seahoroorruonnu With lxed buyoncts hloslem soldiers stand guard over llosiem prisoners round ed up In Oran Algeria dur lng unrest in struggle for NEW YORK APiThe Tci star satellite linked the old world with the new Thede night by relaying French and British television directly into American homes For the first time in history Americans were able to watch French television program as it was being broadcast Several hours later pro gram came to TV screens in the US live from Goonhllly Downs England While the programs origin ated In Europe both came here by circuitous route to and from space European signals were beamed skyward to ren dezvoas with the Telstar satel lite Tbe lidpound man made globe picked up the signals magnified them 10000000000 times and beamed them down again to earth This entire procedure took only milliseconds since TV slg oats travel at the speed of light 486000 miles scenadnndi OTTAWA CPPmtestants Romap Catholics are nearly equal in number in Canada fig ures from last years census indicate Tire Dominion Bureau of Sta tistics issued report today showing that Roman Catholics totalled 0342025 last June an increase of 375 per cent from 6069496 in the 1951 census Adherents of six large Prot estant denominations numbered 0291006 up l03 per cent from 67693771a1951 Canadas total Emulation lumped 302 per cent the 195101 period Not included in these totals are $19766 Greek Orthodox and 189653 Ukranlan Greek Cathy ollcs the bureau said thefigures do not measure church mem bership in the strict sense at the word or indicate the degree of affiliation with any body QUERIED CAREFULLY enumerators who sked every Canadian the cues on what is your religion were instructed to inquire more ully when suchanswers as Christian Protestant believerwere given The number of Canadians and rs Highlights of the census re The United Church of Can nda and the Anglican Church of Canada remained the second and thirdlargest denominations respectively with 3664008 and 24090iiii adherents it The Peniecnstal Church was thefastest growing dea omxnatlon going to 143077 from 05131 512percent advance nchievemcnt brought on largest group in the six East population compared with 147 per cent 11 years ago per cent to 0105514 from 701747 The Lutheran Church tMPEtttAt The fastest two hour it mmnnmomnsrammrmmnm tilliiiiifliiiiï¬iitflittitiii leadership in the newtyiade dent country Capt Si akhil ltloalem militaryieadv er in Oran hssannounced plans for summary courtzmsn an examploto killers and thieves Capt hakhtl is supporter of Deputy Plemlor vRen dieilo who has Premier Bea Khed AP lit with tie and public executions as thphoto Shortly before the lraneeto America telecast the British saw second transmission from the United States via space The first time wastucsday when TV pictures beamed by way of the satellite from And over Meback to the United States were received unexpect edlylin Goonhllly Downs How ever the pictures at that time and no sound Teislar tsnevcr more titan 3500 miles above the earth in less technical terms the singer Yves ltfonland and lovely blonde chanteuse Michele Ar naud onto American TV screens The French presentation was received in Canada on tape and broadcastby the CBC national television network Telstar was on Its lslhorbit around the earth moving from Newfoundland to the English Channel when it relayed iic French signals hors As it movad eastward and out of range at its speed of 10000 miiu anhour the TV picture dissolved into static patterns Several hours later the CBS network made use of Telslars 16th orbit to relay historys first live show from England to the United States Tire lbmtnuto program featured British offi cials explaining the transmitter controls at Goonhtlly Downs and praising the American achieve men posted the highest growth rate boosting its total 59 per cent to 662744 from 49 923 The Jewish population rose 242 per cent to 254360 from 204086 All major denominations grew numerically except the Ukrain iarr Catholic group which edged down by 1390 Roman Catholics were the era provinces while the United Church predominated in the four Western provinces The percentage of Catholics lJ in Newfoundland wits 357 Prince Edward Island 401 Nova Scotia 353 New Bruns wick 519 Quebec 001 and On tariosodl The percentage of adherents of the United Church in Manitoba was 293v Saskati chewan 32 Alberta 315 and man Columbia 31 Thejttlnited Church adherents increased 270 per cent to 3604 000 irom 2067271 They acx counted for 701 per cent of the total Canadian population com pared with 205 per cent in 1951 Anglicans grew 169 per cent to 2409000 from 2060720 They represented 132 per cent of to Presbyteriaris went up by 47 They accounted for 46 per cent of all Canadians compared with 56 per cent in 1951 The other two major denom inattons Baptist and Mennonite upped their totals by 142 and 211 per cent respectively Bap