Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1962, p. 10

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pm SMOBGASBORD 1130 am 2pm VBAYVIEW TERRACE Shanty an Ministers St ileipyourseltto soup or luico and build torrllic rsndwich to suit you Gsraisls It with celery olives and pickles sol eellon oi cheered Choice at dessert oodcolM $135 EVENING DINNERS FROMHPN Drive minutes and iii Youll be tiled you did BIRTHS INTERESTING liAIIILY IIIETOII trons your Dsiiy Newspsaor oi the III lvonhSITITIIS ENGAGE iii and WEDDINGS Notices tor these events an only list brtns there to tho Clsssilisd Course ter nr tvitobans ran Iisnts Indoor FA Milt COOIIIIANHohn and Connie Cochrsue oi Vclllnlloh Street East iiIrrls are he py in IN nounce the mini son on SIturds July list It the Iioysl Niclorts llcspltsl liIrrle brother tar Gay Etc Ind Ii Vittoria HospltIi iiIrIie an Alondsy July 19 in Iii Ind Ilrl Arnold Mouth lose 5L dsushter Karon IIIOOYAt llsc lloyll Victoris Nosaltsi ilIrrlc on liIIurdIy July IS to Mr Ind Mn men are itlsbr llll dreams Ian Broroton itlch IIIEAITDOIVN Al thl IinyIl Victoria iiosoltnl Build on trt dsy July ID to Mrs ilsrllyn and the late iioward iihasrdown ll Dunlap Street West dsulh tar lllIIgsrei Ann ENOAGEMENTS STUNGBONDOUIIT Mr In Mrs William Robertsturssan an animate the turnout at their dsughtsrJeIn leiprls air no bnrt iioriay Doubt Inn Air and Mrs Robert George Doubt Toron to Tito rnsrrlsgs ll In tlh plsco SIlIIrday Ausust 1961 II three oclock omL in st Johns Presby IcrtsssCburch Concession eleven West Owiiilmbury TAPIONIIOOEIIIAN The fonthpIn le III Ibnounceli at run ms or 0rd Station Ind JImes It Bean lsisd of Dmnalt Ilosd nsrrlo iiav Ocell IIironii will oliiclsta at the weddlng ceremony July 21 Wonnonrteewitrs Alberta doanrtb wishes to Innounco tho chessernent at her daushtsr den GIII Wotrod oi Bsrrle to Normsii chly son at Mr and Mrs Narrnsn Neely siraud marrlsls is taIIlIn plscs July It pass in St iIuls llnsllcsn Church pasms TAYLORIllelucl At ths iloysl Viciorls HospltslDsrrle on Tues dsy July to 1062 lisehscl Kins beioved wile ol the late Dsnlcl Taylor dcsr mother or Dsnicl er IndWilliIm bath at nsrris and Kenneth al sudbury Litestlng It the Jennett Funorsl Home Ssh rle Mineral Isrvlce Thursdsy July list pm Interment Bus to Union Cemetery canes or THANKS noyvaEIel would like toex press my ihsnks to Dr Delaney and nurses in Ittcndsnro ldr their ests Ind kindness to me to the United Church ministers or their tislts Ind toiha friends who ic tnembered inn with gills flowers and cards during my stay in hos pital iir George Dowscr 0CONNOIT would Ilka to thsnk my Islands or the lovely eIrds Ind rlowarsLscnl during my illness Spcclsi thanks to the nur Ins and III at the ttovsi Vic toriILliosaitIl Mrs OConnor iN MEMORIAN HAnialn loving memory of our dear daughter nee Edith Eowon Ind mother whoLpIIsed Iwny July 10 19M MIny lonely henstsche hisny silent tosr tut always loving memory or one wcvloved so dear ievingly remembered by me then dsd dsushier Ksren snd IImlIy Want AP IIite major league be boll players have decided unanimously to ask fora cut in the lstgarna schedule and voted also in con tinue the two aliasto games The players request or the schedule reduction will be lor warded byiletter to baseball commissionerFord Frick who will then relay the request to the presidentson theArrierlcan and National iejogues The league heads are expected to act on thercquestat themetor league melt Ln thint Ice 16 gel counsel lorih ployerssuid mandayzl The playersleei ltbc auneaaort wollLioeIted Dom ipaltlllcht only $1000 and the