Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1962, p. 4

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one can work effectively in rihnaigplo snt Influence Commission has issuedlaboo et llowOldls out ObLectionstoh ng rig tend leit iron various types at man sugars and personnel officers Case bis rles are tet forth torreiute these Thepisln fact is that Vegetarelativ only ivhere efficiency is concerned Many men do bettariob in their sixties than as similar number thirty years younger tlhat is providing healthis nod and nifntlallalelrtness remains been or heavy su younger men are re iguhsd For fifihivolving clerical or sales iworlr age should not be involved when abllity willingness and dependability is concerned The BIG is to becommended ior remindia employers of labor of the Elect at this me Take Canadian politics for an es The complaint has been voiced by US railwayunions that employers are gglellgctant to bargain with them in good bargaining however is not one way street and it is probably timely for Ithe unions toreconciie themaelvestn ll serious negotiation with American rail road management The need is underlined in recent ireport oi presidential emer my board on lssueainvolved and for on solu tion is urgent For some time meetings in Chicago both with the crating unions and on anotherbasls th the still larger non 10 eratin unions have seemed practic de oclred There is hope however in us Labor Secretary do dberglls report that the managements and erating group have agreed to get toget er in earnest with US federal mediators This will be necessary it widegpread strike or strikeproducing situa on is to be avoided The chiefarea oi conten tion is that cnnc ruin the gradual elim ination oi its comotives in older road are heard pose on diesel 100 taken tend yard service line VOTHERZPEDITORSVIEWS1 thougbheisn anodised sndscts likes younfewle still notices in in Gas than mate edsnslytica rittlion Arthur lielgtimn was litiwhon he died and was snen vigorous to theiulsls Borden wartime primeminister agonising days ot until he wastlii was chancellor oi eens Univerait until he was liband van to be 02 John ltacdonsld no great believsrgintemparateroutine istheredt eprovincea of Canada into Confedera on in 1807 and died in her adult Railrodd Issues71fiulsj This the unions assert Would etieht ultimately some 40000 men out of the 200000 present operating employees But the methods recommended by the emergency board are probably less dras tic than changes that may come it com anies cannot obtainreliei irom costs of what they regard as unnecessary jobs This ieptherbedding issue has grown through unwillingnessto grapple with problems at adjustment to com tition Ii theirailroadsare showed to rave their eiiicienc they may be ah providemore or than fewer job inside and possibly by race turing some business they have lost to ghway waterway and air transport all thermatter oi firemen helpers is faced trankly and realisticallylt may be possible to rectifyvsome other situa tions in which rates of pa ment based on distance and old era ngspeeds are very unequalllut the matter at traih crew size remains frozen railroadmen are likely to continue to lose Jobs by sbandonment oi service ugalready hse place on thousands of mllesoi FORTUNATE LAND NanaimoTree Press Those who have trouble lwithgeo rgaphy mi ht be encouraged it they keep mind blunder oi thebritisham baasadorat Rome in 1344 Nobody could do worse than he The Po Clement Vi gaveto Louis of slot title of Prince of the Fortun ate slands These islands were of course the Canaries which had then recentlyl been discovered The British amabassador hetvever took off immediately with his retinas from Rome to London to bring the news that the King Britishlsles rLAbOR RELATIONS STUDY inshawa Times Claude Jodnin president of the Can Fadian Labor Congress has proposed that Canadian management and labor make combined firsthand stud of labor re =latlons in Wester Europe examine the lreasons for the apparent greater success of the Europeans is avoiding or resolving labordisputes It is worthwhile pro pose because it offers the possibility of lindlng ways out of the frustrating maze in which management and labor nowiind themselves in many Canadianinduatrles ititlllaaaigement would be wise loijump at ea Labor spokesmen have frequently chargedthai management has discos ed attempts by laborto create bette iclimate of understanding for the sol tion of mutual problems as we recall Mralodoin himseli has uttered such com flaunts And management okesmen pve said much theseme about labor Now here is an opportunity tor re presentatives of the two sidesto cooperf gThe Barrie Examm Assassins es assassins shrill Port Mics Department Ottssnr snd ins payment oi postage to casts mussensues masses name guardianseams mum is Hermann Manner uim channel wands Business thugr been memorandum season some lacunae counties Manages lubeerlpflml into daily by ureter Jae co1 esais chargers ca low fruitful of Spain had been given the ate on project that could be eminently Rsports coming to this country from Western Europe and Scandinavia tell of the parent successor various methods used is those countries tosettle pnintsot dispute between labor and management it may be that themetbods would not be applicable here or that relations therejsre in fact not so harmonious as weiina ethemto beButeveaiithe reports eve been exa gerated the study pro osed Mr is on coal ruse ul At cast it shouldprovlde some ireshgroand tor exploratlo