Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1962, p. 4

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in Units nor Obsolete Through Nuclear Weaponsi Nuclear weapoiia have not made CanH were the order ay the Congo adian militia units obsolete They have endeanadlan soldiers ammitedmem selves tvith honor lo ui and train created the need for new kind of sold om and men who cgndm such ior who can enioice the peace lnUnltetl my With lemme tact some Nations police action this Royal Ham skllland above lin discifiline this is mo cartoon ton Light lnirantry Wentworth Regii the real challenge to militia regl morons my restrictsproblem ment was told on its 100th anniversary ment today inc assumed Wartime commander of tiierllamiiton Militia regiments today must train regiment and former bri other of men for civil defence duties in the event Canadian militia Denis Vhitalter lt of nuclearwar to meet Canadian cone gt D50 cited the new role being played mitments tothe North Atlantic Treaty Vii mimosa batman by Canadian soldiers Organization sndes eclally forUNpolicev my mum as iie salti econfl ht toward twist in us Perhaps in cars to come General wfia at peace but only he we intuitions creeps before me is 1901 annual Forum nuns dovzlopcr more Burns and his lttle corpsoi Canadians who stood under the United Nations amass raport oi the Gsoralan Buy lactors can be cotiutsd towards tie between lsracli and Arab armies enforce its unwed non Development Awmiim th decentralisation thanasainsl wil be as bravely remembered as Canad glfluaflimfiIxENWP its Mu ildiil ians who taught at Normandy or Vimy New torthe that time in history an nhéwed the additigi oinii ng di imth Ridge Ferhags we will recall with equal international arm men from regi initialsleg within one yonr ifimfivfidusk win pri tiiose anadlan officers and men merits like this 70 Thirteenth haVe gm mum who hava gone out from our shores in marched out under the blue and white Whig 3213 The pm pm more recent days to lndoChina or the United Nations flag tosto war not to mndwgflmf 2mm live in democracy Congo to maintain the peace he said wage it Brigadier Whi er said There are many reasons why gt lciicclisd closely intoona iiii wde 0mm madman lha ltllu Second World War Colonel These soldiers restored geese in Ko migweoguigig come into metro districts snd who won the D50 at Dleppe and Bar sea brought peace to In oChlna to mu Wm battle the still competition to terms DSOin the North West Euro Kashmir twice stopped war in the Mid the Georgian Bay represent if hfiiflzrhfir campaign said in preparation tor in die East Toda theymalntaln peace in tornationsl fielice force engagements the turbulent ongo In these oglerations soidierlng lbocome more and more Canadian lnfan men have ed and exactlngAs Canadian soldiers recently been wounded should bewrong to learned in the Belgian Congo such action think their casualties were any less vital mung Objechve involvespatienco in the face of prove to our peace and security than those alivcs had no hesitation in go TODAY IN ing right into Metro with their mu ideas ends result they The ream why my no WW Wimmiv so important is related tolls WW W1 growing epprchcnsioniroin Met that some oi the ilnest poia mwnm 1i GAMMA PRESS toes in Canada are grown right MM 6mm reation compgsurainlthe midst of tun this regiment auifered on the Rhine or to its film 35 flfgiihiigzfifi ilrlt raala proachio decent moll iortltu under attack enforce in the deienceoi the WellandCanaia vlew cancer mgrhiigefiliiggglstfl mm mam Wm 11 P533 fig tl meat of order without bloodshed These century ago mpg in an gm or wand bring the uni riled lim choice but by compulsion star even two the seaward tigharirseiuhohiiaimngmgu uruuunotwiurraltanoug Vans and on rate rm nyrosarn