balsaeoon onsopen Jlltittid Sensuous oaist disgusting prici uogalow LLsrge air all heating equipped IIitb aluminum storms and reset Lowdown payment to are mortgage that carries ior Ito monthly includlg interest prio clpol and taxes beckooMs $750 Down Pe ment 113200 lull prlco tor the roomy bedroom bglck bungalow Living room dining room combination kitchen piece tiled both large basement with forced air heating This prop erty is equipped with siorms and only about years old and well located to reliable immed iate possession with Side down payment SPLIT LEVEL BEDROOMS Only seine down payment on this outstanding home containing bedrooms or bedrooms and den large shape living room and dining room combination large kit chen with dining area attached garage four piece tile bath on upper level and piece pow der room on lower level This homo is well worth your in spection FIREPLACE EAST END $1900 down payment and the balance on one NHII mortgage Largo living room dining room combination open Iircploce large modern kitchen with cuss tom built cupboards bed rooms lull basement This home is built by one at Bar rios better builders and well located to all schools including separate school CALL DAY oa EVENING PA 82379 Ilombsr oi the Bantasnd District iiesl Estsio tiosrd HENDERSON seamen 13 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 678 EXCELLENT VALUE in this lovely rug brick bunga low on quiet street Vcii land scaped with hedges and trees Newly decorated Also largo recreation room Very reason able terms arranged Call Per cy Ford MUST BE SOLD TIIIS WEEK Your choice at lovely live roam bungalow or one and hell storey home Downtown location One mortgage at very reasonable terms Call PereyFord Twoan LISTINGS Both lirsttime advertised Ooe downtown location Modest price three bedroom home Clear and terms to suit AND Ilnnch bun galow with geragcand extras such as braadleem landschped Near beach shopping plaza and bus llnc New vacant Urgent sale Call Emerson Swain COOK sr Follllo man who doesnt want big yard but large size three bedroom brtek bungalow Attached garage Dining room Hanover kitchen Owner moved out oi town Must be sold Call Rita Scandrett ALCONA Inter $3000 lull priceWlntcrIzcd iilce iurnlshed two bedroom cottage on paved road Beauti sundown with pay menta aerent Coop Call lliia Scandrott nor an nacouaaanea $1500 100 yards to lake Tall shade trees among lovely cot tages Drille Rita senhdrett iiiBuiqu man SCANDRETI on ideas aonom wncox en cam annoy contorted arm salmon ewsln an sores ml min District sad as manure split level well Joop Cali so DUNLOP an the do sell 13 Iocstsd mgglhlghecu LewNico ubllc and SOSLWELLIN NOW VACANTJ IMII litflitii Owners suddcn room brick bungalow with gar lamilyslsed home with large plus taxes Coop speciion LEAST oi MELIIOS IIIAW Hero is lopvnolch value lot this lcssly kept brick bungalow sel equipment motiidown will ban gagoi on hills II MOOREFlt dIIII ROGERSPA HIST Norman center so 60 VolValue Joe Loo Lin as com Ivarstt baiswali are sets 32 HIGH ST rs Joan Lang PA ti5Ioi 115 DUNLOP EAST Graydon KohlPA distill ti Keith Emit ESTATE BROKER PA 592 II CMFPENTON ET BAKIIIEV FRANK NELLES PA HS Member Barrio Ind District llIIi EststsLLBoIrd Nsxt door to the imperisl Tbsstso 45A DUNLOP sew PA 6648i Ilembui anemic sun District lchl Pststs Send LnCORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone as oasis 93 Dunlap St lilorisags Money Avstisoia MADEL MARSHALLFA MIM ennL WOODWAIIDCreomore WIa imitaters lNSURANCE and dyed need extra coverage at any bird VSEE STEVENSONS PA also thneaA Mira osltaA on Evenings csiu