bithe lems of labor relations susrinniau civsas Chatham News Four years ago on thecrest ot awave of sentimental enthusiasm evoked by Brlr tish Columbias centennialhthe provincial Social Credit government headed by Pro rnler Bennett made lit to Princess Margaret who camenut or the celebration The consisted at an uninhabited island 545 acres off the British Colum bia coast whose name the government appropriately changed trom Portland Is land Princess Margaret Island Withher husband the Earl of Snow donynow holding down regular job with an English news aperit seems an likel that Princess argaret will ever esta lish residence on the island that was new deaainrtheisland nowvlt has plans for provincial marine park and 01 all the thousands of islands along thecnastbas mind the one that was given to the Princess There have been delicate hints issuing from provincial government offices that when the islandwas maden gittitwae at for real and that ii Princess Margaret could see her way now to ve it back sgain the return at the wall received would be Along withthe no os iii of rse BritishColumbia would to ave the use ottharnyal name andcon tinue to ll itPrincess Magnet Island whil ve ping itasaloc ga public utility tiisas xernnsent seems to beachleving action in which it gives awayajplecebf stateand etsitbaclaagsinr athllibe worth bllclty participating in the natural growth tnuched on the dstill beI ii iii 9141918wuin oilice infra prosainanmiiou Small Cities Off by ALAN Monuments Special to Tha Barrie Exemplar in the precedln article ormation at seven Ontario Regional Devel meat Associations and ink it propitious to elaborate on their many intomel and ex ternal problems and lit the same time indicate areas where positive action will bring posi tive results To beginwllh the Ontario Government introduced the pro grem tiniest the designation clog aid tor the growth of the province through analysis plan ning and coordinated direction on regional boslp Regional Development As sociatioan empowered to take anaciivn interest in all phases at progress within its bordcrs including tourists trade egricul ture mining community plan ning industrial lmprovement highways and education gt lt has tskcntlme tor the welding of these associations and now we are in the 10th year And thoproblem oi dis tribution oi manuIaciuring and industry on more equitable levelto rural cities is more acute now than ever before BUBUEBIA FAVORED No blame canbe attached to the associations in iactthcrc no room for solving the blame its question oi solv his theVproblem itwe make it an euuation more factors cmcrge in favor oi the smaller cities than do themeiropolitan centres One oi the main complaints in recent cycars from associa leck oi membership funds As one group put itil isss paid were only in cents per capitals the district the budget would be doubled Much at that may arise irom residents at rural nrcns being partially unaware oi the vit bi work being done on their be haii by the planners Conversely with lnsufiicient funds the associations expedi ence dlilieuliy in gatlingtheir message in everyone to the area and at the same time making Savsiinhie data for out side manufacturers as on in ducement for new industr DECENTRALIZATIONA MUST Stanley Darling as associ ation president summed it up succinctly and yeinot too on thusiastically as lots as 1000 when hefsald this Sustained population increases only come from the creationnf employ Industrial 2A whorehe can operate mo onorriiceily there That is ejprlnted tstement and with all due respect to the president of the association completely delestlst philosophy may not be that have changed but cer tainly thinking must have chang ed daringthat two year period et trdcled some industry And ifdiisagree moat emp icnlly twilh the quote their is torsion to say We have everything industry ecds That is iliowholé point for these articles Suburban Ontario has everything industry needy and some extras too Geographically the areas outside Metros occupy more than 00 per cent at the pro vince Lets take comparative glance at some of the props ganda emanating from the great Metro area at Torontoi design cd by experts to attract new lndustry Lets see if it snows under the smaller centres TORONTO BLUNBS have beiore me full page advertisement theJern child at The Toronto Board of Trade ahd cochdorsedby the Toronto burden fnr metropolitan arson lndustrielCommissinn The advertisem nt claims stoicmcnts from progressive ca ectsllvcslon why they liked Oil Always lnrgasupply nfv inlclligcnt and skilled workers saysone have you ntelligcnt and sklllt lcdwnrkcret Canedafs leading for complete taciiitle another Arcntthe banks in ynalr town last as capable and hnv tcsi citlcS Toronto has Md high living 58 HI Whet about your living steud ardst And more important aboutryourtiiving costs as com vpared with Telonto And ilnally this literary spark of enlightenment cc iry bringingtrnbout they exactly the some facllit Ono oi Canadas cleanest lacldeatelly then determine discern parlourii could in fact as onewilh anesliiesls The hole thins reoiures day or in are times on one wiliputsn end to agrli this is duets some bin which hssbcen clinging to well the atoms ol menstrual pain and in many VOICE is anchors lhlllTlili naToisrsn rally an urgent procsd ince lh burgeoning of the big markethss generated alas cltly ab tax burden to provide the reuiredssrvi pianispirvlcejppagsedand nos ways no man gthcr gnglernmsntel aldsJnCser cit without bringing in snv 