Na radiant gzï¬ard Greater an reds Michael Pottige Elva Prtdhaxg reds Robert Barr can zoom Annette Greater ads Mary Barr Elk Duciianan Donna Eapayw Kin reds JanetBarr Peter longer Joan Greater Bill Donald Barr BeiangerMary Belanger Buchanan Dougtu Espey tle Greater Grades Stevca Pottage char MrsDorothy Miller srnona MRS notth HOMES ir and hire Jack Thomp and family have moved in their new home beside Sun hrae school Mr and Mrs nlter Schultz trorn hinihoilaad is are moving into their new the at Psinnwlclt CAHONERS ir and Mrs Elmer Prtt it Saturday tor twoweci atton at Snwbn lodge ManF lln island Mr andMrs rne Philips and hub oi astonspen the weaken with and Mrs Gerry Knit and lly Cindy Pam and Bob children at Mr and Mrs rvin Ayms are spending tick holidaying in Kitchener and hire th McLean cello and Devon 0ttawaers ed pending week with their par ole Mr and Mrs Me an also visiting there were and Mrs lnvin Bennett oi arratt Mr and Mrs Don Mc and iamily Toronto canine Last week Tuesday evening topiu girls vs Strand Strand ng dalentcd Wednesday aakstewn vs Stmud juniors boys Strand winners Thurs ay Ivy vs Strand peeweaa 37 Stroud Friday Tottenham strand Juveniles Stmnd las rs Congratulations to Simud pair to school in winning the Alvin Webb memorial trophy tor the North Area This was won against Palnswlck in oils last week My on secure About it Boy Scouts and their Wiitrod Cooper are cpending nine days campin at amp Wiidmaa on Gear lan Bay air and Mrs George Mui tland and Carol attended the Hotel for mudin amen hadnt ole as in honor at ihetrmend weddlnd anniverr Mra Dnggan was matron oi onar at the Nameadores itab1naon wedding none WOMENB MW The boxes toot South simcoe District womens institute man here to Toronto Dominion Days They had tour at Cau tome nigh Park and OKeelaa Cantu tarponII guys and sDiode ranr way one catcher dln nor sraatnsconnras MRS sensor was The Hollows Old Boys llret reunion June on at the Hot lows communityhnil was wondertnl success with almost see attending The afternoon was spent in baseball races horse shoe pitching and renew ing acquaintance Seven tormer teachers were present and many who had attended the Hollows school years ago llito other the atternoon and oven with dancing was pleasure tobe long remember Snndoy visitors at Ernest Dal or were Mrs Medcait Paisley Mr and Mrs Dal es and Ronnie Toronto Monday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John were Mr and Mrs Andrew Bell and inmlly Toronto ilru mie remaining with his grand flaunts tor the elnnmor won on Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble attended the SLrachanWestlahe wedding Saturday in St And rows Presbyterian Church Wan ton Those irom the Hollows WI on the bus trip to Tomato Monday were hire Rumble litre Eric Wright 11th Delaoita Mrs George Wright and Mrs Hana Geisandart iacqniiine Rumble is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Dawahury Richmond iillL Saturday and Monday guests with Mrs Porrlttnnd sons were Mr and Mrs Jack Por rltt and tarnily nd Mr and litre Hector Porritt and family Toronto id Thai ve talentde AM Cairns attended the Lengman Sunday th Mrs Alvin Cairns aceom are led by Mre Alfred Be am and Mrs Don Thornpson attend ted the WMS Emmannaiiiap tint Church nilcetï¬ng in in term at pot uclsup the cottage at Mr Mrs git the in LangrgeEiLIWasaga en en ayev no sympathy is aximded to the Peacock lamily lathe death at aonindaw Herb Lange Ivy also to the Koytamlly la the death at brother George at linghenden Alberta Sun June 24 Dan Key has flown Hughenden tor the lunarsi and an extended visit with relatives there earned tuna amines com Promotion services were held In the Sunday School June 24 Prise win who obtained highest merits in each class were senior Donald Ford in termediate Shirley Dobton luau ior Glen Dobaon kindeidertea Lloyd Dobson and nursery Dow id Cote Mile Alice Golewaa cum anther By iAv necked Ndrthdeaier Neither ride vulnerable Roam QAQW flrore semen rs 3o QAKHOIV wasr om em one Mr and Mrs Ed Howard and Mr and Mrs Vie Howard and ideally attended the recital by pupils at