Howsrd Norris PA eases LL REALTOR um lsack yard Close will so leaturcs Ibil tousrebesu en tastelullyl decorated rec or bedroom to tbs dry bright buc ugho now jvscsat tmmtdlslcpossesslohl firs command sonataNew suppressoran srslsschools here is modestly ss ovcrylfli as youd llltsi Lovely splitstone prslc dining room at tbsrostrol the house planned kitchen sad big brlsht basement isncscoinpleto this plcturo oi real comlortt tiled tour place both lullL nI Isundry tubs forced croueASrL lEDlATE POSSESSION cater to London glveI you the opportunity to make toll and complete inspection at this very modern Jbed ago We compieteiyseiiled recreation room plus den At this loWprlee this lovely modern home carries nt tit monthly listing No cos Call PA 85668 to arrange in nxaausrva nous lN mm BLOCK AVENUE money its oneowner spot in lovely ranchleaccd grounds with an extra wide peiio al the rear its 8bedroom house with big bright kitchen rec room and aluminum stormscreen dieand Itd it ds bank irian 2aaun00it anion salvost ALLANDALE Older style but with modernized and very clean ottretive In terior this would be the perlect llille property ior an investment buyer Priced tor cashthlriy day possession EVENINGS CALLI restewe ease It connect on ems IllIIDERS DAIIRII ls DISTSIOT TIMI ESTATE BOARD VShelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA Will PA cam First Mortgago Fundsltvsilable interest No Fees Charged or William PA ems Ndfllln sheiswall PA Midi 5024i PA eezea Charles Read PA Linn Smith Campbell PA ii7idu Member at Illrrlo snd District iteal rstItI Bosrd REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 84252 PA eeoee ain sewnrsemw Marion RutledgePA i57o5 Emery MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232TiflliiSt PA noose NAPIER STREET Slab stone storey and ball Titrea bedrooms diving room dining room and lichen IUIIL piece both lull basement set on deep lot complete with garden Also extra large gar age This home can be pur manth with coupleoi thousand down payment See It and de cide Cali Emory Miller awa evacuees chair Ksrl lliIrsbIll PA Mm Emory Miller PA sosss Member or Inn Barrio and District Roll Eltltolidlld New tour room some cottage tilt 20 lot Needs some finishing Asking tenor Name your tcrms No bedroom cottage with log riding on large lot Total price to with sioeesown Dermsnentr home in resort area Complete conveniences Large lolly lencedeandshsded Barrie Aslt log to 000 LUXURY cerrson Overlooking LakoSimcos at Al conn Beach stone demands to new college with striking extcrL lor design and Interior linished to inspect thesedndmany oth ers call Mrs ii Mecaguc Stroud E1112 repr enilng liiaton MOV NG salersnd easier Call cooKECAaTAGe TORAGE LTD mont assesses chasedior as lawes $75 per er oleemplete movingservice Dungsl omrufiaalrl my one JAIN Ilsctt Bonsai lbrsa coins livid mar din Illa bliliobs dates In is lsltebon atheists or lmlimuINIb it To PAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT le Tsiitll dialian Home on inf lot tachsd garage nsIr Ail ton on Gena Borden Road Takghcoe JIIJMII Allistoo ior or details WANTED TO RENT onsuv TOUR OltMDiil Iildroosss lions wanted torent or buy tn the vicinity ol tit MIrys church Writs vin details to Sol Id IIIrte Tssminsr DUILDTBI Opportunllyi Largo lot over to am would Bowling Alley on Blake smut nIIr Plsrs Telephone PA Mm gt PROPERTY WANTED CLIENT WILL PAY up to 500 each tor tour or tivs roambun ssiow tn uarrla or Alisndsia Contscl it CInon llaal Estate Plt Mm BUS OPPORTUNITIES erronrumrv ro OWN YOUR own susrnsss ltli 100 Canadian company it or pet tints on or In my