers Quebec six Manitoba Saskatchewan and tuition Columbia two nplece the others one Quebecs or include ilve FronchCanadIans althouidi two VMr Flynn and Deiencc Pro ductlon Minister Oliurlay havctirlsh names The other Mr Hamilton has British tarnily background my CANDIDATES it Mr Dielenhalier dccideii to maintain Quebec cabinet mem bershlpst six he has aglimlted selection since the pi inee it Conservative against 50 In 1958 Th only one with an English family back ground is Howard Gratitey 30 yearaold member Inc Biomei Mlssisouoi gt lnNewiouadiandbarring turnovcrln recount in Mr Erowneis St Johnfslilcst the Conservativ have only memberldyearold John Gretb 0i Ontarios seven ministers live conicjroni the Hamilton lrvrn iaimbe P3 clipped cw tough ursewitlihisblleterlnfl wnnoiv Reuters PiincessAmeretnmed here today alter weeklong educational it to France iiieprtnoas arrived at ckingham Palace Isaiiingon tb ancecorjrpaolescredit muniousand finance companies use higher interest pagnin fiber and thus gain an advan over the charteredbanks Soveral other organiah apppanng beforethe royal com mission began hearings last Ma roxi cw ii any remissions have percent nancc lll lilth recommendat he removed enti nevenpervcont thenwas ridght terry from St lialo byoartrom atter all Surgeons Inttieinedl DisapproveOi Withdrawal wnnou tCPl Jive outhdritatiVe British median publlca tio boihoi Mich havt adv isenienls for doctors withdrawal totservices by the remedy chatty Saskatchewan exprm their opposltldnto the probinces preoth Minister Slightly Injured nononrio tCPiéfilobertMacaulsy economics anddevelopment eiedtn day night as be niacin were it garden hose iiamafgemt The Sas katchewan government said Ihursday an Investigation will be made at complaints against has said Parliament will inset in September DEBIDEI WEAKNEdd Surely sold the Liberal chiel thin the Conservatives will not wish to Min to cities it it means relying on comooi their hittorcst enemiesa orently roleronce to thsN and lio cinl Credit parties it had been weak govern ment when there were too Can servatives la the House oi ComA mom iiow eltcctlvs can iibe with tie moment Taunting the govsmmant on its recourisio the United states tor assistance in bolsteringthav Canadian dollar itir Pearson said that bcioro the alcctlonMr Dloicabokcr warned the Amen chns to keep their noses out olr Canadian attain alter the eleo tlenho invited them to elicit their noses in to the extent at linindreds oi millions of dob The ovomment had warned Britain stay out at the Euro pean Common ltlsrkel Than It invited Britain to lendus $00000000 PMGivesNoCIueYet he Cabinet Achancies TorontoOshawa area and the others lrom the southwes era Ontario tidings bi Perth and London No Ban The Bomb Alloweddn Moscow Moscow AP Russian securitymen seized ban the bomb banners today when two dozen young Westerners vun iuried them in lied Square The demonstrators stly Britons with sprinkling oi Americana and Scandinavians had been warned cnriler they would be deported Ii they went through with their ians tode nounce nuclear tes ng lust heath the Kremllnwalls The Russians told the West erners they were being provo cative loaders oi the demonstration told reporters earlier they had been intended by Alexander Kcrnelchuk Soviet author and dimer of the SuVIeIspon sored peace congress now going on In the Kremlin TItEcongress was held here under the condition that there would be tree speech insde the hiadll but no demonstrations out Hitches on The lad announced he was whiz at arithmetic iwhnts one and one asked his lather We havent got that iar yet said the boy cumulaled that the ponslble for It the province policing pow doctors fwho are not supporting at the walkout oi the Saskatche wan College oi Physicians girl 15 new Had some by Shawl complication LONDON doctoraldlriiiln ston Churchills temperature rs lumod tovnormlltodoy and be Was coughing lass lrom his bronchial laioctlon ills doctortluued the bulletin liter announcing Thursda that Churchill hsd develo bronchial lniectlon third com llcallon line he broke his thl in Monte Carlottwo woo ago Sir Winston had comiorl ablo night lho doctors said His temperature is normal and he is coughing loss Earlier Churchills wlio vis ltcd him lot as minutes at Mid dlonex Hospital and reported he was rather better today Churchills recovery has been complicated by phlobitls Vela inflammation and thrombosis blood clot but Thursdays bulletin announcing the bronch ial complication said mailing on tho cghnd decreased hospital spokesman laid it was not proposed Iolrsuo any further bulletins on Churchill until Monday ill all goes well Thursdays bulletin announea ing the bronchial lniecilorr was Issued alter the hospital had said no bulletin would be issued until today GIVE N0 DETAILS The doctors declinedtto eloh orats notavcn to say how high Churchills tam ornturo nd risen But ospltal source notedthat the bronchial intac tlon was at suiiiclent consc Split Anian Algéridns ALGIERS Reuters The split in Algnrlan nationalist leadership apparently persisted today niter caches Thursday night by the codersot the two rival factions Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd of 100000 in custom Al Iicrla Premier Ben Youaset Ben Kheddo appealed tor unity to build democratic and social atntc lie spoke in the town at Till 0u1nucnpltal oi the Kobylla Teamsters Work Without Contract WINDSOR Ont ChiMem bers oi Teamsters union Local 880 have voted to return to work but without contract By standing vote the locals membership agreed Thursday lo go back to their jobs lmmc idlately on the condition that no contract will he signed until lo cal transport companies include lntha contract ccrtnm locnl working conditions ihothnve been practised here or years Belora voting otticinls of IA cal soo contacted the Ontario Motor Transport Bureau bar gaining ogent for the transport companies to see whether meeting could he held to iron out dllierenccs ova loosixpra tlcea concession the Continues sis WINSTON criunoiiiii quonco lot the doctors In issue bulletin otter previous hing not to do so ihnbmnclilnl system includes thowlndplpo and its oltshoots which spread through the lungs Ilko branches oi atico no tax ioctlootoi the system can ds vslo into pneumonia which wand hedangerous iorgtnn slg dcrly person In Sir Winstons weakened condition However Churchill showed remarkable recuperation pow era in battling earlier illnesses and hospital source said that despite the latest complication Churchill was not visibly worse or loss alert than he has been mountain region cost of stars This is considered stronghold of helkncemKilm staunch lion ltlicddlstf an and oi the live ministers atvthq premlcrs aide Thursday ltlgllt The premier repeated his ear ller assurances that Europeans havon place in on independent Algeria He described the proel not as only stage step toward the aims at tho retold tinn Our him he sold lstho emotion of is state tor the hen olltoitliepcoplc BEN BELLA DEFIANI Bullion Kheddnsrlval Vicel Premier Mohammchcn Bella speaking to large crowd to the western rt clty sot Ornn vowed tho themmy will do lent the revolutionary forces The mlnorlty he told the wildly cheering crowd must give way bolero the minority apparently meaning that tho Ben itheddn iorcus must yield The dissident vice premier called iorfancrcd unity and pledged security or Jews and Europeans as laid down in the Franco Algerian agreements slgncdjln March coding the sevenyear hinsicrn nationollst Despltojtho apparent cl insurrection among the lenders Algerian oi ilclnls and the man in the street both relented any ldeaht armed torce tobeck the split