tines dont make ncroase as far ttbsll League is concern Two of the better as the Bariid ed but District senior 011 one to lldg Sunday Monday at Queens Park Not only di the games go 13 and Hi arl nnings res ectiVal tremely wellplay gummy but they were well the pattern of each expec teeter new conclusive new mentor will be named withtntwo weeh oungetcrend scythe ieliialc lining etirn till ionic goluvwn penis Bobby well milletIT its no end Itraldii trlufn threshocoinihefourthm ed es Queeol lays Thoma at vi Stew outeome of ydneioeeunesw mm other idea league has Flotide 25lnnln of and all when 18 was the scheduled total its its been many gamesiand some ailment or clonal star offered hieeervicea to the Intermediate whentho club Was formed two years ago that long 300 since two consecutive games have pro vided so many thrills lWo pitchers stole th and Stewarts sped to 2l Armstrong were the star route fit as Tor is isms Rick Crab and barman eachgolng the show Sunday Then last night the hitters had more of the spot light with apiece Even the weather wrs tremeiy hot Monday night BALL NOTES And other iball scene recently Mr and league veterans Pat tows and Red Thurlow of Minesin anamaker of Bris ggettlng four hits different Sunday Was exf was shit cool things happened on the Mrs Dick Vardfchks manager of Bristows bail Clubfnra celebrating the arrival of second son brother for Richardd services of chtcher Winston the backstop fell from mo torcycle and pierced the right arm Win is expected at least six weeks Tough luck In two successive games onthe Andy Framslias caught foul bail He had to trade positions Sunday Shanty Bay golf course lso play The baby of Barrett Muir on the greens on the week JUST NOTES muscle and artery in his weekend um ire just under the law on for was dressed wit flags end and tow ersons have already given the new coursestry 0n nine holes is as yet completed readinmany years Sporting News made as The writer ers who win or are given watches gifts these is for sale with the money being turned over to char ty Sounds everyone knows one watch Local Toronto Argonauts much these days They see Cup until Gerry tMcDougall signs especially good when is enough on any wrist boosters arent sa ing in afraid to predict rey One thing is for certain If they shorten the ma jor league baseball schedu but no one can complain being unjustly attacked and eclipsed tea to 153 games no one that oldtime records are Canadians Trdrn For Bisley Shoat By ALAN WALKER BISLEY England CF Commonwealth riflemen battled bsd light and vicious crass winds at the Rifle Association shoot which opened here Monday Members of three Canadian teams began practice in earnest for top team trophies and the Coveted Queens Prize the Commonwealths highest indivi dual shooting honor won by Canadians in the last two years Minor individual matches more important for the practice they afford than for their tro phies will occupy the shooters for the first week Then the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association team will compete for the shortrange Ra jah oi Koiapore and longrang Macklnon trophies The DORA cadet team will shoot for the Alexander Gra ham Bell end Ashburtontro phies The Canadian Army serv ice team will compete mostly Bisiey Nationnl Canadian teams will shoot for the climactic Queens Prize late next week Apart from team members some Canadians are expected to enter the Queens Price on ireetance basis Neitherthe 1969 nor 1961 Queens Prize winner will com pete this ye but Canadas team comm dants with have good three wins ada Lurk DCBA for team command ant and former QueensPrize winner lette of once to theirs it row for Can Vindsor Ont has an good chance to take old Medal and The Queens Prize was won tasty ar by W0 Norman Beck ett to the Hamilton suburb of An star Ho qualified for the team this year but could not leave his job to shoot at Bis ley Sgt Ne be out at the lineup for Burke the said Lieut Gerry Oucl it played under the banner of Barrie Lakeviewr the first son Showchuk had little tony about the move except that he was offered an executive spot and refused The executive had no news on prospects for the upcoming Fans creel Take it for what its worth but you professional wreiiiing fans dislike the Tolor Brothers more than you dislike the Kel mikotfs You proved it last night Barrie Arena as you actual had few cheers for the Bus alun bears You cheered the Kalinllrolfe whcnovcr they did their menu est to the Tolos You cheered the Kalmihofia when they hurt ed eiihcr Chris or John out oi the ring and even when the wound string around the Ho lioninna necks on you booed every move by the suntanned brothers You Britannica Stuns limerlrs rnooiv Scotland AP Three titone of American golf faced the nerve shattering slgnment today of breaking pnr or catching the next plane home Arnold Palmer Jack Nick laus and Phil Rodgers went into the second ideholo qualify ing round of the British Open championship with an anchor around their necks Masters champion Palmer defending his isel British Open crown and US Open king Nicklaus stumbled around Old TrashMonday in To stroke Today they tour netghborin Lochgreen and if they fall to bust par 72 comfdrtnbly they are in serious jeopardy Rod gers withhis tirstround 75 ll scarcely any better cit By tonight an original