spot oeo yssriy not nturps only requires hours at your stars weaklyl IllIulTxlltL DWILAY LESS THAN Join the lhoussnds who are on sling successlulty in this new sod industry erts wire or phone 51m in itothsi sales limited ulte lot so Yonls street Toronto Telephone mien Camp Borden LAUNDRAMAT FOR SALE 17 Units Thrivin Business Contact asey Cit 43284 Toronto riuITIICIALL NEED I50 TILL PAILDAY ITEOSTEONLY er 47C FONTIIOIWEEKS Ask ForA PayDayLoan PAV60203 Crescent Finance scanniop St BARRIE MORTGAGES MORTGAGES let snd 2nd bousbt sold and unused Commercial and residential moneys losncd on lsge Broker PA IMMEDIATE lattean Mortgage Looms Anywhere odsnr triples Lleeplioiid serzis UNFUIINISIIED existing roost sges titanic Mort Eli WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO gt roan airlines IF YOU NEED MONEY OTo consolidlto debts PIy all existing martssses Or mortsslcs earning duo olioma 1m roveossnt Aisv we while cause es 60991 Mortgage Funding liltdi SimpsensSca lEOLDUNLOI ST MembsrLLoatIrio Mortg Brokers Ass sisticrs RENTALS 140W COST SPACE Hut Dicsn modcrn building Suitable Ior commasell or ill dustilsl Telephons PA 57 Nussiuo HOMES AM EDEN NUIISINO HOMI ElUH or this work Elm Itsd art to room kind nussissscsre good laad LT roorns tattoo we TI hana sans evanescence nor rent wsu to Cltcduon Collier st Reasonable rates Telephone PApitdiiM tween rd soon titles Very ted AVIIIIble August th WI le Houses FOR RENT LAitGit Tllflll asdroam Brick overloohlng city on iiIldwi Lone wit per month ile oilly nesdspply 01450 semidetached brie orrdiit all bested Incl tcnd clmoto stores and elophonoL PA cease or lurtiser tntorinstio noun Itbe lilin shcrl bungalow lnr rsntona mite tram Barrio at Cundlas Avsiisbla July loopy Elgsylidld on telephone sinners moons Lilonre deal tsfirlsllly Ample nlsy NaIr school 1sell per be pur mt my put as sous Is it It Outlets it so 10W PA consent cite color tiled bathroom Lsun gry lacllilles garage ad paved ive Garden with bade trees lower owner occupied Open ior inspectionyiminsdiita posses sion Class loLpubIlcsntI blah schools and bus Reasonable rentdi Bose stratum soon uoaean despotism Four more modern anststrs Lspdrtmeni In new apartment building Nesr schools Ind on bus lino Two bedroom Refrig erstor stove and pesto eluded Lindivldusl thermostat LWssblog lllt drying isalliiles Large play ares Many other lestures Childrenwolcome No pets plesse in Napier 5t ares per monthiior appointment phone PA eons alter pins THREE BEDROOM Aplflmsnt In Close to Schools res monthly Avsil Ibis soon Iphone PA Mint nACitlbouAasrtm consistlns bedroom ill llvtnl roons Indbstls Prints rstrIncs it monthly Tcispheod PA Hm risen iiooit unfurnished apsrb Ineut round floor Adults only It It MoDInIld Tole bons It Does PA soul or specs Turin ironic Apartment prtvsts bathroom Ind ontrsnoa tint Ippointnsent in restitution three snent lea John strs month Adults For iu stion tsispboas PA sons aowsn two bedroom Ipsrtsoant completely ullcontstned modern builteln eupbossds and tiled lioors gitlisics supplied Tslsphenc PA TWO BEDROOM Upper Aplillfiull in Lduplu Sollcqntsln west and shopping pins elophono PA Hm Iltn AVAILAIILI now One bedroom ill IsIrtosIot lor re lth slovs rslrlger wssbsr Ind dry Close to so as church and has my Amy Pm mmL ADDIX IIB CothLBt PAMIIV one BIDMOM rtasent owed Indarovs streets Ample stcnso Pericles room with dryer stovs and res gsrstor Avltllbls July Tllephans PA mil PA 08039 PA W70 UNWRNIIIIID ApIrlmeot In mo darn privsts barns lone piece bsth private entrance IndL park ing lIellitch to bus stop Ind clot and vsllslsls July