LIKE pvrsmnc Inrnnrnsv tans Littie Leslie Jill Cutler oi the Vancouver international Vancouver discovers thatlhe Festivals production oi llts lion nndlnmb who appear in Magic Flute sre gentle cres eExchdrrge Angry words tures The opera opens July no CPWirepbolol Over committee Report Aid Earlc Williams and Mayor Lea Cooke crossed ver bal swords during an angry ex change at spgcial council meeting last night in connec tion with report submitted by the tire and lrsiiic com mittee The exchange came alter Aid Charles Newton challenged the do In in recommendation about tutura rond plants the cityns they apply to access to and egress irom Highway sea Aid Newton was questioning the advisability ot having gloveriaai at Duekworih St and an overpass or St Vincent St These matters had been dis cussed earlier in the evening by theclty development com mittee the tire and tratilc committee and representatives at the planning board Aid Newton said he was at the opinion that the cloverleai should be placed at the St ailmentHighway 400 intersec Dil Aid Gerald itobertsssid that public works oi which Aid Newlon was member had little to do with the matter since the protect was still in the planning stages Aid New ton hud sugested earlier that public works should be invited to the committee meeting enri ier inthc evening Aid Roberts did however agree that the matter should be tabled so that iurther cen slderalion could be given it was at this point that Ald Williams lost his temper stat uaderpass at tag that council would have had plenty at time to discuss proposals madeby his commit tee ii the special council meet ing hadnt been called We cant have written re ports into council when meet ing iscslied minutestoiter we have discussed subicct in committee said Aid Williams paid Roy Mbrseilus at this pointintermpted to say that one meeting in anight was enough iorlsnyone Mayor Cooke contended that the report tvaa ayhlt ong ior council to bcable to digest its contents nilcr that one oral reading He too ngreedthat most at it should be tabled Hc saidit is not fair to expect councilto accept all the recommendations in this lengthy reportiln just ten minutes Oro Shareholders To Meet Tonight Shareholders oi the ore Tole phone Co wlilmeet at oclock tonight in the tire Township Hall to decide the iuture at the township telephone company mm mm interchpansion where the strike ests who hoped to persuade the shareholders to sell the lirrn in the Bell Telephone Co tailed in their attempt since less than twothlrds oi the e1l glhie number at shares were in iavar of this move 15 Aid Williams retorled Yes and it is also not lair to have council meeting on July it when it had been called at our lgst regular meeting ior iuiy Still Laborers Return To Work rsunaunv cmSome son laborers retumed to work Mon dny otter tying astronomers worth at coittruetlon in an area last wee The end oi the wildest strike come Saturday when concilia lion board held special meet ing here and advised union pillclals itwouid not hold its regular hearing this Saturday unielgs the men returned to war Members oi the international Hod Carriers and Laborers Un ion CLCl local sen walked oil their Jobs July in protest over the still aohour paid is bury Builders Exebongeyilrrits Though severalottho protects returnedto normal operation in midweek construction workers irom the taco iron ore plant originated continued their pro tests Conciliation board Chairman Trevor Smith oi Torontowaraed union oiiiclnls Saturday the board could not work under 15 today and shitting St Gathertoes Mount orest Damage vest1 District Ceilestsis board last niflltnsdscidsd on inshmuirsw to studsoljsllsrwbigiinstvsulv keys were msdszsnrt used by thozstadeots to solo access to several muss Totaliosstncludi dams to doors and one has multesillol had been made lg lhsp eats the Board was to Principals Bowman sad EC Bridgcsssked that We crslrnew textbooks be lotrodoe ed ior September This was so proved by ins Beard Tbs townships at Oro Em and lnnlsill requested that board oi arbitration be set up to consider the equalized assess ment with view tosstsbllsb tag mm equitable equalised assessment tor each municipal lty inihs district and with View to having nnew distribu tion at costs arranged ior less Board secretary Burton was instructed to srrsa meeting oi assessors oi the llward Workshop lloor Contract The Barrie and District Ac notation ior Retarded Children held special executive meet ing at the new workshop Ber vv czy 5t last night Wollendeo ills coo trsetor was awarded contr act tor covering iloors oi llvs buiidlogléith linoleum at rtee Pimnblng and Bristow Heating Ltd at Dunlap St glris bathroom it was decided ior repainting the interior sod removing part at the trout root may also be repaired presentation at $1109 by the Association at Canadian Travellers tromthe draw held tow weeks back at El onhns Vilnney Hell WEATHER synopsis showers and than dershowers doveioping to the north ol Lake Superior this and southeastward through the provinco today and Wednesday with the activity reaching the lower that Lakes area Wed nesdey alternoon Lake st Clair routhornLake Huron Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Sunny and warmer today Wed nesday partiylcldudyi with scab tered thundershowers ri the siternoon and evening Winds light today southwest crly is on Wednesday Southern Georgian Bay Hall button northem1reke Huron ireglops durury and warmer to day Wednth mainlyrcioudy with scatter showers and lhuhdershowers Winds light to day southwesterly is on Wed nesday Georgian Bay regions North Bay Burlbury Sault Ste Marie ilnlnly sunny and at little warmer today Cloudy with scattered showers and thunder showers tonight and Wednesday Winds light