the salary to $4800 irom 600 wagmrtomu gt II shiyl unconcst ted Writ miles in the sky flue satiric 1rnizn These excited boys were Stampede pnrhde Perhaps in western lloorythemselves watching their heroes the cowboys in the Calgary one day theyll bsout there iCl erophoto OPP T° Get WGCG Hike NeW Bureau To Be set Up TORONTO CplThe provin clol police are to receive pay increases reduced hours ol work and new Job cinssiiicntton in addition new detective bureau will he set up with the appointment of 17 detective sergeants lids year and fur thcr 100 detectives next year The announcements came Monday allowing dioscd meeting of the newly formed Ontario police commission Constables will receive one ear salary increase retro lve to last April bringing The work week will be reduced to five days from six as soon as circumstances per mlt orciossa from the attomeygcncrols oilice said new category described or that class constable has been 1st up and carries on annual salary at $5000 MUST TAKE EXAMS Consioblrs with live years service can qualify loathe new ciasslllcation by successlully completing examinations to bo held in eachpolice district during the toll months Salnrlei for the new post will he clleciivo us of September Constables unable to quality at the examinations will be able to prepare for the tests at the new police college at Ayimer Other ranks In the police force have also been oiiccted by the Job evaluation study carried out by the civil service commis iissauit Charge Dropped By US WASHINGTON AP The US government has dropped the criminal assault charges lodged against Teamstcr union President James Hello alter the reported beating oi union em ployee The charges were laid last May 17 on complaint oi Samuel Baron Teamsters oliicial who claimed that Hallo knocked him down twice and shaved him over chair at the unions headquarters here The Us attorneys oillce an nounced it is unable to prose cute the misdemeanor charge against lioiia because of serious conflicts between accounts at the incident given by Baron and bysix eyewitnesses who also are union employees Baron 59 displayed cut over his right eye blackened left eye and bruises on his lace and legs alter the alleged assault CLAIMS PRESSURE He said threats were made against him and pressure brought to get him to drop the charges against Hello The dc partment of justice assigned two deputy us marshals to stand guard at Enrons home the night oithe assault The marshals kept an eye on Baron up uphl couple oi weeks ago the US attorneys olflce said Baron said behind the inci dent was difference between Holias conception of the la bor movement and mine never became part oi his leorou cameo Evens WEDNESDAY JACKPOT $50r MUST GO EVERY WEEK 15 accuses saunas suanasrrn WEALTH noon Pnrza isorou Hare 7i COLIIER JST lion in cooperation with the Ontario police commission increases have been made ranging irom 8150 mostly for corporsls to 5700 ior district inspectors considering the re sponsibilities oi the latter for operations personnel and equipment START AT 050 robollonory constable or room How will enter the serve ice at salary oi 050 and will spend approximately tour months trainingI at the police college beiore eing placed on duty with tho lorce The commission Indicated it was not immediately known the number at additional personnel required under the proposed ilvedoy work week One solution advanced by the commission is the hiring at young civilian radio operators who may be interested to enter ing police career when they reach the rcouircd age The hiring of these pcrsons the commission points out will enable more constables to he released ior general duty codet system is also under study other policies approved ln cluda the establishment oi new detective branch and the special training and appoint ment oi t7 detective sergeants this year andte lurthcr loo detectives next year PLANTROMOTION POLICY The commission will also put into ellcct new policy oi iigainstHoiia Government machine heron said avoided him as muchas could Halls and some 60 of his as sociates are under indictment on various charges UNDER lNDlCmENTB llolie himself is under two indictments one in Florida at leging mail fraud and the other at Nashville which charges him with takingmore than $1000 000 illegal payments irom trucking lir Baron at one time was asso ciated with Pat Conroy labor attache in the Canadian Em bassy hare Conroy quit as secretary treasurer of the old Canadian Congress oi Labor in lost because the CLC conven tion refused to endorse an ex ecutivc