two bedroo Ipsrtment on ground near Com paloiy seilcontslncd lthsanablI rent AvItlsbls July 13 Use at collar PA HIM beinra 11 loss Apply on Fed street MODERN unluniisbed one bed room LIpIrlment Lsrls living room kitchen prtvstc bsth and entrs Nesr church schools store nd downtown FIriring and undry lIcllltic PA HIM UNPURNISHED Apsrtrnonl but ed electric stove rsrr rItor supplied Laundry room sod loch er Na children Avsllsble Jone Bsyvlew Apsrtmeists eta Dun St East Teleah PA Md IUIINISIIID IIVG liwllll kitchen diningroorn ilvingroom two bed rooms Three iecc bsl We CentrII located NeIr Barely lap ons PA oioso TWOJTELUXB furnished one bedroom IpIrtnian prlvstc sun deck and games In plied Laundry Ind psrlrlng set ti IieIsonIhle rent Nesr West PlIsI Telepbana PA oozes mite noon unlumlshednaund liner IpIrtisient Central Oil haste ed bellcontained nicely decon tod Telephone PA 6645 Iny limo Harald Forster and Compsn Nealiors gt ed Ipsrtsnent laundry to Oskley This school AvIIlIIoI ow Telepbon maniac ONE BEDROOM urslurrslsbcd no or Ipsrtnssnt SepIrIte entrance Nosy central locItt Heat hydra Indwstersuppil In house with two Ipsrtmente or Inn Telephone EPA84569 FUBNIEIIDD IttrIctiv apartment Intflplel IIrge kitchen with hMIklsst nook livingronm bed bsths Two blocks from Limbu Avillsbls July 14 Tele phone PA 971341 SECOND mon one bedroom srtinent large iiving room klt clpsen with sscellsiit dininKL Irss hested Ccntrsl to Apply it 97 Ilter saltcontained estlon Rent Merrick Pit PA HO NEWLY Furnished in em mont priv home Owen street Bedroom bathroom living room kitchenette storage Clean belt ed psrislng schaal teacher slum pnfliled Telephone PA Mdl miter nouns Apartment and tIhed three loco hsth hardwood lloors Rel gerstac Ind bery duty stove dellcontained Imme dists possession Apply Arisi stroog Hardware as DunlopSt FURNISHED NIBheIdlApl lint Downtown location Privsts both Lend shaweriiree TV Weekly or inontgly rsts soc monthiypnydro lnclu to Apply Mlss stay days 105 venlngs NEW AND moder one no two Lberirtiom srtnionts overlooking scenic Kempeoielt tisy Heat ws tar parking and Isoltor ssrvlcl included Automatic wanIns In Illitlu included PA MSW MonnuN heat It two Lbedroom grnund lloor nitsinllhed IpIrt meat in strand apartment Inug AVIIIIbId 110W Use or aw vofl Nfiuoblset DO Stroudoo EXCEPTIONAILT llfln Ldv loo apartment svstlsbls immediately in new oderii buildinlVcry close toK publousnd LsepIrIt schools Automstlct lsundry maintenance lllVlCd titoved Ind rsiri inlaTAsatlon PA meat our ston Vm Tim MONTH mums In du stlgtdslppulluesu Ia Vary con Tsispbons PA III1mm ulkootllnid roomsgstrltds LIhll sm Pltl III Tlild through monthly Tslop and as seitcoatsttscd on In re mlo Email It IIIJJ title In and slsptsona PA cross LMODlittlptlmI room mm Itl Ifhbtthtttmbto hhi It Is Tlllph Hi sitsr pm the milllDIOOHI hitches din tug tisin morn Csntrsb lllocatatcnilent no monthly turtlsar interns on telephone If HIT DIDIWM natural no not LemIa ruse ocls Irons Post at Avsllsbi ins distaly Tsicpboa PA Ill 1anle thin room Isl asset in nu bards Prtvsts Ito Psrirtn iseillllss Last and loose lion mmadtsla posusslaa Tsch phonl PA MIN Iitsr LAIIOB mn Items utmost to rant Nswirdscorated sst Ind Aiso pone small rtnssnt Apply at tslspbcus FA UNWIINISHIO specimens putt belts tor sup lied Telephone TIA Itll ior lultbsr iolorissslina unrumsnsn srotrnd floor ml hmwlaar mad rIlTin op In no mt or an or Elma all ralrtssrstor includ boos PA asses or PA cam sands ens bedroom Ipsrtnisnt including bedroom living roons Iitchsn bultbin cupboards II II Refrigerator stav wsshlns ms Private rsncc