tists totalled 593553 while Men nonites numbered 152452 Todays report listed popula tion by rallgrous denominations for aliprovinces counties and census divisions 1as well as communities of 10000 popula tion and more More detailed classifications of religious denominations by sex age groups and so on will ssued later the bureau saldv STARTS TONIGHT esoreen has overseen were scratch came through Wednesday the pictures and faulted were described as excel en The yardIong satellite that made these programs possible was sent into orbit from Cape Canaveral an moming and fixed itself in an orbit rang ing lrom 600 to 9500milcs abovathe earth Fifteen hours after its launch 12leth relayed its tirst ts avision pictures as received from Andover the American flsg whipping in breeze to the strains of The StarSpuugled Banner Canadianlth Protestants Iliimost Equal In Numbersï¬ltow Homeless Family lodged In Hotel OTTAWA CPtIihe City oi Ottawa which has failed to dia lodge the Rodger Finncrty fam Ily from their substandard pro perty in six years of legal man oeuvres now is paying the fam Ity to stay in hotel Mr and Mrs Flnnerty and their two adult sons spent Tues day night In hotel in uptown Ottawa at city expense after vacating small tent on their bushcovered lot in auburban Alta Vista the Finnertya are charges ot the welfare department until tly propertyvalued at $30000de spite threats of prosecution un thetr tarpaper shack home un der court order The Fine Wh to ham as the upkeep of his family says the unofficial Vatican City weekly LOaservaiora delta Domenr to be considering several offers to buy his property vi ing infection through the small cityalflclal confirmed that ermanent accommodationsrcaa found Until Tuesday night the flame ad refused to leave the It or the Public Health Act The Finnertys put up the tent tter city crews demolished ertys badgone to jail and paid everal finesrathcr than tear own their substandardhome Ieh intrlnges on zoning laws Mr Finnerty 60 Is believed snow CAREFUULY Deafness may result from olent blowing of the nose forc ar passages in it 7° cilantro in enwu iCPl Titled Caisso tanker aircraft deleted the lettering booms Rtvertlre Wednesday as tumboriscia along the perimeter of tho 150 cars in news Doused Fire lldfl the emergency services our hf township commencing with squaremile areaeoatlnued to item it in Georges Render director at services in the lands and for cata depagtrpcnthsaldflresthst tonglho timber lino isst week are not getting any big or The fires intha Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec have been almost wiped out though the Rlverlbluc on ompnny cases was still bumlng near the head at tho Gntineau River liaise inadequate TORONTO CPIPayralses and reduced working week promised provincial police by AttorneyGeneral Kelso Roberta Monday are described ea in adequate by the Civil Service Association Association Chairman liarotd Mace sold Wednesday the pro posal made some progress to wardsva $5000 annual salary goal for constables but falls short in the monetary sense Mr Roberta announced pay for constables would increase on $200to 54000 ayenr other promised increases were from $250 for corporals to $700 for district inspectors Doctors Dres TORONTO CPiDr James Simpson retired surgeontn chief at St Josupittlhspital died Wednesday lie was 78 Dr Simpsonioined the staff of the hospital when it opened in 921 became surgeonInchlef in 921 andthrved in that capa city until 1050 Assess Industry TORONTO CPI The On tario Economic Council an aounced Wednesday the crea tion of five member commit tee to assess the solo at the tourist Industryltin the provin cial economy The first meeting of the coin mittee will meet July 10 to con sider the appointments of con sultants from various branches of the tourist industry Members of the committee are William Cranstoniof Midland chairman Mrs Momingstar of Toronto James Meakes tsudbury umble oi Orlllia Bubbs ofTornnto and Clarke executive officer in the pre miers department act assecreta Isnt immogal VATICAN Reuters Gambling is not inunoral in ltsclibut maybecomeso if the gambler ris means or use money needed ms beyond his more important things such The newspaper to readers asking whether lotteries or soccer pools are immoral It says Roman Cntholie church law forbids gambling only to the clergy and add if scinlcrouutg noun route or KEMPENFELT BAY roons mm DAILY AT 230 330 730 and 830 pm Adults £150 Children under 50 =onANEtBOATlllNES GOVT DOCKiFOOT OF BAYFIELD ST PA TOUR OAT AVAILABL FOR CHARTE who will By One Titttd OTTAWA iCP Tbs squadron RCAF Alr Division in Europe to as ted to here duced by one early to sees as part of thedeianca depart ments austerity measures in Iermants said Wednesday At the some tima If is be ilevad that the planned 11000 manincreaso in the Canadian Army willvnot be curled out fulLv Only somehow man have so far been recruited