3coiui erecting revenues BETTER DISTRIBUTION Therefore contendedsths coun cils whynot more equitable distribution of industrl expnn lhrnughoutxbntatl amors cnnomicdistrihali indus iairsr ss scssmsnt in the this structure Briefly bccauso Metro areas dominate the markets manu facturing costs increase taxes are divided without represente llve industrial equality and the smaller communities get low returns for monies aid out Although it woul certainly get no metropolitanrsupport fair portion of rural Ontario wonders why the new super highways cannot be toll roads lnshloned along the liner th US Turnplkss ihlswouldvease tax bur den on communitld which help pay inrrthe roads but derive nobenalit from them llut itvwould increase the which now enioytho therne mentioned earlier aliroads load into Toronto and for example is essential after an incitqu eta abortion tbat is where the womb has not been completely emptied its couleiill It is usedalso in severech instances eliordsrcileilt may be used in correcting some types of sterility Yet for all oi this keep in mind that than and is ilratvoivnll diagnostic meas arsy rather than sytrsatment in most instances ltlsan imperative rocedure in cases of irregular coding or bleeding thst ocurssiterthe menopause Microscopic study oi the scrapings canlso give clues to glandularprnbicms The and likewise the next step alter positive Pap smear and it is tui for any odier reason cancer is sus acted Stilifurlher it is the ma od oi removing polyps if they orecauslng troub Where his need ass treat ment forsome condition as cited aboveand it doesntsuc need there is nothing to an vlclngmetregtTorontofbave my menu the it canindsed bodbn as oiten imperious Whom Within sea areas on vthissnnldnnv tsiWhatis on to emceeworsa 110130th tlnd no cpl norcsnulndranysucb lndicstlon in nutrition reiss enceazlisio meet it remotes vigndsnrl wellbeings silty tires by ill state otwoil lag and the chniogicalsts Quebec Develops Nickel De oasis duhihlnm stiletto worldanlclrel Quebec never contributed two can New or the first time the mineral rleb province has av el producer Merbridse Mines Limited already has made some shipments from no deposit lnLaMoltsriownsblp ass milssnorth otVOtta operas assessor nI oi are daily then havehit as deemed necessaryhut its greatyams is in diagnosis Avweman with unexplaiuod vsglnsl bleeding should not hes lie for moment when oil an is our select it may provide lliessv ng iniormntio And with the above outline HISTORY By THE CANADIAN P3218th July 11 lm Forest fires hired by galeforce winds swept through the Northern Onlt tario goldmining commu nity of Porcupine 11 years ago todayin 1911 Seventy itllree persons lost their lives snd damage was estimated at $3000000 TENSir Wilired Laurier became prime ulster re naigifigin oilice until Oct lassTh Republicsn its tlonai convention nominated Dwight Eisenhower for pree ident flourneiv TELEPHONE nor hsensnynew eiidchanged numbers Torontoreceives and dlstrIi butea its bydreelcctricpower atcost Hi So does practically every other city in Ontario and to and weight to theabnve preli hctic announcement in many instances much cheaper than Toronto merit within an area wihcthcr it be irorn tanning manuincb using or the service industries The latter at these towns dependent on the former two hence we must increase our agricultural production or at tialcytliasle and secondary ind DECENlftALlZATioN MUST 32 non THEME it is useless ion as to say that we have everything on industry needs when it is quite obvioustiiatilndustry is locating as never before in the more densely populated areas of our larger cities nd Hamllion nd Mohtrealsgt In all falrrielaiothbihdustrinl executive We cannot help but greelhathls industry in many Ontario HydroElestri Commission samplebills use int one kilowatt demand in units of 100 200 and 300 Orilliai 20 per cent cheaper than Tor onto Brockvllle Niagara Falls hernia and Port Arthur areal so below the metropolitan giant In submission to Premie JohnRobnrts lust yearthe Ont arin Regional pmen Council admitted that the 1er part of industrial growth of th rnvlnoe has beenin the met ropolitan Torontomarketwit onehall nl Ontarios manufact uring employment now being found within ass mile radius of Torontos City Hall slinwover the council ergued lliis concentration hasybeen ra iiccted negatively by added xcosia oi manuiscturlng and gen erally doing business within the metro area Moreover the population can plosionnln Metro has splralied costs to the rest the rev pollsciynssr fetishenefloele TODiilltlll nickel lnTnntia Ind Ment Easny counties gm min groups in iornicereinfiuebs Vaslle Mslnick and John Mere chulenko of Val dOr about 15 miles north at tho LeMotte dil trict in Abilibi County To hairs on Inicilieldev velopment the Quebec govern ment contributed to construction of sliivomlle road and ran in hydroelectric lines go mam THOUGHT ViMd such were lenientyous but ye are washed but ye are aanctiiied but ye are lust in the namepo the Lord Jesus and by the sp lr it of our Gothl Corlethiansdrll Your life maywhavs been sinful leiiurebutvliyou will turn yourselfunvar toOod its will putyou into His washing much as end you will come out spotless one time and lroublel Avoid wrongnuhiberd Loobflsegnnplnfottheindowiiiinralcatclully has size to bars your Blue Hook ofi ransom Numbersup to date if youd likenow booklets ungulna or pocket sinegive us cellatythe nonhuman Theyretree ordropludirthem

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