onornenno complianmmirhdp hoax the my 51 mm mm mu It deflmn virus tromlnvading the an doubled the also at the plaht n1 llg fifiifiriiiffnfihffmfifi gigggvimwiienivisrver 5m nnrrrriitceiigvrah windowing in omntgn is 3i$icf3°iiiuirurii Another potentialatep toward Curr righthand side otthoroad in all counts flnflfcfmfig that chtwlfhltxi smatocomp inward Eight openniunlty is the recently announced 11185 as distressingly Mimi aicians noted that smallpox and live or soothes 17 aimedoverall urmion aeroplanes plan for European highway gods to hr The expertsagrfld on the need for been assumed Millions often iiii Prevent were iiifli ii OWM imm Thats only one part oi the Ion Item estimmnnmflc and vehicle on mm mum to cold sores and ii van soon seatKorean War ccasé Here are others hosiery mill mum Manon imam mm 3553 gamma may gain pan deveio st agenda at one awasareilismr is Emerald retransmit ment in the road systems flags Fifi laorsa start This isnot sure lainshe engagement of ed earns FederaijFanns Ltd Euuirfiiifiiiidfior 111223 been sha ing under the guidance of Much more me ch as can for to we amefilymflfinl $3 the preventive but have had Princcss Elizabeth and went into prepared lands at County which mg my Hendrik 03 fame Dutch minister of considerable success with it Philip wearonuounced by Bradford Blue MountainPot dry ensure better layoutand surfacing ac ha WWW hm and so have other doctors Buckingham Palace tcry went to Collingwoodi Consequently gout Some years ago British transport lctims new all companied by better lightln Particular hildr us gromfother plans supfiloriletd siftentéon is being tpaifil to provisign gcitleclininfilrczgtgfi $319 mm ilc ea ers orasu reme all or ti on eween Fore as wsey as T1 Id northernpllunisville tor their lmfiigrazgntngrflolsnwghfipfi for Western Europe transport this new strips carrying the opposite streams of necessarilythe hnportant thin plan is being worked out by road safety trafiic by the use of hedges ditches and rather the locationiaipi intense subcommittee which has brought togeth bouncer barriers significance charcoal division Monarch Mao more land mm mm mm er parliamentarians and transport ex special action on weaned black ii the cancer invade are Faces Era ter started automaticvending Mm machinca In orangcvillc steel pipe assemblies are now in Dr Pleva Head the Geography Department at ports for the first time at an lnternation spoisnwasmgedynm form increased While WW iii Midland Mum Wm 0mm 81 limit the lOliiiit being Prepared W111 segregation of predestrian and vehicle be pm by Sheer loud ti mm rear nivansnrlr monarnv our time ii men it with include expert advice on all aspects of traffic especially by the use of subways against or otherwise 5min BaltTlghtemng These oi course are rcvoiu boiiwmgigpigifiggggmgflv tlonary changes and support the road safety areas in which we on teal or overpasses argumentalor diversification of 153 mm Which The subcommittee agreed practically The W35 350 ii Siionil iii fiii 19 Pugh the other hand theta are Br Dori omit gm mg back our tomsii industry throushtiiii iiiiiii figghiggfi mum hr aflal Vll 95w unanlmousiy on 25 recommendations co aitiiiiiiiice 0i i00 merit road Signs Biting other areas which are insenri TORONN It are to mm be However even with ihlairn mun be said can live erlug all aspects of the problem road with control of roadside advertising live to pain There are also keep owmmdam of living in um 31 mnmucflon and sumc vehicle parts of the body in which Ontario on will hm mm we pact and lm aure other devali in wnhir lng de Fmally there was Call for strength cysts tumors or other masses lecture at home and manuiae firmfiflflflfimfifflnfi mile ml pm calyytbwfiwandhlfilhghi tsisn the law and its enforcement the enlng of