decision to give Baron Job on the CLC executive Earlier Baron put in stormy period on union organizer in Canada He told reporter in May that he wasseleclad in 1945 as Canadian director oi the Textile Workers oi America at liliated with the old Congress of industrial Organizations Boron ran into union factional struggles in loss and lost his lab as result Commercia promotion in the touched on merit as well as service The passing ol quotilylng examinations will be essential to promotion in overy rank and personal evaluation by pro motion boord will carry almost as much weightos seniority Within view teaching up lolly upiodnte and effective moons of swiit communication linking all police forces in On tarlo and those in other prov inces and nearby states the commission has also been given authority tocmploy Prol Reid oi the University oi Tor onto lostudy and re rt on the various communica onsynesds in the province An adviseron lice services will also be appo nted to assist the Ontario police commission in the performance at its gen eral supervisory duties over police forces in the province and to assist local police com missions and councils in solving problems in which they need outside expert sssistanceand advice inherent Derailed Train SUDBURY cmCoroner Dr Haziewood has found that train derailment Feb at Gogama whichresulted in the death oi sectionioreman was apparently caused by the shitt ing at load oiitlmbcr The shitting oithe timber was Bussihiy due to insufficient ending Dr Haslewood said in verdict he issued Monday it is recommended that the method oi banding be investi gatedso that such an occur rence will not happen again the verdict said The coronerattached no blame to Canadian National Railways Wilbert Kowaichuk of Begonia was killad when struck by iimé her from derailed ilat car Railway employees said they believed the accident was caused by heavy piece of timber which tell irom flat car onto the rails Twentyone cars of the ireight train leit the track Starr Wants Unity Tolleip Economy 08HAWACltNow the time for all Canadians to come to the did of the economy La bor Minister Starr says its told Rotary Club meet log Monday This is not time ior dismay or for tumlngaside irom obieetives on account at temporary setbacks it is time for unity oi purpose among all sections olthe com munity Mr Starr said economic prob lems demandanswers based on economiciacls oi tile or TheBiliiieixominerV Willa BE closeup AFROMNTOAUMiinciusive suitsins nouns onoeas MAY as tear in THE MAIN osrlcet tenuous or rotten not magnetic force which sur how much fallout Mondays Moo Usvthermonuo ered in invokeconsistent blast evertthstsdilr ylhisgtbln sheil insomnia highintensity electronss kl ol artiï¬cial Van Alienlrsdintlvnr bolt rerouted the blasti wns expected to not to shoe week And government scienttsu seld it covtdjnot harmanyone They rcdictedinadvsoee ot thoisbo that sucbs shell ol electron would be produced But it will take two weeksgor so to make sure thlpugh analg sis olt data collected ramp lh satellites orbiting The electrons produced by the blast Would he caught by lines roundthc earth They would lrsi around these magnetic loss over distanch oi thou ssnds oi miles At the some time some oi the electrons would be absorbed by the st morphere There was no oillcial word on blast would produce But government scientistseo tlmntsdthst regardless oi the amount it will not piaii tolling on earth for at least car When debris to donor ted in the stratosphere which ranges up to about M000 lest the toll out taker irom less than year to about it years to come down SET OFF llltiflEli hut Mondays blast was set all even higher at an altitude at more thonsoo miles What cilect the explosion had on the Van Alicnrludidlion belt truism sorts By 86 FROM AUSTRALIA Apackage of live rollingplns shipped nlr express irom Syd nay Australlo arrived here last Frldoysnd was held in bend over the weekend in case it should have some duty against it They had been ship ped here by the chairman oi the Australian Committee who is our adversary in the later ustlonai Brick ibrowln Con testto promote ham or art at throwing roi pins tortilla ladlesl These rolling pinshnnd made oi an Australian native wood weigh two pounds=each and are benutiiui weapon to place in the bands of any woman ltis hoped that right soon some oi the lonislil ladies will decide to show the world that they can toss the pins The rules for the contest are the some aslorbriek throwing team oisix with three throws each and tees for distance With only