WI SECOND FLOOR ADlltsiflliIt with two bedrooms living room with sellcontsined bested 1mme occupr or or July Ap In If ILin PA eisss treason ultiudoonotllofifil r3 in mm fit It dInIn ll street on MOST COMFOITAOLEpIIu to dsrn in two mono LiL innit bsrrlo or tslspbons dsys Hm orLevenlnss PA 61501 ROOMS TO LET swo boosts tar rent be room and kitchen sully tarnished Can trsl lccstlon Telaphons PA dssvs or further dotslis BlDtlimNO Room or rent Lin ens suppusci Housekeeping ll de sired On bus route Telephone PA 50159 LARGE Furnished Housekeeping linens Ind rsndgsgs and sigmoid lrt tor an en $15m an error or an asset OUIEKIEPIND Room or rent llully tarnished use or retriasni ntrIl locsilon Telephone 9A 3531 orspply ill Thomson PHOTO REPRINTSL available at Thé Barrie SExamlner prints 01 any new pictures taken by our staiipbotogra phers please call at our Best ness Olllce We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 51 on to gt up 200 CEMENT DLOOKS Exam ill ehss Telephone MD all It lee Queen Sires Barrtshaltor pan pm APPLIANCE SERVICES AND TvsERVICE 24hour service ioinLINLorsr PA 6i I42 EXOAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exmatlng and Grading Water DellveryCrusbed stone lisll yacd Backhoe ior hlr nnnnrs MORAN liiLAntie direct Italrte as can yr saturate AND EL LPAPERHANGINO EDWARD SMITH AND EON Palatincdad Panes Hassles pray Paintlsi BService dines ma Merrick PA may alter ARTICLESFor SALE it you wouldliltc to have réL Stdlni 15 feet Id In noun prices Old Vehicles or AMCANSORAPJIETAIE Duolep St West liustscrcsst1wyw PAbtidtib 10 DAYS ONI Finances Forecdstr oilior gss installed complete with duct workoslo Is 275 so none savanna Used alljbordsrs truss no on WOODWARD AND SON as soon on smoun sins STROUD ASPHALT PAVING ls OurBeside treo estimates DISHERFARRAND LTD BARRIE CANADIAN Craftsman Furniture Pine Furniture Antidotes been DAILY mites on Hwy is 27 its MilesVNerlli at Five Points lnBarrleL DIAL FAB7451 USED Refrigeratorsfi RangeéLand TV FULL GUARANTEE LPriced irom $5900 ldeallor the cottage LLEPLETTS TV and Appliances in outline so as aspirin BARRIE GOVERNMENT LLILSURPLUS See our selection ottents skin diving equipment stoves lamps slee lag bags life jackets Its tackle Alsoused army tents 25 DUNLOP STW IPA com PIANO FOR SALE Idul ior fee rastlon WILTelephono PA Md APACHE CIrnplng Trailer or nil in excellentcondltinn Telephone PA ems ior turiher iniarrnstlon BOX TRAILER ior lilo Sultlhh lor smsil or large csrarcsiient condition Telephone PA Hm WEITWOHOUSE Rolrigorstor or sale suitsbieior cottsge Good condition TeispboaoPA omiu TENT screw chin style Camera as man also bicycle insns bsi lean tire eiyie Telephone dsys PA Halli orovaolnIsPA H740 CABINET SADID or sale Strom berg Csrlson in good condition suitable or cottage or recreation roons dellln reasonsbly Tslr phone as oiiie airplanesrs Motor Scooter or sale ineludessaddla bsgs Iper wheel and tire wind screen Mitre Smlgsrowsliy in Burton st ChurchsTnilsr PIrir ARTICLES wsuran BARN WANTED to relitnislr Esr rle Telephone PA Winevenings wamn 1M eat ot sudden or Dobscn telephone Ivy dill LI someL day cancellations BUSlNLESSSERViCE MAINTENANDE partnwlndow cleaners rows APPLIANCE tidbit must be phoned in between 330 and ii Telephone ears2414 OX opieto domestic services sll Free estimates M38 or YA cam APLASTERING commercial PLASTERING oneness LL sanccoosroivc vsnnee Freer EstimatesLi 5AM CRYER PAl 6l675 UFHOLSTERY Cleaning in Le 01Ili Our Plant Ericka Delivary and Storage ijAéIéyl TIT Ass Eismlder Want Ad PHONE PA ml if

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