CNN fat night fighters in four of the air divisions squad rons were to have been taken out rvlca in about in Last Sept ll tar Harknoss infomed the Corn areas that Can Lani1s Norstsd supreme allied commander in Europe has asked that the four 100 drone remain to En opc for atlsast two more years eat an existing needJ Howavarlt now Isunderstood thattbe Canadian governments ro CutiiCliF need to cut expenditures taro garded here as overriding and tha casinos probably will he taken out of service sooner than originally planned NATO has not yotheen tn Iormed of any such action The defence department hasbeen studying possiblereductions but these have not yotbecn sp proved by the cabinet Prime Minister Diafcnbaker has said government spending wiiibrcut bytzw00fi000lda full year AfrPope thstelepboao open tornho with thepolico radio totem st her side mmonod tho who druid rsnderfespsrt sld Also contributing to the service wssjlbosvsilsblll 6f the oxygs resuscitstor on the speedwithwhlch it was put tntofactton Goergsifoung who mind isomhis store abbcd the equipment sod bod Howe autoslists in minutes to be met there by Fire Chief Bill Owen and Constable Bob lbom peony the latter getting thacall on 27 highway All reached the beaclrso quickly that those woan on the child hrsdly aeolian itiï¬oésixï¬lmltlnr era rem his Icottligt at the beach as did Dr Id Farrington of Barrio though ths beach is about is miles away They found that the quick action ths roe cum and the agpl cation of thorosuscitator ad been suc cessiuiln ettin breathing to Accidents of this type can be avoided almupniy by more care and watebf ass being exerted by those who take children to beaches sad loot oung children to get beyond itselrdepth lnnlsfii Epmgency Services should be further sup plemented by life guard at thc township park stationed in soat high above the crowd That these experts srolilo savers has been prover and the costs are negative compared with the safety and peace of mind gained DISTRICT MASTER Innisful re iii Maurice Reynolds of Patnawlck will be District Master In drarge of the Orange Celebrations to be held in Midland on Saturday when all the Lodges north of Bradford in Simeon County as wall as viatttngLodgea from many other parts Sof Ontario will gather to holdthelr an nual 12th of July parade The Gloriousljwelftlt Is now get bï¬rtéd on the nearest Saturday to the date so that advantage Waistcoats ration PtAYEiiS itiEAiRt SHIANTYBAi middliiiitHittiitiiiiittltititi AOUAMANIA AWN Mow SHOWING it anrvsIN trimaran 4v nit Northonltwy 111401 Ltno Ore loony FRIDAY sarunoav Alfredllitchcoeks NORTH av NORTHWEST Cary Crént Eva Marlo Saint Tenorsst JounNevrfo rosr cursy Deborah Perot Paul Christiano aANouerAND lenrenrammeur itALL JULYIS nruuunruoisstnt ot sup on Julytsist has tell which wags thodeg The allowing timed onogg sor sds generally triads millth Vlilbetlliedlwlth embers oftbo0rdor and Manual the frtendo assource steam music of cum and Calboli bands as well utbc Wish rmvromodcs groilpczltllliit 01 the town with their tones Ws Whathc bsvsrmn dnmtmsrs do battle Millet to they areas but so old gale lgEihe as ero Iys sp red when stimulants became ieotllull Winder diatrib MW cause otthoflrc losunlutow but might be attributed to icing storm ItthOtllttd Honour DRIVEiii remotes rat asar own grammemi plans for mammoth coiehrss tionthal day in the township park are becomingso big that not much time is left for the special event whichis world wide Inioterosbas four Sirouds acrossihe world com pete for the greatest distanco six men can toss five pound brick it Is these brick teasers for Stroad Ontario that are still nocdc as so for any couple have shown signs be ing over the hundred feet mark it takes practical and the whole of lnnistll Isollgt his to get out and practice little and it does take knack to hurt one of these ilt tie bricks in hundred feet and over Practices are held every cvonlng at the Strand Shopping Centre and with out few days before the den no when homes of the team are tobo forwarded to other competitors at least fourmoro good right arms are needed now Youngs will pay the top throw practice session to be hold its evening at Thursday the 1001 dollar foot for each foot he makes over 20 Dythcn the names of tho txmdn team and one spam will have been chosen and if an outsider should allow up he could beat champ MILL BUILNB Ftra last night destroyed the old mill In Stroud which has been landmark for many years lie was completely burn ed although the Fire depart meat saved the house next door and building at the marl W0 THE ReoirBarn Theatre ORILLIA OPERA HOUSE nod July 17 entirety July 21 canon srannuan in FOR tOVE OR MONEY Comedy by litHughlvlerbort cotton eao TICKETS BOX OFFICE sash$2251 Nothing in its deep beats the Cockahntt SP42d Combine for capacity and cleaning Favourite with farmers and custom combiners alike FA sass limit sPasa ff