ashort period leit for practise lets hope that en quirieswlii he received irom some oiihose who will try pitching these pins rolling pin will be available ior prac lice at the Stroudshopplng Centre where Mrs Dwight Nei son will be in charge The committee would be glad to hear irom groups who desire to make entries and also irom some enterprising tirm vwho would like to putup prize csflecialiy for the winners oi th game it cost the Australian donors to poundslewd to airexpress the pins to Melton and the costs to get them irom there to herrle were 5250 However they were only four days com ing re the bottom oithe worldto eir destination sccarrs Replying to our invitation to act as judge at the Town ship Field Day Parade Mrs Huckle ol Eracebrldge formerly Birdie Warnica who taught at Knock school aliprea see her pleasure at being asked to attend We quote irom herlctter deem it great honor to be invited to act as judgaoi your Parade on lluiy 21 Asone oi the old glrlsol lnnisill iPriniingiDepotirtttnii am keenly interested in the al ilrsrol township ol Statedspaecbomb plosion todnydivldcd the Niple oi Western soiling Pins no ForLady Throwers Lennon Arum other is ling onxé toully to see what thclttllelV 1d we tenure em eat on necessary svliyto strengthen the tree worlds defences Others held misgivings aiannv linker ing lnouiorspacov50mo doubtcdtho test wot military necessliy Communists denounced itos crime that took the nuclear rgcc irom earth tothe realms Dally Worker mest British newspapers dc ended the testf though some regretted that it had to be done ThevAmorlcons believe that the present tests are necessary to perlect their delenceajsaid the rightwing Daily Express Britain luiiy shares the so crets revealed by the latest ex perimenls The strength oi the Western deterrent is reinlorccd So is the pros cct oi pence There is cause or sotislacilon not for complaint No REGRETS The Conservative Daily Mail sold in brisk mnttenoiioci assessment this latest achievement there is little room birth The present new is taught at Knock school No other forms residents of lnnisill who have been in vlted to act as judges have not yet replied but we hope to hear from thorn shortly INVITE OFFICIALS Invitations have gone out to official oltlces oi the United Kingdom United States and Australia to have some repro scntation at your internationm brick Throwing and tohring along their ling Last year Eng land paraded theilinge oi the countries concerned and had them saluted as the National Anthem oi eschwas played it is hopedthat we can have somewhat similar ceremony ilwa have the cooperation of the invited olilclolr and color squads form our local legions ANOTHER CHALLENGE hank directors may try their luck ashrlck throwers as the directors at the lnnisill Farm ers Credit Union are trying out their muacicap with suggestion that they challenge the winners oi the two councils lnnisill and Barrie and see it they can outdistance both of them in brick throwing One thingin their lover is that they are close to the shopping centre practlcsv rings where conch Dwight Nelson is starting the newcomers on practise throw ing If any group desires to try their hand practice bricks may he obtained PEACEFUL EXPROPRIATIDN The property needed by the township at the end of the road in Minets Point in order to get right tway onto the new SHANTY stir Iiir Miles North err Hwy ii 4th LinaOro TONIGHT ANofweoNesoav SUDDENLY thr SUMMER Elizabeth Taylor Montgomery Ciiii aerator were ctriilcd iroloorsndl ior hemlklm fleeing aiho es seer mtrslodilsjrliiltaryaaino we mmhldsoldthstitthe ImWWV Minister and Mrs Diameter arrived here irom Cslg tto attendthe rel algal their closeirtendsnd new adsth were ovo gnarl Juczioeh it Porter heme to We also onbsnkiog ssh itnsnoo licsald dining commission sitting that sonse poopingrt havinggreat dilliuilty goiting their money out oi older housemboceuss potential buyers could not soge financing it would be wellwonhiwhtle ll irtortgsgos were made silebtl for this plum The chairmans ccihudosm obvious vtss notishnredrby some ilcisis oi the Canadian Lion drihnihd VIII cellist yotriws ices denim ii nieds mag news dispatch The noise sir vital radio communication by the huge sirnospherjc disturb the newspapcmsidu The Liberal Guardian ol Mao chester commuted The misgivings which ordl This Emit it nasccn vue Iii mu cm the American decision to cm bark oiltests in space will re main whether ornot iniorms at th iion oi militaryvnluo some irom the tests ln West Germany the lett lconlog Fronitiurter declared