increasing to south went so this roaming and shitt ing to northerly Iii early Wed ncsduy White River Coeluane re glans Sunny isecdmlngeloudy this aiternooo Scattered show era and thundershowers begin ning thlsnlternoonaod ending Winds light becoming southerly to north erly to overnight Forecast Temperatures Lowtonmt high Wednesday Windsor as 85 st Thomas tendon Kitchener $5 85 £5 30 BS 85 d5 Tomato assaaaagaasfl Tlmmi Fer PLUMBING an HEAT No INSTALL 110 Algoma iimsgaml nordsém overnight Wednesday artly cloudy with low light showers rooms and two hallways oi the will ihltdli plainbtng flor the to get prices stone patio and soddingltlhs sitemoon will spread eastward to Chile niunlei nun who lb out awareness ll visuaoileli bssr and ier moulded sdisliritisirhnurl cIIOilCcne smarter Teodor wustssrdsd ie Bert rs Bros to mats the ctpsl otilco sod malts lens It limb Collegiate Wollondsns tender tar linoleum tor ens clusroom at Central to 53 Theubosnt chasm to its the school gsrsgs width had been olisredior ssis hoosuu otters were not equals to cover cost oi msierllls instead the material will be reused in similar project Igaln nestle Ailsr iseussieo on what haushesdth comnuttensflrhsds ag recomm one That buses leave the schools It tbs was thus uehdsyrr That the principals bs recapit ed to meet with the menus meat commutes to plan pro gram oi mm and extra curricular activities tor the site dsnts siter pm that tits buses lesvs its schools daily at Mt pm whtmmr tlmsis tell more do sisable mihsmrioclpsisn Thst bus operstm be re quired to arrive at the schools haggard than daily rm That the business admin istrelor ascertain the llmstlrst comm by no 10 non at uni 0st Pew cheque will bomsde shortly 3mm Power Ego But on Cons rswsr ova tide can mw It sewnan iCon Pspsr intsr mu sit itll flumr Id Usn Devonian ll Haitians gen ouhaus at In lflfl Untilnn ntcoobrtdls MA Lsmsgns tarsus omstsl Buds hrsrss Niabsl or Pips mt Club Mum Wig KernAddison iii riti ss ll hurry Idle Nortblm VIMOII ACTIVE ITOCKI Sslt lsisphomcdn Husky cm lltssl or Csnsds Jscebus Simpson oi Arn prler oongrslulstss tbs towns eseh anthem to pick up students on each route That contract be entered into with Mr Blake Lsotont ior an sdditionsi bus route irom Angusto Central Collegiate TODAYS STOCK PRICES oom st so am mupmsn Vs Bitch om lterss 41 ll 11 ll to reigning lilln Poss 0st In rs isto ms Pins Psgs Iterst ttsta ass Wit It dill hothrnsns its at ilsnk sds lhlnill press dhswtol sn dust is can TorDsm ilk Trsns Osn Trans Mt t1 Trad fin lsucsr Union Walker DEW cpsmtsks dd ausmcnt to At one ï¬lm ordon ates lloelt also on With Films 61 hit more asco lilnll 77 DDWJUNII not scan AVLBMJII lndustrlsts up lithium up ass Utiilttgs up 101 ITDCI memos ntan TOM rindustrisls up 181 colds down Al BWIDINDI DICLABW Gsco Mines dds sbls ids sbls em as dividend Ant swacnn MINERAL DAI Even cattle on well balanced animals herd registered and erals recently knowan he palate liitysnd dusbireehsn mineral requirements Thus its listsisup Oils up so an ucmont sou psys Vls dspt as dividend 29 Normslsl an 100 sutures FR0M3 MINERAL HUNGER unnrrar BOSS to shunaha ll avrucno csntsnnlsl queen iiyesroid Bhsils Lemmon Arnprlors csoteooisl tsbratlons which Andes Telephone swept into high genryssten day coutlnuenll this eeh Numbers Change All Angus tel hone numbers will be chsng July in the Bell Telephone Company an nounced today The new num bers are listed in the lm tele phone directory it Nelson region more er oi the companytssld change is necessary to insure thnt all numbers srs unique not just to Angus itselt but also within Angus entire home aren it is no longer suiiiclent that telephone number be unique to can com unity it must be unique withn its entire home area Mr Nelson said The ilrst titres digits ot each number will begisrwitbutttlrf with the last iourdlitiis 151 maining unchanged For ox ampie HE him would become till121M The change will not siiect local calling that is calls irom one Angus telephone to another Angus telephone since Angus telephone users dial only the test tour digits to make such calls hog distance calis or calls FRENCH AFTER illlOlllB PAltis titeutersl Delcnce Minister Pierre Messmer oi licence is quoted today as say ing that France may have an iibomb by mm The newson per Leiigaro says Messmer told aviation journalists this at meeting Monday coming trom Barrie will re quire useoilthe new seven iigure number Mr Nelson said Angus homo area known as makeovers tens oi thousands at square miles There are hundredl til then sends oi telephones in this area each oi which requires tele phone number not duplicated elsewhere In the total area the boundary lines tor the 705 home area have had to he revised This has resulted in tho ilrst three digits oi the Angus tcicfhonc numbersheing dup lies on elsewhere within the 705 homornren suggest that customers change clotoicphono numbers in their little blue books sothey wontbe annoyed or annoy others by reaching wrong rlllrnr bersliilr Nelson said Trace ATrongernents Aiilvdllll one RAID HOTELE RESORTS CRUISES tCAR RENTALS 0x Johnson and Co Ltd Worldlvido Service as were nuntop lvilarrls tili Bay It narrator Bill obssl lï¬l II enuresiussssurist MINERALS son currLEesovioe Lowfosrnsntra tusunnucgjonwyoun rations can nutter iromvfmineralhunger Just as roughages varyso do individual requiredbyeattle and containing molasses for extra tiling itsavaiisble treat our midst reasonable price sonoustirv suosrnwcscstt IRA5WILSON CQQFSTOWN sound management to providevminersls free choice for your dairy Its not necessary to pay lot or money tor good min ersl mixture ShurGalnEsseniial Minerals for cattle guaranteedminerai mixture containing ALL and Only those mtn ctsnsnés dUMMInc hands