national andinternational re can grow to considerable also at géfligumfhfilfiggoaiiigiiiiea and the search on road safety engineering wioouidoirr anv rreaifliarm fiffiiflffig my igiigwkggeigiigi We iii liltliliniirgsflaniw Pill iii fr or causing any area scom proportions compost or azas Aliiiit mm genera iigieeimiii the tortirom time to time we read autismofiy mid figiwfinfllmm 1° Theprosaic population tables 3me pgmmg note of la main recommendations need for safety belts it was also agreed at the removal ot tumors that mvince it am And liat Grey County as having sl standard highway code tor all that vehicle inspection at regular inter Wiiisii rtwie A150 mm keep then attegpts will be mode to it Pemnimih sourrces mi 5°rnliiilvi3 estern Europeycompulsory attachment vais is desirable for all old vehicles and cm gm ammo mm we find on my and mm of pectancy at out 62000 in me mm when he lamgm There are so meny positive Tot safetybelt tittingsby manufacturers that iivshould bemade compulsory for palm will have to do this iar on sin in it Elm limit milieiiceiiy Nia ara Aasocietl wsen for vehicles obligatory road traffic in celiain categories This should include 51111 fine flittggmfifi our ownreaourcer pp WWI to 1m fillet 1y gelled alimaiuagliesalun isiru iron in schools and drlvmg on the examination of lights tires and brakes detecting it early The pain Ever Shire the war we have will by my 000 leis made cilective in the planj comes as secondary result ct been holding outs molasses mam ea In mm the mum pnins process pressure or erosion been holding out molassee state the chaos will rm He stressed proper devel would not write anything coated invitation to foreign ears Mei mi the mov ward men an moi viiflbaniim broken down that would detract from the itai gliiiibiibil iiflveuifliii id mfik we 1min Develop lntoyresidenlialhinduatrial com mm mg Energy mm ha Mad tilhngerows con meat rAssoclatlons municipal Sgt 12133 iigfékfi 115 ea 55 desperately deliieti to man For some this we arg going govemmenta who rctuse to ac dagnculturc $25 YEARS AGO lNCOUNTY men in sermon the Order would be cai quench And we have welcomed in so badly need us dollars in cepl themeim Eiiiiiiiiiiid T95 any Barrie Examiner July 1937 Sinicoe led on to play important part in Canad mereffntflr mid it iaii KW down on our knees to Canada and we will have to possible aggressive legislators pranfiingfufimgdflflfi County Council chartered CPR lake ian affairs Rev Arthur Cooper Bill at the same time we mm mm WW 15 iflke lam ii iii 93 QM PM imply meals at srowtlrnns develop sleamer Keewatin for cruise from Port inducted as pastor of Central United should know that certain things mg mm ggfisgfiaffifiéhéntggddfl meutiowarda socially desired McNicoll to Owen Sound withiamilies Church Traffic OfficerJack Lewis can be done to take his tartar min i333 r°irw sin will hardly or possible the iigures provenothing and guests Front pagephoto showsSim said Weekend traffic was highest yet °m°h°w°d°° unto dontoonuoiour own to tulle any bold steps soon else they act like theconaulf Wm mm icoe Warden Charles Douglas Carl Ste with US cars outnumbering Canadians drama haileé which would break dewlithe lnsrrhyeiciaa oi industryranii i533 aloggldzggcgfifiigg wart aners Stewart greeted at desk Ag RonstewartL Page ssldhay eaflycah be rvred mg gusmm US dowry 2333 Emmi gt PM and new be constrvedas rby Warden Roy VanDusenr of Bruce yleldincounty was exceptionallybeavy Second radiation nursery And our biggest job in boil 35 gomiicfigpm WE mjdfifilfe gum anything less than constnicllve County and WardenrAngils lchrthup of and wheat looked best in years and WW finite ii Maintain tishtealns and austerity will be the when in not so wmmmm like plague flfiefenhelff Wat IGrey County Farmers go