slices ituodschau One thing is certain The United States no longer has any reason to get excited over the mogoton experiments with no clear bombs which ihe Soviet Unipn carried through last win ter The Conservative Frankiqu Aligemolno sold The explosion is countermeasure forced on the Americans in the lace ot series at Soviet atomic explo slons toliendot Road will bopeace fully exp printed as the own er and committee are ii able to get together on the value Valuators have set price consldorobly under that which the owner who has re contly beenstoylng in the house on the landwili agree to accept HOLIDAY lN lioSPiiAL The Reverend Alfred Clarke known in this district where he wasorganist at St Andrews and Stroud Presbyter ian Churches is on lurlough from the Cathedral in Nassau He has decided the iirst thing to be attended to is trouble some loot condition which will be treated in Royai Victoria Hospital=aiter which hswill be spending the rest oi his leave at his Beach lonncr pupil oi mine when We home at lion Seeours Storm Disrupts Communications OiiAWA OPiA storm with winds gusting to 80 miles an hour disrupted communications and caused extensive damage to property intha Ottawa region early Monday The storm blew down hydro poles and trees and flattened several term buildings in broad area south and cast oi the capital Hall the neighboring town of Eostvlew was lelt with out eiectEicity Most oi th properly amoge occurre south of here in the area Farmers in the Jasper and Eatous Corners areas reported silos destroyed rooistoruirom inrm bulldings crops mined and small buildings swept away Foilingtrees and debris dam aged fences and armors wero attempting to sort out herds that wandered onto neighboring properties Dosiths Pilon larmer at Roekland reported his barn and 2300 balesoi hay destroyed in tire started by lightnln Smiths Falls Teach Overseas MTAWA tCFLMore than to Custodian unlversiili gradus willing to work wi the people at underdeveloped wuotrles iin Ivrpirii ol humility goodwill and mutual soilrespcct wlll taker teaching posts in Atrial and Asia this tall Lite insurance Cilicsrs Associnr rcscn vnnind 090035ii People whoteik shoot on are in the minority and there Is usually morotelkuthsn or substance replied Csrthy omcioto treesur sun Lite Amnsnco Comm oi Csnhdacin tienireol Mr McCarthy said diverting Family Tents f0 at orrsws veerass problem iirrn Flnnertys ismily which has fought ior two years would reduce the amount mil shte ior new housing it was question of pablicfrpolicy ilg nancingoldcr houses would not against city eiforts to movs fnrovlde much employmentond them irom their property has entered new phase his and Mrs Roger Finnerty and their two adult sons have come in Canada ilowsvcr the association was not entirely opposed to the idea it said in its hrlcl that it NHA set up housekeeping in tent loans are extended to used to replace the rpapcr shach which cityhuudosers demol lshed nine days ago or The problem is to find legal way of ousting them Civic oliicinis can llnd nothing in the bylaWs to prohibit speclilcally tent on private property despite the strict sonlng rules in the area Crash Kills Two ltlANlTOUWADGE 0ntiCPl Two man died as the result at weekend highway accident six miles south of this town 740 miles east oi Port Arthur police reported Monday lamcs Casar 28 at Port Arthur died in the headon crash Saturday bruno Kunsok oi Manitouwadgs died in hos ital sued third man in eir car agoing treated in hospital hers wasnot identiiiod Defends leerers TORONTO 10 Elmer Sopha Liberal member ol the Ontario legislature for Sudhury said Monday night he will1de iend id liporsons charged with creating disturbances at Cholmsford during the recent edcroi election campaign Mr Sophs airing during provincial all rs radio broad cast said the Chclmslord voters decisively rejected and repudi ated both Prime Minister chi enhaqu andDonsid Giliis Pro greasivs Conservative candidate ior Nickel Belt The seat was retained lot the metamorphism 9mm iimnr1u lira hummus ors innin houses the should be restricted to hone ldo purchasersthose ho intend to lvo in the house pHUitowr DRIVEiN routertr wee TENNESSEE WillAdds dishonorï¬t Gory Dorothy FRlENDLY PERSUASION in color Now snowrno MAXhlIlItN scum mum gltiiilliltitliiitlilli We ENGIER 3136110156 in xrvomuux prrrntlu lifti bosoysesrhnssrrnscriou POLLY BERGEN IN iiBELLE SOMMEltS FINGER or Loos are BELLE AT esos Gina Lemony YDRIVEglN THEATRE Fasr 5st Teeth oberisen MarlweeoAnv AT 200 PM FEATURE TIMES PM and 915 ti mils llililhl