Mra Charles Grant Tuesday Dotty la pupil or Mrs Grant AND PICNIC Grenteifllome and School ican was held Thursday even on June so Alter races garn as and ball me short program was hot in the retinal Mrsth Slack presented name on year Bill Howard read an ad dress and DianeFeitar on he helt ot the pupilapresented Mrs Stan Noble teacher tor the past three years with TV am DQNALD DUCK hemmed flwhï¬hho ord citiaeositi plnl tested regardless how he handled the hearts So in order to make thehnrid he lied to assumesthe axielanc otonly thasex diving oi as name one piloser Veg the be late Of these here were only cases possible that would pen mlt him toimake the contracts Stall Westhatthe Ktoor Qlo tilEerie alone could the handrhe made Accordingly utter railing the or sellers urns Ann was GAIMED one PO Nith He Gar WEIBHED rrLavnIon modems cxva manner BAttitlE Increase error to Loo Sivingalong Vacation Time veal Eur Movie lllnronm Sports Comedy Spot Piaydate King at Diamonds CDC TV News Vcathur Sports News Man an the Challenge WEDNESDAY JULY 11 ms Test Pattern and Pals News Walther Sparta Mavis Landtall summarama Playground vacation Time iiarnar or the innate Thlfl Stall Nawl Weather Sport Toll Ewell Show Bachelor Father Dennis the Menace Parade 00 Pope crro CHANNEL UllDAY JULY It it ooo ltratt iuné into Sight all itll limo lli GI it Or IW mo Highway altnu allusion was is it TeslTattern 100 Popeyeand Pail News Weather Sport Movie Hall Canyon Outlaws snmmarama Tea Zone Vacananime chk Tracey Cllflhlnlcr News Weather Sports The Flintstones The Deal MECDYI Ntural at Things ll Throe Sana Ghost Squad country Junction Dnljtcp Beyond CBC Newl The Weatherman Today in Sports community News Tfna Untouchables Qroadnro Sports thi 959 3328 999599 SSSSESES mantis you to make thecontract you play tor that distribution to cede deteat it there is any pea leest led diamond East casti of anything better to do con laced with the problem at lotj Opening lead two ot dia rlt is basin rule that it there is only one distribution at the adverse cards that permits exist it cannot herright to con aibliity oilavoiding it South was In tour hearts and ed two diamonds and for want tinned the suit Declarer railed in his hand and was new tag only onetrump trick Obviously the contract could not be made it the trumps were divided 41 or 50 So de clarethad tostait on the bdhil shape When West took the to one trump loser it East diamond South led low heart ltdidnot matter what Veat did at this point If he played the ten dnmmya jack would torce the queen Whatever East returned South could then cash the are to drop the king and next capture gEasts eight with the nine And lt2West took the first heart lead with the king twhich in what he aetually did the defense was equally in bad king and returned spade do ciarerwaa it in dummy and played the Jack of hearts When East South iinessed and thus held himseli had covered the result would have been the same of courseSantlt was lucky to make the hand but he earn ed what he got by capitalizing on his one chance 23 Tomorrow An nnnsnal play only crossword author The Lawman IW Eacheior Father Channel Nine lireatro Shake Hands with the Devil 90 Checkmate 1030 Tombstona Terntory lltiti News Weather Sparta runnnaanaiz way lose Domino rLso rm and Easy 200 Channel Theatre laves or German 0W Professors Hideaway The Lawman Sports Weather News Wagon Train 11 Sunset Strip Theatre at Nin Charley Mann The Detectives Nevn Sportr Jim Coleman TKUBBDAY JULY 1080 Domino lull Jhea and Easy 200 Channel Nine eatra Josephine and Mani Niin Prateuhrs ilide air The La XALWAYS CAM ABiTO lit PERFUMEYH BOYS CAVE ME FALL YEEMRUTIG IHAVEANEASV narroweres nwmm srayr mwr Hoofhm woreanon Weather nrnemran you man was aowuntsnotr W5 HEM WINNING WWW TAKING WIN LOWE aerate new or not sauna PHOLSTERING PA 87433 gt6511RAD renamin MISSYO It your carrier ha Sports Weather News Leave it To Beaver The lleai Mcha Theltrolt Eta The iron Glove Naked City Petcrflnnn News Paladtnm athwatar coloron PM Moron or ialan Innnnmiinfln lllflï¬llll mmnnnlnonlnlI anllnnmnl new error shamanms