begging WCTU held garden tea at residence of mm S3°e° C5 in set Mimi oi it again widespread On every side expert oplu may yum mm rfor harvest help as transients loaf May Mr and Mrs Lennon Barrie $58313 jfiiiiigii mm WWW in But eventually this Wiii him ions have been bnanlmous it mafigigiflgfiij ggmfiffi tar Robertson urges citizensth to Archdeacon Moulton delivered address in of mm mm 23 to some gar rifle astute lime d°r provincial highways that are encourage them with handouts Chief Mildred Meredith was presented with table life exp hmEntlsIu p13 km 1962 15 Willi iii mermaid iAlex Stewart adds warning One third both ROI and County prizes for heat Third depending on imiiw ke 1m yogcdw 17 We No one has yet delivered iOf transients whollet jobs never report essay Sidney Miller was first for poster s916 51 drven home EMNBIVE LAND Imam wmr uch was main headlines Public YorkSimcoe coon tennis league wgfiegelmmfi 3553 We have realized all along Eflfieapfigmgnfi 3151 tiliiies general manager Salter flourished Penetang bea Allandale and wmnn guts More anathei 115 capital Nniwiied film Mr the 31 and the luture null moi gstated that an abundant water supply Newmarkettvon at barrieon same day more neurone ngoipaiientl igefimifm WW iwaerrtm it met maicms lilflinu arm tse gWBS available here thl32y9ar with new Lefty George Dunkerley pitched who remain comm brothers Winds iii now is so expensive that in the swell producing 400000 gallons daily Barrie to 41 win over Penetang in leagr fig liltiititihib51iedaflmj flienhegflmflfxflwfnm huge words of one provincial govern iwithout pimping No reason for uneasn ue baseball Dominion Day handi wlla flaaelhngnystsp Oriana plants to do anyexport fimflg mflfimfl merit otilclai You can but 511 Serena NOW rness was indicated andrno restrictions cap at Barrie Golf Club brought latgee business Andthat this to some min iwould banishedsinc couldbe entry in years arranged by Frank Ra Fourth think it you wor Ci wort wait $335299 Piles Wiihoiii liner sed t0l500000 ga he by pump veil club pro and DonTMacLaren club rememberlns that Fame do 533 we iyou are finch has been miade oi the or Discomf Rev DrrJ SShortt at St Ana captain Dr Scott Cookstown was Mimi Pridimiiime Strike TO Cripple yin may MM mm web of mum and Ql momma can idrews Church told parading Orange first followed by RCorson Shanty Eff pmgfog°wgiw Aerospace Indus we Wiiww siren to harass cause The fine Examiner Bob Bibly and Joe Saso such artheart disease without oflffiiéwmg 23 fri7iiii3ner2ioir1° 931am it than first gang the cancgr ever amounting to My 23 Mitzi 33km agar healinffifibstanoe with the andlaiaaymaa said willcrlpplertlietUnltad rfiievle almgdlfiw Daily sunday and Statqu states aerospace industry Keep Barrie money working in gamma bun mime Wmtiltm Vilniululsimasr walkout would involve pm Am witimhis on stringing gr docuonwrarhirvfiomgriima Pits einriot firearm tvncym airpsne pans on mam US has wan mm hleldt 212 hflflfiafi it ases pe oaa per can relieving inoctnal mum ennurn Callintend see us today abriniage took phmwumm 74 ccénesfla for daysatittgrralcieiiair Most amazing at on my cos vyout raged 13and 15 in atlrlCiap entrustan about wereo thorou downgrading an no iishhlhsitii is wmmerco seson av near own aviruswhichdoubtlesaolien 8P Rev Levi Halfyard new United Church that usvwhen our moistened infilfiivilirm cal wfififimdfimcmgmm minister atthurchilldledlsuddenlyr in iadown its Bitera cold 31111th be take was not maobam Huston hospiyaunggmfyea wiA unquestionably home at us closed MNthth entitled 0Y5 KC GXMPfOlGimcoe is gen NWiiimlkiim 16 me The unions seekingwase mflmdhm am ill congratulations on ompleiing 00 are um Wm imifiufiili walnutEmmy as memb tyChurchCh backgammon

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