field of 355 aspirants will be reduced to 120 The Open itself 72 holes of medal play date under way Wednesday Kc Magic of Australia that 65 Monday to break the Loch grecn course recordyby one shot Palmer the to favorite to retain the championship he won at Birkdaie England is com plalning ofindlgestion and sore shoulder muscle Sam Snead and 1981 v5 pen champion Gene Littler lay back in the most comfort able of positions Snead at 50 ssnt any right to aspire to this oneBui all he did was intermediate League Mama except that it was doing much to pro are not lost contender but winner Georgian may WASHINGTON AP Rival mane err Ralph Houk ol the Amer can League and Hutchinson oi the National voiced the same sentiments lheyled with thcir acre in the alletu baseball am to 32girl likero use as mfny Tolos Brothers err aposrlblo acid were especially laud with Jeers York when the Tale climbed to the umph over the Hutchinsonled iop ropcrand umpcd cmack Clnchrnait RedrBul the prep dab on the be of the Kel tige of the American laague is mikoiir You were almost dip nt stake lhemoet important gutted when the Total Brothers thing In to win After all we were awarded the decision have lost four of the tart live However only cheers were in if the pi evidence during the sendfinal when Ray Gordon outwreitlod intheali Sam Steamboat in beautiful Hutchinson show of wrestling skill and lab be enco However dont intend tOpift Naturally enough youchecr od Gono Marclia to win ovlgr Stan Starlet Who would Bet you dont have it outta co cairn next Mondys tional Loam rival led to Now then they ahouid haw some APlOutiielder Roberto Clementeoi Pittsburgh Pirates clumpingwith 283 11 average month ago tlon to defend his flat onat Leagucbatttng title He zoomed from eighth place to second or result of an id foras Loft performance that wack that liftcdhis average Ll points to an Last year hecnp turcd the championship with 551 mark Clements would have moved into the lead it Tommy Davie hadnt continued to swing hot bat Tile Los Angelcs Dodgcrs outfielder was itLtor this boosting hla Everago to points to 353 Frank Robinson of Cincinnati RedlegAadvancedfrom sixth to Moyer Tops the SAM SNEAD is rafetiesinastlmel at bat and 17point increase to 340 St foul Cardinall who slammed three Lbs ANGELES AP New York Sunday dropped one heralded Phil Mayer oi Port place to fourth despite th land Ore upset fading Sugar point gain to 333 my mum Monday lgm ifpoint drop by rookie out winning toround spilt deci slon after world feather weight champion Davey Moore knocked out Mario Dtaz in the other feature of an allortar box ing card Moyer 159 had the 42 earoid fonner middleweight as from New York in distress the ninth round and won what appeared to be convincing By ASSOCIATED mum Torontos Orlando Pena fired saturate whose that encounter with Nu Yankee world series in 3e are good zh enough to be ones to appear ciargame cold in given an opportunity to play has ink streaked into an excellent ti cran Stan Murialof tu bin crack around lengthenedTroon in 69 with three birdies first four holes Toddops 76 unnor Westling oi wellington loses left it victory Robinson weighed 100 Referee Jimmy Wilson scored on the it Hi Young dog John cont There were but the zayeareold Moyeratag gored Sugar Bay with solid oak to lb or Meyer and judge Dick had it for the under regonian filiomaa 54 The other judge had Robinson to no khockdowna head for the his fifth shutoutof the interna tional League season Monday night as the Maple Leafs blanked Syracuse min other garner Richmond blanked Co lcnsr ahehitter leaguelleadlng Jacksonville nipped Ati grid Rochester trimmedButfalo lumbus +0 beidnddackis Cul wp ants Zl ml +Stcrr contest not denied Jkn at one of the non mnmi be pinnacleo to nine rs at the SW amidm to witness Washingtons star men will be the first prseihnt to itfand an blister genie rinse the late Franklin in threw out the first Roosevelt in the m7 gemshere The amp scheduledfor with will be carried on network radio and television and by threat in Canada HELPS PAYPENSIONS is per cent of the proceeds go to the player pension fund second game will be played deadening Wrigley Field ay so The Americans lead in the in erengue summer porter leis Clemente Climbs InSwatting Race flelderMsn Jimenez of Ken CityA otter enabled Pete canals of BoatothcdScx to over the American Magus 840 with eight bite in 25 trl while Jimenez managed seven hits in it attempts and slumped to 359 Norm Siebern of Kansas ity moved from sixth to third picku tonsil wil Maya of San Francisco Giants took over undisputed poo session of the National League home run lead by hitting four homers last week He has 25 three more than Chicagos Berle Bonita who necled once Tommy Davie drove in nine rims to remain tops in Rat with 90 Mays is next with to Wagner of Lon Anseler continued to set the American league pace in homers with as on to repaint slammed pairllnet week Box deadlocked Whaler RBI lead Each has or son drove home seven runs and Wagner four last week for the Leafs Terra Fires His 5th Shutout ninth Then with two out Duke Carmel singled and moved to third on Harry Chittr hit When Cracker third baseman Jim Baumcr booted Larry Browns bouncer Carmel scented actor with the winner in Buffalo the Rochester Red gs ripped the Bisons Tiioy sprayed it hits to rout starter Boozer and his relievers Babe Birrer and Dick Ricketie Bob Savorlinsled the assault third Ills Vim and Runnelsch two points to mi middi 0mm awn Robinson of Chicago in 8qu Loam pitchers in all star hietoryto open for the footer circuit liu countered who leads or him the male Detrol vfigere this no all star games when he worked live perfect striking out four baiteri faced in the first contest The as year old Loe Ange in er righthander war not so foridnete in the second game it ï¬ner uprthree runron four his threateningtint low Bunning th Minnesota na CamillePascual and Cleveland lndlana Dick Done van who are tied for the melt vetorier in the American rue at it each have coon naconps Hutchinson alwioaned toward the pitchers with the moat im posing won and ion records He said hetpionned to use Bob Purkey fit2i or the Hedeand Juan Marichal float of San Francisco Giants as his second and third pitchers The American Leagues first change probably will be the re nfy movalof Mantle for Detroits Rocky Colavllo after three in ningi the minimum required of any alerting player The Yankee slugger is still rltmpi on week left knee the reru of In last lilay take Mantle out will leonWaaner from left it send Coiavito into in switch also keep Earl Bailey be inninga to catch Pae cual with whom he has worked all season Then may let Bo meno Clevelands John Ro maria or Howard New Yorks Elston Howard do the catch of his contem laied changes but indicated would use Stan Muriel in ptnchohifttng role The 41yearold St Louis star who hammered three homeruns ays game against the ork Mate was named to thealirtar rqusd for record time but He was credited with the Ameri ccnr triumph in the low gamer Dryrdeie pitched in asthma gamer retiring all nine batten tilt said he planned to iol Lines late at least through Hutchinson did not reveal any dl wiltlgtonflllzlylï¬Ã©alel5 ng willie or heard for union was pitching star in last years Christie ci Quinlan cl Doorman 2b Madge Totals vron Madge Lines loiland Chappal Winning pitcher Dow ney lorlngpltcher Lines Ofliciail Andy Frame plate endBudifnapp hater roar CALL its too TEXACO 5m Dunlap and Anne Ste PA ester coMsrsesvtca STATION nurrcor slaw on loans gts==so= 3289699 this week in closed service matches Then members from all three Westminster Things are really happening Queens Priz 1960 but in Barrie Industrial Soitball di not qualify this year League NeiiCrieiey provided thshot with four singles and Joe Duro ting support Pena needed for his ham contributed two run eighth win in to decision The ninth round to the melee that followed Meyer backed Robin son into the ropes and the Sugar connsnwnsnnon Injuries Mentreql Als JOLlEflEQue CP pair of young Canadians have reported to the Montreal Al ouettes preseason camp aspe pincements for three players from the United States who left camp voluntarily The youngsters are ard Don Norman 20 ot Montreal and defensive end Marc St Louis is bcker Dick Schnell will be lost at least two weeks The 23 nr old graduate engineer in University oi Wyoming ke afsinail bone in his right ct Friday when he was tipped from behind white crimmaging The injury was the third rria do one to hit the camp last arte ck candidate is left ix Last night at Shear Park Wellington Hotel lost its second game within week The win more were Barrie Coops who slaved off lastinning railyto cop n7o decision Coops scored three times in the top oi the seventh inning to take 73 lead and appeared to he in position just to go through the motions for the triumph Wellington had other ideas Alwalk and three successive hits by Chuck EdwardHoward Forbes and Earl Laing account edfor three runs Wayrie Russel who was as fast as anyone around and MightonSmith shared the pit chlng for toops Earl Laing went disrupts for Wellington Clarence Hinehart with three MY CHARGE HULL Que CF Connaught Park the charged with 1902 municipal hy fii ing Sunday racing dcd ieitfielder myegggggfl with on son homer and two Moore inn polished on Diaz ins with one righthand It was Pennssecond straight punchto the Jaw ill the second shutout apd thirdln the last four round of the scheduled luround gta nontrila fight Cum High Winds Soar Shores TORONTO CmHigh winds sent scores soaring in quality lug rounds of the Ontario lsdi golf championships Two favorites failed to duality for the championship flight Lou Evans at York Downs defend ing champion carded an as Mountain one over the as needed and Ada Mackenzie winner of the tournament seven times had so Sixteen of the entries in the medal play qualifying round made the championship flight Three tied for low medal bon ors with 84 it over par They were Kay Helleur of Toronto Mrs Morris of oakdale airympieof Miss nzlar falluroio quality for the iclramplonrhlp ght marked the ï¬rst time aha has missed it in heriong golflo career tort five ngalnst the Jeil Richmond openeda izgame home stand ano Virginians lumped ahead ififth Von nwalk to DonLock Jacksmvillemaintained its 71 game leadhehind five irittsr byiilon Taylor at Toronto ITayia and Atlantas Paul Both were locked inspith with the more if drove in five runs straight pitched llirhltterv against loser Bob Veaie in the Jack=Davlairipla and blood lingl byAlan Hall rom Alex Castro intheaeveii was the winner homer Herb Moiord with beg OPENJ